Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Democrats a Treasure Trove Of Material

Bad news for Democrats:  They seem to be snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.  28% of Hillary’s supporters will vote for McCain if Obama is the nominee, while 19% of Obama supporters will vote for McCain over Hillary.  22% of Democrats think each candidate should drop out of the race now.


With the Democrat stalemate, there continues to be talk of “Father” Al Gore being the nominee.


Check out who would win the Democrat primary if it was going on in other countries.


Barack Obama so far has been able to avoid being called a liberal.  Now even Hillary is calling him a liberal as though she thinks that is a bad thing.  The New York Times even wonders whether a liberal can unite Americans.


Barack Obama wants to be plenty generous with your money, but he donated less than 1% of his earnings between 2000-2004.  Typical liberal.


The candidates have raised a combined $1 billion for their campaigns this year.  I thought the economy sucked?


George McGovern says it is hard to elect a female President.  What does he know about getting elected President?


Polls show that most Americans are against the idea of the federal government bailing out banks and irresponsible borrowers.


The United States was ranked as only the 22nd most stable and prosperous nation in the world.  Wait until you hear why we ranked so low.


Global warming hysterics are worried about an ice shelf that might break off of Antarctica.  Ice is thicker on the rest of the continent, but they’re worried about this small piece?


The Defense Department accidentally sent Taiwan nuclear missile fuses instead of helicopter batteries.  And you liberals want the government running health care?


A New York City Rabbi was attacked by a group of men yelling “Allahu Akhbar.”  Any guess as to the religion of the attackers?


The Welfare state runs rampant in Great Britain, as evidenced by the family in which nobody has worked in three generations.  You think that doesn’t happen here?  How about the fact that 10% of people in Ohio are on food stamps?


A government high school cancelled a veterans’ event because the Principal feared it might be “too political.”  It was the anti-war protesters making it political, not the veterans.


The NAACP is against a bill banning kids at government schools from wearing saggy pants.


Macon formed a task force to fight gangs, even though the Deputy Chief of Police says there is no gang problem.  Has he been in the Macon Mall lately?


Here’s a shocker:  Social Security and Medicare both need to be fixed.


Now irresponsible mothers can find out who their babydaddy is with a kit they buy at Rite Aid.


Hopefully that babydaddy won’t be 93 years old, like the two guys in Florida accused of trying to pick up a hooker.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Global Warming Ended 10 Years Ago

Yesterday a former Muslim was baptized by the Pope to celebrate Easter.  He now says that his life is in danger because apostasy is a crime punishable by death for Muslims.


Geert Wilders, who produced a film telling the truth about the violent nature of Islam, had his website suspended before he could post the film online.


I’ve said it before, now here’s more proof:  A scientist interviewed on the Australian ABC says that global warming ended in 1998.  Bad news for the global warming kooks who worship at the altar of Father Al.


Ann Arbor, Michigan has had the snowiest winter on record.  It must be global warming.


The Clinton team has come up with another way to make Hillary the nominee (even though it is impossible for her to win based on pledged delegates):  Consider the electoral votes of the states that each candidate has won.


There are new questions about Barack’s promise of a “new majority” stemming from him being the most liberal member of the United States Senate.


A Republican lawyer endorsed Barack.


The United States is helping Egypt build a border fence to keep Palestinians from the Gaza Strip out of Egypt.  Why the hell aren’t we spending that money here to stop illegal Mexicans from getting into the United States?


Most Americans think that they should have more say in the decisions of government.  I don’t trust most Americans.


Legislators in California call pregnant women temporary disability status so they can get the handicapped parking spots.  Gynecologists want women to be active, but nobody knows better than the government.


The Massachusetts Board of Education wants to get rid of the label “underperforming” for their government schools that are, well, underperforming.  They say that it isn’t nice enough.


More from government schools:  banning sweets on school campuses has created a black market for candy.  See what happens when government criminalizes anything?


The new “in” liberal crisis is that of lifespan inequality.  Nothing but class warfare, but what do you expect from liberals?


A bit of good economic news:  home sales rose in February.


The Make-A-Wish Foundation made one 5-year-old boy’s dream of becoming a soldier come true.


A German woman who went to the hospital for a leg operation was instead (literally) ripped a new one.  Don’t you love the idea of socialized medicine here?


Don Imus’ use of the term “nappy-headed hos” was determined to be the most politically incorrect phrase of 2007.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Islamic Idiocy In Full Display

Hillary Clinton says that the United States cannot win the Iraq war.  I hate to break it to you, but she’s right.


Vice President Cheney was in Iraq yesterday speaking to the troops.  He says that the Middle East needs freedom.  If they have freedom, it will only be for half of their population.


Muslims in Britain are complaining about immigrants from Eastern Europe.  Wait until you hear their complaints.


Muslim nations are threatening to sue anybody who defames Islam.


The President of Indonesia wants an “Islamic Renaissance” to pull that religion out of the 12th Century.


