Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bailout Fails; Reaction Today

Democrats are trying to blame Republicans for killing the bailout.  Most of the vulnerable members voted against it because they knew that you didn't want it.  Even though the left is trying their best to pin the blame on the Republicans, if you look at the Democrats' own ranks, they should have passed it without any Republicans.  Here's the roll call vote from yesterday, and how the Georgia delegation voted.  Note that our own Jim Marshall voted for it, saying that he was willing to give up his seat for it.


John McCain said today that the Treasury Department could go ahead with a bailout without Congressional approval.  McCain was already hurting in the polls from the bailout failure.  Does he even care about winning this election anymore?


Here's a column from a libertarian Harvard economist who says that the failing financial institutions should be allowed to go bankrupt.


A Canadian libertarian says that the bailout bill was the comeback of Karl Marx.  With Democrats in existence, I didn't think he needed a comeback.


You can all relax; there will not be a Great Depression over this.


Barack Obama weighed in on the causes of the financial situation.  Any guesses as to who he blames for the problems?  He used the same talking points to attack John McCain.


Here is more information on some of Obama's buddies on the far left, including how ACORN is partially responsible for the housing situation.


Many conservatives, me included, have been frustrated by the lack of exposure of Sarah Palin to the alternative media.


Governor Perdue now wants Bush to open the strategic oil reserves.  He just keeps proving how clueless he is.


PE classes in Oregon no longer play dodgeball or kickball, instead going for juggling, cup stacking, and "geocaching."


A church-run massage parlor in Arizona has been busted for prostitution.  That's what I call "laying on of hands."

Monday, September 29, 2008

Post-Debate Analysis today

Barack Obama is squashing free speech again, in both Pennsylvania and Missouri.  First, in Pennsylvania, his lawyers are going after an NRA ad criticizing Obama by threatening FCC retaliation against TV stations that air the ad.  In Missouri, he has a "truth squad" of lawyers and law enforcement officials to bully critics, prompting a backlash from the Republican Governor there.


You think the mainstream media isn't in the tank for Obama?  They were having an Obama-gasm over seeing him in a wet shirt.


Do you want to know what caused the economic mess?  Watch this video.  It's a summary of what I've been saying all along.


There's a bailout bill going to the House.  It's a lot longer than the original length proposed by the Administration.  Mike Pence, Jeb Hensarling and other House Conservatives are opposed to the bailout.  Just wait until you find out how they came up with that $700 billion number.


The Senate passed a bill that will give $25 billion in loans to the auto industry.


We'll have some analysis of Friday's debate on the show today, including a call from Dr. Greg Domin from Mercer University.  CNN has a biased poll that points towards an Obama victory, but we'll discuss that and other matters on the program today.


One of the more memorable moments of the debate came from Obama's "I have a bracelet, too" story.  Unfortunately for the Messiah, the family has asked that he stop wearing the bracelet.


There are projected to be two more weeks of gas shortages in the Southeast.  Governor Perdue, meanwhile, is making a trip through Europe to escape criticism since he waited a week after other states to request an EPA waiver.


Here's another one of those columns that says if Obama loses, it's because of racism.  Just for the record, the definition of uppity is "putting on or marked by airs of superiority."  The Obama campaign isn't worried; they think Obama will win by a landslide.


Get-out-the-vote advocates are targeting foreclosed homeowners.  I guarantee they'll all vote Democrat.


Obama hit the magic 50% number in the daily Gallup tracking poll.


A teenager in Colorado planned to kill his mother so he could buy his girlfriend a boob job.

Friday, September 26, 2008

McCain to Attend Debate

There still hasn't been a deal on the bailout package, and the meeting at the White House yesterday appears to have blown up.  The part that sickens me is that Henry Paulson actually got down on one knee to beg Nancy Pelosi to not kill the proposal.  Meanwhile, conservatives in the House are floating an alternative approach to just bailing everybody out.  Members of Congress are reporting that calls to their offices are receiving calls opposed to the bailout by 100:1 (hat tip to Dr. Greg Domin).


