Friday, February 19, 2010

GA Democrats Want To Raise Taxes

President Obama unveiled $1.5 billion in housing help in Las Vegas today.  What was that about not going to Vegas and blowing a bunch of money if you're in debt?


A Tea Party speaker called for the hanging of Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA).  This is the kind of thing that delegitimizes the movement.


The Cook Report says that it is possible for the Republicans to take a majority in the House in November.  We should be trying to provide two Republicans for that effort in Middle Georgia.  Unfortunately, only 43% of voters expect change if the Republicans take over Washington.


The EPA spent over $1 million per job created by the "stimulus" spending.  In Augusta, the Head Start program claimed 317 jobs created or saved when it really should have been 0.03 jobs.


Newt Gingrich and Peter Ferrara think that the next target for the class warfarists will be your 401(k).


ObamaCare might be back, and the administration is going to try to use reconciliation to get around a Republican filibuster.


The Media Research Center has another report proving left-wing political bias in the navel-gazing media.


This deficit reduction commission that Obama started yesterday does not have any restrictions on what they can consider.  My guess is that they won't consider cuts or reform of Medicare or Social Security.


There may have been another inside attempt to attack members of the United States Military by Islamist terrorists.


Rep. Sanford Bishop says that, thanks to the "stimulus," the economy is recovering again.


Here's another call for the Walking Ethics Complaint to withdraw from the race for Governor and resign as Insurance Commissioner.


The budget for a transportation project on I-85 in Gwinnett County has gone from $36.5 million to $123.9 million.  It's no wonder the state can't find any money for their transportation needs.


State Democrats have presented their ideas to balance the budget, and—surprise!—it includes tax increases.


Jason Pye thinks that the Republicans will end up raising taxes this year as well.  At least that's what he's getting from the tea leaves in the legislature's recess.


Over a hundred people attended the school choice rally yesterday at the State Capitol.


Speaker David Ralston brought the House to a screeching halt yesterday after seeing a lobbyist in the House chamber.  He's taking this ethics thing pretty seriously.


The thug life is spreading from Macon to Warner Robins.  Four of them beat another man outside a club early this morning.  Preventing this is the reason for needing a better facility for the WRPD.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Oxendine's Obvious Shakedowns

Jobless claims were up again last week, and inflation was up last month.  Can anybody say "stagflation?"


The so-called "stimulus" weatherization program is bogged down by red tape, which is fine with me considering that the few houses they were able to weatherize cost $57,362 each.  More people believe that Elvis is still alive than believe that the "stimulus" created jobs.


Remember how I've told you that the Democrats use the fear of taking away Social Security and Medicare to get votes?  They've started doing that against Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann because she supports privatizing those two bankrupt entitlement programs..


Democrats are already trying to work around the pay-go statute to get their no-jobs bill passed.


Individual citizens are outperforming government in Haiti relief.


How long will it be before the nutcase who flew an airplane into an IRS office in Austin, Texas is labeled as a right-wing terrorist?


John Stossel says that education is too important for a government monopoly, and the Cato Institute calls government schools a huge jobs program.


A government bureaucrat who obviously can't process information tried to force a Florida man to pay child support for a kid that was born when the man was only 7 years old.


The Walking Ethics Complaint in 2003 told a bunch of auto insurance executives that they would "give [him] money because [they're] afraid not to."  Sounds like a shakedown to me.  Here's the full text of his speech.


Georgia could see up to two more Congressional seats after this year's Census.


A state Senate Committee passed a plan by Governor Perdue to take state bond money and use it for the general fund.


There was a school choice rally at the state Capitol this morning.  Hopefully the legislature was paying attention.


Yesterday the "Pants on the Ground" guy was at the Gold Dome.  He wants a law to force kids to pull their pants up.


It looks like the General Assembly is going to take a couple of weeks off to work on the budget without formally being in session.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Feeling Stimulated Yet?

