Friday, November 28, 2008

Live on Black Friday!

It's Black Friday, so of course we're going to get the stories of people being trampled to death at Wal-Mart or of people fighting for that last item that they want.


Environmentalists are now trying to tell people not to buy video game systems for Christmas, because they are bad for the environment.  Meanwhile, the rest of the world is deciding that they really don't care about what the environmentalists say; they're not going to go out of their way to please a bunch of religious kooks who call themselves scientists.


MTV is going to throw an Inaugural Ball for Barack Obama.  Why not?  He was the celebrity candidate this year.


Thousands of people are making plans to go to Obama's inauguration, whether they have tickets or not.  What happened to the bad economy?


With the festivities planned for Obama's coronation, does anybody remember that the same leftists who are going to be celebrating wanted Bush to scale back on inauguration plans four years ago?  Michelle Malkin remembers.


People actually care about the Electoral College this year, thanks to Obama's victory.  Too bad most people don't even know what the Electoral College is.


There is already an early poll for the 2010 Governor's race, with Republicans Casey Cagle and John Oxendine both leading Democrats Roy Barnes and Jim Marshall.


The state is not planning on shutting down any state parks to deal with the budget crunch.  They're still going ahead with that ridiculous "Go Fish" center though.


The Macon Telegraph is pushing the ridiculous cell phone while driving ban.


Another Georgia football player was arrested yesterday.


An Illinois zoo is making Christmas ornaments out of Reindeer droppings.


A Japanese zoo had a bit of trouble getting polar bears to mate…because they were both female.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Obama's Green Agenda

Only a liberal can ask this question while talking about a gun bill:  "Who really cares about it being unconstitutional?"


The environmentalists are already pushing their agenda to the Obama administration.  Some of their goals include cap-and-trade legislation, cutting funding for nuclear power, and reinstating the moratorium on offshore oil drilling.  Jack Kelly has a column detailing what Obama's global warming legislation will do to the economy.  Free marketers are already not happy with what they expect to happen under the new Congress and President-elect.


Global warming is doing its part, stepping into overdrive to kill endangered sea turtles in a cold snap.  Oh wait, never mind…


On Monday I told you about the $7.76 trillion price tag for the financial bailout that taxpayers are on the hook for.  Here's a comparison of the bailout costs to other government expenditures in history.


President-elect Obama has some words that should be scary:  "Help is on the way."


Obama has decided to keep Bush's Defense Secretary, Robert Gates.  If for no other reason, I love this decision because the far-left peace-at-any-cost folks will be spitting mad over it.


The United Nations must have watched "Armageddon" recently, because yesterday they had a big hearing on how to stop killer asteroids.


John McCain is already running for re-election to the Senate, and he's making amnesty one of his top legislative priorities.  We always knew we couldn't trust the guy.


Here's a shocker:  government teachers aren't really as qualified as they should be.


Georgia has the second highest beer tax in the country, according to the Tax Foundation.


There is already some polling out for Johnny Isakson's Senate race in 2010.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sarah Coming to Georgia!

A Russian political analyst is predicting that the United States will not only collapse, but divide into a few different countries due to the financial crisis.


The top effective income tax bracket in Great Britain could become 61% under the latest budget proposal.  Notice how the solution to budget problems is always to raise taxes (but only on the rich), never to cut spending.  They could learn some lessons from filmmaker Martin Durkin, who comments on the British welfare state and the effects of the welfare state in general.


At least there's some good news coming from Europe.  Vaclav Klaus, free marketer and global warming skeptic, will be the next President of the European Union.  The New York Times isn't very happy about that idea.


The Fed pledged another $800 billion to try and ease the credit crunch.


The far left, including this columnist from the Detroit Free Press is still trying to get President Bush impeached.


President-elect Obama has promised to cut government waste from the budget, including farm subsidies.  This comes just one day after promising big spending to "stimulate" the economy.  Which is it Barack, big spending or fiscal restraint?


I've been wondering about this for a while now.  Boaters in Naples, Florida are having engine trouble as a result of the ethanol in gasoline.  I'm still waiting for the stories to come out about cars with similar trouble.


