Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Socialism vs. Fascism, Defined

President Obama wants to give tax cheat Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner more power to seize financial companies.  They may start with just financial companies, but nothing would stop them from expanding it to other companies.  Obama is pushing Congress to give him this authority quickly.


According to George Will, the real toxic assets are the ones we elected.


Obama's job approval has dropped to about 50% according to a new Zogby poll.


Even in the tragedy of a plane crash, the Associated Press could not help but play the class warfare card.


Another Democrat in Washington has tax problems.  This is getting old.


It looks like the Senate will kill the House bill to put a punitive tax on the AIG bonuses.  Unfortunately, the intimidation from the left has led to many of those executives refusing the bonuses.  Just to make matters more intriguing, how about the fact that Chris Dodd's wife used to work for an AIG subsidiary?


Don't let the class warfare engines get wound down too quickly; not only are the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac executives still going to get bonuses, but JP Morgan Chase, a company that was forced to take bailout money, is going to buy new corporate jets and a luxury hangar for them.


Just like Russia did last week, now China is calling for the world to use a new reserve currency other than the dollar.  In response, President Obama has written a global editorial begging for confidence in his abilities.  With China feeling a bit uneasy about their investment in American debt, at least one columnist thinks China believes the United States is too big to fail.


Even the French are telling the United States to stop spending so much.


Remember the misspelled "Reset" button that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave the Russians?  It turns out that the whole thing was handled by a political ally of Hillary, not by any real experts.  Obama also might not know who the President of France is.  Incompetence runs amok in this administration.


According to the Heritage Foundation, Obama's "stimulus" bill has already spread the wealth around.


The best way to stop drug violence in Mexico (and on inner-city streets) is to legalize drugs.  Instead, the Obama Administration is going to spend $700 million to keep the violence from entering the United States while ignoring illegal aliens.


The guy who will be in charge of the federal housing commission is a former Freddie Mac executive.


This weekend is "Earth Hour," when the greenies turn off their lights and bask in their own self-righteousness.  Instead, I plan on celebrating Human Achievement Hour, when I celebrate all that humans have achieved to give us things like technology and the internet.


The state legislature still can't find a compromise on the two T-SPLOST plans.


A Georgia House subcommittee voted down a measure to require the use of seat belts in pickup trucks.

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