Friday, November 30, 2007

Teddy Bear Teacher Gets 15 Days in Prison

The Scottish government spent six months and $250,000 in taxpayer dollars to come up with a new slogan, and they chose…”Welcome to Scotland.”


The Bangor, Maine chapter of the NAACP had to cancel their Kwanzaa celebration this year because a renegade 75-year-old man threatened to shoot members.  I should have a lot to say about what this says about them…plus it gives me reason to rant about this joke of a celebration that is Kwanzaa.


City employees in Ghent, the third largest city in Belgium, are no longer allowed to wear Muslim headscarves or other religious or political symbols.  Opponents say this is discriminatory.  I say it’s not discriminatory enough.


Pope Benedict XVI says that atheism is to blame for most of the cruelty and violence in the world.  It’s too bad he’s giving fanatical Islam a free pass.


The teddy bear teacher in the Sudan has been sentenced to 15 days in a Sudanese prison for the crime of insulting Islam, although many of the Sudanese fanatical Muslims want her killed.


A left-wing group of “experts” in counter-terrorism and national security think that the term “Islamofascism” over-simplifies the problem and prevents the United States from understanding the problem.  What we call them doesn’t matter to me.


Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert warns that failure to create a Palestinian state would mean the end of Israel.  How is a Palestinian state that wants them gone going to help things?


A 9-year-old boy in Arizona has been suspended from his government school for committing the hate crime of using the phrase “brown people.”


Even though this year has been a very calm year for hurricanes and tropical storms, scientists are still probably overstating the number of tropical storms.


The latest threat to human existence?  Canadian beer drinkers.


After the YouTube debate on             Wednesday, Michelle Malkin has identified at least four questioners posing as Republicans who were actually supporters of Democrat candidates.  CNN has egg on their face after this one.


Also from the debate, Giuliani and Romney went at each other on the immigration issue.


Fred Barnes called the YouTube debate “Two Hours of Humiliation.”


Over half of all immigrants to the United States in the last seven years have been illegal.  Not only that, but 53 percent of all immigrants in Georgia are here illegally.

Cluster Column

Rich Democrats Depend on Government Too!


By Jeff Scott


In recent weeks, both billionaire Warren Buffett and Democrat Senator and Presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama have decried how “unfair” the current tax system is.  You see, the problem they see is that they, as rich people, do not pay enough in taxes.  Any normal person would be happy that they did not have to be forcibly robbed of half of their hard-earned money by the federal government.  But not Warren Buffett (not to be confused with the great musician and philosopher Jimmy Buffett) and Barack Obama; for them, the government has an obligation to steal from them to give to those who suckle off of the government teat.  They think that the government is the only force that can do good for society, so rather than giving their money to a private charity, they prefer that government steal it from them.


The problem is that Warren Buffett, Barack Obama, and other rich big-government liberals have developed what I like to call Government Dependency Syndrome (GDS).  You see, there are a few different reasons for GDS.  Most sufferers are poor, those human beings who have failed to be successful and take advantage of the upward mobility available only in the United States. 


A second group of GDS sufferers, the rich sufferers, are the ones who completely miss the point.  They have plenty of resources, plenty of ability to help those they wish to help, but absolutely no willingness to do it themselves.  They are willing to play to the class warfare games of the Democrats.  With millions or even billions of dollars at their disposal, why do they have government dependency syndrome?  The reason is their unwillingness to take the responsibility for ensuring that they achieve the goals they want.  They depend on government to do the charitable works that they want to do, thus preserving the ability to shirk responsibility if their attempts fail.


The thing that rich GDS sufferers forget about is that any American can very easily pay more in taxes than they are required to pay.  All they have to do is, when filing for their taxes each year, write the Internal Revenue Service a check for more than what they owe in taxes.  When they receive their refund check, they can simply destroy it.  It is very, very easy to make a donation to the government.  Surely these rich GDS sufferers are intelligent enough to understand that, since they were intelligent enough to make a lot of money to begin with.  Of course, that is not what they want.  They want to force those evil rich people who are not as generous as they are to give their “fair share.”


(As an aside, can I ask:  who gets to say what is somebody’s “fair share?”  That’s one of those BS lines that makes the class warfare types feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  The best way to prevent poor people from paying taxes while making rich people pay more would be to enact the FairTax…but that cannot be manipulated for the politicians’ gain.)


