Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Stan Martin Fired

Ben Nelson, Senatorial Gigolo is going to air a TV ad tonight defending his support for ObamaCare.  It won't help him when he's already down 2-to-1 to a possible opponent in his 2012 re-election bid and the American people still hate the plan.  Walter Williams explains why the pre-existing conditions mandate is unworkable.


After the inability to connect the dots on the part of the government on the underwear bomber, more information is coming out showing why the system is broken.  There was a nearly identical attack stopped in Somalia last month, and the underwear bomber had plenty of red lights about him that should have prevented him from ever getting on an airplane.


So far Obama is getting an F for protecting Americans as former Vice President Dick Cheney says that Obama is trying to pretend we're not at war.  Obama's statement yesterday was absolutely worthless.


In response to the underwear bomber, the Dutch are going to use full body scanners for US-bound flights.  As Christopher Hitchens asks, why are we so bad at detecting the guilty and so good at collective punishment of the innocent?


Vladimir Putin wants the United States to share data on our missile shield, while they are building more weapons to try to balance the United States.


Even though over 90% of blacks still approve of The Mistake's job performance, the thrill is fading.


The government sector is not laying off employees at the rate at which the private sector is.  Those of us who work in the private sector and pay taxes are real suckers.


California taxpayers are paying to develop a phone to help criminal aliens get across the border more easily.  Meanwhile, The Governator is asking for an $8 billion bailout for the state.


Has President Obama sold our sovereignty out to INTERPOL?


GMAC is going to get another $3.5 billion in bailout cash.


A woman in New Hampshire has been diagnosed with a rare type of anthrax after a drum circle.  Filthy hippies.


Oh boy, there's another waste of time challenging Marshall for Congress.


Travis Fain has a preview of the legislative session, beginning with an interview with Senate Majority Leader Chip Rogers.


Stan Martin was fired as City Clerk yesterday at City Council, and Monday Christine Armstrong was served with a termination notice.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

State Dept Missed Underwear Bomber

Dave Barry has his annual year-in-review column out.  That's always a must-read.


The State Department twice missed the fact that the underwear bomber had a visa to travel to the United States despite his radical Muslim ties.  Apparently the underwear bomber was lonely and depressed, just like every other teenager on the planet.  Al Qaeda apparently practices beating airport security, which some say requires really creepy full-body scanners.  Two of the plotters of the underwear bombing were released from Guantanamo Bay in 2007.  The explosive used in the underwear bombing was the same used in an attack on a Saudi prince in August.  Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) slashed aviation security funding so he could send $4.5 million to a pet constituency.


Apparently The Mistake is tired.  Boo-freaking-hoo.


Global warming is working so well that some states are out of money in their budgets for snow removal.


The guy who brought charges against the New Black Panther Party for voter intimidation has been removed from his post in the Justice Department.


The health care bill includes a penalty for construction businesses that don't provide health care.


Ben Nelson, Senatorial Gigolo, is down 31 points to a possible 2012 Senate challenger, but he can cut that to just 10 points by blocking ObamaCare.


The Democrats are trying to get the Republicans to provide them cover for raising taxes.  Knowing the Republicans, they'll play along with this.


There is a new epidemic:  people calling 911 for non-emergencies.


A man who was arrested for oral sex with underage girls tried to excuse it by saying that the Monicas gave him "good luck" at the casino.


Turtle flatulence caused an aquarium to lower their water levels.


A zoo in Illinois has raised over $20,000 selling necklaces and ornaments made from reindeer droppings.


Chinese people pay tens of thousands of dollars to have their dogs mate with purebred Tibetan Mastiffs.


A robber in Athens shot himself in the foot trying to remove his gun from his coveralls.


Some members of the state legislature want to restore bonuses to nationally certified teachers.  Everything that they spend money on has to come out of the budget somewhere.


Presumptive Speaker David Ralston has said there would be no tax increases to cover the budget deficit.  Can we legalize Sunday alcohol sales to raise more revenue without raising taxes, then?


Warner Robins City Clerk Stan Martin was suspended without pay, and could be fired tonight at the meeting of City Council.


