Here's how to destroy American jobs. Hint: Obama's doing it.
Did the federal government lie about the number of jobs lost to keep unemployment numbers down?
New Hampshire proves that low taxes mean low unemployment.
Is Obama ready to be President and support an extension of the Bush tax cuts?
The Cato Institute shows why taxing the rich won't work.
What do Republicans think about Obama?
The budget deficit is now a national security threat.
Sen. John Kerry (D-France) supports a constitutional amendment to strip those evil corporatey corporations of their First Amendment rights.
I hope you enjoy your $2.5 million Super Bowl ad for the Census.
If your tax dollars are not being taken from you by force, then why does the IRS need to buy sixty shotguns? At least now you can deduct the expense of your sex change operation.
Muslims really are moving back towards the Stone Age.
This fundy actually wants to outlaw homosexual behavior.
Sanford Bishop might be getting nervous about his chances for re-election.
John Oxendine really will lie about anything to get elected. It should be telling to Republicans that Democrats are asking the media to lay off of Oxendine because they want him to be the nominee.
Governor Perdue gave his support today to a bill to require water conservation, requiring low-flow toilets.
The Democrat candidates for Governor had a debate last night, and they all demagogued about education funding.
Eric Johnson is all in as the voucher candidate for Governor. I like that.
Austin Scott (no relation) is pushing a series of tax cuts, including an elimination of the corporate income tax.
That bill to require that antifreeze taste bad passed the House easily yesterday.
Who could have seen this coming? The Ethics Commission is investigating Glenn Richardson.
Did City Councilman Daron Lee play the race card in talking about the Davis Drive post office? Also, why is City Council spending the money to make improvements to Perkins Field without first moving the law enforcement center off of Perkins Field?
Kelly Burke is considering entering private practice even if he does not run for and lose a race for County Commission Chairman. May I recommend doing it anyway?
The Lithonia Lighting plant in Cochran will be downsizing. According to the union boss there, it will lose about 500 jobs. Those who lose their jobs can point at the union when they're looking for somebody to blame.
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