Regardless of the reason for GDS, the politicians love it.  They love the fact that they can manipulate the tax code to make people behave a certain way.  They also love to get more people hooked on big government.  The more people they can get dependent upon government, the more votes they can count on when the next election comes.  Of course, they also love being able to have power over as many people as possible.  After all, the government that is powerful enough to give you all you need is also powerful enough to take it away.  Big-government politicians love to demagogue those scary people who might take away what you are “entitled” to.


So anytime a politician promises some big new hand-out program, remember that it is all about power, and also keep in mind that somebody has to pay for it.  Most of them will not be doing so willingly.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Republican YouTube Debate Tonight

President Bush is hosting a summit at the United States Naval Academy to discuss Middle East peace.  When will everybody learn that it is impossible to make peace between neighbors when one wants the other obliterated?


To put on a good face, the Palestinian militants have decided to quit firing rockets into Israel during the conference.


Not to be outdone, Iran is hosting a Middle East peace conference with Islamic terrorist group Hamas.


Mitt Romney is backing away from a report that he said that he would have no Muslims in his cabinet.  He should be embracing it instead.


Here’s a guy who gets it:  A member of the Dutch parliament is making a film outlining the “fascist” passages in the Koran.


Monday I told you about a teacher facing punishment for her class naming a teddy bear Muhammed.  Now the student after whom the bear was named is defending her.


More from the benevolent, loving, caring, peaceful religion of Islam:  A woman who was sentenced to 200 lashes for the crime of being gang raped is now telling her story.


Tonight is the Republicans’ YouTube debate.  Naturally, I won’t be watching.  Shouldn’t the office of President of the United States be held to a higher standard?


Thomas Sowell writes a brilliant column on the evil, filthy, rich top one percent of earners.


Florida lawmakers are trying to crack down on scalpers of Hannah Montana tickets.  Of course the sponsor has kids who would want to actually go to that concert, but he doesn’t want to pay the market price.


Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez thinks that the Commie News Network is out to kill him.  Here’s a guy who needs some serious psychological counseling for his paranoia.


John Edwards says his opposition to Hillary’s health care plan is that it is not enforceable enough.  His solution?  Make everybody who comes in contact with the government at any time sign up for universal health care, without any individual choice to opt out.


There is currently a bill in Congress to make Puerto Rico a state.  Maybe then they will start paying taxes.


Wildlife refuges make up for their costs in tax dollars.  That seems like a good reason to me to privatize them.


This guy had to cut off his own arm with a pocket knife to escape a fire.


A man in South Carolina tried to open a bank account with a $1 million bill.  He was obviously government educated.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Lots of Islamic Militant News Today

Thanks to “global warming,” natural disasters have quadrupled in the last two decades.  Of course, this is just more reason to soak the evil rich countries.


We have a new campaign to start for environmentalists:  Take yourselves out of the gene pool to save the planet (and avoid passing on your stupidity to a future generation)!


Robert Novak calls Mike Huckabee “The False Conservative.” Who cares?  Chuck Norris endorsed him!


Fred Thompson is proposing a tiered “flat” income tax rate that still punishes success.  I guess he gave up on the FairTax, so now I have given up on him.


Rudy Giuliani is finally attacking Mitt Romney for his socialized medicine scheme as governor of Massachusetts.


Mississippi Senator Trent Lott plans to retire by the end of the year.


Republicans, incapable of raising money, are trying to recruit rich people to run for office so that they can finance their own campaigns.


Disabled Iraq and Afghanistan veterans were chased out of a swimming pool by a bunch of hostile women in Britain.  These are the people who deserve to live under Islamic law.


Muslims in Nigeria shut down a University because they were upset over a non-Muslim student allegedly wiping himself with pages from the Koran.


A woman in Egypt has been jailed for three years because her legal papers said she was a Christian, even though her father’s conversion to Islam when she was 2 legally made her a Muslim.


A group of Islamic militants beheaded a man and his wife in front of their children because he did not pray and wore western-style pants.


Islamic terrorists are targeting an Army base in Arizona, with the help of Mexican drug cartels.  Do we need a clearer reason to close the border?


Don’t all of these stories on the peaceful religion of Islam make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?


The Heritage Foundation reports on covert Democrat attempts to re-enact the Fairness Doctrine.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

No Show Today

There will not be a show today.  I will return after Thanksgiving.