Today is the anniversary of the signing of the "stimulus" law last year, and more people believe that Bush blew up the World Trade Center than believe that the "stimulus" has created jobs.  The White House is claiming that they have created or saved 2 million jobs, at an average cost of over $96,000 per job.  The private sector, on the other hand, can create jobs for an average of about $31,200.  As the "stimulus" money is going to slashed government programs, Democrats are (rightly) criticizing Republicans as hypocritical for opposing "stimulus" while still getting the pork projects for their districts and states.  The number of voters who think that the "stimulus" helped and who think that it hurt are a statistical tie.


What happens when you use class warfare as the basis for your tax policy?  People with wealth use it to leave.


Most Americans believe that nobody should pay over 50% of their income in taxes to the federal, state, and local government combined.  They don't realize that it's getting close to being too late for the evil, hated, nasty rich.


Economists are predicting doomsday as the only way to handle the national debt.  Meanwhile, The Mistake is setting up a deficit commission to recommend tax hikes to deal with the deficit and foreign countries are starting to get nervous about the United States' ability to repay its debt.


The TSA is going to start swabbing airline passengers' hands looking for explosives.  This makes a lot more sense than the full-body scanners.


The report from a formerly leading global warming alarmist scientist that the earth has not warmed since 1995 has been mostly ignored by the navel-gazing media.  At least NBC noted that the problematic ice resurfacing machines being used at the Winter Olympics were the environmentally friendly machines.


Here's what union leaders really think about taxpayers.


The next fiscal time bomb will probably be government pensions.


This is scary stuff:  The government has your baby's DNA.


Senators Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson know not to use the word "Obama" in their press releases praising the loan guarantees for Plant Vogtle.


There is strong opposition under the Gold Dome to Governor Perdue's proposed hospital tax.


Governor Perdue released his transportation bill last night.  Here's the full text, but pay special attention to the first few pages.


Tomorrow will mark the midpoint in the General Assembly's session, and what have they done?  Well, not much, it seems.


The Warner Robins City Council took up the incredibly important issues last night of spending $50,000 for renovations for a city pool and getting an update on the G-RAMP boondoggle.  The most important issue facing the City Council, the Law Enforcement Complex, will have to wait until the City Council's retreat next month.


The man who is supposed to be Mayor Shaheen's point man on G-RAMP still can't provide any proof that jobs will be created if G-RAMP happens.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Obama Campaigning For Endangered Democrats

Here is a comparison of the jobs bills that passed in the House and that they are proposing in the Senate.


Here's an interesting factoid:  the Latin word "algor" means cold or chilliness.  (H/T AOSHQ)


The number two ranking Taliban official was captured, and is talking.  Here's hoping they don't shut him up by Mirandizing him.


Thanks for the sound byte, Evan Bayh!


President Obama is going on what some are calling a "Save the Senate" tour this week.  I hope he campaigns for every Democrat in every close race everywhere in the country.


The White House is revamping their communications strategy, and it includes more "change."


Euthanasia may be coming to Canada.  Socialized medicine at work.


Those new rules designed to prevent flights from sitting on the tarmac for too long has resulted in flights just being cancelled instead.


The TSA forced a four-year-old boy to remove his leg braces to go through security.


The parasite class is much worse in Britain than it is here, like this woman who receives over $125,000 a year to live in a five-bedroom mansion.


Government unions are worse than private sector unions because the private sector unions don't want their companies to go bankrupt.  The government can't go bankrupt.


Forty-three percent of voters say that their local government is better than the state government or the federal government.


Taxpayers spent over $400,000,000 paying federal employees to stay home during the snow days last week.  We probably saved a lot more than that by not having the bureaucrats on the job.


The snow days also meant that children went hungry by not getting their free or reduced-price school lunch.


Here's a surprise:  an audit has found that the preparations for the US Census wasted millions of dollars.


The Postal Service is considering dropping Saturday mail delivery service.  Congress, the White House, and the postal workers' union hate the idea.


The government school district in Central Falls, Rhode Island fired every teacher because the teacher's union refused to accept a little bit more work.


Only a third of voters think that most members of Congress deserve to be re-elected this year, but probably over 90% of members will be re-elected.


A ban on oil and natural gas drilling would cut the GDP by $2.36 trillion over the next two decades.


