Obama's $170 million inauguration/worship service will be tomorrow and I, for one, cannot wait for the worship to end. The navel-gazers have been out in full force all weekend, and it really is getting old. At least the Macon Telegraph calls it what it is: a pilgrimage. By the way, one of the girls featured has the American flag touching the ground. Fully two-thirds of Americans plan to watch the inauguration, which means that workplace productivity will be thrown out the window tomorrow. In Washington, DC, there is a larger security force in the city than there is in Afghanistan, which is necessary because there will be so many more biological weapons in the city than usual because everybody needs their Botox.
Over 2/3 of blacks believe that, thanks to the Messiah's election, MLK Jr.'s vision for race relations has been fulfilled.
The Democrats released their porked-up "stimulus" plan last week, and Amanda Carpenter and Robert Bluey quickly found their favorite pieces of pork in the bill. Jason Pye also points out that a lot of money is going towards rail and local transit systems that are not cost-efficient or popular. On the tax side of the "stimulus" package, tax breaks to big banks will be repealed, having the exact opposite effect of the bailouts. At least the Republicans are coming up with a real alternative instead of just saying "no."
The Messiah wants a brand new Declaration of Independence. I'm guessing that, instead of independence from tyranny, this time he wants independence from responsibility.
The Obama team is considering creating a government bank to buy bad assets. Wasn't that the idea behind the original bailout, the Troubled Asset Relief Program?
Now the plane that crashed in the Hudson River is being blamed in global warming. Meanwhile, a columnist in Michigan is praying for global warming. While it's horridly cold across the country, Al Gore's scientist, James Hanson, says that Obama has four years to save the world from global warming. At least most of the American people are starting to get it: only 41% of Americans believe that we humans are making the planet warmer.
Guess who have been best buddies since the election? John McCain and Barack Obama. In fact, McCain has made the comment in referring to some of Obama's Cabinet picks that he would have made the same choices.
Nancy Pelosi is open to the idea of prosecuting Bush Administration officials. Go ahead, waste your time. Please. She also wants to go ahead and eliminate the Bush tax cuts now. Like I said, please waste your time with prosecuting the Bush Administration instead.
Eighty-three of the 100 largest corporations in America have subsidiaries in offshore tax havens. Under the FairTax, that would all come streaming back.
Despite the bad economy, companies are still shelling out $3 million per 30-second spot for the Super Bowl.
Governor Perdue got a $21 million loan with questionable terms in September that will have to be paid back on March 1.
Democrats in the General Assembly are already lining up to oppose allowing you to send your kids to a private school.
There is a new property tax bill being proposed that would limit the increase in assessed value to 3% in any given year.
Rep. Roger Bruce (D-Atlanta) wants to allow individual counties to choose whether or not gambling is legal in their county.
A UGA student was arrested for drunk driving after passing out at a stop sign with the car still running.
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