Congress’ Joint Economic Committee claims that the cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is about $1.6 trillion over six years.  Just for comparison, Social Security and Medicare cost about $1.8 trillion every year.


President Bush vetoed a spending bill yesterday, accusing Democrats of spending like “a teenager with a new credit card.”  Too little, too late for Republicans in 2008.


As if Mercer’s campus outrage towards me wasn’t enough, now Hispanics in Chandler, Arizona are upset over an accurate description of a rapist.  Why?  Because he was described as a Hispanic, which is racial profiling.


Here’s a column in the Wall Street Journal about all of this “income inequality” BS.


Tales from socialized medicine:  Only with government health care would there be cockroaches on operating tables and women having miscarriages in hospital bathrooms.


Four-month-old babies are attending gym classes in London now.  Probably so that they will be eligible for health care; remember, fat people are the ones who lose out in the rationing.


Iranian police have issued a list of “vices” such as makeup as part of a morality crackdown in that country.  No wonder most of their internet searches are about sex.


Dick Armey writes that Hillary will win because the Republicans have forsaken their limited-government principles.


Gas prices are going up.  Why?  Because the greedy OPEC cartel refuses to increase output.  They say an output increase is not necessary.  Why again is oil not pumping out of Iraq?


John Edwards has a new redistribution of wealth scheme:  this time, he wants to force employers to give their employees eight weeks of paid time off each year.  I think Edwards should just move to France.


Warren Buffet is on his GDS high-horse again, this time supporting the estate tax.


A teacher in Spokane, Washington remains on the government school payroll a year after being caught twisting the nipples of teenage boys in the school bathroom, among other offenses.


Some members of the Georgia House want to remove “Crazy Aunt” Cynthia McKinney’s name from a stretch of I-285.


Women have given up Tupperware parties in exchange for Taser parties.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Obama wants more taxes

Barack Obama says that he deserves a tax increase.  That makes him another sufferer of GDS (Government Dependency Syndrome).


The Second Amendment may be on trial before the Supreme Court if they decide to accept the challenge of the District of Columbia’s gun control laws.


Hillary’s intellectual cowardice has been on trial lately, so she’s resorting to planting questions in the audiences of her speeches, both at Fort Madison, Iowa and this week at Grinnell College.  The Hillary campaign claims that they will stop planting questions.  I’d be willing to bet that they just choose more carefully who they plant questions with.


Senators keep bringing home the pork barrel spending, and they keep bragging about it.  It’s just prostitution.


Democrats are showing their hypocrisy, criticizing President Bush for spending too much money.  Are these not the same people who were so infuriated at Bush for vetoing the SCHIP bill because he said it cost too much?


A Malaysian company has created an “Islamic car,” featuring a compass that always points towards Mecca, a dedicated place for the Koran, and a headscarf.


A Muslim leader in Britain claims that the UK is going to turn into Nazi Germany if they are not careful in handling the threat from Islamic terrorism.  Somebody needs to remind him that it is his religion with their social constraints that is close to Nazi Germany.


Vaclav Klaus, the President of the Czech Republic, has long been a voice of reason in the debate over global warming.  Now, he is questioning the motives of German Chancellor Angela Merkel for her support of the global warming agenda.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Cluster Column All Day Today

Actor Wesley Snipes wants his trial for tax evasion charges to be moved out of Ocala, FL because he believes that he will get a racist jury.  This from the guy who was in “White Men Can’t Jump.”


A Muslim hairdresser is suing a salon for not allowing her to wear her headscarf at work.


Al Qaeda might try to attack shopping malls in the United States this Christmas season.  I guess we have to profile Middle Easterners there, too.


The founder of the Weather Channel called global warming “the greatest scam in history.”  Nice to have you on board, sir.


Companies in Florida are starting to forbid their employees from smoking not only on the job, but in their personal lives as well.  As long as the company is responsible for health insurance, it actually makes sense to me.


Hillary’s campaign made a stop in a local diner in Marshalltown, Iowa last month, where they met a waitress who works three jobs to get by.  When they left, they didn’t leave a tip.  Maybe she’s working too hard for Hillary.


Democrats in Congress believe they are close to having an SCHIP bill that can override the President’s veto.  On the other hand, the liberal state of Oregon rejected a measure on Tuesday that would have raised state tobacco taxes to pay for universal children’s health care.


A study showed that Medicare is a bigger drain on hospital emergency rooms than people without health insurance are.  Just a preview of socialized medicine.