Here's an explanation of the mortgage issue, with stick figures!

Thanks to Newsbusters, the New York Times knew this was coming in 1999.


Democrats are now looking for another $56 billion, this time for another economic stimulus package.


John McCain will attend tonight's debate.  That's the smartest thing for him to do, especially since it's becoming apparent that McCain isn't doing anything to help on the finance bailout bill.


John Zogby is predicting a landslide for John McCain.


Bill Clinton is trying his best to make sure that he doesn't get any of the blame for the financial situation.


Harry Reid is trying to quietly and secretly reinstate the oil shale ban.


House Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey rammed through a $1 trillion stopgap spending measure before the September 30 budget deadline.  Wait until you hear what he had to say about how the funding bill was made.


An earmark that then-State Senator Barack Obama requested is now under investigation by the state of Illinois.  You probably won't hear about this in the mainstream media.


An unappreciative piece of liberal scum vandalized the Jeep of an Army Reserves sergeant at Dallas Baptist University, spraypainting "soldiers are murderers" across the hood and slashing the tires and seats.  If they catch the person who did it, I hope they kick the crap out of this waste of oxygen, make them pay for the repairs, and send them to Club Gitmo to meet the people that this hero was protecting us from.


A group of left-wing PACs is preparing an attack ad on John McCain about his health.


Here's a line that should bring chills to your spine:  "Voters cannot distinguish between Congress and state officials."


Macon failed, yet again, to set the kazoo record.


The state is investigating 130 gas stations (including one in Houston County) for "price gouging."


A state official is suggesting that the UGa-Alabama game tomorrow be cancelled.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

McCain suspends campaign

John McCain yesterday decided to suspend his campaign to go back to Washington to participate in the bailout debate.  He's also asking for the first Presidential debate, on Friday, to be postponed until Congress passes something (Barr and McKinney have stepped up, willing to take McCain's place).  He even took his ads off of television.  I'm still trying to figure out whether McCain is genuine or whether this is just a campaign stunt, but either way it's going to backfire on him.  By the way, Obama has not only refused to postpone the debate, but he's still playing the class warfare card.


From class warfare to race warfare:  A Democrat state representative in Ohio says that the only reason Obama won't get votes in the rural parts of Ohio is because voters are racist.  Meanwhile, Alcee Hastings played on racial fears for both blacks and Jews.


In response to the bailout, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman wants all government-backed construction to be "green."


Al Gore is calling for environmentalist wackos to sit in trees or something to stop the construction of coal plants.


The Democrats are already working on getting the offshore drilling ban renewed next year.


Governor Perdue says that the gas panic is "self-induced."  He's right, it's induced by his self.


Here's the full text of President Bush's speech to the nation last night about the economic situation.  I think it was one of the better speeches he's ever given, but I still disagree with him on some of it.  He was also not willing to place blame where it is due:  on the government.


Even the New York Times' crossword puzzle is biased towards the Democrats.


The House yesterday passed a $25 billion bailout for auto makers, with a twist that targets only a few companies.


Georgia state legislators are trying to extend your right to carry a firearm.


The government paid more than $1 billion in fraudulent Medicare claims.  Just wait until they start paying for all health care.


John Stossel asks a good question:  What happened to market discipline?


Here's a column on why Obama will lose.  We can only hope.


According to Clairol, women who dye their hair are more sexually confident.


Dr. Greg Domin, Mercer University Professor of Political Science, will be joining us at 2:00 this afternoon.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Biden steps in it again

Here's a shocker:  environmentalists are the most likely to travel long distances more often, contributing to "global warming."  All you needed for proof of this was Al Gore—he travels enough to compensate for a few dozen average Americans.  In other news, Bette Midler decided to stop touring in order to help protect the environment.  Yeah, that's why.


The sun has cooled down a bit, but somehow that isn't linked to "climate change."


