Friday, September 28, 2007

People Don't Trust Feds

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi thinks that a border fence would be a “terrible idea.”  Of course, enforcing the southern border would decrease the number of potential new Democrat votes, so you have to understand why she opposes it.


Hispanic immigrants are suing the city of Danbury, Connecticut for “violating their civil rights” in trying to enforce immigration law.  You can be sure that I’ll mention this on the show today.


Republicans are being told to be more careful in attacking Hillary Clinton because she is a woman.  You want equal rights for women?  Allow women to be attacked the same way as men.


John Edwards decided to take federal matching funds for his presidential campaign.  That means that your tax dollars are going to help Edwards become President, if you checked the little box.


Yesterday the Senate voted to include in defense authorization bill a provision extending hate crimes laws to gays.  If this passes, it will criminalize thought and create a special class of victims, which should be declared unconstitutional.


Trust in the federal government is at an all-time low.  Yet people still want socialized medicine?


The state of Tennessee has started their “cigarette surveillance program.”  The idea is that they want to prevent Tennessee citizens from going to a bordering state to buy cigarettes and bring them back into the state.  Why would Tennesseans want to do that?  Because they recently raised their state tobacco tax.


Also in Tennessee, if your engagement breaks up then she has to give the ring back.  I think this is a hell of an idea.


Barack Obama rallies have really turned into happening parties where people hook up.  After all, “Leftie girls are easy.”


Bush has officially become a “useful idiot” for the global warming crowd.


Hopefully he hasn’t become enough of a useful idiot for this plan.  Democrats want to use taxes to fight “global warming.”


A group of entrepreneurs decided to take advantage of that 10-cent refund for cans in Michigan.  Now they face up to 25 years in jail.


Thursday, September 27, 2007

Cluster-Blank Column

Hillary Healthcare is Still Socialism


By Jeff Scott


Last week Hillary Rodham Clinton, the next President of the United States, announced her “new” health care plan so we can all see the future ruin of the American health care system.  Hillary claims that her new plan is not a government run bureaucracy, but if you look at the specifics, all you see is more big government.  It is socialism, pure and simple.


The big word that Hillary is using is “individual mandate.”  That means that every American will be “responsible” for providing their own health insurance, and that every American must have health insurance.  In fact, she has even proposed requiring people to show proof of insurance when applying for a job (more on this later).  Everyone is supposed to have health insurance through a combination of requiring large businesses to provide insurance for their employees, giving tax breaks to small businesses to encourage them to provide coverage, and a government plan similar to Medicare or the current federal employees’ insurance plan.


How does Hillary plan to pay for all of this?  By eliminating the tax cuts for the “rich.”  Let’s see...”from those according to their means to those according to their needs.”  Hillary is channeling the ghost of Karl Marx!  Take from the rich, give to the poor, just like Comrade Marx!


Let us not forget about the regulations on insurance companies that Hillary is proposing.  Insurance companies would be required to:  a) provide insurance for anybody who applies; and b) give everybody the same premiums, regardless of health status.  That means that people who are healthy will be forced to pay for, through higher insurance premiums, the medical bills of the slovenly masses that have never heard of exercise and therefore have heart attacks every six months.  These people have to have the same premiums as healthy Americans under Hillary’s plan.  So what happens?  People who are constantly in and out of the hospital cost more for the insurance company, but they cannot be charged more for using more resources, so the premiums for everybody rise.  This makes it more difficult to afford health care, whether it is a business or an individual who pays for it, so they go for the “cheaper” option:  the government provided plan.  See how this works?  See how everybody still ends up a part of a government bureaucracy?  That’s because it is all about power for Hillary and the Democrats.  The more people they can have dependent on government, the more they can expand their voting base since the American people will be more than willing to give up their freedom for the promise of having the “benevolent” federal government take care of them.


Now, there is a second way that people will be pushed towards the government health care scheme.  Remember how Hillary mentioned that people would be required to show proof of health insurance to get a job?  Most people get health insurance from their employer, so anybody who is unemployed for any amount of time will be forced to sign up with the government plan in order to get another job, which of course will not include health insurance because that new employee already has coverage.  In the end, we all end up on the government plan, depending on the government to take care of our health care.  Keep in mind, too, that this is coming from the same woman who said that “privatization…is not the answer to anything.”