A Serbian woman has rejected 150 marriage proposals.  I bet she’s a lesbian.

Cluster Column

On Outrage


By Jeff Scott


Over my career at Mercer, I have had a total of seven opinion columns published in the Cluster (four of them this year).  I find it strange that, of all of those columns written, only two have received any kind of public response.  I write about Hillary’s health care plan, which when passed will ruin the American health care system, and nobody outside the politically engaged cares.  I write about the Iraq War, which many see as the defining issue of our generation, and nobody cares, despite the fact that I hold a perspective that no other major political thinker—left or right—holds.


Last year, I got black Mercerians angry with me for writing in a column that blacks tend to vote based on politicians’ positions on issues such as welfare and affirmative action.  Those are the pandering issues of Democrats towards blacks, who then vote for Democrats to the tune of 90%.  Mentioning these political realities landed me in hot water with blacks.


This year, I am causing outrage with my last column, advocating for the profiling of those of Middle Eastern descent in airports because of the current war against Islamic radicalism.  Since that column was published, I have received hate mail and fan mail; one fellow student, in agreeing with me on profiling, even said that Islam and Christianity cannot coexist in the world.  I disagree with that opinion; moderate Islam and Christianity are not incompatible.  Islamic extremism, however, is incompatible with western civilization.


What do I mean by Islamic extremism (also known as Islamic fascism/militantism/fundamentalism)?  I mean a group of Muslims who believe that the sole purpose of Muslims worldwide is to wage jihad, or holy war, against anybody who is not a Muslim.  Under their ideology, there are three options for non-Muslims:  convert to Islam, live as a dhimmi, or die.  Dhimmis are not given basic rights, and are subject to heavy taxation at a whim.  To these Islamic extremists, non-Muslims are kuffar, unclean infidels who are on the levels of pigs, and therefore not given any rights under the law.


The goal of these Islamic extremists is to enact Sharia, or Islamic law, around the world.  Sharia gives no rights to women, minorities, homosexuals, or non-Muslims.  An example of the extremists’ brand of Sharia in action came in Saudi Arabia, where schoolgirls were forced by religious police to re-enter a burning building from which they had escaped because they were not wearing their headscarves.  These are the same people who have declared an open and active war against the United States and the West because we do not live under Islamic theocracies.


These Islamic extremists compose only about 10-15% of the worldwide Muslim population, according to various sources and polls.  Extremists are most commonly of Middle Eastern descent, but are not necessarily violent in their extremism.  This still means that a large majority of Middle Eastern Muslims pose no danger to Americans or anybody else.  Unfortunately, these moderate Muslims have been unwilling or incapable of purging these extremists from their religion.


We should work with moderate Muslims to try to prevent jihadists from perpetuating their hateful agenda around the world.  While it is unfortunate that moderates would be inconvenienced by profiling in airports and other places where security is a vital concern, it is even more unfortunate that their religion is dragged through the dirt for the actions of only 10-15% of Muslims.  In the long term, I would much rather work with moderate Muslims around the world to purge extremists from the religion than have to profile against them.  However, in the short term it is necessary to prevent more attacks against this nation by scrutinizing those who fit the description of the enemy who has declared war against the West.


Perhaps the problem is that race is the “fifth rail” of discussion at Mercer University, the one issue that you cannot touch.  Perhaps the problem is the limited ability to completely convey and defend an opinion in the limited space available in a newspaper column.  However, anytime I write about something in the Cluster, I cover it in more depth on my radio show.  After all, this column is just a front for my radio show, which is both my true passion and my best outlet for opinion.  Do any of the outraged bother to take the time to actually listen to my radio show and call in (I not only allow, I welcome phone calls—especially those that disagree with me)?  No, they instead go to the editors of the Cluster and criticize them for allowing my column to be published and engage in personal attacks against me, calling me a racist, among other things.  That is not political discourse.  That is cowardice.  To try to stifle opinion that you disagree with, rather than engaging that opinion in discourse, especially when there is a clear opportunity and avenue for said discourse, is not only cowardice, it is also antithetical to the American principles of freedom of speech and press.


Finally, a confession:  in my haste to submit my last column by the press deadline, I mistakenly said that all 19 of the 9/11 hijackers were of Saudi descent.  Only 15 of them were from Saudi Arabia; all 19, however, were of Middle Eastern descent.  I made a mistake.  When that happens, I will be the first one to confess to and correct the error.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Robertson endorses Rudy

“Crazy Mahmoud” Ahmadinejad announced yesterday that there are now 3,000 nuclear centrifuges running in Iran.  If the West doesn’t respond soon, Iran will have a nuclear bomb.