Here's a letter from a scientist who has been banned from television because he is outspoken in his belief that there is no such thing as man-made global warming.


They may be getting federal money to bail out their bad business decisions, but Citi and AIG are still spending big money on sports sponsorships.


Yesterday I told you about the real story of Thanksgiving.  Not to be outdone, the left has responded by calling the Pilgrims "grave robbers" and trying to end the Thanksgiving fun for a bunch of kindergarteners in California.  Leftists sure are good at spreading misery and putting an end to fun, aren't they?


Do you know more about the foundations of America than the average citizen?  Take the test.


At least one college has already decided to ban Christmas decorations.


State legislators will consider a bill to ban teens from talking on their cell phones while driving.


It's official:  Sarah Palin will be in Georgia on Monday to campaign for Senator Saxby Chambliss, including in Perry.


Here's some of the sniping back and forth between Saxby and Jim Martin, with Saxby's political consultant (correctly) pointing out that his dog could have been on the ballot and done just as well as Jim Martin has.


The UGa-Ga Tech game Saturday will be powered by methane gas.


Speaking of the big football game this weekend, here are some UGa jokes and here are some Tech jokes.  We'll have some fun with these today.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Citi Latest Bailout Target

The latest price tag for bailing out the financial sector is $7.4 trillion.  That's equal to half of the value of everything produced in the United States last year, and we still don't have a guarantee that it's actually going to work or that it will be temporary.  The latest financial institution to get a bailout is Citigroup, which will receive $20 billion in direct federal investment and $306 billion in loans, all paid for by our tax dollars.


Other industries are lining up for bailouts, including builders and the ski industry.


In addition to the bailouts, the Democrats are also trying to outbid each other on an expensive "stimulus" package.  Right now, the plan could reach up to $700 billion.  He is also considering holding off on raising taxes on the evil rich, but his economic team will make the decision on when to raise taxes for him.


President-elect Obama says that there are "millions of jobs" in danger next year, and he has a goal to create (or save) 2.5 million jobs by 2011.  In a growing economy, 2.4 million jobs would be created each year without any government stimulus.  Way to aim high, Barack.


Here's another reason the Big Three are in so much trouble (and you can blame it on the unions again):  they are forced to pay up to 95% of wages to people who are no longer working.  At least one business group is willing to step up and blame the unions for what they've done to the Big Three.


The Los Angeles Times printed the story of the free market origins of Thanksgiving in its kids section yesterday.


The Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner wants that state to create a mandate that everybody should have health insurance.  Residents who choose not to get insurance would lose their driver's license and college football season tickets.


President Bush has taken the first steps towards production of oil from shale in the West.  With the number of Democrats coming into office, I wouldn't expect this to happen.


A government teacher in San Diego came up with a creative idea when the school district cut his printing budget:  he sells advertising on the tests to pay for printing costs.


Michael Jackson has reportedly converted to Islam.  At least now his pedophilia will be acceptable, if not the fact that it's with little boys.

Friday, November 21, 2008

UAW Bailout Dead For Now

The UAW bailout is dead, for now.  Congress will return in December to again consider the bailout, but first the Democrats want to get a business plan from the automakers.  Do you think the Democrats will honestly pass a bailout if the automakers got rid of the labor unions?  President-elect Obama and his people are looking at a possibility of a pre-packaged bankruptcy, under which the Big Three would be able to file for bankruptcy with backing from the federal government.


At least GM is making a small positive step:  they're downsizing their luxury jet fleet.


Bailing out the Big Three could start a trade war around the world.


Obama is probably going to wait a while before he repeals "don't ask, don't tell."


Obama's advisors are still trying to lower expectations.  They've been doing that since before the election, and they're worried that The Messiah's popularity might fade after he doesn't solve everything within a year.  It might be too late; a New York Elementary School has already been renamed for Obama, and DC is estimating up to 5 million people for the inauguration.


Barack Obama has produced a radio ad for Jim Martin.  Meanwhile, the latest battleground issue in the Senate race is the "card check" legislation, which Saxby Chambliss opposes.  Jim Martin again has union members coming in from out of state to help him.  With the talks of the Big Three going under, MSNBC wonders if "card check" is the best hope for the UAW.