So I hope that you are all looking forward to waiting lists for urgent care, doctors leaving the business, shortages of health care, and people dying waiting for a simple diagnostic test such as a CT scan or an MRI that currently can be done in a matter of minutes.  After all, if you have to wait eight months to get an MRI on your brain tumor, it is going to kill you first.  Ask the citizens of any other country to have a scheme like the one Hillary is proposing.  Welcome to health care hell.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

France is Making Sense?

While “Crazy” Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was preparing to speak at the UN yesterday, Congress voted to tighten sanctions against Iran and declare their army to be a terrorist group (Vote).  If any of you were wondering why I no longer support Ron Paul, his opposition to this measure should answer the question.


I should also mention what Ahmadinejad said Monday at Columbia University after the debate that Cheyenne and I had on the air.  He did exactly what I said he would do:  he dodged the questions posed to him.  Fortunately, he also made himself out to be a joke.


In response to Columbia’s invitation to “Crazy” Mahmoud, Cal Thomas chronicles the acceptance of conservatives speaking on college campuses in the United States.


Should I be ashamed for starting to like the new French President?  Yesterday, Nicolas Sarkozy said that a nuclear Iran would lead to war.  He’s actually making more sense than almost anybody in the United States right now…and that’s scary.


Norway has been funding “Koran schools” that have created Islamic terrorists that went to Afghanistan and Kashmir.


President Bush is threatening to veto Congress’ budget if they don’t cut spending.  I promise I will have plenty to say about this today.


Speaking of a Bush veto threat, he’s also threatening to veto the State Children’s Health Insurance Program bill.  It passed the House yesterday, because it’s for the kids.  Michelle Malkin also reports that the bill allows illegal aliens to get benefits under the program.


The United Nations is asking the West to quadruple the amount of money they spend on fighting AIDS.  I still want to know why so much money is being spent on a disease that is 100% preventable.


John Stossel explains the problem with the health insurance system we have today.  Big surprise, it’s all government’s fault.


The UAW began a strike against GM on Monday over “job security” issues.  What the union wants is something that will ultimately put GM out of business.  Does anybody still wonder why the unions are solid Democrat votes?  What the unions want for businesses is the same thing that Democrats want for government.


Nearly 10,000 people from countries designated as state sponsors of Islamic terrorism have entered the United States through the Diversity Visa Program.  The federal Government Accountability Office said that the program poses a threat to national security, but naturally, nobody listened.


The loony left city of San Francisco will not allow the United States Marines to film a commercial in their city.


John Hawkins writes a column that could very well be called “Leftism 101.”


A study reveals that men are happier than women.  I have a theory or two on why, although I’m sure I’m wrong.


A family in Oregon has been forced to give up the vanity license plates with their last name, Udink, on them.  Apparently “dink” is offensive to some people.  I had to look this one up (actual offensive language…you have been warned).


A man bought a smoker at an abandoned property auction, only to find there was a human leg inside.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Columbia University Pandering to Terrorists

President Bush says that Hillary Clinton will win the Democrat nomination, but lose the White House.  The White House also called Barack Obama “lazy.”


Obama is proposing eliminating the Social Security tax cap.  Just another Democrat’s socialist redistribution scheme, but who cares?  It will only affect 5% of Americans.  They don’t matter anyway since they are rich.


Democrats are using health care for children as political fodder for 2008.  It’s one of those “feel good” issues—if you oppose their big-government program, then you hate children.  Just another step towards socialized medicine.


Speaking of socialized medicine, who are the much-publicized 45 million uninsured Americans who need the government to take care of their health care?


There is a proposal here in Georgia to eliminate property taxes by raising the state sales tax.


“Crazy” Mahmoud is in the United States now, getting ready for his grand appearance at the United Nations and at Columbia University.  This is just a few days after they cancelled an appearance by the founder of the Minuteman Project.  Fortunately, somebody in the New York State Legislature is willing to stand up in opposition to Columbia’s support of Islamic terrorists.  Just wait until you learn why Columbia won’t let ROTC on campus.


Unfortunately, the NY legislature isn’t willing to stand up for the rule of law.  Illegal immigrants can now get driver’s licenses since they dropped the citizenship requirement to get one.


As of October 1, the United States government will reach the debt ceiling.  What does that mean?  It means that the government has spent $8.965 trillion more than it has taken in.  Will Congress cut spending?  No, of course not.  They’ll just raise the debt ceiling.


