Friday, September 19, 2008

Anything Goes Friday!

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke say that the taxpayers could be on the hook for $1 trillion to make up for the failings of government.  Economist and libertarian columnist Dr. Walter E. Williams has something to say about the current financial situation.  By the way, if you hadn't figured it out already, there is no longer a free market in the United States.


The state of Texas may prevent any rebuilding in Galveston after Hurricane Ike.


Charlie Rangel not only can't pay his taxes, he thinks Capitol rules don't apply to him.  Finally he's fixing one of the problems.


The state has already begun its price gouging investigation.


The Cochran Motor Speedway is going to be on probation for a year, meaning that if they are found in violation of what the state Insurance Commissioner wants they could be shut down permanently.


We're going to take a look at some polls today, including from Zogby (hat tip to Dr. Greg Domin) and from Karl Rove.  By the way, more people would rather watch a football game with Obama than with McCain.


It's International Talk Like A Pirate Day!

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