The Obama Administration is going to use tax dollars to help build the first new nuclear plants in over 30 years, including one near Savannah.


The KKK is planning a rally this weekend in southeast Georgia.  It's best to just ignore them.


The Board of Regents has lined up against a bill that will clarify existing rules on where licensed gun carriers are allowed to carry their guns.


A new bill would exempt police officers from the state income tax.


Local governments would be required to post their budgets online under a bill that passed the state House unanimously this morning.


The media's investigation into Southeastern United States Insurance turned up some top Republican representatives and Governor Perdue as having gone on hunting trips with SEUS chief Clark Fain.  Reporter Travis Fain (no relation to Clark) compares his ethical standards to those of state lawmakers.

Monday, February 15, 2010

AJC Proves Me Right

With his entire agenda in tatters, Obama is making plans to make greater use of his executive powers.  This is the kind of thing that you hear of in dictatorships.


Behind closed doors, The Mistake signed the bill to raise the debt limit to $14.3 trillion.


Finally one Republican has the guts to propose spending less money on the big entitlement programs.


Scientists are now saying that the world may not be warming, and that there has been no global warming since 1995.  They're also admitting that they fudged data to fit their agenda.


The woman who shot up the University of Alabama at Huntsville was a far-left political extremist who was "obsessed" with The Mistake.  I guess we can rationally expect the Department of Homeland Security to start issuing warnings about left-wing domestic terrorists now, right?


Statistically nobody in the United States thinks that government does what's right almost all of the time.


Evan Bayh is the latest Democrat Senator to announce that he will not seek re-election.


Obama's National Security Advisor thinks the fact that "only" one out of every five Islamist terrorists released end up returning to Islamist terrorism is a good thing.


Government school districts are facing big budget holes as the stimulus money runs out.  If it was the private sector rather than government they would be downsizing and cutting expenses.


Psychiatrists have come up with a few dozen new conditions and disorders that they say need to be defined, including a few disorders to excuse laziness.


The Walking Ethics Complaint's hunting trip showed the problem of "shadow lobbying" is alive and well in Georgia.  Ox's contributors in Alabama are rejecting the subpoenas issued by the State Ethics Commission.


Hitler just found out that the Walking Ethics Complaint is the Republican front-runner.


The AJC had a piece over the weekend that proves what I've always said:  cutting spending is difficult because every dollar spent has a constituency.


Here's a look at how "stimulus" money is being used for research in Georgia.


There is a new push to put some common sense into "zero tolerance" policies.


The Warner Robins City Council is trying to figure out how to pay for the proposed law enforcement center.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Finally Arrives; Furlough Day Wasted

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) killed the no-jobs bill because he was worried that Republicans would use its porky projects to beat them up in November.  Instead, they're going to try and make the Republicans play ball with them on a bill that will have four small ideas that still won't create jobs.  That doesn't mean that the pork will go away, however.


Obama's top economic advisor says that almost all economists think higher taxes mean more jobs.


I will agree with the aptly named Sen. Dick Durbin for once, and apply the same thing to the entire state of Georgia.


A student at Oklahoma University is working on getting pictures of snow from all 50 states.  He'll be able to accomplish that this year.


Consumer sentiment was down early this month.


Some Democrats want to eliminate the filibuster.


Only 8% of Americans want to see Congress re-elected, but that only applies to the members who aren't their own.


The reviews of the Fort Hood shooting do not mention the word "Islam."  How do you stop or defeat Islamist terrorism when you can't even identify it?  You also have to love that the peaceful, serene, loving, caring religion of Islam has to be asked not to be violent over cartoons on Facebook.


Environmentalists have started making endangered species condoms.


Hall County gave members of the General Assembly "chicken" boxes full of goodies.  I hope Warner Robins and Houston County aren't going to spend our tax dollars on this.


The state House passed the state budget yesterday with over $1 billion in spending cuts.


The first bill to reach Governor Perdue's desk this session was a banking bill.  He signed it yesterday.


Yesterday was "poor people's day" in Atlanta.  Why are we celebrating poverty?


MARTA caved and changed the name of the yellow line to the gold line.


