Wednesday, January 23, 2008

We're Back!

Fred Thompson has dropped out of the race for the Republican nomination.  That, yet again, leaves me without a least-bad candidate to semi-support.


Speaking of the Republican Presidential race, some of Mike Huckabee’s aides are going without paychecks so that the campaign can devote more of their limited funds to advertisement.  With no money, Huckabee is likely finished.


President Bush has said that he will continue to do nothing to stop earmarked pork barrel spending.  This is why the Republicans lost in 2006, and will in 2008.


Yesterday Hillary received the endorsement from a union that I suspect shares many of the same goals as illegal immigrants.  She was sure to throw in some Spanish while she was doing so.


Here’s another shock about Hillary:  When she becomes President, the government will be more active in the economy.  What does that mean?  More government redistribution of wealth.


I’m not done with Hillary yet:  Now she wants to make Obama look like he is flip-flopping on the healthcare issue, saying that his proposal is not “universal.”  Which means, of course, that Hillary doesn’t think that Obama is socialist enough for the Democrat Party.


Democrats love talking about rolling back the Bush “tax cuts for the rich,” but in reality the tax code is stealing a higher proportion from the rich than ever before.


Russia is up to no good again.  Now they’re test-firing long-range missiles off the Spanish and French coasts.  This would be a routine test that leaves nothing to fear if Russia wasn’t also giving uranium to Iran.  Does anybody still doubt that the Russians are helping Iran become a nuclear power?


At least somebody gets it:  five military commanders from Western nations believe that a first-strike nuclear option must remain on the table to stop the spread of nuclear weapons.


Venezuelans are the latest nationality moving in mass to the United States to escape a dictator


Volcanoes, not global warming, are contributing to the thinning of Antarctic glaciers.


Despite the evidence against global warming, college professors across the country plan to stage “global warming teach-ins” to discuss solutions for global warming.  I have an idea:  Make those left-wing professors stop breathing.  After all, they do produce carbon dioxide.


The Florida Bankers Association is trying to establish a “No Hats, No Hoods, No Sunglasses” program to cut down on bank robbery.  Some banks are not adopting it because it might offend somebody.


Government schools in Atlanta are now paying students $8 per hour to stay in school and study.


Social people are more likely to be fat than their more reserved counterparts.  That explains all of the fat sorostitutes and frat boys. 


Check out the world’s largest swimming pool.

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