PETA wants Ben and Jerry's to use human milk in their ice cream.


Democrats have finally conceded defeat in the battle over offshore oil drilling.  They are not going to renew the offshore oil drilling ban.


The FBI is looking at Fannie, Freddie, Lehman Bros, and AIG in a new fraud probe.  The Democrats are doing their best to make sure that they don't catch any of the blame for the problem.


This bailout bill is meeting quite a bit of resistance on Capitol Hill, especially from Republicans.  They couldn't even be turned by Dick Cheney.  By the way, here's the full text of the bailout bill as it exists now.


Ed Feulner has an idea for a free-market fix for the economy.


Terrence Jeffrey has a brilliant column today on the mortgage mess and class warfare.


A CNN poll says that the Republican Party is taking most of the blame for the economy, with Barack Obama gaining in the polls as a result.  It just shows how intellectually challenged the average American voter is, even though currently they are opposing the bailout plan.


Here's another article on Bill Ayres, this one about his foray into education.


We've got another example of a Biden screw-up.  Biden told CBS Evening News that FDR got on television after the stock market crash.  Despite this latest in a string of Biden mistakes, Obama continues to stand by him.


Biden wasn't done yet, although this is more a moment of honesty than a screw-up.  Last night he told a group of trial lawyers that they are a key part of the Democrat Party.


With the Taliban hiding in Pakistan, the local governor is telling the United States that they must talk to the Taliban rather than pursue them.


How ridiculous is this?  The toilets at the London Olympics will be designed so that they do not face Mecca.


Iran has a new alternative to Ken and Barbie.


A guy was charged with battery for passing gas around a police officer.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Conservative Opposition to Bailout Grows

Joe Biden criticized his own campaign for an attack ad on McCain painting him as computer illiterate.  He also said that he wants "no coal plants here in America," against the campaign platform.  We're getting more than one of these kinds of mistakes a week now.  Just wait until he has more opportunities to step in it at the debate.


As tight as the Presidential race is this year, some pundits are already wondering if there might be a tie in the Electoral College.  This could be interesting.


Conservative columnist George Will wonders whether John McCain is fit to be President.


An 11-year-old government school student was suspended for wearing an anti-Obama t-shirt to school.


Democrats have added other forms of debt to the massive bailout bill.


The House Republican Study Committee has proposed a free market alternative to the massive buyout plan coming from the Treasury Department.  Compare that to Obama's plan.


Ron Paul opposes the bailout, saying that it will make matters even worse.  Radley Balko says that it is a move away from capitalism.


Hillary wants a Great Depression-era government entity to deal with the mortgage issue.


This bailout mess is bringing some scrutiny to the Carter-era Community Reinvestment Act and the Democrats' role in the financial mess.


The bailout, if it passes, will also put a cramp into the campaign promises of both candidates because there won't be any money left for them.


Stanley Kurtz finally managed to get into the records of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, and he found that Barack Obama has been participating in the radicalization of education in Chicago along with his buddy Bill Ayres.


The McCain campaign is finally starting to push back against attacks from the mainstream media, starting with the New York Times.  The Times had published a story in an attempt to get something to stick to McCain about one of his advisors working for Fannie and Freddie.  The New York Times conveniently ignored the fact that Barack Obama received the second most money from Fannie and Freddie in the last two decades.


Muslim countries are trying to push a UN resolution to outlaw defamation of Islam.


Here's the speech that Sarah Palin was supposed to give in opposition to "Crazy" Mahmoud.


Tales from government schools:  The city of Pittsburgh, PA has set 50% as the lowest possible score on any assignment.


A city is suing a church for housing the homeless.  Apparently they don't like the private sector stepping in their territory.


18 people have been arrested so far for stealing pieces of Yankee Stadium.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Gas stations running out of gas? Thanks Sonny!

The Bush administration is proposing a $700 billion bailout plan that would also increase the government's borrowing limit.  It might include a bailout of some foreign banks.  Fortunately, at least one conservative, Congressman Mike Pence, is publicly opposing the bailouts.