Virginia has also passed a bill to prohibit microchip implantation, only they took a more religious-based perspective to get there.


Local officials had a tour of the G-RAMP site on Wednesday.  They still haven't shown any real evidence that G-RAMP will have any effect.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Republican Cover For No-Jobs Bill

Sen. Charles Grassley is playing the part of "useful idiot" for the Democrats' jobs bill that even the Associated Press says won't create many jobs.  Now the White House is admitting that job growth might not drop the unemployment rate as the discouraged workers return to the job force.  The no-jobs bill will not be subject to the paygo rules that the Democrats voted on last week, and may just serve to be a poultry bailout for some constituents of the endangered Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-AR).  I'm calling it the "Poultry Payoff."


The New York Times says that the heavy snows in the Northeast are proof that global warming is real and that Americans are causing it.  Apparently the latest way to stop global warming is chicken manure.


The Congressional Budget Office suggests that the United States will never again run a balanced budget.


The Republican Party has put themselves out of any position to speak on Medicare reform.


Obama is "agnostic" about raising taxes on households making less than $250,000.  This is a broken campaign promise in progress.


While the New York Times says that Food Stamps have been accepted by Americans, a state legislator in Arizona wants to enforce what people receiving any kind of welfare are allowed to buy.  They would not be allowed to have more than basic cable or to buy alcohol or tobacco products while on Food Stamps, Section 8 housing, or any other form of public assistance.


The British Labour Party tried to encourage mass immigration to Britain for its own political gain.  That sounds strangely familiar, Republicans and Democrats.


The federal government is pushing for the power to track cell phones.


Apparently airport full body scanners violate the teachings of Islam.  This may be the best argument for them yet.


Iran has declared itself to be a "nuclear state."  Thanks to Bush and Obama for doing nothing to stop it.


This should be a warning to all Muslims:  a man got married and immediately called for a divorce after his bride took off her veil to reveal crossed eyes and a beard.


Saudi religious police are cracking down on anything that might indicate celebration of Valentine's Day.


Minnesotans for Global Warming have a new video out, parodying the Who's "Baba O'Reilly."


State House Appropriations Chairman Ben Harbin (R-DUI), fresh off of being slapped around by Karen Handel, now wants to stop the Georgia Lottery Corporation executives from getting bonuses.


A new poll of the Republican primary for Governor still shows The Walking Ethics Complaint in the lead.


State Rep. Austin Scott (no relation), who is also running for Governor, wants to prevent the insurance commissioner from raising money from within the insurance industry.


Hooters waitresses were serving food at the state Capitol yesterday.  That's not a good image for a body that's trying to clean itself up after zipper problems.


Cheating on state standardized tests may be widespread across the state, but especially in metro Atlanta.  Only one school in Houston County was tagged for potential cheating.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

No Jobs In Jobs Package

Senate Democrats released their new jobs package that is full of gimmicks and spending and nothing that will actually create any real jobs, especially considering the other new taxes that would dwarf any phony tax credits in the bill.  They will extend unemployment benefits, which will mean higher taxes on the businesses that would rather spend the money to hire new people.  Some of these things have been tried before, like investing in wind energy that creates jobs in China rather than in the United States or small business loans that small businesses have no reason to need right now because they can't or won't expand their businesses.  The Cato Institute has a nice little bullet-pointed wrap-up of what's in the bill.


The Chinese military wants to punish the United States by selling our debt.


I've been saying it for a while, so I'll let somebody else tell you why democracy is a bad thing.


Apparently the blizzard is costing taxpayers $100 million per day in lost productivity by bureaucrats who are getting paid not to work.  How is it any different than any other day?


Senator Inhofe and his family made an igloo for Al Gore, and Sen. Jim DeMint tweeted that it is going to keep snowing in DC until he cries uncle.  The Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works had to put off a hearing about global warming.


A majority of Americans support cutting the size of the government workforce.


Low intelligence is among the top heart health risks.


The Republican National Committee has come up with some Valentine e-cards you can send to your sweetie.


There is another candidate in the race to challenge Jim Marshall.