A peek into the radical Muslim mind:  Hamas is developing a “death-seeking” culture.


Wal-Mart has updated one of its stores to be more accommodating for Muslims.  Can women shop there without a male relative with them?


Islam really is a treasure trove of material, isn’t it?  How about this story from Saudi Arabia of an 11-year-old boy marrying his 10-year-old cousin?  What do you expect from a culture that only has camel beauty pageants to look forward to?


Some nations are considering boycotting the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Olympics.  Nobody has the stones to boycott the whole games.


A government school teacher gave a student who asked to use the rest room an option between waiting until class was over and using her lunchbox.  He chose the teacher’s lunchbox.


Florida Democrats will not have a re-vote.


Voters say that the superdelegates should not decide the Democrat nominee.  If they do, then the election should be a cakewalk for John McCain.


Barack Obama gave a major race speech yesterday.  Here is the text—if I get a chance I’ll pour through all of it to find the juicy tidbits.


A bridge in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania is falling apart, dropping concrete onto people below.  What is the government’s solution?  Install a net to catch the pieces.  They say that there is not enough money to fix the bridge.  I bet there is plenty of money to give to irresponsible “mothers” who don’t know who their babydaddies are.


A poll taken in Ohio by left-wing interest groups claims that the evangelical vote is shifting towards the Democrats.  You guys can have them.


Star Parker wrote a column blaming government for the housing “crisis.”  Too bad no Democrats will read this—they’ll keep living their socialist fantasy.


Mitt Romney’s socialized medicine scheme has resulted in at least one big healthcare provider taking a loss last year.


Liberals have predicted that the conservative movement is over.  As long as the conservative movement is tied to the Republican Party and the evangelical right, they’re absolutely correct.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Gas Prices, Muslims, and Global Warming--Oh My!

Muslim prisoners in Great Britain are upset because they were offered ham sandwiches as a meal option during Ramadan.  I say they’re lucky they get a choice at all.  They’re prisoners—which means they broke the law—treat them as such.


A Muslim in Israel was praised by his family for shooting his sister in an attempted “honor killing.”  Fortunately (not for him or his family), the woman survived.


Senator Wayne Allard (R-CO) introduced a budget amendment to implement every change that Barack Obama has promised in his campaign—a whopping $1.4 trillion measure.


Speaking of Barack, he criticized John McCain on taxes, saying that he was right when he voted against the Bush tax cuts but is wrong now that he wants to extend them.


Obama also challenged Hillary Clinton to release her earmark requests, as he did.


Democrats are floating a compromise that will seat the Florida and Michigan delegates without benefitting either candidate too much.  It doesn’t matter what they do, because the superdelegates (who are starting to break towards Obama) will still decide the nominee.


President Bush said that 2008 will be a great year for Republicans, saying that McCain will be elected President and Republicans will retake the House.  I don’t know what he’s smoking, but I want some!


Pictures of Eliot Spitzer’s hooker “Kristen” have been released.  Not bad (especially for a prostitute); no wonder Penthouse wants to do a photo shoot with her.


Bad news for you global warming crusaders:  this was the coldest winter since 2001 for the United States and the world (yes, I know it is summer in half of the world).


Tamarac, Florida had an election Wednesday on an annexation proposal.  Nobody showed up to vote.


Poor people in Boca Raton rioted on Wednesday after the government housing authority ran out of applications for people to get housing welfare.


Dr. Walter E. Williams has an excellent column this week about the same thing of my own Cluster column—ethanol.


The feet of Geckos are being used as inspiration for a new generation of bandages.


Here are 50 weird science tidbits and oddities, via the Talkmaster.

Cluster Column

Why Gas Prices Are So High


Or, Why Environmentalists and Cartel Arabs Are Costing You Money


By Jeff Scott


Most of you have probably noticed that gas prices are up, again, in a time of year when usually they stay low.  This means that, once Memorial Day and the summer driving season arrive, we could be looking at paying $4 for a gallon of gasoline (in some places in California, they are already paying over $5).  This, of course, will lead to much complaining, something which I usually disdain.  In this case, however, there is legitimate reason to complain, and it is not the wonderfully obscene oil company profits.


When I fill up my tank, my curse two groups of people:  environmentalists and the Arab governments controlling oil production in the OPEC nations.  Oil is not traded on a free market; most of the top oil producing nations in the world (especially those in the Middle East) are members of the OPEC cartel that decides (based primarily on greed) how much oil should be produced in those countries.  Their incentive is always to line their own pockets, because there is no competition to this cartel.  A true free market would provide competition to OPEC producers, but the semi-monopoly that is OPEC prevents anybody from competing.  If another producer were to increase production, OPEC would respond by cutting production, just to re-raise the price of a barrel of oil.  In fact, even last week, the cartel considered (led by Algeria and Iran) cutting production, even as oil prices rose above the $100 per barrel mark.