The Pope is at it again.  This time he’s trying to make global warming a “moral obligation” for the Catholic Church.  I’m not Catholic, but if I was, I’d quit listening to this guy.  After all, in the last six months he’s released the “Ten Commandments for Drivers” and condemned legal tax evasion.  Does he not have anything better to do?


Speaking of “global warming,” somebody did some digging and found out that NASA alarmist James Hansen was previously an alarmist on global cooling.  He got it wrong then, why should we believe he’s getting it right this time?


In South Florida they managed to come up with another protected class:  the transgendered.  What do they want, the option for “sex” on applications to be male/female/it?


Fred Thompson came out in clear support for McCain-Feingold.  Finally a reason not to like the guy—I was starting to think I might vote for a Republican.


This is an excellent column on the relationship between the size of government and the amount of freedom enjoyed by individuals.  Obviously, less government means more freedom, and vice versa.


The dreams of a generation ended up coming true.  Marcia and Jan Brady had a lesbian love affair.  Hey, it was the 1970s.

Friday, September 21, 2007

"Crazy" Mahmoud Wants to Visit WTC Site

“Crazy” Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on “60 Minutes” that he does not understand why Americans would be insulted by him visiting the World Trade Center site.  Fortunately, the NYPD has said that they would not allow it to happen, even after Michael Bloomberg offered to have him escorted there.


New York Republican Congressman Peter King is being criticized for saying that there are “too many mosques” in the United States.  Now he’s trying to back off of his statement.  I’ll say it, and stand by it:  there are too many mosques in the United States.


How can the Bush administration claim to be fighting a war on terrorism while still supporting a new Islamic terrorist state?


A Canadian town is starting to complain about illegal Mexican immigrants fleeing crackdowns in the United States by crossing the northern, not southern, border.  Maybe Mexicans are just hearing about the “wonderful” socialized medicine they have in Canada.


Speaking of Mexicans, some government high schools in Oregon are beginning to teach the curriculum of Mexico’s government schools.  Not only are they doing this in Spanish, they’re teaching the Mexican version of American history.  I’m waiting for the reports that they are learning that the Southwestern United States is legally part of Mexico.


While government schools are bending over backwards for Mexicans, La Raza and the NAACP are protesting a 73-year-old grandmother’s appointment to a park board.  Why?  Because she believes in securing the southern border.


The left is now making up groups to make into a protected class.  This time, the idea from Bill Richardson is that fatties deserve protection under the Americans with Disabilities Act.


Here’s a headline that states the obvious:  “Democrats can’t afford ’08 promises.” Of course not, they’re going to make promises and then raise taxes, especially on the evil rich.


President Bush is threatening a veto of the SCHIP bill, calling it “a step toward federalization of health care.”  Even I am confused by this one, since earlier this week the Bush administration claimed that it wants to try to achieve socialized health care.


If you’re in Australia and you’re flat-chested, join the Navy.  Then you can have taxpayers pay for your boob job!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

No Show Today

Unfortunately, I have run into technical difficulties that prevent me from doing the show today.  I will explain more on Friday, and I will also address some of the stories I had planned for today.




More on Hillary Health Care:  Now she says that you would have to show proof of health insurance to a potential employer.  It’s just another way to get people on the government’s plan.  Of course, Hillary might not get her chance if Bush beats her to it.  This is why every day I regret my first vote for President being for George W. Bush.


A Canadian politician came to the United States for a cancer surgery.  I guess she didn’t feel like waiting in line.  John Stossel also reports the misery of average Brits and Canadians with their health care system.  Right now, they can come to America for care…where will American politicians go under Hillary’s plan?


Barack Obama revealed his economic plan yesterday, so that he can make sure that everybody pays their “fair share” to the government.  How about the FairTax?


Speaking of Barack Obamamania, Jesse Jackson criticized him for “acting like he’s white.”  Of course, if a conservative white accused somebody of “acting black” it would be considered racist, but Jesse gets a pass.


Islamic “tolerance”:  A Muslim dentist in Britain told a female patient to wear a head scarf or leave his office.  But of course, if somebody even thinks about treating Muslims as less than a protected class, it’s “Islamophobia”.  Why don’t we turn that around on them?


This should bring up a good comparison between Hillary and Hugo Chavez.  After all, they’re both socialists.  This time, we have Hugo talking government schools.


