Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sarah Coming to Georgia!

A Russian political analyst is predicting that the United States will not only collapse, but divide into a few different countries due to the financial crisis.


The top effective income tax bracket in Great Britain could become 61% under the latest budget proposal.  Notice how the solution to budget problems is always to raise taxes (but only on the rich), never to cut spending.  They could learn some lessons from filmmaker Martin Durkin, who comments on the British welfare state and the effects of the welfare state in general.


At least there's some good news coming from Europe.  Vaclav Klaus, free marketer and global warming skeptic, will be the next President of the European Union.  The New York Times isn't very happy about that idea.


The Fed pledged another $800 billion to try and ease the credit crunch.


The far left, including this columnist from the Detroit Free Press is still trying to get President Bush impeached.


President-elect Obama has promised to cut government waste from the budget, including farm subsidies.  This comes just one day after promising big spending to "stimulate" the economy.  Which is it Barack, big spending or fiscal restraint?


I've been wondering about this for a while now.  Boaters in Naples, Florida are having engine trouble as a result of the ethanol in gasoline.  I'm still waiting for the stories to come out about cars with similar trouble.


Here's a letter from a scientist who has been banned from television because he is outspoken in his belief that there is no such thing as man-made global warming.


They may be getting federal money to bail out their bad business decisions, but Citi and AIG are still spending big money on sports sponsorships.


Yesterday I told you about the real story of Thanksgiving.  Not to be outdone, the left has responded by calling the Pilgrims "grave robbers" and trying to end the Thanksgiving fun for a bunch of kindergarteners in California.  Leftists sure are good at spreading misery and putting an end to fun, aren't they?


Do you know more about the foundations of America than the average citizen?  Take the test.


At least one college has already decided to ban Christmas decorations.


State legislators will consider a bill to ban teens from talking on their cell phones while driving.


It's official:  Sarah Palin will be in Georgia on Monday to campaign for Senator Saxby Chambliss, including in Perry.


Here's some of the sniping back and forth between Saxby and Jim Martin, with Saxby's political consultant (correctly) pointing out that his dog could have been on the ballot and done just as well as Jim Martin has.


The UGa-Ga Tech game Saturday will be powered by methane gas.


Speaking of the big football game this weekend, here are some UGa jokes and here are some Tech jokes.  We'll have some fun with these today.

1 comment:

knowitall said...

She came and even though the left-wing illuminati or media don't want to give her credit, Georgia and all of America love her.