The Supreme Court has removed limits on political corporate and labor donations in a big victory for the First Amendment. The pro-censorship left is already trying to put those limits back up.
While CNN is blaming independents' emotion and lack of reason for the Democrats' defeat in Massachusetts, the Obama White House is blaming George Bush. MS-DNC's Donny Deutsch blames racist and sexist voters in Massachusetts who just wanted a white guy.
Jobless claims increased again last week. The economy is still in the dumps, but the death of ObamaCare should help.
Obama admits that he lost touch with the American people over the last year, but he thinks it's a failure to talk to the people, even though he gave more speeches than any other President.
The White House is preparing a fiscal task force that would make it easier to raise taxes, even as some Blue Dog Democrats are asking for a renewal of the Bush tax cuts.
Obama wants to end the policy of "too big to fail" by limiting how big banks can be.
One year into his administration, Obama has lost liberals like Mort Zuckerman and the international press says that this is the end of hope.
Small-l libertarian voters are moving back towards Republicans, mainly because of Obama.
Senate Democrats are proposing a $1.9 trillion increase in the debt limit.
Obama signed a presidential memorandum yesterday to go after companies who receive government contracts but don't pay their taxes. Obviously the memo does not also apply to individuals.
Nearly one in five people say that they will skip the Census.
Islamist terrorist suspects are using their trials to criticize America. You shouldn't be surprised by this.
Here is further proof of the left-wing media bias.
In honor of Rep. Nathan Deal, here's what birthers really believe.
Some cretin wants to start an all-white basketball league with a team in Augusta. In addition to being racist, how boring will that be?
John Oxendine is playing down the hunting incident over the weekend, and now he's admitting that Dee Yancey is a friend of his.
If Roy Barnes is the Democrats' nominee for Governor this year, the race is a dead heat between him and Oxendine, Handel, or Deal.
With the state budget being cut, class sizes across the state may be rising. This will do nothing to harm education. One idea is to cut from the $36 million that the state spends on testing.
Northside and Warner Robins parents still are not happy with the rezoning plan. School choice would make everybody except the bureaucrats happy, which is exactly the problem.
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