A political party in Denmark is using the caricatures of Mohammed in their election campaigns, upsetting Islamic terrorists.


Stupid no-tolerance policies in government schools:  A junior high school student in the St. Louis area was given two days of detention for hugging her friends after school, and another in Prattville, Alabama was given one day of detention for consoling a friend who had lost a parent with a hug.


Bad news for Hillary:  After her meltdown at the Democrat debate last week, she now says that she would leave states with the freedom to decide whether they give driver’s licenses to illegal aliens.  Meanwhile, 77% of Americans say they oppose illegals getting driver’s licenses.


Ron Paul used Guy Fawkes Day on Monday to raise $4.2 million for his run for President.  He would seem to be the easy choice for a libertarian like myself, but he’s not.  I’ll re-explain that today.


Pat Robertson christened Rudy Giuliani with his endorsement today.  This might wrap it up for him.


The Heritage Foundation published a column blaming the tax code for the United States’ economic woes.  It’s time to enact the FairTax!


The Sunlight Foundation has used Google Earth to map the destinations of the almost 1,500 items of earmarked spending in the latest defense bill.


In what could be a harbinger for future races, Democrats took control of the Virginia state Senate in yesterday’s election.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Islamic Fascists Targeting Teens

Barack Obama called Vice President Cheney “a crazy uncle in the attic.”  Remember, they’re related.


Hillary’s image among the feminists is starting to fade, as she moves from the strong woman to the victim when challenged.  It’s all about votes.  She wants to get them from sympathy as a strong woman.  I’m also pretty sure the feminists are not too happy about Hillary reverting to the image of a housecleaner.


Even though Democrats (and John McCain) have been complaining about it, waterboarding has been successful, most effectively with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.


A Muslim cleric in Malaysia blames scantily-clad women for distracting men from sleep and prayer.  Greg Gutfield says that this could lead to a new way to win the war on Islamic fascism.


According to British intelligence, Islamic fascists have been targeting teens to advance their agenda.


Leftist indoctrination on campus:  A University of Maine professor offered his students extra credit to burn a copy of the United States Constitution or an American flag.  A leftist burning the Constitution is just symbolizing what they believe anyway.


The smoking Nazis are on the march again.  Now they are prohibiting people from smoking in their own homes.


Last week the Westboro Baptist Church loony tunes were ordered to pay $11 million to the family of a soldier whose funeral they protested.


Shopping centers in Britain are telling Santa Claus he has to slim down to set a good example for the kids.


Friday a nuclear plant was locked down due to an employee bringing a pipe bomb in his truck to work.


Passengers refused to fly on an airplane missing its wingtip.  Do you blame them?


A porn store owner in Staunton, Virginia has been indicted for selling porn.

Friday, November 02, 2007

No Show Today

There will unfortunately be no show today.  We will return on Monday.



Wednesday at the end of the show I told you about the University of Delaware’s “Diversity Facilitation Training” or “liberal re-education.”  Trust me; there is a connection between this and the outrage over my last column in the Cluster.


Speaking of my last column, a group of Arabic-speaking passengers are suing American Airlines after being removed from a flight.  This could have been prevented with proper security screening.


A group of Islamic extremist Somali pirates are telling the United States Navy to leave them alone.


The Project for Excellence in Journalism did a study of the media coverage of the Presidential races, and there are some not-so-surprising results on the balance of the media.  It turns out that the mainstream media does have a liberal bias!


CBS discovered the source of the report that Saddam Hussein had WMDs.  Left-wing bias permeates throughout.


Hillary doesn’t like the fact that President Bush is comparing the war on Islamic extremism to the rise of Hitler and Lenin.


Even Democrats have not gotten this far in their vote-buying schemes:  the current ruling party in Russia is giving out bottles of vodka, among other things, to get people to vote for them in the March election.


Democrats did find another way to buy votes:  increasing food stamps payments in the farm bill.


Sen. Tom Coburn said yesterday that deficit spending is a bigger moral issue than abortion.  It’s about time somebody said that.


Gov. Sonny Perdue managed to strike a deal so that more water for the Atlanta metro area can be taken out of Lake Lanier, but there is still no help yet for those relying on Lake Allatoona.