Warner Robins Mayor John Havrilla destroyed secret files that Donald Walker kept on elected officials, department heads, and others.  District Attorney Kelly Burke, who wants to investigate WRPD Chief Brett Evans for a few text messages, is praising the destruction of the files.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Attempted Islamic Terrorist Attack On Christmas

An Islamic terrorist from Nigeria made an attempt to blow up an airplane on Christmas Day in a plot planned by al Qaeda in Yemen, but Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says that there is no indication that it was part of a larger terrorist plot.  Napolitano also made a fool of herself in saying first that the system worked, and then that it failed miserably.  The Islamist terrorist who was trying to meet his virgins was already in a terror database after his rich Nigerian banker father alerted the United States embassy about his radical views and connections to extremists, but the tip didn't rise "above the noise."  New airline travel rules are in effect, including requiring passengers to remain seated with nothing in their laps for the last hour of their flight.


The United States has started a few actions in a war against Islamic terrorism in Yemen.


Sen. John Kerry (D-France) is planning a visit to Iran.  This as the Iranian regime cracks down on dissent.


Most Americans still oppose ObamaCare, as the CBO says that it will increase the deficit.  Some liberal House members say that they will consider dropping the government option to get something passed, and there will be no conference committee.  Health insurance companies are preparing for the damage that will be done to them (that they asked for), and Georgia's budget is going to be hit hard by the plan.


German physicists say that the theory of manmade global warming violates the first and second laws of thermodynamics.  Despite the thorough debunking, there are now 2,780 climate lobbyists that businesses have hired to protect themselves from the federal government's climate clutches.


Does it really matter whether or not Sen. Max Baucus was drunk on the Senate floor?


The federal government has come up with another way to figure out how to fudge the numbers on stimulus jobs.  For the first time, a plurality believes that the stimulus plan hurt the economy.


Government workers are more optimistic than those in the private sector about the economy.


Americans don't know their own history because it's not properly taught in their government schools.


Even though your kids will probably learn about it in their government school, Kwanzaa is the Scientology of holidays.


The federal government has awarded an unlimited bailout to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.


Your kids may be members of Generation T.


Apparently men who help clean get more sex.


Private schools are doing fine during this economy because parents don't want to trust the government to educate their kids.  They'll cut back elsewhere in their budget first.


Remember that the revenue-generating "super speeder" law goes into effect on Friday.  It's not about safety; it's about raising money for big government.


Houston County District Attorney Kelly Burke is on another ghost hunt, this one against Warner Robins Police Chief Brett Evans.  Burke claims that Evans obstructed his investigation into the mayor's office break-in, when the GBI said that Evans and the WRPD cooperated fully with their investigation.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Airing of Grievances On Health Care

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell's "messaging" strategy was a miserable failure, but at least he will object to the appointment of members of the Conference Committee, so the House and Senate will play ping-pong now.  In response, the White House is going to put off health care until February while they try and find enough votes to pass health care in the House.  In the meantime, the White House will focus on jobs.  We should still focus on what is in the health care bill and why it is bad for America.


Some liberals may cave on the government option, but regardless of whether there is a government option you will not have options in your health insurance.


Some people are already preparing lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of ObamaCare.


Harry Reid's bribes are well known by now, but Sen. Jim DeMint is trying to make them illegal in the future.


The Senate will have a vote tomorrow on raising the national debt limit, but only enough to prevent the government from defaulting for another month.


Amid news that the economic recovery is not as strong as advertised, unemployment calls in Connecticut are overwhelming the offices' servers and small business bankruptcy is up 81% in California.  Of course, The Mistake's solution to unemployment is subsidizing unemployment and raising taxes on the businesses that create jobs.  How's that hope and change working for you?


Coming soon to The Mistake's America:  Hugo Chavez is opening new socialist retail stores.


After the "stimulus" money runs out, school districts are worried about how they'll continue to increase their budgets.


Despite The Mistake's promise to get lobbyists and special interests out of politics, lobbyists are having a record year this year.


I never saw this coming:  The Obama Administration is telling GM how to operate their plants.


After seeing this, I'm almost ready to say "screw Afghanistan."


That Democrat Representative who switched parties yesterday will still face Republican primary opposition.


Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) is trying to prevent solar panels from being built in her state.  Good for thee, but not for me.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Handel Resigns As Secretary of State

How about some ObamaCare goodies?  First, the death panels will be permanent.  Second, ACORN gets in on the funding action.  Third, the bill includes at least five other bills.  Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) is already admitting that this is only a start for them in terms of eventually arriving at a nationalized health care system.  Sen. Jim Demint (R-SC) is going to force a vote on the Constitutionality of the individual mandate.  The Associated Press has a list of winners and losers in the health care bill, but they forgot to include the American people under losers.  The Mistake is going to put off his Hawaiian vacation as a measure of "sacrifice" until the bill passes the Senate.


