Monday, October 15, 2007

Democrats Hate NASCAR!

Last week a House Homeland Security Committee memo was leaked saying that staffers should get vaccines that are never otherwise required for domestic travel.  This weekend at Charlotte, fans took the opportunity to let their feelings about it be known.  Democrats in North Carolina could only cringe.  Sure, Democrats have a bias against the South (even Mississippi Democrat Bennie Thompson, the committee chairman), but if they were consistent they would be calling for NASCAR to be banned.  I’ll explain why today.


Corporate execs apparently think that they are overpaid.  The ones who think so can surely take a cut in pay, but why should this be reason for the government to get involved?  The answer:  Democrats’ class envy.


A legitimate scientist, hurricane expert Dr. William Gray, said that algore’s movie is “brainwashing” and “ridiculous.”  So is the statement from the United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-Moon, that global warming threatens their goals of ending poverty.  I guess now if they don’t achieve their goals they can just say “global warming is to blame!” and the debate will be over.


How can the Bush administration keep advocating an Islamic terrorist state?  Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was in the West Bank yesterday, and said that it is time for a Palestinian state.  Do they not understand that they are supporting Islamic terrorism?


Don’t expect them to crack down on this either:  the internet is becoming a battleground for the jihadists, and Americans are giving them aid and comfort.  If I was in charge, these people would be hung for treason.


Democrats’ lust for redistributing income applies to colleges too.  Now they want to force colleges with large endowments to use that money to cut tuition rates.


The Navy was forced to spend $4.5 million to get a boat that they didn’t want and couldn’t use.  Why would they waste our money like that?  Because the Congressional representatives of Washington state wanted the pork project for their campaign contributors.


Tree-huggers yesterday announced that John Edwards is their guy for President.  Isn’t he too pretty for them?

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