With the bailout plans, Mark Skousen wonders whether we're headed towards a collectivist state.  Even Time Magazine calls us the "United States of France."  Investors Business Daily says that Congress is trying its best to avoid the blame, even though they are the ones who caused this mess.


Now the media has come up with an excuse just in case Obama loses:  1/3 of Democrats are racist.  If you spin responses the right way, anybody can be a racist.


Charles Rangel is stepping in it again, this time by calling Sarah Palin "disabled."  That's a smart move, considering you're in so much trouble yourself.


Remember Hillary dropping out of the pro-Israel demonstration against "Crazy" Mahmoud?  Now, thanks to Democrats threatening to sic the IRS on the group sponsoring the rally, Sarah Palin won't be attending either.


Despite Barack Obama supposedly supporting "equal pay for equal work," he only pays his female Senate staffers 78% of what he pays his male staffers.


Conservatives in the Senate are promising to kill any energy bill that bans drilling within 50 miles of shore.  Fortunately they won't have any opposition from the turncoat twins, Senator Saxby and Brother Johnny, because the "Gang of 20" won't introduce their bill.  By the way, people are finally starting to figure out that corn ethanol isn't going to solve anything.


Thanks to Sonny's "price gouging" ban, some gas pumps in the Atlanta area are out of gas.  Jason Pye at PeachPundit says that it's partially due to the environmental blend required in Atlanta.  The shortages have now spread to Middle Georgia.


The Executive Director of CAIR said something that really shows the group's colors:  "…we should not blame the United States alone for the 11 September 2001 attacks…"


The Southern Baptist Convention is getting bent out of shape over female pastors appearing on the cover of "Gospel Today" magazine.  They're not upset about them being on the cover; they're upset that women are pastors.


There's more discussion of the possibility of Obama dumping Biden in favor of Hillary.  I'm telling you folks, it won't happen, if for no other reason just because of early voting.  Up to a third of voters could cast their ballots before Election Day.


We're going to have a discussion of Macon's gang problem today, considering the recent shootings and the story from the Macon Telegraph telling us what many of us already knew, that people in Macon think the problem is worse than police think it is.


A government high school student in California was forced to remove his t-shirt with an American flag on it because it violated the school's dress code that forbids "shirts/blouses that promote specific races, cultures, or ethnicities."


An Illinois woman has been charged with public indecency for bartending naked.


Thanks to tramp stamps, tattoo removal is on the rise in Germany.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Anything Goes Friday!

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke say that the taxpayers could be on the hook for $1 trillion to make up for the failings of government.  Economist and libertarian columnist Dr. Walter E. Williams has something to say about the current financial situation.  By the way, if you hadn't figured it out already, there is no longer a free market in the United States.


The state of Texas may prevent any rebuilding in Galveston after Hurricane Ike.


Charlie Rangel not only can't pay his taxes, he thinks Capitol rules don't apply to him.  Finally he's fixing one of the problems.


The state has already begun its price gouging investigation.


The Cochran Motor Speedway is going to be on probation for a year, meaning that if they are found in violation of what the state Insurance Commissioner wants they could be shut down permanently.


We're going to take a look at some polls today, including from Zogby (hat tip to Dr. Greg Domin) and from Karl Rove.  By the way, more people would rather watch a football game with Obama than with McCain.


It's International Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Republicans showing a spine

How desperate is the left to find a scandal about Sarah Palin?  They hacked into her e-mail account looking for something that might stick.  By the way, that's a federal offense.


Joe Biden said this morning that paying high taxes is a "patriotic" thing to do.


Pro basketball player Josh Howard was caught saying during the national anthem "I don't celebrate this [stuff].  I'm black."  Unfortunately, now people are questioning the patriotism of blacks as a whole.


Scientists are working on computer software that knows when politicians spin (funny, I thought it was only when they were talking).  Does that mean Bill O'Reilly will be out of a job?