Hank talked about this on Wednesday, but here’s the story on the invisible British tank.


Beware of this clever new scam.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Back to Business as Usual

President Bush is criticizing Congress for not getting anything done this year.  Isn’t it a good thing that Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats can’t accomplish anything?


Speaking of Nancy Pelosi, her own leftist constituents in San Francisco are starting to turn against her.  Is it possible that we will see Rep. Cindy Sheehan?


Economists much smarter than I are starting to analyze this mass redistributionist tax scheme that Charlie Rangel rolled out last week.  Lawrence Lindsey says that, coupled with other tax hikes, Rangel’s plan will return tax rates to Carter-esque levels.


Speaking of taxes, Warren Buffett believes that he should pay more.  Apparently he suffers from government dependency syndrome.


Sen. James Inhofe delivered an over two-hour floor speech yesterday in the Senate for the purpose of debunking global warming hysteria.  Here are some excerpts.  It certainly does make for interesting reading, especially for those of you who still believe in this junk.


Speaking of global warming, the alarmists have come up with more ways that global warming can kill you.  To make matters worse, your children are most at risk!


Of course, the House (and Harry Reid) believes that global warming caused the wildfires in California, even though a boy has admitted to starting one of the fires while playing with matches.


1 in every 10 government schools is considered a “dropout factory,” where only 60 percent of students who start actually graduate.


Why don’t students graduate from these “dropout factories?”  I’m sure a large portion of it is because their government educators are too busy teaching them “multiculturalism.”  Some examples of workshops from the National Association for Multicultural Education include “Queering the Curriculum” and lessons on “Radical Math.”


Hollywood is making a GI Joe movie, only he’s not a “real American hero.”  Instead, GI Joe is an acronym for Global Integrated Joint Operating Entity.  I say GI Joe always fights with Team America.


After my latest column in the Cluster, I’m expected to be branded as an “Islamophobe,” since that is the term thrown around for anybody who questions radical Muslims.


There may be a bed on this plane, but don’t even think about trying to join the Mile High Club.  You have another option if you’re in the Atlanta area, however.


A British celebrity revealed her secret to weight loss—lots of sex.


The need for speed is an inherently male trait, according to a German study.


Scientists found the oldest living animal…and then they killed it.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Fire at Mercer Radio!

OK, so the headline is hyperbolizing a bit.  We did, however, have a catastrophic failure on our sound board that prevents the show from airing today (smoke pouring out of electronic devices is usually a bad thing).  We will return on Wednesday with the news here and more, plus the fallout from my last column in the Cluster.


Tales from socialized medicine:  Brits are leaving the country in record numbers to receive their health care due to rationing and waiting lists.


Bad news for worshipers at the church of global warming:  this year has had the least hurricane activity in 30 years.


Despite the Kyoto Protocol, the use of coal is increasing in China, a nation exempt from Kyoto.  Just remember, Kyoto and the global warming movement is just a front for socialist movements.


John Edwards             this weekend proposed a giant slab of fresh-off-the-Marx socialist programs, including universal Pre-K, a higher minimum wage, and more Section 8 housing benefits.  He also wants to limit advertising by drug companies, as part of his socialized medicine scheme.


More John Edwards:  Edwards’ staff is upset with the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill journalism school over a few students doing a news report critical of Edwards.  They want the students to pull the video off of YouTube.  There is a lesson to be learned from this:  the left hates free speech unless it agrees with them.  I am dealing with the same thing here at Mercer.


Speaking of health care, Rudy Giuliani is starting to tease his health care plan, saying that he does not want government bureaucracy.


First Lady Laura Bush defended the oppression of women by Muslims, defending the mandated use of the hijab, or head scarf.  This kind of appeasement is going to destroy this nation in the war against Islamic extremism.


AJC Columnist Jim Wooten criticized the Georgia Supreme Court for freeing Genarlow Wilson, calling it “judicial activism.”  I call it justice.


Remember when Democrats criticized Republicans for not working full weeks?  Well now the Democrats are cutting back the Congressional workweek, so that members can spend more time in their districts (probably campaigning).


Speaking of Congressional Democrats, their disapproval rating is 75%, worse than the still-dismal ratings of the Republican majority last year.


Here’s something for those of you looking to lose weight:  staying single and chewing gum are two ways to lose weight and keep it off.