Erick Erickson over at points out why the Republicans really need to purge their ranks of moderates.


With all of the panic over the economy, at least one economist is standing up and pointing out that we're not even approaching anything like the Great Depression.


The Republican Party brand is down in popularity, but that's not because they've been too conservative.  A majority of Republicans want the party to move back to the right.


Gas prices are below $2 a gallon nationally.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Senate Working on UAW Bailout Compromise

Barack Obama's international crisis has hit before he even takes office.  The IAEA is now reporting that Iran has enough nuclear fuel for a weapon.


Apparently $700 billion wasn't enough for the financial industry.  They say they need another $1,000,000,000,000 to fully fix the credit markets.  McCain advisor Douglas Holtz-Eakin says that McCain's support for the original bailout was a mistake.


GMAC and two other lending companies are applying with the Federal Reserve to become bank holding companies.  That also makes them eligible for a portion of the bailout.


Earlier it looked like the UAW bailout is going to go down in flames.  Now, a few Senators have reached a bipartisan consensus on a plan.  Meanwhile, GM isn't even making reorganization plans to use in a potential bankruptcy.


One of Al Franken's lawyers, while trying to steal Minnesota's Senate election, pretty much called Democrat voters idiots.


Former Home Depot CEO Bernie Marcus says that retailers who don't fight against the Democrats "should be shot."  He's right in his statements on card check (which the unions are sure will pass), but shooting them is a bit extreme.


Barack Obama has named another member of his Cabinet:  Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano will be Homeland Security Secretary.


Republicans might have made a mistake in reelecting John Boehner to be their leader in the House.  He denies that the House Republican Caucus is moving to the right.


House Democrats took a big lurch to the left today, as they made Henry Waxman Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.


Senator Saxby Chambliss had his rally with the NRA in Perry yesterday.  Here's the wrap.


While Saxby was getting support from the NRA, Jim Martin was getting an endorsement from Bill Clinton.  I say the NRA wins.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Al Qaeda: Obama A "House Negro"

Al Qaeda has released a video message condemning Barack Obama, calling him a "house negro."  Will people stop saying that he's a Muslim now?  More importantly, will Barack Obama get it with regards to Islamic terrorism?


More Change You Can Believe In ™:  Barack Obama's Attorney General will be Clinton's old Deputy Attorney General, the guy who orchestrated the Marc Rich pardon.  Also, Tom Daschle will be Obama's HHS Secretary.  This is getting fun…


DC is worried about paying for the huge Obama Coronation Party in January.  I'm sure The Messiah will come up with a bailout for them too.


Republicans re-elected John Boehner as Minority Leader.  That could be their first mistake of the 2010 cycle.


Here's a surprise:  Mitt Romney says to let Detroit go bankrupt.  Wasn't he the one who criticized John McCain when he said that automotive jobs weren't coming back to Michigan?


CEOs for the Big Three went to Washington to beg for bailout money.  Did they fly coach, or even first class, commercially?  Nope; they went with the $20,000 company-funded round-trip in the corporate jet.


Consumer prices dropped last month by the largest margin on record, mostly fueled by lower gas prices.  Supply and demand, folks.


The Democrats now officially have 58 seats in the United States Senate, as Ted Stevens was defeated in his re-election bid.


Whoopi Goldberg and Sherri Shepherd don't know what suffrage means.  They hire some real brainiacs at The View, don't they?


Retired teachers in Georgia are going to keep getting their automatic cost-of-living raises.


Here's an interesting theory:  Does Barack Obama want to keep Saxby Chambliss in the Senate?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Democrats Pushing Socialized Medicine

We will be joined by Senator Saxby Chambliss at 5:00 today.


Some key Senators, including Max Baucus and Ted Kennedy, are meeting to find the best strategy for pushing "healthcare reform" (read:  socialized medicine).  As a preview of what they would end up doing to the United States' health care system, Medicare is looking to establish limits for covering weight-loss surgeries.  Across the pond, where they already have what the Democrats want, cancer patients lose any chance they might have for living a longer life because the NHS doesn't want to pay the cost for a drug that can keep cancer patients alive longer.  Just wait until we have that here.


