Monday, December 08, 2008

Bush, Dems Compromise on Big 3 Bailout

Barack Obama said that the economy will get worse before it gets better.  What happened to hope and change?


The Supreme Court has finally put to rest that silly "Obama isn't a natural born citizen" nonsense.


Here's the worst idea yet on how to save the Big Three:  Let the UAW do to the foreign, non-union automakers what they've done to the Big Three.  It'll take away their competitive advantage, after all.  A church in Detroit brought some SUVs to the altar to pray for the bailout.  "Oh Lord, absolve us from responsibility for what we hath wrought upon ourselves."


President Bush and Congressional leaders are working on a compromise to bail out the Big Three, but they're going to get less than half what they had originally planned.  The deal should be finished by the end of the day.  Why wouldn't Bush go ahead and undermine his own party with this?  He's done nothing but undermine them for the last 8 years.


GM is now pleading to the American people for the bailout.  They know it's not popular, they know their PR stunt last week only worked with a few members of Congress, and they know that most of the American people won't care if they do declare bankruptcy.


Pakistani militants attacked a parked convoy of trucks taking supplies to NATO and American troops in Afghanistan.  Any guesses as to what they were shouting when they did it?


Now that the election is over, the nuts are back out in force in Chicago.  First, Bill Ayers had an op-ed published in the Saturday New York Times (the same newspaper that refused to print an op-ed by John McCain), then the Reverend Jeremiah Wright preached again in Trinity United Church of Christ on Sunday.


Barack Obama was on Meet the Press yesterday, and he was a treasure trove of class warfare.  He wants to fire the Big Three auto executives, spread the "benefits of the economy", and he doesn't like the mentality of "what's in it for me."  To make it better, Tom Brokaw got in on the act as well, asking for the government to set gas prices at $4 a gallon all the time.


The price of oil rose yesterday over speculation that OPEC will make a significant production cut next week.


Voters in Louisiana kicked William Jefferson out of his seat on Saturday.


The worst industry to be a part of that hasn't asked for a bailout (yet)?  Print media, the dinosaur mouthpiece of the mainstream, uppity, navel-gazing media.  The New York Times, Chicago Tribune, and McClatchy (which owns the Macon Telegraph) are all in trouble.  No problem, though; the new New Deal can include something from the old New Deal called the Federal Writers Project, a government-subsidized make-work program for journalists.


The Peanut (for Brains) President might meet with Hezbollah.  There's never been an enemy of the United States that Jimmy Carter didn't like.


The front page of Saturday's Macon Telegraph featured a story about Barackian Middle Georgians who are planning on going to DC to worship at the inauguration of their Messiah, including a big picture of an assistant principle at Northside High School and her library of collected Barack Obama covers.  It kind of makes you wonder about that incident back in October when a student was required to remove his No-bama t-shirt, doesn't it?

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