Rep. Sanford Bishop is trying to play up his phony "Blue Dog" credentials.


The Insurance Department's (read:  John Oxendine's) Special Fraud Program is all for show and does next to nothing.


State House Appropriations Chairman Ben Harbin (R-DUI) is criticizing former Secretary of State Karen Handel because she cut her whole department's budget rather than taking furlough days.  She only cut 20% out of her budget to avoid taking the easy way out by making her employees take the furlough days.  Handel's spokesman says that the criticism is payback for Handel pointing out the problems with the "sex, lies, and lobbyists" in Atlanta.  Apparently it's actually because Handel opposed a bill that Harbin's favorite lobbyists wants.


State lawmakers are looking at a potential $300 million sales tax windfall if they collect all of the sales taxes the same way as in Alabama.  They might need to hurry since state revenues are continuing to fall.


The Asian race pimps who are so upset about the yellow line going to Doraville (which apparently has a large Asian community) don't represent the people they claim to represent.


Some state House Republicans have come up with a long-term transportation funding plan that could also serve the dual purpose of "starving the beast" of state government.


The Georgia DOT praised the "stimulus" from last year and asked for more.


Apparently almost everybody in Atlanta likes the idea of giving a tax credit for people to be "green."  It's just another case of using the tax code to control behavior.


The Georgia Association of Educators opposes the pay-for-performance plan for teachers.  That's more reason to support it.


The only reason to link this story about the Davis Drive Post Office staying open is the picture of Bob Wilbanks serving as Mayor Chuck Shaheen's umbrella holder.


Kelly Burke has given up his ghost hunt into Warner Robins Police Chief Brett Evans.


Houston County Schools Superintendent David Carpenter announced today that he will retire at the end of the school year.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

WR City Council Circus

Wholesale inventories dropped in December, a sign that the economy is not coming back.


If you don't support the Obama administration, you're helping al-Qaeda.


Republicans may be able to restrain themselves from giving Democrats an assist on Obamacare after all.


In a nice bit of irony, breather bureaucrats chose a snow day in Washington to unveil a new global warming service.  In California, one member of the state legislature wants to ban free parking to stop global warming.


Is it too soon to point out that John Murtha died after a botched surgery in a government run hospital?


The federal government is getting involved in a California insurance company's decision to raise their insurance rates.


Will baby boomers bankrupt Social Security?  Yes, they will.


Remember when we were told that images taken in those full-body scanners would never be seen by anybody?  You shouldn't be surprised to know that that's a lie.


A Muslim bus driver in London pulled over to the side of the road while on his route and started praying, blocking the aisle so nobody could get off the bus.  A teacher in London was fired after complaining about his Muslim students calling the 9/11 hijackers heroes.


There is a new class of businesses that are not concerned with profits.  In other words, they're worthless.


Two college students in Virginia were arrested for throwing snowballs.


First we were supposed to worry about second-hand smoke, which is utterly harmless, now we have to worry about third-hand smoke, which is even more harmless.


A gay, mentally challenged, biracial male cheerleader is claiming that he is being discriminated against.


Apparently MARTA's new line is racist.


There have been bills introduced in the General Assembly to tie teachers' pay to student performance and to make it a crime to cheat on standardized tests.


A new bill would ban ethics violators from serving on the State Ethics Commission.


The Walking Ethics Complaint is trying to earn some good media by investigating a big insurance company even though the alleged lawbreaking occurred between 2003 and 2007.


A 15-year-old girl is facing prostitution charges in Columbus.  This is why Sen. Renee Unterman's bill is needed, and why the fundy right is so very, horribly wrong.


Apparently the Davis Drive Post Office will not be closing.  That will continue to be a waste of our tax dollars in an agency that lost $3.8 billion last year.


Last night's special meeting of the Warner Robins City Council got tense as they discussed the Law Enforcement Complex's location and funding.  Adding to the problems are the strings attached to federal money that Warner Robins received 30 years ago.  Mayor Shaheen said last night that he has "no emotional ties" to either location for the LEC, but that's not what he said during the campaign when he was trolling for votes.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Liberals Love Socialism

A majority of both Democrats and liberals have a favorable view of socialism.


