Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Obama's Senate Seat For Sale

Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and his chief of staff were arrested this morning on corruption charges, including trying to sell Obama's Senate seat.  That will make him the second consecutive Governor of that state to see corruption charges from behind bars.  A potentially more intriguing development would be questions as to whether Obama's team knew about what Blagojevich was doing, although there are no official allegations that Obama himself knew anything.


The bailout of the Big Three could end up with the federal government and the UAW both owning stakes of the companies.  There would also be a "car czar," and Michigan Democrat Rep. John Conyers thinks it should be UAW President Ron Gettelfinger.  Talk about letting the fox run the henhouse.  Right now at least Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell opposes the bailout, while another GOP Senator is threatening to put a hold on the legislation, which would automatically block it from the floor.


At least one GM exec is admitting that the Big Three will be back for more money later.


Car dealers in Oregon want a new "blue law" that forbids car sales on Sundays.


Here's an idea:  why not let the $13 billion Ford Foundation save Ford?


Here's an open letter to the Big Three asking them to declare Chapter 11.


There's more proof out today that Fannie and Freddie knew what they were doing when they lowered their lending standards.


Homeowners who were bailed out of mortgages they couldn't afford are still defaulting on their new mortgages.  Are we surprised?


New York Governor David Patterson (who is black) said that he wants to be the next President because "Once you go black, you never go back."


Southern California is facing low temperatures that they haven't seen in 50 years.  It's all global warming's fault.


If your office seems less FAAAABUULOUUS tomorrow, it's because tomorrow is the "Day Without a Gay."  Good luck finding an interior decorator.


Obama will have to make important policy decisions on the United States' nuclear weapons arsenal.  Remember, you can't hug with nuclear arms.


Georgia legislators have decided not to take a cost of living raise this year.  Good for them; now if only they would apply the same rule to their bureaucrats.


The City of Macon is going to ask the state DOT for money from the federal Safe Routes to School Program so they can build sidewalks and crosswalks near a few Macon schools.  Why is the city of Macon even allowed to apply for grants anymore?


Wings Air is going to offer 99-cent flights to Atlanta this week.

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