Here’s an amnesty I can support:  a bill proposed in Congress would give citizenship to illegals in return for military service.


According to an ISI study, college students aren’t learning enough civics, leaving college graduates that have no clue about politics, American history, or economics.  I guarantee they know all about political correctness and tolerance.  Take the test and see how you did.  I got 58/60 correct.


A Central Connecticut State University student asks who’s more evil:  Bush or bin Laden?


Before there was global warming, the environmentalists had us worried about the hole in the ozone layer.  They were wrong then, so why does anybody think they’re right now?


Aaaarrrrrr, mateys!  It’s talk like a pirate day!  (And we missed it...too bad, this is the only day I can get away with calling Cheyenne the "News Wench")

Monday, September 17, 2007

Hillary Health Care is Back!

It looks like the French finally grew a pair in talking to Iran, threatening war over the Mullahs’ nuclear program.  Iran responded with vague threats of what might happen in the future, and then claimed that they have 600 missiles pointed at Israel for use if the West attacks Iran.


Alan Greenspan claims that his understanding is that the invasion of Iraq was for oil.  I just have one question:  where is it?  He has since clarified, saying he told the White House that removing Saddam was “essential” to secure world oil supplies.


Greenspan also said what I’ve known for years:  The Republicans have traded principle for power.


Hillary unveiled her plan for universal health care, claiming that it will cost only $110 billion per year.  Not only is this a lie, it neglects the effect on quality of care.  Don’t worry; I’ll address that on the show today.  She already has the support of the American Cancer Society.


A California government high school student wrote a newspaper column on immigration that the government school thought needed to be censored.  After the California Supreme Court ruled in favor of the student, the left was outraged, calling him a racist.


A poll shows that Brits support socialism.  Even the “conservatives” believe that the rich should pay more taxes.


The Muslim Brotherhood announced its intentions to create an Islamic state in America.  We respond by giving Muslim cabbies footbaths in airports.


There is an infectious skin disease spreading through Texas.  It should come as no surprise to hear that it is common in Mexico.


Lincoln Chafee left the Republican Party.  Is anybody surprised?

Friday, September 14, 2007

First Cluster-Blank of the Year

Pro-illegal immigrant activists led a rowdy demonstration through a Congressional office building yesterday.  Where the hell was ICE when you needed them?


Another illegal immigrant got her feathers ruffled last week when a judge told her to go back to her home country and that she had no rights in American courts.


A study of college students in Britain shows that students are left unsatisfied by so-called “Mickey Mouse” degrees.  I wonder if the Cluster-blank would be willing to do a survey on that here at Mercer…?


Wednesday Crazy Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that Israel “cannot continue its life.”  That really makes me hope that the United States actually goes through with the bombing plan they’re working on.


This story just shows why the UN is so ridiculous:  They support Crazy Mahmoud, but they’re worried about “Islamophobia” in Europe.


Bad news for environmentalists:  Your so-called “consensus” on global warming is evaporating.  Over 500 scientists have published evidence against the existence of man-made global warming.  Unfortunately, politicians are only listening to the hype of the environmentalists.


Earlier this morning I posted my latest column in the Cluster-blank explaining why the United States should leave Iraq.  This poll of Iraqis justifies my position.


Rosie O’Donnell hurt herself as a kid.  That explains a lot.


This one is for Cheyenne.  Check out the hot Mormon missionaries.  Needless to say, some Mormons are not impressed.  Prudes.


Cluster Column

Iraq:  Why It Is Time To Leave


By Jeff Scott


Many of my listeners will be surprised to read that I believe that it is time for the United States to leave Iraq.  After all, I supported the invasion of Iraq from the beginning and continue to support the overall goal of not only defeating, but destroying Islamic Terrorism.  I also firmly believe that the United States military is the most fit, best trained, most well equipped, and most dominant fighting force in history.  I also believe that every member of the armed forces is a hero who has volunteered his life to defending this nation and the freedom that we still have.


The problems in Iraq come not from the shortcomings of the men and women of the United States armed forces, but from the shortcomings of politicians and policymakers in Washington, DC.  They have thrust the United States into a war without a plan for victory, or even an idea of what victory means.  They also have shown commitment issues, making me wonder whether there was ever a determination to win in Iraq.