George Will says to let the Big Three automakers go bankrupt and reorganize.  I'm with him; don't give the United Auto Workers a bailout.  Of course, the Democrats want the union bailout, but they weren't willing to bring this up before the election, when they would actually have to defend the unions prior to the election.


Grover Norquist applied for all of the $700 billion bailout money.  He could do a better job than Paulson has been.


Joe Lieberman will keep his position as Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, despite endorsing John McCain instead of Barack Obama.


According to British Paper The Guardian, Hillary Clinton will be Barack Obama's Secretary of State.


Here's the story about left-wing radio talk show host Ed Schultz and his conspiracy theory that the Bush Administration is responsible for the drop in oil prices.


Ethanol subsidies are now 30 years old.


Filmmaker John Ziegler commissioned a Zogby poll of Obama voters to point out how truly ignorant they were.  The results were hardly a surprise.


Salon Magazine has published a piece about Michelle Obama's butt.


Government spending has increased 55% since President Bush came into office.


Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney are already attacking each other, as both look towards a possible 2012 run.


The first bill has been filed in the General Assembly for the 2009 session, a measure that would freeze home assessment increases in an attempt to hold down property taxes.


The Houston County YMCA is not closing, despite any rumors you might have heard.


The Warner Robins City Council had their first meeting with Mayor Donald Walker back last night.  David Cranshaw will join us to discuss that during the first hour today.


Monday, November 17, 2008

NBC's Green Week: Do Your Part, Turn Off NBC

Global warming alarmists lied about temperature figures from last month to advance their agenda.  That won't stop the bankrupt state of California from starting to prepare for how to deal with rising sea levels due to global warming.  By the way, it's NBC's annual "Green Week."  Do your part and turn off NBC.


Congress starts considering the bailout of the auto industry today, and the Democrats are already scaling back from early proposals in order to get Republican support.  In addition to what this would do to the idea of free markets, there is a brewing regional battle over the bailout idea.


Oklahoma Sen. James Inhofe wants to stop the Treasury Department from using any of the remaining bailout money.


USAToday's Al Neuharth wants Barack Obama to be President now.


Just before the election, Barack Obama wrote to federal government employees promising them that he would grow government.  This is just another step towards the socialization of America.


The Messiah is going to push for a playoff in college football.  I happen to agree with him on this one, but it's not the federal government's job to get involved with that.


Chris Cillizza at the Washington Post debunks five myths regarding this year's election.  Among them is that McCain's pick of Sarah Palin was a mistake.


John McCain has vowed to work closely with the Obama Administration.  Working with Democrats to begin with is why he lost.


You had to know that the bailouts would lead to this:  "Are You an Idiot to Keep Paying Your Mortgage?"


Mike Huckabee was in Gwinnett County yesterday stumping for the FairTax and Saxby Chambliss.


Good news, government school students!  The state might eliminate the high school graduation test.


Gas prices in Georgia are below $2 a gallon.  Enjoy it while you can, because OPEC is looking at dropping output to keep oil prices up.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Hillary as Secretary of State?

Not only does President-elect Obama want a $50 billion bailout for the auto industry (or at least the UAW), he also wants to have a car czar responsible for oversight.  I wonder if he'll tap another former Clinton Administration official for that position?


Wesley Pruden compares the attempt to sell a bailout for the auto industry to a used car salesman.


Hillary and Obama met to possibly discuss whether Hillary would want to be Obama's Secretary of State.


Here's something I referenced yesterday.  The cost of the bailouts is just a drop in the bucket compared to the federal government's unfunded liabilities.


An 8th grader in suburban Chicago decided to test the tolerance of liberals by wearing a McCain t-shirt to school one day and an Obama one the next.  Guess which day was more pleasant?


Stupid union tricks:  a labor union in Erie, Pennsylvania is trying to get a fired bus driver reinstated.  He was originally fired for hitting his third pedestrian since 2000.


The Dallas, Texas Independent School District has been giving illegal immigrants fake Social Security numbers so they could be hired quickly.


South Carolina Republican Sen. Jim DeMint is going to demand a vote to determine whether Ted Stevens can stay in the Republican caucus.  At least somebody gets it.