The Mistake's poll numbers continue to tank, with his strong disapproval numbers outnumbering his total approval numbers.  They're expecting to get a polling bounce from passing the health care bill.  Most Americans say that Obama's decisions have been bad for America.


The phony economic growth numbers from the third quarter were revised down today.


Sen. Lindsey Graham's biggest complaint about the health care fight is that his precious cap-and-tax agreement might be harder to pass because of the partisanship in Washington.


A former Microsoft executive has an idea to stop global warming.  It involves balloons, hoses, and pumping toxic gases into the upper atmosphere.


Build-A-Bear is trying to indoctrinate children into global warming alarmism.  Just something to remember as you wrap up your Christmas shopping.  Other environmentalists are trying to get you to eat your dog to save the planet.


If a guy can teach calculus over the internet, then why hasn't the Republican Party been able to use the same technology to teach about limited government?


A Democrat Representative has switched to the Republican Party.


A Massachusetts mother called 911 because her kid wouldn't stop playing video games.


Erick Erickson and endorsed Karen Handel for Governor.  The best part was where Erick called John Oxendine "Georgia's version of Rod Blagojevich with worse hair."  Handel will also be resigning as Secretary of State.


I will just leave it at this:  Larry O'Neal is a very classy man.


The Warner Robins City Council approved money last night for the G-RAMP environmental study.  Apparently 8 governments in Middle Georgia have promised money for the project, but where's the private sector money?


Apparently there are more people involved with the break-in at the Mayor's office than had originally been believed.

Monday, December 21, 2009

ObamaCare To Pass Senate; Fight Not Over

Senate Democrats won the cloture vote at about 1:15 this morning, moving the now over 2700-page ObamaCare bill closer to passage, after bribes to both moderate and socialist Senators.  The Wall Street Journal calls it "Change Nobody Believes In."  The payoff for Senatorial Gigolo Ben Nelson (D-NE) is especially sneaky, because it was hidden by a hyphen in the bill.  Nelson also proved that he was not holding out for a compromise on abortion because there is still federal funding of abortions, but both pro-life and pro-choice groups hate the compromise.  Sen. Bernie Sanders (Socialist-VT) got a socialist medicine starter kit for Christmas.


So what's in the bill (other than bribes paid for with your tax dollars)?  Americans for Tax Reform has a list of the tax increases, Michelle Malkin points out that "children" will be covered until the age of 26, and the Congressional Budget Office still admits that this thing will still cost $2.5 trillion over the first ten years of spending.  Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) says that the bill is just a "starter home," and they'll be adding onto it later.


Senate Republicans blew its chances to kill ObamaCare by being incompetent, and now they're considering just giving up so they can go home for Christmas.


Even though Democrats are painting opponents of ObamaCare as birthers and neo-Nazis, claiming that wanting the bill to fail is the same thing as wanting a Senator dead, and telling young people to withhold sex from opponents of ObamaCare, this thing is far from a done deal.  The American people hate this, and the more they learn about it the less they like it.


Medicare still refuses more medical claims than private health insurance companies.


China says that it is getting harder to buy American treasury bonds because we're borrowing too much money.  The Mistake says that tax dollars can't be spent like monopoly money.


An overly-uptight DC cop pulled a gun on a snowball fight over the weekend.


After winning re-election in 1984, President Reagan changed the diplomatic tags on the cars used by the Soviet embassy in Washington to begin with the letters "FC."  Take a guess what "FC" stood for.


The federal government has placed a time limit on how long planes are allowed to sit on the tarmac.


This weekend's blizzard in the Northeast was caused by global warming.


Obama ordered cruise missile strikes against two al Qaeda sites in Yemen.  Finally some action.


Even though the United States Postal Service lost $3.8 billion last fiscal year and expects to lose more than double that amount this year, they spent $800,000 on things like fancy food and alcohol.  Why bother being fiscally responsible when the government backs up everything you do?


Rep. Alan Grayson (Moonbat-Florida) is trying to throw one of his critics in jail.


The AJC says that the General Assembly will focus on ethics when their session starts next month.  In other news, fire is hot and ice is cold.


High school dropouts from the class of 2007 will cost the state of Georgia nearly $5 billion over their lifetimes. 

Friday, December 18, 2009

Hugo Chavez No Longer Loves Obama

Obama went to Copenhagen today, where they may be near a deal that will do nothing to stop global warming even under their made-up theory, and gave a very angry speech in which he threw down the gauntlet at China.  Republicans had a press conference yesterday to remind The Mistake that anything he agrees to in Copenhagen would require Senate approval, just like the budget-busting cap-and-tax does.  The European carbon trading scheme is plagued by fraud and run by organized crime, and a Russian think tank says that temperature data from Russia was tampered with to exaggerate global warming.