Because of the policy mistakes that have occurred with regard to Iraq, it is now time for the United States to cut our losses and leave.  What are these policy mistakes?  First, there has never been a clear definition of victory in Iraq.  Does victory mean a stable Iraq?  A democracy?  An ally for the United States in the region?  Each of these goals would have meant a different amount of force applied from the beginning of the invasion.  As the situation exists now, the only possibility for victory would be for the United States to hold its nose and install a military dictator who may be worse than Saddam Hussein was, but who would be an ally.  Hope may be lost for any other solution, and the reason is that we were trying to fight a “clean” war from the beginning.  The rhetoric of “winning the hearts and minds” does not translate into a victory.  The only way to win a war is to wage total war, to “go Roman” and “salt the earth.”


There have never been enough troops on the ground to fully secure Iraq.  For some reason, nobody in Washington understands that stopping the flow of Islamic terrorists into Iraq requires first closing the borders with the sources of the jihadists:  Iran and Syria.  The enemies are not Iraqis; they are foreign Islamic terrorists who are flooding into the nation with the goal of setting up an Islamic state.  The troops who are on the ground have also been fighting with handcuffs on.  With the constant media attention and the watchful eye of “human rights” groups, the military has been forced to limit the ability of troops to defend themselves, in some cases requiring that troops not fire their weapons until they are fired upon.  No soldier should fear a court martial for defending himself.


I am not advocating a withdrawal from Iraq for the same reason as the Democrats, who are just looking to gain political points by dealing George W. Bush a defeat.  After all, this is “Bush’s war,” and Democrats are more worried about their own power than they are about American strength and security.  That’s not me.  I still believe that the decision to enter Iraq was the right one.  I have reached the decision to support a withdrawal from Iraq based on political reality.  If it was possible to reform Iraq policy to ensure a real victory and stability in Iraq, I would fully support staying.  I would support tripling the number of troops in Iraq and reforming the rules of engagement to allow them to freely go after and find the Islamic terrorists who are causing problems, and to secure the borders of Iraq from the antagonistic neighbors in Iran and Syria.  I am not willing, however, to continue to commit our heroes to a fight in which they are not given a chance to do their jobs.  I would rather cut our losses and secure the United States from within than continue to sacrifice American heroes when they are not given the opportunity or the support from politicians to win.


Jeff Scott is the host of the Jeff Scott Show, every MWF noon-2pm on Mercer Radio (

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Remembering 9/11/01

An American Jihadist was sentenced to 24 years in jail for attending an Islamic terrorist training camp.  How long will it be before we give extra scrutiny to people with names like “Hamid Hayat”?


This is an excellent column by Christopher Orlet of The American Spectator explaining the idiocy of calling “Islamophobia” a form of racism.  CAIR, listen up!


Your tax dollars at work:  the federal government was trying to restore the population of an endangered trout in Colorado.  After 20 years, they realized that they were working with the wrong fish.  You can’t make up this kind of stupidity.


Evangelical Christians are not very thrilled right now about the concept of Fred Thompson for President.  Why?  Because he is less than a slam-dunk supporter of that silly Constitutional Amendment to ban gay marriage.


No Child Left Behind is up for renewal, so the House is busy trying to figure out how to make sure that as many kids as possible are still properly indoctrinated by the government.  The biggest opposition right now is coming to an amendment allowing individual school districts to determine their own accountability standards.  There’s still no mention of privatizing education, of course.


Now the environmentalists are being told that biofuels do more harm to the environment than they help.  This includes the environmentalists’ Holy Grail, ethanol.  What will they do now?  Maybe they’ll decide to just kill all men, since men are bad for the environment.


The Democrat hopefuls for 2008 have stopped using the phrase “war on terror.”  Of course, they aren’t willing to call it what it is—a war against Islamic terrorism.


A serial rapist in Florida has requested castration in order to avoid life in prison.


The federal government is tightening immigration and customs procedures.  Unfortunately, they’re still not doing anything about illegal immigration.


A government high school in North Carolina banned the wearing of American flags by its students.


Bad news for you fatasses out there:  you only have yourself to blame if you eat too much chocolate.


Random bathroom sex arrests are down at the Atlanta airport.


According to a study, social networking sites such as FaceBook cost businesses over $260 million per day.  No word yet on what it does to college students’ GPAs.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Democrats Hispandering on Univision

The Democrats were pandering to the Hispanics last night in a debate televised on Spanish-language TV network Univision.  After all, they all want the illegal immigrants to become addicted and dependent upon government, too!  Of course, they also don’t want them to have to assimilate.  Why else would Bill Richardson complain about having to speak English?