The House of Representatives on Monday essentially gave the Secretary of Education the same power that they gave Fannie and Freddie, by a vote of 368-4.  If there is a silver lining, it is that half of the votes opposing the measure were from Georgia.


Republicans on Capitol Hill are struggling to figure out the Bush administration's logic on bailouts, and when they're going to happen.  Finally some of them are showing a conservative spine.


CNN surprisingly gave an accurate depiction of what goes into the price of gasoline.  It's graphical, not an article, but it's definitely worth clicking on.


The Democrats managed to pass their version of an energy bill through the House, prompting Georgia Congressman (and FairTax sponsor) John Linder to blast Nancy Pelosi and the environmental left.


Another study on global warming says that warming and cooling is caused more by the sun than by carbon dioxide.  Stay firm on this, folks; the skeptics will ultimately be proven right.  After all, the apocalyptic visions of the mainstream media always prove to be wrong.


Thanks to State Senator Eric Johnson, the General Assembly will be taking up the issue of school vouchers in its next session.


Early voting starts Monday.  Meanwhile, some groups are complaining that Georgia might not be ready to handle large voter turnout.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Another Government Bailout

After getting off the air yesterday, I did some extensive research on the mortgage and credit crunch.  An important thing to remember is that, while the Democrats say that there was simply a lack of regulatory enforcement, it was the Democrats who were receiving huge campaign donations from Fannie and Freddie (and putting their CEOs on campaign staffs).  Keep another thing in mind:  Fannie and Freddie were not free market actors; they were created by the government.  As a result, it was government and big-government Democrat policies that were responsible for the failures of the mortgage giants.  Here's a little bit of background into the creation of Fannie and Freddie and the mess that they've created.  Here's some analysis into the possible future of the mortgage giants, while placing the requisite blame on the artificial government-created monopoly that was Fannie and Freddie.


Now the feds have bailed out and taken control of AIG to prevent them from falling into bankruptcy.  Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi is denying that Democrats have anything to do with the "crisis."


Charlie Rangel plans to remain in his Chairmanship of the Ways and Means Committee, pointing out other members of Congress in leadership positions despite pending investigations and indictments.  To me, it's not about corruption; that's business as usual in Washington.  To me, it's all about the complexity of the tax code.


The latest left-wing race-baiter:  Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius.


Here's some more information on Obama's friends Bill Ayres and Bernadine Dohrn.


Sonny to the rescue again!  Now his office is issuing guidelines for Georgians to help them save fuel, including properly inflating your tires.


The House passed a halfway-to-drilling bill last night that still leaves a vast amount of oil out of reach.


McCain advisor Carly Fiorina is in trouble with her own campaign for saying that Sarah Palin and John McCain are not qualified to run a major corporation.  Needless to say, the Obama people jumped on that.


Hillary Clinton was going to attend a protest rally against Iranian President "Crazy" Mahmoud Ahmadinejad being allowed into the United States for a meeting of the UN.  Then Sarah Palin was invited.  Hillary has now cancelled her appearance.


The state of Pennsylvania banned smoking completely on every college campus in the state.


It's Constitution Day.  What a joke.  Nobody really gives a damn about the Constitution anymore.  Oh, here's a pathetic quiz about the Constitution.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Obama fundraiser hypocrisy

In this terrible economy, Barack Obama is having a $28,500-a-plate fundraiser in Beverly Hills, immediately followed by a reception featuring a performance by Barbra Streisand.


While Barack Obama is wining and dining with his rich Hollywood donors and putting down the economic policies of Reagan and Bush, those policies actually help the poor that he pretends to love so much.


Obama is back to the teleprompter on the campaign trail.


Maybe they should give Joe Biden a teleprompter too, since he has so much trouble with running his mouth.  Yesterday Biden all but said to vote for Obama because he's black.


More people think that Biden is qualified to be President than think the Messiah is ready.


