The Irish environment minister says that man-made global warming is a "con," pointing to the fact that most people who believe in "global warming" dogma have no clue about the science behind their ideas. As Earth cools down this year, it's impossible to ignore that it was the second least active year for sunspots since 1900. By the way, temperatures are 50 below zero in parts of Alaska.
Is it possible that the ubertolerant white residents of the San Francisco-bay area are really racists? Or do they just want to keep government-funded parasites out of their backyard?
The drama in the Minnesota recount has all happened before, in Washington State in 2004. Democrats stole that election, too.
Fox News still has a huge advantage in viewership over the Commie News Network.
Democrats are not at all happy about possible delays to their nearly trillion dollar "stimulus" package because they want they want to rush it through without going to committee and being examined. They really just want to pork it up without anybody seeing it.
The Obama permanent campaign sent out an e-mail asking people for more money for the inauguration.
Yesterday we told you that Blago had named former Illinois Attorney General Roland Burris to the United States Senate to replace the Messiah. Well the fight over whether or not he actually serves could go all the way to the Supreme Court. Of course, if you listen to former Black Panther-turned-Congressman-from-Chicago Bobby Rush, any Democrat who opposes Burris will be like Bull Connor.
The Wall Street Journal has an idea to help the Detroit auto industry: let them build profitable cars. Fresh off of getting a new bailout (this one for GMAC), GM is using the money to give zero-interest car loans to people.
Gwinnett County is working with the feds to deport illegal immigrants that they already have in prisons.
Sex offenders in Georgia must now give the state their online passwords.
And now, for a few laughs, Dave Barry's year in review 2008.