Compare the cuts of OPEC, in which they manipulate the world oil market for profit, to the “evil” oil companies that the left hate so much.  Oil companies try to produce and refine more oil, because more output means more sales.  The more they produce, the more they sell.  They wish they could produce more oil and refine more gasoline because they make their money from sales.  They are not to blame for the high gasoline prices.  Unfortunately, it is not just OPEC either.


The United States has oil reserves that an oil company could very easily drill, cutting oil prices and, once refineries were built to refine the crude oil into gasoline, gas prices could fall to less than $2 per gallon and stay there.  However, there is a very strong interest group that seems to have a death-lock control over politicians on both sides of the aisle:  environmentalists.  Thanks to these tree huggers, we are facing the very real possibility of $5 per gallon gasoline this summer.


The United States has oil reserves in Alaska, under the Four Corners states, in the Gulf of Mexico, and off the coast of Florida and California.  Unfortunately, due to environmentalists and their stranglehold on politicians, none of those oil reserves can be tapped.  The Chinese Communist government is able to drill for oil closer to American shores than Western oil companies.  Why?  Because they are drilling off the coast of Cuba.  American companies, thanks to environmentalists, are unable to drill for oil that is very easily attained.


Of course, the environmentalists like to tell us that they are saving us from ourselves by trying to stop “global warming.”  Unfortunately for them, they are on the wrong side of science.  They ignore the fact that there has been no increase in the Earth’s temperature in the last decade; they ignore that most of the 10 warmest years on record happened before the big industrial boom (they happened during the 1930s, when the globe was in a depression); they ignore that big fiery ball in the sky that dictates the Earth’s climate a hell of a lot more than any “greenhouse gases” ever could; they ignore that the sun is entering a cool cycle, and that the earth is actually closer to entering another mini-ice age than to burning up (of course, they’ll try to blame that on global warming too; such is the liberal environmentalist logic).  They are also on the wrong side of history; a bit of research into the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age prove that.


Thanks to this “global warming” scam, the environmentalists instead want us to rely on the unreliable solar and wind power, and the self-defeating ethanol.  Have you noticed lately that you are paying more for groceries?  That is the result of the recent obsession with ethanol.  The government subsidizes ethanol to the tune of 51 cents per gallon, and the resulting increase in demand for corn has a trickle-down effect on the rest of the economy.  Poor Mexicans cannot afford tortillas, because their prices have tripled, and meat and milk prices are up because the price of corn for livestock feed is up.  Isn’t it obvious by now that liberalism and environmentalism only spread misery?


Of course, that is what we should be accustomed to from liberals.  They want to make us all equal in our misery.  They hate free markets; global warming is just their latest excuse to establish socialism in America.  They blame the “greedy” oil companies when gas prices go up, when in reality they should be blaming the anti-market forces of the OPEC cartel and themselves.  When will ignorant Americans wake up and realize that liberalism and big government are not the solutions; they are the causes of the problems that plague this once-great nation.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Abbreviated Show Today

Due to a doctor's appointment, we will only be on the air for the first hour today.  We will be talking about this Eliot Spitzer situation, yesterday's Mississippi primary, and the Geraldine Ferraro mess.  There will be a full show on Friday.  Sorry, no links.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Back from Spring Break!

Gas prices have hit a new high, and it looks like they are heading up even more.  Why?  When in doubt, blame leftists.  It starts with the 2007 Energy Bill, which has the potential to prohibit oil imports from Canadian oil sands.


Gas prices are just the start, however; grocery prices are also rising sharply.


Fundy leaders from the Southern Baptist Convention are now officially on the global warming bandwagon.  There is also a study out that says that carbon emissions must approach zero soon, or warming could become catastrophic.  Remember, it’s all about controlling your life.


Republicans got another bad sign for this year’s election on Saturday.  Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert’s seat was won by a Democrat.


Clinton’s team is now talking about a joint Clinton-Obama ticket.  I’ve been saying this since Obama became a real competitor; we just have to figure out who will be on the top of that ticket.  Barring something amazing, it will be decided by the superdelegates, who are staying out so far.


Dick Morris is saying that it is over for Hillary, but her campaign has a three-prong strategy to win.  None of the three prongs involve theft (yet), but they do want to seat the Florida and Michigan delegates.


Al Sharpton is threatening to sue the DNC if they seat the Florida delegates.


This should say something about Barack Obama’s background:  he is supported by Marxist terrorists FARC in Colombia.


On the Republican side, former Goldwater speechwriter Brent Bozell says that McCain’s strategy of taking conservatives for granted in November is a big mistake.  Ron Paul says he cannot support McCain.


President Bush vetoed a bill banning waterboarding and other forms of interrogation—Democrats and John McCain call them “torture”—from being used by the CIA.


The Vatican came out with another list of seven deadly sins.  They said that the old ones were too “individualistic.”


A lawmaker in Kentucky wants to make anonymous internet postings illegal.


A vasectomy clinic in Oregon is telling men to get a vasectomy when they have an excuse to stay home and watch the NCAA tournament.