Monday, February 01, 2010

Stan Martin To Get Name Clearing Hearing

The Mistake's budget is going to cause a record budget deficit before it drops by 2013.  There will be over $5 trillion in new debt over the next five years, but at least it means money for Georgia schools!


Small businesses are not convinced that Obama's jobs plan will actually create jobs.  Small businesses should know, since they're the ones who create jobs, not government.  Of course, Obama's tax hikes in the budget will hit small businesses hard, which may be why it is still projecting 9.8% unemployment by the end of this year.


The Obama administration is looking into taking action to ban the BCS.


Al Qaida is planning on using bombs that are surgically implanted in their bodies to meet their virgins.


As economic freedom declines, so does prosperity.  The United States is no longer considered a "free" economy.  Michael Moore says that capitalism is evil and must be eliminated.


John Stossel has another reminder that the issue of banning texting while driving is a false choice between freedom and safety.


Now it looks like the show trial for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed won't be in lower Manhattan, but Gibbsy promised us that he'll be convicted and sentenced to death.


Organizing for America, the permanent campaign wing of Barack Obama, is using government schools to recruit interns.


Even the Associated Press wants to know if Obama can get any other Democrats elected.  Let me put it this way:  I hope Obama comes to Macon to campaign for Jim Marshall.


The Mistake bowed to another world leader, this time the mayor of Tampa, Florida.


State Senate Majority Leader Chip Rogers (R-Woodstock) endorsed the idea of universal vouchers last Thursday.


The education establishment is fighting for new taxes to help fund education this year.  They should be looking at other places to cut in the budget rather than new taxes.


It's hard to feel bad for the University System of Georgia when they complain about budget cuts but they spend $1 million a year on a house that nobody lives in.


Governor Perdue and the rest of the Republican "leadership" in Atlanta need to realize that the people really do want to end the ridiculous ban on Sunday sales of alcohol.


The local legislative delegation has dropped a bill to exempt Marianne Melnick from the nepotism clause passed last year.


Former City Clerk Stan Martin is going to have a name clearing hearing tonight before City Council.

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