The United States Postal Service is running deficits now.  What do you expect?  It's a government operation.


The Mayors of Atlanta, Phoenix, and Philadelphia are trying to get a piece of the bailout pie.


The King family wants royalties from any merchandise that portrays Barack Obama and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  I've never seen people so eager to profit from somebody's death as the King family; it's really pathetic.


The Warner Robins City Council met yesterday with Mayor Donald Walker in what seemed to be a productive meeting.  The biggest thing on the agenda seemed to be the cost of living raise for city employees.


The dogs that were saved from Michael Vick's dogfighting operation are now being featured on a series of wine bottles.


The Tour of Georgia won't happen in 2009.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Obama's Expensive Health Care Program

An independent analysis of the cost of Barack Obama's health care plan says that it would cost $75 billion in the first year before increasing to $130 billion a year by 2018.  Compare that to the original cost estimates of programs like Medicare or Social Security, or Massachusetts' socialized medicine scheme, and you can see it's going to be much more expensive than they think now.  Also consider that the federal government is already starting the fiscal year with a $237,200,000,000 budget deficit.


The media is putting out horror stories about what might happen if we don't bail out the auto industry.  Meanwhile, the ideas floating in DC are turning into a Christmas tree just like the financial sector's bailout was.  They're working on the assumption that they'll all just stop if they don't a bailout, but Chapter 11 could allow them to reorganize and (hopefully) boot the unions so they can compete with the successful American automakers.  Speaking of unions, here's a look at what happens when the labor unions get involved in a project.


While Capitol Hill is considering a bailout of another industry, the financial bailout not only isn't being used for its original purpose; it's also open for anybody who wants to get a bailout.  They even have an application for assistance.  By the way, we the taxpayers are already on the hook for $5 trillion.


Sarah Palin came out today against more bailouts, while telling the Republican Governors' Association to return to the core conservative principles that made the Republican Party.  This is why she's going to be a rock star for the conservative movement.


The Republican National Committee is filing lawsuits challenging some of the provisions of McCain-Feingold.  Notice they waited until after McCain was out of the picture.


A poll shows that 59% of those polled said that they are not bothered by Democrats controlling all of DC.  That's not a referendum on their agenda, though; another new poll shows that 53% of Americans favor smaller government.  Too bad they don't have a party to call home anymore.


The Democrats plan to spend time investigating the Bush Administration.  That's good.  Let them look into the past instead of pushing their agenda for the future.


More on the Dixie Water War:  Governor Perdue says that Florida is using the endangered species act to prop up its commercial fishing industry.


The city of Macon paid $420,000 for somebody to tell them what's wrong with the city, and nobody mentioned the obvious problems of cronyism and the fact that city employees are seen primarily as a key voting bloc.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Automakers Asking for Bailout

The Democrats are making more plans to push universal health care.  This time, Montana Senator Max Baucus is preparing a white paper looking at policy proposals to provide "affordable, accessible health care" for everybody.


With Michelle Obama shopping for private schools, members of the DC Board of Education are begging the Obamas to send their kids to the DC government schools.


With bailouts continuing, some economists are wondering where they stop.  The next to be bailed out is likely to be the auto industry, since American Express has already asked for a piece of the financial industry bailout package.  The auto industry has already gotten a bailout from the Australian government.  The result?  "Car giants 'laugh at Aussie suckers'".  By the way, GM's SUV assembly plant is working overtime now that gas prices are falling again.


The financial bailout is working so well so that Henry Paulson says it won't be used to purchase bad mortgages like it was meant to do.


The idea of a new Works Progress Administration is floating around among the left.  Here's what one proponent has to say about it.


Pro-Amnesty advocates are trying to push for amnesty under Obama.


Mark Steyn is less optimistic than most conservatives, and with good reason, that the United States still cares about liberty.


While the Democrats are trying to push the Fairness Doctrine (even though some think it would be difficult given modern technology), none of their cohorts in the navel gazing, uppity mainstream media have mentioned it.

Sarah Palin is not interested in filling the potentially vacant Senate seat from Alaska.  Good; she'll be a lot better if she doesn't have to deal with 99 prima donnas in the Senate.