While the Democrats are pandering to those who refuse to assimilate into America, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown plans to force immigrants to the UK to assimilate, including learning English.  What a thought!


In an interview with Glenn Beck, GOP Presidential Hopeful Rudy Giuliani claims that illegal immigration is not and should not be a federal crime.


Al Gore is in trouble with the enviro-wackos again, this time for his diet.  Apparently they want him to go vegetarian, since eating meat is worse for the environment than driving and flying.


Good things can come from global warming, like cancelling the next ice age!


In other global warming news, Brits want to ban plasma televisions because they use too much energy.


The federal government recently took a corporate-style efficiency test.  Needless to say, it did not perform well.


Even though the Democrats promised an end to earmarks, wasteful spending has not declined—those sly devils in Congress are just finding other ways to get their pet projects.


Bad news for Mitt Romney.  One in four voters say that they would be less likely to support a Mormon candidate.


Government school news:  Parents in a county in Florida may be jailed if their kids miss too much government indoctrination.


Russians are preparing for “Conception Day” on Wednesday.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Bruce Bartlett's FairTax Ignorance

This is the best column I’ve seen yet on the mortgage “crisis.”  This is what happens when you lend money to poor people.


Hillary promises that she will save Social Security.  Privatization, however, is off the table.


Tales from socialized medicine:  Waiting times for prostate cancer surgery in Canada are almost a year.  Remember, this is the model for Edwards, Hillary, Obama, and the rest of the Democrats.


Fred Thompson believes he can beat Hillary, and he can do it as a global warming skeptic.


Bruce Bartlett shows his ignorance on the FairTax, again.  Despite the outcry over his last column, he hasn’t given up this illusion that the FairTax is the scheme of those crazy Scientologists.


Engineers have said that building the border fence to stop the illegal alien invasion is doable.  They just need time and money…and political will, of course.


First a border patrol agent claimed that it wasn’t their responsibility to stop illegal immigration, now they’re limiting the scope of their inspections of those crossing the border.


Apparently the stock market rises when women show more leg.  Hike up your skirts, girls, it’s for the economy!


Here’s something else for Democrats to pander towards:  food prices are up.  The reasons range from gas prices to ethanol to “global warming.”


Larry Elder on government encouraging certain behaviors:  Do what you want, just do it with your own money.


Moron celebrity Paris Hilton is getting ready to have a baby.  I’ll have lots to say about this today.  None of it will be good, and I’m sure I will get myself in trouble with something.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Lots on Socialized Medicine--BOHICA!

Even Democrats have their moments pandering to religious kooks.  Bill Richardson’s whoring out was that God Himself decided that Iowa should have the first caucus/primary of the election season.  What???


In more rational 2008 news, Fred Thompson is going to skip the GOP debate tonight in favor of appearing on Jay Leno’s show.  He will run an ad during the debate, before he formally announces his candidacy tomorrow.  It also turns out that Thompson scares Rudy Giuliani.


Did anybody doubt this?  When looking for a mate, men go for hotties.  Women are a bit more complicated.


Which is more important to left-wing interest groups, the people they claim to represent or the quest for bigger government?  The Cato Institute figured it out.


How’s this for an idea for socialized medicine?  Fatties, smokers, and drinkers would not be eligible for health care in Britain under the latest Tory plan.  Of course the Democrats won’t admit it, but this will come as part of their socialized medicine plan.


Of course, the Democrats will admit to trying to destroy smoking—even cigars—in their pursuit for socialized medicine.


New “The View” Twit Whoopi Goldberg defended Michael Vick yesterday, saying that dogfighting is part of his “culture.”  Pure ignorance, but what do you expect?


Socialist pseudo-dictator Hugo Chavez says he could rule until 2027.  Meanwhile, his socialist experiment is failing miserably.  Don’t expect the left to notice the bad news from Venezuela; Chavez is their hero.


Nuclear warheads were apparently accidentally transported from North Dakota to Louisiana last week.  It’s just a shame that they weren’t “lost” over Iran.


Father of the Year candidate:  An Oregon man was arrested after leaving his 2-year-old daughter in the car while he visited a brothel.


Police are cracking down on prostitution by placing decoy ads on Craigslist.  Don’t they have anything better to do?


Hey guys, you want more sex?  Sleep more!