The Democrats' plan to offset their carbon emissions from the DNC raised only $18.34.


Here's an analysis of the Saxby-Johnny oil scheme that would prevent drilling off of large portions of the coast.


Charlie Rangel has had more trouble paying his taxes, leading to speculation that Nancy Pelosi is trying to push him out of his chairmanship of the Ways and Means Committee.


Nearly half a million federal employees owe more than $3.5 billion in taxes.  Yet another inefficiency of government exposed, which I will explain today.


Why do feminists hate Sarah Palin?  Because she's a strong woman who doesn't depend on government.


The British government has now officially sanctioned Sharia Law for Muslim civil cases.


Remember the Philadelphia columnist who said that there would be a race war if Obama lost?  Now she says the race war has already started.


Thirty-five percent of BlackBerry users would pick their BlackBerry over their spouse.


A police officer lost his job for stealing about $30 worth of sandwiches.


An employee at the Cracker Barrel in Macon was fired for stealing two steaks from the restaurant.


An Australian kayaker broke his own leg to keep from drowning.


A man in Tallahassee was walking his dog in the nude Friday night, saying that Allah told him to.  Radical Islam is really hurting for their jihad to have degenerated this far.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Price Gouging? Never Fear! Sonny Is Here!

Almost 2,000 people had to be rescued from the aftermath of Hurricane Ike.  They ignored an evacuation order; they should have to deal with the repercussions.


Nobody worry!  Both the federal government and state governments are going to make sure that there's no "price gouging" at the gas pumps.


Once refineries come back online, the price of gasoline will drop to below pre-Ike levels thanks to oil dropping below $97 per barrel.


Don't worry, you have Johnny Isakson and Saxby Chambliss making sure that oil companies will be able to drill (barely) off the coast.


The Presidential race this year is going to cost over $1 billion.  If the economy is so bad, then why do people still have that much money to give to politicians?


Why does government grow?  Because individuals don't care, and politicians and lobbyists take advantage of that fact.


A jury in Great Britain acquitted (that means "found not guilty," for those of you in government schools) six enviro-terrorists for vandalizing a coal power plant because the damage was worth it to stop global warming.  Yet another attack on private property rights as a result of a radical environmentalist agenda.


A Saudi cleric said that it is legal to kill the owners of television networks that play programs deemed immoral.


The Washington Times has a nice write-up on Todd Palin, calling him a "secret weapon" for the Republican ticket.


John McCain went on "The View" Friday.  During a discussion of judges, Whoopi Goldberg asked him if she should "be worried about being a slave" if he was elected.


Randall Kennedy of the Washington Post is worried about what will happen to black psyche if Barack Obama loses.


Obama has been trying to make sure that troops stay in Iraq until he takes office.  I guess he wants his "moment to be great."


You think government schools are doing their job?  One third of college students need remedial courses before they can even start real college.


Vegetarians are more likely to experience brain shrinkage.  Isn't that a chicken-and-egg kind of question?

Friday, September 12, 2008

Palin Interview

I have the transcripts of the first two parts of Charlie Gibson's interview with Sarah Palin.  I promise we'll be talking about this today.  Part 1.  Part 2.


More reason for Democrats to be freaking out:  suddenly, the generic Republican beats the generic Democrat by 5 points among likely voters.  Some Democrat members of Congress are blaming their problems on Obama's slipping campaign.


Here's some insight into that campaign:  until the media got involved, the Obama campaign refused to give campaign memorabilia to a group of Girl Scouts.  The McCain campaign sent them stuff immediately.


Mark Udall, who is running for the Senate from Colorado, isn't happy with an ad that calls him a hippie for voting for a Department of Peace.  His solution?  Try to get the ad pulled off the airwaves.


A British columnist gives us some insight into "community organizing" in Chicago.


A California government school tried to force a teacher to remove banners from his classroom that included messages like "In God We Trust" when other teachers have Tibetan prayer flags and Buddhist and Islamic posters.