Georgia legislators are looking at potentially changing some election rules, including cutting back on the amount of time available for early voting.


Construction on the G-RAMP project will begin as soon as they find funding for it.


Macon Mall security officers are using motor-trikes in an attempt to cut down on crime at the mall.


Warner Robins Mayor Donald Walker is indeed back, and he's not very happy with the way he was treated by the City Council.


There was a series of fights in Warner Robins yesterday afternoon, and immediately the police department made arrests and started to look into possible gang activity.  Compare that to Macon, where there "is no gang problem."


Georgia Baptists apparently don't have anything better to do with their time than enforce their no-female-pastors rule.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thanks, Veterans!

It's Veterans' Day.  Thank you to all of the brave men and women who have served this country to protect freedom.  Hopefully it has not been in vain.  The Wall Street Journal reminds us of the history, and the legacy, of Armistice Day, and the lessons to be remembered.


The Messiah met with President Bush yesterday, and immediately started leaking details about the meeting, particularly their discussion about a potential bailout for American automakers and about a free trade agreement with Colombia.  And now we're supposed to trust this guy with the deepest national security secrets?


While The Messiah was meeting with the President, Michelle Obama was visiting private schools in DC.  Liberal elitist hypocrisy at work.


There might be a battle for RNC Chair between Newt Gingrich and Michael Steele.  Either way, the Republicans will be better off than they are now.  They also need to listen to Rep. Paul Ryan, who tells them to take some risks and go back to core principles.


Democrat Rep. Pete Stark wants to grow the federal healthcare bureaucracy, regardless of how much it might cost.  It's ok; we'll just borrow it.


Tales from socialized medicine:  the British government is now going to start paying people to walk, exercise, and buy healthy food.  Just wait until it comes here.


Georgia Congressman Paul Broun called Barack Obama a Marxist on Friday and yesterday followed that up by saying that Obama might be trying to establish a dictatorship.  He's not as crazy as the uppity, navel-gazing mainstream media are going to make him seem.


The Democrats are trying their best to steal the Senate seat in Minnesota.  Watch out for election fraud up there, says John Lott.  Erick Erickson also weighs in, pointing out that the counting is going against statistical probability and towards Franken.


Those of you who believe in global warming, take a look at this map.  Blue means that temperatures this year have been colder than normal.


People are already trying to scalp tickets to the Obama Inauguration, so DiFi is working on legislation to make it illegal.  Who would pay $40,000 for a ticket to the inauguration?


The AP is trying to scare off any potential Republican opposition to Jim Marshall, saying that he is mostly safe now.


The Centerville City Council rejected that obscene property tax increase yesterday.


As we reported yesterday, Warner Robins Mayor Donald Walker will return to work this week.


Warner Robins is the best city in Georgia to raise a family.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Obama Hopes for a Quick Start

President-elect Obama plans to start implementing his left-wing agenda through executive orders.  One of the first will be to re-establish the executive ban on domestic drilling.  Enjoy $2 a gallon gas while you can, because it's heading back up, since Obama will be OPEC's best friend.


The early Obama agenda is also coming together.  They're looking to push a "big bang" reform package that will include a short-term stimulus package and public investments.


Obama is already planning for his administration with, his transition website.  Wait until you hear his plans for fighting terrorism, immigration reform, civil rights, forced volunteering, and revitalizing the economy.  The agenda has already been pulled from the website.


One of the things Obama is not doing is getting involved in the battle over Joe Lieberman.  Harry Reid is considering removing him from his committee chairmanship and some Democrats want to kick him out of their caucus.  Meanwhile, Republicans are reaching out to Lieberman in possible efforts to welcome him into their caucus.  This is an early test of whether the Republicans have learned their lesson or not.  By the way, Sarah Palin has learned the lesson, saying that there was "too much of the status quo" on the Republican ticket.


Obama has already named an FCC transition czar, who is expected to push to bring back the Fairness Doctrine.


The Wall Street Journal says that the biggest enemies to the Obama agenda will be liberals themselves.  They're already stepping on each others' toes to push individual agendas.


