Monday, March 02, 2009

Snow in March; Global Warming?

Radio legend Paul Harvey passed away Saturday at the age of 90.  May he Rest in Peace.


Scandals continue to dog the Obama transition, as his new "urban czar" appears to have been engaged in pay-for-play while the borough president in the Bronx and his chief vetter might have his own tax problem.  Is anybody not wondering whether now-announced HHS Secretary-designee Kathleen Sebelius has paid all of her taxes?


President Obama is trying to sell his budget by calling any critic a "special interest."  Since when has financial responsibility been a special interest?  The budget also wants to end tax breaks for oil and natural gas and use the additional tax revenue for "renewable energy."  He also includes a down payment on socialized medicine, and he wants to do all of this without requiring a cloture vote.


From the omnibus spending bill, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer got $8.5 million in earmarks, including $280,000 to help tobacco farmers compensate for a drop-off in smoking after decades of liberals attacking tobacco companies.  Despite the 9,000 earmarks, Obama will sign the spending bill in violation of his campaign promise.


The "stimulus" bill might have bailed out the states, but this bailout, like the one for banks, AIG, and the automakers, still won't be enough to save the states.


The Hill has a breakdown of Obama's tax plans, between his budget and the ODAB, by what effect it will have on a few different tax brackets.


NASA's climate chief (and Al Gore's favorite scientist), James Hansen, is calling for civil disobedience in a huge global warming protest today at the very environmentally-unfriendly Capitol Power Plant.  By the way, how did you enjoy the snow-in-March effects of global warming yesterday?  Nancy Pelosi won't be able to make the protest because of the snow.


Incomes, the savings rate, and consumer spending were all up in January, and Reuters gives the credit to government while continuing the doom-and-gloom in the economy.


Mitt Romney won the CPAC straw poll, which shows what is on everybody's minds:  the economy.


Republican Rep. Paul Ryan lays out the Republicans' road to economic recovery.


Card check isn't as bad as we all originally thought; it's worse.  Arlen Specter might still vote for it.


Navy Admiral Mike Mullen, a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, says that Iran has the material to make a nuclear weapon.  What's Obama going to do about it?


AIG lost $61.7 billion in the 4th quarter of last year, and they were rewarded with another $30 billion in your money.


Bankers are tired of being trashed by the Obama administration.  I just wish they had pointed out the poisonous effect of the Community Reinvestment Act.


Larry Kudlow says that President Obama has declared war on investors, entrepreneurs, businesses, and more.  Basically, he has declared war on the productive class.


Roland Burris, playing the race card, says that he will not resign from the Senate.


An Ohio woman was ticketed for breastfeeding while driving.


According to one CNN host, it is unfortunate that adultery is dropping during the recession.


The Messiah worship is getting out of hand when a Republican strategist says that watching an Obama speech is like sex.


The General Assembly's session is already more than halfway over, and they still have a lot of things to deal with before they finish the session.


We talked about this a few weeks ago with State Senator Jeff Chapman, but finally the raw deal that the taxpayers of the state of Georgia are getting in the Jekyll Island deal is starting to get some traction.


Kids at one school in Macon were required to memorize an "Obama rap" for a Black History Month program.

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