The Huffington Post is the most-visited blog among political reporters in the United States.


Here's the latest idea to combat "global warming":  Make everything white.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

9/11, 7 years later

Now Democrats are having their buyer's remorse over Barack Obama being their nominee.  If they had figured it out before their convention they could have done something about it.


Even Joe Biden knows that Hillary would have been a better pick than he was to be Obama's running mate.


Biden had another troublesome remark for the Democrats' campaign Tuesday.  He looked directly at a Missouri state legislator in a wheelchair and told him to "stand up."  Oops.


Democrats are imploding everywhere you look:  The Chairwoman of the South Carolina Democrat Party said that Sarah Palin's "primary qualification seems to be that she hasn't had an abortion."  Then she claimed that she was just trying to make a point about single-issue voters.


A Union boss in Virginia defended Obama's worthless "experience" as a "community organizer" by saying that "Jesus was a community organizer."  Yesterday Tennessee Democrat Congressman Steve Cohen said the same thing, and threw in that "Pontius Pilate was a governor."


While Democrats are breaking down, the mainstream media keeps doing their dirty work for them.  CNN used a Photoshopped picture of Sarah Palin's head on a bikini-clad body during a discussion about Palin's credibility as a candidate.  Then they reported a story about the so-called "troopergate" scandal in Alaska, in which they might as well have done the research for the Obama campaign.  Is there still any doubt about whether CNN is in the tank for Obama?


Interior department officials have been engaged in corrupt sex, drugs, and bribery with oil company employees.  Of course the Democrats immediately attacked "big oil."


Boston taxpayers paid $13,000 for a wind turbine…to power 19 light bulbs.


Democrats are willing to shut down the government to make sure that oil companies can never drill for oil off American shores.


CAIR is trying to become the voice of moderate Muslims in the United States.  Of course, it would help if they would condemn Islamic terrorist groups like Hezbollah and Hamas (and quit funding them).


A 10-year-old government school student was suspended for using a broken pencil sharpener.


Here's a little insight into the liberal mind:  "The idea that individuals are going to have enough knowledge and enough savvy and enough insight and, frankly, enough guts to make choices all by themselves is pretty much a pipe dream."  Remember, government knows best.


Here's another story of the British government rationing health care.  This time the victim is fat people.


On the 7th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, the American people are the least concerned about terrorism they've been since that day.


Sarah Palin's Secret Service codename:  "Denali."  I like her husband's better:  "Driller."

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

"Community Organizer" code word for "black"?

Now Obama is saying that "enough is enough" and accusing the Republicans of "phony outrage" over him calling Palin a pig.  He's also trying to paint it as "swift boat politics."


The Obama camp is trying to hunt the slightest bit of dirt they might be able to find on Sarah Palin.  Lawyers are creeping all around Anchorage looking for something on her.


With Republicans (rightly) criticizing "community organizers" you knew it wouldn't be long until that was translated as being racist.  The award for doing it first goes to New York Governor David Paterson, who calls "community organizer" a code word for "black."


Take another state out of play:  after the Obama campaign pulled out of Georgia, McCain has now opened up a 20-point lead in North Carolina (where the Georgia operatives were sent).  So much for that 50-state (or was it 57-state?) strategy.


Here's hope for the future:  Only 60% of voters think that the Supreme Court should base its rulings on the Constitution.


Clarence Thomas says that the Constitution forbids racial preferences.  But that's not fair.


Congressman Charlie Rangel didn't pay his taxes.  Republicans demanded that he step down as House Ways and Means Committee Chairman, but he won't.  This only matters because Ways and Means is the committee responsible for making tax bills.


Finally a bunch of environmentalists stopped living in trees.  They were protesting the trees being cut down for the University of California-Berkeley to expand their sports complex.


The New York Times is having financial troubles, so they cut union jobs in favor of non-union ones.


The oil extortionists in the OPEC cartel have decided to cut oil production after all.