The uppity, navel-gazing mainstream media is now acknowledging that they were biased in covering the campaign.  The Washington Post admits their bias by looking at the numbers, while Newsweek's Evan Thomas and Jon Meacham noted the "slightly creepy cult of personality" around Obama.  The turning is already beginning.


The British Prime Minister wants governments to coordinate tax and spending policies.  What a way to destroy international competition!


Rev. Jeremiah Wright is back!  Don't forget, he'll be in Macon next month.


Wind power can harm salmon.  I'm waiting for the enviro-nuts and the animal rights nuts to start cannibalizing each other.


There are some really good columns floating around out there that are just too long to discuss in detail on the program.  This one is from P.J. O'Rourke in the Weekly Standard, looking at conservatives' wasted opportunities.  There's one from Quin Hillyer, who says that the Alinskyites have taken over the White House and they will consolidate their power until it is impossible for conservatives to make a comeback.  Dick Armey says that "compassionate" conservatism was a mistake.


Allen Buckley wants a signed commitment from Saxby Chambliss and Jim Martin that they will, among other things, refuse pork barrel spending and balance the federal budget before he will endorse somebody in the runoff.  I'm sure Saxby and Martin are falling over themselves trying to get that endorsement.


Speaking of the runoff, John McCain will be in Georgia Thursday to campaign for Saxby.


Liberals are already trying to establish a national holiday for Barack Obama, and he hasn't accomplished anything yet.


Glenn Richardson will continue as Georgia House Speaker.


Alabama and LSU fans got into an argument that ended up with two LSU fans dead.  This is why people think we're so backwards in the South.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Republican Infighting Begins

Erick Erickson will be joining us to talk about's Operation Leper at 3:00.  You can find background information here, here, and here.


Remember the woman who was excited about not having to pay for her gas or mortgage because she knew if she helped Obama he would help her?  Well it's a good thing she didn't actually work for the campaign, because they're not being paid.  I'm guessing that lady was a single woman, which ended up being a deciding demographic in the Presidential election, with a 44-point "marriage gap."  There's no gender gap.


There's one big reason to be enthusiastic for the future:  conservatives still outnumber liberals according to exit polls.  John McCain and the Republicans just haven't appealed to conservatives in the last eight years.


Obama is already looking at who might be in his Cabinet.  He does have quite a few big names on there, including liberal and moderate (not conservative) Republicans.  Maybe he should be considering Chris Matthews for his White House Press Secretary.  He also gets his first intelligence briefing today.  Chances are he's not prepared for what he's going to hear.


Obama is trying to lower expectations for what he will be able to accomplish early in his administration.


With the election over, we can have more fun with stories like this:  A scientist and former TV personality in Britain has been shut off the BBC for being a skeptic of manmade global warming.  Meanwhile, far-left "green" ballot measures were rejected nationwide.


While we're on the topic of global warming, one scientific study says that mushrooms can slow it down.  Actually, I thought that it was mushrooms that caused people to believe in global warming.  Maybe there are just too many of those mushrooms in the northern hemisphere, because hurricane activity is at a 30-year low.


Facebook groups are already popping up calling for the impeachment of Barack Obama.  These may be irrelevant, but there were never news stories about the numerous groups wanting the impeachment of President Bush.


Businesses are already preparing for what labor unions will do to their companies if the Democrats manage to pass the "card check" legislation.


Republican leadership in the House is already starting to turn over.  Number 2 Roy Blunt and number 3 Adam Putnam are already out, but Minority Leader John Boehner is going to seek another term in his leadership position.