After his performance in Copenhagen, The Mistake's honeymoon with Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro is over.


The Clean Water Act is being rewritten in a way so strict that the puddle that is forming outside of our studio would be under federal jurisdiction.


There are at least five Senate Democrats who right now are "not at yes," and potentially at no, on ObamaCare.  To get this thing passed by Christmas, they need to come up with a bill and have a series of perfectly-timed votes.  While some Republicans are trying to stop it by forcing the non-existent bill to be read when it finally does exist, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) gave the Democrats an assist on the Defense Appropriations Bill.


Here is a heartwarming Christmas story about former Sen. Jesse Helms.


More people are on food stamps because they're just so damn easy to get.  Make the parasites work for their handouts (stop being parasites), and demand for stuff like food stamps will plummet.


The Godfather President made a brief appearance, telling a member of Congress "Don't think we're not keeping score, brother."


Iranian hackers brought down Twitter last night.  It's just a distraction from taking an Iraqi oil well and working on their nuclear bombs.


The latest sob story out of Gaza is that they have a very high rate of a rare gender disorder.  I'm sure they're trying to blame Israel, but the real problem is that the gene pool is too shallow.


Conservative Republicans should be nowhere near a Joe Biden announcement of stimulus waste.  Biden said that the broadband plan would "revolutionize how rural Georgia lives, works, and grows," and Governor Perdue supported the plan.


The state is going to spend $70 million in federal loans to pay for unemployment insurance.


The Warner Robins City Council had a special meeting last night and approved two projects that they can't pay for.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

O'Neal Loses Bid For Speaker

President Obama is back to using scare tactics to try to push his takeover of health care, just a week after telling the Republicans to stop scaring people, even though the bill itself is scary.  Meanwhile, five Democrat Senators acknowledged that ObamaCare will violate The Mistake's promise not to raise taxes on the middle class and Socialist Bernie Sanders says that he will not vote for the bill.  The Democrats yesterday had to subvert Senate rules to stop the reading of Sanders' amendment yesterday.  They will never give up, because national health care is the holy grail of liberalism.


After the House taking tough votes this year on cap-and-tax and ObamaCare, Nancy Pelosi says that she is in campaign mode and next year will do what she can to protect her members from tough voters.


It's still snowing in Copenhagen, as things take a decidedly anti-capitalist turn.  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is offering $100 billion per year to help developing countries deal with "climate change."


The House yesterday voted 217-212 to approve a $155 billion jobs bill, and on the same day that the federal government went over its debt limit voted 218-214 to increase the debt limit by enough to fund the next six weeks of bloated government.


Democrat districts are getting nearly twice as much "stimulus" money as Republican districts.


New jobless claims rose last week, putting a dent in the idea that the economy is recovering.


Health Nazis are complaining about Santa Claus being fat.


As the polls continue to shift away from Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine in his run for Governor, the media is starting to dig into his ethical lapses.  There are plenty more to come.


Clown Prince Vice President was in Georgia earlier to announce a 260-mile fiber optic network to connect Atlanta to North Carolina, paid for with stimulus funds.


State House Republicans picked David Ralston as their next Speaker, beating Bonaire Rep. Larry O'Neal.  Some think O'Neal was done in by a piece in the AJC that mentioned how much he got from lobbyists or an 11Alive story from last night about his legal work.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Live From Forever Diamonds!

I'm broadcasting live today from the Galleria Mall location of Forever Diamonds.  Come see me; there's a special deal only for my listeners!


While journalists are freezing trying to get into the global warming conference and Al Gore is setting an Earth Day deadline for passing cap-and-tax in the United States, all-in-all the Copenhagen global warming conference is a disaster.


In just one year, the public debt of the United States has risen from 41 to 53 percent of GDP.  In other words, the federal government owes more than half of total national economic output in debt.  Democrats are going to add even more with a $75 billion jobs bill and a $300 billion debt limit increase.


With the compromises on ObamaCare, not only have the Democrats not gained Sen. Ben Nelson as a supporter, they also have lost liberals like Sen. Roland Burris, who holds Obama's old seat.  Americans are expected to live longer and cost more than the government thinks, so it is desperately urgent for the Democrats to get the death panels enacted quickly.


Democrats are already working on amnesty for criminal aliens.


The FairTax is still polling well.  A plurality of Americans would support a national sales tax that replaced the income tax.