President Obama predicted that the Colts would win the Super Bowl.  He really does have a kiss of death, doesn't he?


The "Green Police" ad last night cut too close to home for me.  It's what the enviro-nuts really want to see happen.


China holds a very powerful and very dangerous weapon over the United States:  the debt bomb.


Even Republicans who claim to love to cut spending don't want to see their favored spending get cut.


After the Tea Party convention allowed itself to be hijacked by the birther nutcase Joseph Farah of World Nut Daily, I am almost ashamed to have been a part of the Tea Party movement.


The recession has been over for a while in the government sector; in fact, recession seems to be the boom-time for government employees.  Meanwhile, the number of people on food stamps has reached a new record.  Social Security is on the brink of bankruptcy.


The Mistake is trying to extend an olive branch to Republicans in an attempt to be bipartisan.  If Republicans are smart, they won't fall for this.


While Washington is buried under snowmageddon (I'll explain the difference between snowmageddon and snowpocalypse on the air today), we are reminded that RFK Jr. a little over a year ago told us that there would be no more snow in Washington thanks to global warming.  Even though the head of the IPCC is telling skeptics to rub their faces in asbestos, we really are witnessing the collapse of the global warming movement.


Republicans are actively recruiting people to run for Congress who have never held political office before.


Iran is going to start enriching uranium to 20%, which is more enrichment than is ever needed for power production.  They're also threatening to deliver a punch that will stun the West later this week.  How long will we continue to tolerate these nutcases?


You really can be bored to death.  The cure for this is listening to the Jeff Scott Show every afternoon.


Beer may be good for your bones.


The Macon Telegraph had two fluff pieces on Rep. Jim Marshall on Saturday that detailed Marshall's opposition to Obama's budget and his support of paygo rules for Congress.  They left out that in the same vote that required paygo Marshall was supporting a $1.9 trillion increase in the national debt.


The Walking Ethics Complaint, John Oxendine, had a special "personal interest" in an investigation involving the doctor who took him to the Oscars.  This is why so many Republicans are starting to cringe over the fact that he is still considered the front-runner.


Rep. Larry O'Neal (R-Bonaire) is sponsoring a bill to try to better enforce the state sales tax.


Opposition is building to Governor Perdue's plan to restructure state government to give the Governor the power to appoint some currently elected offices.  Apparently opposition from some "big names" in the tea party movement is what will ultimately kill it.


Sen. Emanuel Jones (D-Decatur) wants to limit the abuses of zero tolerance policies at schools.


A ballot access bill has been proposed in the General Assembly that would give parties other than the Republicans and Democrats an easier ability to run candidates for state offices.


The AJC points out that the first quarter of this legislative session has been really boring.


Cordele is looking at becoming an "inland port" city.  This could be a great opportunity, but hopefully it doesn't spend tax dollars to do it.


The Cobb County School System is defending its decision to put new artificial turf on all of their high school athletic fields.  Houston County should look into this.


Houston County Schools employees will see less money in their paychecks starting this month.  Is that the world's smallest violin I hear playing?


The Warner Robins City Council is going to take a look at the Law Enforcement Center at their meeting tonight.  Expect them to try to move it away from Perkins Field.


Houston County will be defending itself in the Georgia Supreme Court tomorrow because they used I-75 as a revenue enhancer.

Friday, February 05, 2010

More Bad Jobs Figures

Brett Bittner will be joining us at 3:30 today to talk about a bill in the General Assembly that would require any suspected felon to give a DNA sample.  You can read background here and here.


The new jobs numbers are out, and they look better than they really are.  While the official unemployment rate dropped from 10% to 9.7% in January, there are fewer jobs in January than there were in December and the real unemployment rate is up to 18%.  There isn't much to celebrate in the jobs report, despite the much-touted number.


Here is a brilliantly written piece about why the federal budget is unsustainable.


New Jersey lost $70 billion in the last five years as people avoided high taxes.  Georgia should be in a position to become a new home to this wealth.


The Mistake admitted yesterday that health care may die in Congress.  Please don't give up now, Mr. President!