While very few people (admittedly, myself not included) were paying much attention, there was also a race for the state legislature.  The Democrats picked up a net two seats under the Gold Dome, but that could go away depending on a recount in House District 140.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Obama Wins, Not Overwhelming

It's official.  Barack Obama is now President-elect Barack Obama.  What does this mean?  Well, perhaps not as much as you might think.  The Democrats did not get the overwhelming majority in the Senate they had expected (although they are still counting ballots in Georgia, Minnesota, Oregon, and Alaska), and they had some gains, but not overwhelming gains, in the House.  Obama did not receive a Reagan-esque landslide.  Was it ugly?  Absolutely.  But it's not certain death or doom for the United States or for conservatism.  He'll claim a mandate (which Bush did with less justification for doing so), but with the alternative media and the Republicans who are left, especially in the Senate, the far-left agenda will not be rammed through like the Democrats hope.  Plus, I still think that once people realize what "change" they voted for (because they don't know that yet), they'll regret their vote for Obama.  He might be The Messiah, but his worshippers will soon find that he's not the moderate that he sold himself as, and he's also going to be incapable of bringing all of that "change" they want.  The Democrats will lose in 2010 and 2012, and Obama will lose his re-election bid four years from now.


Of course, that is all assuming that the Republicans manage to regroup as a real alternative to the Democrats and their left-wing agenda.  There will be a number of discussions in the coming days, weeks, and months as to the direction that the Republican Party should take.  If they try to keep the status quo, in which they use the government to try and advance their own agenda like the Democrats do, then they will continue to lose.  They must reinvent themselves as a brand new party, the party of traditional free market, individual liberty principles.  If they do that, they have a great chance to come back two and four years from now and take back power, in which they could start to try and roll back the leviathan.


There will be a number of discussions to have in the near future.  Some of those include the potential legacy of President Bush, the policies to expect from the Obama Administration (especially with regards to which ones are successful), and the above mentioned discussion that will have to happen within the Republican Party and the Conservative movement.


And I just have to say it again:  This is going to be a hell of a four years for talk radio!


That said, how about some links?


Georgia race-baiter Rep. John Lewis has been crying for the last few days.  So has Oprah!


Robert Novak thinks that there is no mandate for Obama.  Obama and the Democrats will claim one anyway, just like Bush claimed one 8 and 4 years ago.


Here's a column that is right on:  The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace.  You just don't get that kind of hatred going from the right to the left.


Some are already talking about the potential Republican candidates for 2012.


Major League Baseball players' agents are trying to avoid the potential increase in taxes from Barack Obama.


Here's a nice sound byte from a Democrat in Virginia:  we have to get over the "simplistic notion" that people who have wealth should be able to keep it.


The Republicans are already trying to figure out how to renew their party.  Jim Wooten thinks that Newt Gingrich needs to be the one leading that conversation.  Newt has already weighed in on the election, saying that it was a failure of the Republican Congress and President.


We will get a very early sense of whether the Republicans learned their lesson when they have their leadership elections.  Virginia's Eric Cantor already plans to run for Minority Whip.


If nothing else, this election provided a roadmap for future Republicans:  you have to appeal to the base first.


After the race was called last night, it is now looking like there will be a runoff in the United States Senate race after all.  That means four weeks in which Georgia will be the center of the political universe

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election Day is Finally Here

Lawyers have already gotten involved, with the McCain campaign suing to extend the deadline for overseas military ballots to be counted in Virginia.


We have another beautiful sound byte from an Obama supporter who loves him because she won't have to worry about paying her bills on her own again.  I bet she's one of the 35% of Obama supporters taking today off work.  By the way, on MTV Obama described his tax increases as "chump change."


Haley Barbour did what John McCain should have done long ago in proving that Barack Obama's tax plan is just a welfare check.


The mainstream, navel-gazing, uppity media is already busy trying to figure out what exactly constitutes a landslide.  They just want to get their language right when they write their stories tonight and tomorrow for the Messiah, who has already thanked them for being "gracious" to him.


Obama has already won one precinct, in Dixville Notch, NH.  They have a scary trend of picking the winner.


The Black Panthers are back, and working for The Messiah?


Both the McCain campaign and Scott Rasmussen are warning the media against trusting the exit polling.


Chuck Schumer is already talking up the Fairness Doctrine.  Mark my words, they'll try it.  If they fail, however, it will be a great four years for talk radio.


Sarah Palin has finally been cleared for the "Troopergate" non-scandal.  Nice timing.


The Supreme Court is dealing with a profanity case over whether fleeting expletives justify FCC penalties.


Here's another story about people probably being let down after the Messiah wins the election.


Residents of Centerville are really unhappy about the proposed increase in property taxes for the city.  Can you blame them?