Thursday, January 14, 2010

Obama Would Lose 2012 If Held Today

A majority of Americans would vote against Obama if the 2012 elections were held today.  Maybe that's why Republicans are so confident that they will take back the House this year, although their strategy is seriously flawed.  Obama admits that he has not brought the country together.  Actually, the poll numbers show that he has brought the country together, just not under his leftist ideology.


Even though Barney Frank calls it a "demented right wing…conspiracy theory," there are plans to delay the seating of the new Senator from Massachusetts if it happens to be Scott Brown.  Democrats are considering bringing in Obama if Coakley can't finish the job herself, which could be the case if she continues to be condescending towards fans at Fenway Park.


While Democrats are trying to buy union support for ObamaCare by exempting them from the Cadillac tax, Ben Nelson, Senatorial Gigolo is being criticized at home for supporting the bill.


The "Doomsday Clock" moved backwards today.  Have they never heard of North Korea or Iran?  Or al-Qaida's air force?


The White House says that the stimulus has created 2 million jobs.  They're so desperate for good press that they're just making stuff up at this point.  The Cato Institute's Jeffrey Miron has a real stimulus idea:  repeal the corporate income tax.


Speaking of "stimulus," ClimateGate professor Michael Mann received stimulus money.  Are you still wondering why the "scientific community" is so intent on pushing the global warming lie?


John Stossel, in a preview of his show on the Fox Business Channel tonight, wants to get rid of crony capitalism and replace it with real capitalism.


Here's the Christian response to Pat Robertson's ignorant drivel.


Saying that he wants his money back, Obama is going to impose a new tax on the largest banks.  This will, of course, end up hurting consumers.  Democrats are also attacking Wall Street executives (again) for the amount of money they make.  This tune is getting very old.


President Obama has requested $708 billion for the military next year.  That's a record.  The lefties are loving their hope and change all of a sudden.


The Food Network admitted that the vegetables used on a special White House episode that were claimed to have come from the White House vegetable garden did not come from the White House.


The TSA screwed up and allowed somebody to take a gun onto a plane.  In response, the airport is considering having a private company handle security.


In honor of Martin Luther King Day, Denver, Colorado government schools are serving "Southern Style" chicken and collard greens for lunch.  Remembering what I do about school food, that sounds better than most of what I had to eat, but they'd probably find plenty of ways to mess it up.


Roy Barnes is criticizing state officials for taking free college football and basketball tickets from lobbyists for the University System.  I'm with Roy on this one; why should the University System be allowed to use tax dollars to lobby for more tax dollars?


Governor Perdue weighed in on transportation today by putting off a vote on a transportation sales tax until 2012.


Local governments in the state are having trouble with their budgets after the cold snap cost millions of dollars.  Here's hoping they don't ask for a bailout.


Georgia is considering opting out of ObamaCare.


A Houston County senior assistant district attorney is going to resign effective February 1.  Rats fleeing a sinking ship.

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