Two Democrat Senators are trying to go after Wall Street bonuses in their latest plea to the wealth envy crowd.  Here's why you shouldn't be upset about big bonuses.


President Obama has a new plan that is designed to help small businesses with loans, but does nothing to ease the fears from small businesses.


The federal government has mastered the art of turning spending increases into tax cuts.


Race Pimp Rep. John Conyers is upset because there were no black bureaucrats in a meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus about Haiti relief efforts.


Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL) is blocking all Obama nominees over some pork for his state.


Sen. Johnny Isakson wants to know why the Census costs so much.  I also want to know why they're using schools to push it so heavily.


It's pronounced "core-man," not "corpse-man," Mr. President.


Michelle Obama called her own kids fat.


A 12-year-old girl was arrested for doodling on her desk at school.


NBC was serving fried chicken and collard greens in their company cafeteria yesterday "in honor of" Black History Month.


There was another debate last night among five of the Republican candidates for Governor.


Governor Perdue wants to make some statewide offices appointed rather than elected.


Here's the story on Georgia Democrats' transportation funding plan.


State Superintendent of Schools Kathy Cox wants to increase the dropout age.


Since the rain that falls in North Georgia belongs to Alabama and Florida anyway, can we send them the floods too?


Congressman Marshall and Senators Isakson and Chambliss are apparently working on keeping the Davis Drive Post Office open.  Don't they have better things to do?

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Jobless Claims Up Again

First-time jobless claims were up again last week, but the Associated Press buried some relevant facts about that.  Senate Democrats, meanwhile, are working on a jobs bill that is only meant to protect their own jobs.


While the House votes to increase the debt limit and the deficit spending puts the United States' top credit rating at risk, Obama claims that he has trouble sleeping because of the deficit even though he does nothing to cut it.  Here's some context for how big Obama's budget really is.


Eighty-three percent of Americans blame deficit spending on politicians' unwillingness to cut spending, but very few of them know how the politicians are spending our money.


The White House has revealed that Captain Underpants' family has started secretly cooperating with the government's investigation.  It's not a secret anymore, but neither was the fact that they were cooperating before the guy got on an airplane.  Sen. Kit Bond (R-MO) thinks the United States should at least rethink its policy of deliberately allowing Islamic terrorists to come into the United States for surveillance purposes.


Government is going to pay more than half of all health care expenses in the United States this year.  Obama still has not given up on health care, which will be good in November's elections.


While the White House is preparing for the possibility of two Supreme Court vacancies, a current member of the Court defended the Citizens United case.


Social Security will be next in line for a bailout.


Troops in Afghanistan will be able to see through walls starting later this year.


North Carolina government schools are considering starting the teaching of American history in 1877.


Apparently Democrats and independents are rooting for the Saints in the Super Bowl, while Republicans are cheering for the Colts.


Even in Washington, DC, the Obama Store can't stay in business.


Hippies have started using a blimp to spread their message of "peace."  You can tell the blimp what to say!


A new fire alarm has been developed for deaf Japanese people that emits the smell of wasabi.


The DeKalb County school district is going to spend nearly $400,000 in "stimulus" money for district staff members to attend a conference in Hollywood.


Lobbyists are getting a little too specific in reporting their gifts.


The religious right is sending odd messages in their positions on two bills relating to sex.


Sen. Chip Rogers and former Sen. Eric Johnson formally launched a Senate bill yesterday to expand the voucher program.


Governor Perdue and Sen. Ross Tolleson (R-Perry) want to tell you what kind of toilet you can buy.


At least Georgia lawmakers have made sure that we can't be implanted with microchips without our consent.  When can I buy beer on Sunday?


Here are some notes about our local legislative delegation.  Good stuff today.


Macon Mayor Robert Reichert finally came up with what looks like a good idea for the Fall Line Freeway.


Houston County had a successful test of the warning siren system yesterday.


A burglar in Macon made the mistake of burglarizing a crawl space.  The owner caught him.  He was arrested.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Perdue/Tolleson: Low-Flow Toilets For All!