FEMA is withholding some "disaster" funds from Macon because the city doesn't have a good track record of keeping tabs on the money it gets from the feds.


Lance Armstrong plans to return to the Tour de France (and the Tour de Georgia) next year.


Swedish prostitutes want to pay taxes.  I know how they can do that (the FairTax).

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

McCain Taking Lead?

Joe Biden yesterday called Sarah Palin's views on global warming "fairly extreme" for not buying into the liberal orthodoxy that capitalism is destroying the planet.


The race is swinging towards McCain:  He raised $5 million in 5 hours in Chicago, he now has the support of a majority of independents, and the crowds appearing at McCain campaign rallies are growing exponentially.


Obama's really getting threatened, and you can tell by the fact that he's personally going after McCain and Palin.  Wasn't he the guy who wanted to end politics as usual?


The result of this global warming alarmist junk is keeping the third world poor, especially Africa.  Remember, global warming is all about spreading misery-through-socialism equally around the world.


Tours of a cave in Missouri have been cancelled after they found endangered bats living there.


Here's an interesting viewpoint on the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bailouts:  they make the United States "more Communist than China."


Fred Thompson also weighed in on the bailout, saying that the government has caused an even bigger problem than already existed.


A liberal columnist for the Washington Post says that McCain thinks he's the Messiah.


The rest of the world wants Barack Obama to be President.  Fine.  They can have him.


House Republicans are demanding a vote on an "all of the above" energy plan that would include expanding domestic oil drilling.


Killing Bin Laden won't end Al Qaeda, according to an expert.  I could have told you that one.  Here's another one:  Destroying Al Qaeda won't end Islamic terrorism.


A Macon city councilman wants to militarize the city of Macon.


Acting Warner Robins Mayor Clifford Holmes yesterday laid out his goals for the city.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Washington Bailing Out Everybody!

The federal government picked up the pieces of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae's irresponsibility, by bailing them out.  Here's why they did it.  The bailout apparently has Washington ignoring its collective free-market ideology.  I haven't heard much free market ideology coming from Washington in a long time, even before this.


Now the US auto giants plan on asking Washington for a bailout.  Nobody's willing to take responsibility anymore.


The global warming nuts have tipped their hand with this one:  pollution from Asia may cause higher temperatures in the United States.  I'll tell you today what this little revelation reveals about environmentalists.


This has been one of the coldest summers ever in Alaska.


Government is getting in the way of Ford selling a 65 mpg car in the United States.


John McCain has said that he will include Democrats in his Cabinet.  He says he wants the "smartest people in America."  What good is it to be smart if they're wrong?


The Obama campaign is going to put more female surrogates on the campaign trail to counter the influence of Sarah Palin.  It just shows that they're scared.  They should be; they're down in the polls now, including by 10 points among likely voters, and Sarah Palin is so popular that she's caused a run on her eyeglasses and hair.


The liberal media is desperately looking for attacks on Palin, so they're going after her church.  Apparently they try to "convert" gays.  Why is it that Palin's church is fair game, but Obama's isn't?


Obama had a little slip-up and referred to "[his] Muslim faith."  I will talk about this once and only once.


Here's a reporting of how Sarah Palin beat the establishment in Alaska.  After taking that on, nothing in Washington (especially Joe Biden) is going to scare her.


Obama is all but admitting that raising taxes are bad for the economy, as he plans on keeping the Bush tax cuts at least until the non-existent recession ends.


Bob Barr had an op-ed column in the Washington Times about immigration, saying that we need to secure the border before we do anything else.  He's right, but that's not the big issue this year.


The headline of this story says enough:  "Grady Needs Paying Patients."


The greedy OPEC cartel is still considering cutting oil production, since the price of oil is too low.


You have to get the warm fuzzies from this story from the loving, caring, peaceful religion of Islam:  a girl who wanted an annulment of her forced arranged marriage (at the age of 9) has been killed by her parents.  Isn't Islam wonderful?