Here's how to destroy American jobs.  Hint:  Obama's doing it.


Did the federal government lie about the number of jobs lost to keep unemployment numbers down?


New Hampshire proves that low taxes mean low unemployment.


Is Obama ready to be President and support an extension of the Bush tax cuts?


The Cato Institute shows why taxing the rich won't work.


What do Republicans think about Obama?


The budget deficit is now a national security threat.


Sen. John Kerry (D-France) supports a constitutional amendment to strip those evil corporatey corporations of their First Amendment rights.


I hope you enjoy your $2.5 million Super Bowl ad for the Census.


If your tax dollars are not being taken from you by force, then why does the IRS need to buy sixty shotguns?  At least now you can deduct the expense of your sex change operation.


Muslims really are moving back towards the Stone Age.


This fundy actually wants to outlaw homosexual behavior.


Sanford Bishop might be getting nervous about his chances for re-election.


John Oxendine really will lie about anything to get elected.  It should be telling to Republicans that Democrats are asking the media to lay off of Oxendine because they want him to be the nominee.


Governor Perdue gave his support today to a bill to require water conservation, requiring low-flow toilets.


The Democrat candidates for Governor had a debate last night, and they all demagogued about education funding.


Eric Johnson is all in as the voucher candidate for Governor.  I like that.


Austin Scott (no relation) is pushing a series of tax cuts, including an elimination of the corporate income tax.


That bill to require that antifreeze taste bad passed the House easily yesterday.


Who could have seen this coming?  The Ethics Commission is investigating Glenn Richardson.


Did City Councilman Daron Lee play the race card in talking about the Davis Drive post office?  Also, why is City Council spending the money to make improvements to Perkins Field without first moving the law enforcement center off of Perkins Field?


Kelly Burke is considering entering private practice even if he does not run for and lose a race for County Commission Chairman.  May I recommend doing it anyway?


The Lithonia Lighting plant in Cochran will be downsizing.  According to the union boss there, it will lose about 500 jobs.  Those who lose their jobs can point at the union when they're looking for somebody to blame.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Six More Weeks of Corruption From Oxendine

Since it's Groundhog Day, the real important news of the day is that Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, but Gen. Beauregard Lee did not.  Given the global warming we've seen lately, I trust Phil.


Michelle Malkin calls Obama's budget "No Tax Left Behind," which is true for the evil, hated, nasty, horrible rich and for the middle class, who will also see backdoor tax increases.  Jamie Dupree has some of the fine print in the bill, and Erick Erickson points out that this budget is being used for retribution against at least one political enemy of the Obama administration.  Even the New York Times is worried about the long-term implications of this level of deficit spending and debt.


The "scientist" at the core of the ClimateGate scandal hid data that did not agree with his agenda and moved climate reporting stations.  One study says that trees are growing faster because of global warming, while another one has global cooling killing coral reefs in the Florida Keys.


While states begin to assert their rights under the 10th Amendment against ObamaCare, a Canadian Premier is coming to the United States for heart surgery.


Do you need a Muslim washing machine?


It appears that John Oxendine tried to blackmail Congressman Lynn Westmoreland into keeping his mouth shut in the race for Governor.  This could be the beginning of the end of the Ox as a viable candidate for Governor.


While holding the Speaker's office for eleven days, Mark Burkhalter gave a bunch of his friends plush appointments on state boards, including installing a guy who has a six-year-old outstanding order from the State Ethics Commission to the State Ethics Commission.


Some Republicans want to try again this year to repeal the birthday tax.


The State Senate passed a bill today to include Kindles and iPads under the state's definition of what constitutes a textbook.


Georgia is giving the stimulus credit for 24,103 jobs, with 20,007 of those jobs going to state employees.


There is actually a bill in the General Assembly to require antifreeze to taste bad.


Stan Martin let the City Council have it, in a series of attacks on other current and former city figures.  In other really, really important business, the City Council wrote a resolution asking the postal service to keep the post office on Davis Drive open.


District Attorney Kelly Burke might run for County Commission Chairman.  If so, he will have to resign as District Attorney.  Who will do the school board's dirty work if he leaves?