Some tourists from Georgia were mistakenly allowed into an invitation-only White House breakfast.  Competence is in short supply in The Mistake's White House.


Obama's poll numbers are below 50% in a USAToday/Gallup poll.  That's the worst approval rating at this point of any President in modern history.


Charlie Crist and Marco Rubio are now in a dead heat in the race for the Republican Senate nomination in Florida.


Yesterday the House voted to regulate the volume of TV commercials.


Iran has test-fired its most advanced missile to date.  Don't worry; they have only peaceful purposes for their nuclear program.


The City of Baltimore, Maryland is accusing Wells Fargo for "reverse redlining."  ACORN must be involved somewhere.


A Michigan man was arrested under that state's sex offender law for shooting hoops in his own driveway.


The Lockerbie bomber who was set free four months ago because he only had three months to live went missing yesterday.


Women are more likely to remember their first pair of shoes than their first kiss.


Finally some of the ethics issues surrounding Insurance Commissioner and Republican candidate for Governor John Oxendine are coming out.  I expected the media to wait until they could use this stuff to get Roy Barnes elected.


Labor Commissioner Michael Thurmond is seeking a federal loan for the state's unemployment fund, and will have a jobs summit next month.


Georgia Power is going to ask the state for permission to increase the customer fuel charge.


After Rep. John Lunsford dropped his petition asking every member of the Republican leadership to be voted on tomorrow, Rep. Mike Jacobs is going to pick that petition up again and try to push it.


Rep. Larry O'Neal sent an e-mail out yesterday explaining Perdue's tax deal and his involvement in it that appears to clear up many misperceptions.  Rep. David Ralston is still trying to portray himself as the reform candidate, which he might be.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Selling The Farm For ObamaCare

About 40 percent of all land in the United States is under some form of government ownership or control, and the Democrats are trying to control even more in the name of "clean water."


President Obama has described this as the "last chance" to get nationalized health care done, which is why the Democrats are going to do it even though the American people hate it.  They may be on the verge of a compromise to get Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) to support it, and they're considering using both threats and tax dollars to buy the vote of Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE).  They will still include the individual mandate, which has always been the point, and they will still lie and call it a tax cut, even though many middle class families would have to pay a $15,200 yearly insurance fee.  There may also be a payoff to the drug industry.  Here's what the health care bill means for you.


The federal government is recalling 800,000 doses of the children's swine flu vaccine.  Don't worry; they'll be competent when they're running your health care.


The attempts to redistribute wealth from rich countries to poor countries continue in Copenhagen (including Communist protesters!), with Al Gore refusing to answer any questions about ClimateGate by having a UN official disconnect the questioner's microphone.  Meanwhile, only 37% of Americans think that global warming should even be a priority of the federal government.  As for the science being ignored in Copenhagen, natural disasters are at their lowest point in a decade this year, even if you include the imminent eruption of a volcano in the Philippines that will emit tons of carbon, and a new study showed that the sun melted glaciers faster in the 1940s, not humans.  The European Foundation has a list of 100 reasons why global warming is natural.


Most Americans know that they earn less than the average government worker.  When are they going to do something to change that?


Guantanamo Bay detainees are going to be taken to a prison in Illinois.  Next thing you know they'll be released in Chicago.


Pathetic:  The President of the United States called insulation "sexy" at a Home Depot today.


Even though banks are receiving pressure from the Administration to lend more money, blaming the bankers for the economy won't accomplish anything even resembling recovery.  The Mistake's solutions for the economy are the same as the causes.  In Cleveland, lax lending standards by the city government are contributing to their foreclosure mess.


Inflation jumped last month, making some people fear the thought of stagflation.  This really is Jimmy Carter redux.


Dear Erin Andrews:  You're hot and all, but just because something bad happens to you doesn't mean there has to be a new law.


The New York Times is finally pointing out that it sucks to be unemployed.


Today is Bill of Rights Day.  Mourn the loss of your rights appropriately.


Senator Kent Conrad loves to talk about reducing the federal deficit until it comes to cutting his programs to do it.


A government school in Indiana removed "Allah is God" from its "holiday program" after conservative groups protested.  A government school student in Taunton, Massachusetts was suspended and forced to undergo a psychological evaluation after drawing Jesus.  Meanwhile, the federal government is using the birth of Jesus to encourage people to participate in the Census.


With Thursday's House GOP caucus election for Speaker of the House and other leadership positions, Rep. Clay Cox (R-Lilburn) wants to impose term limits on the leadership that is shorter than the duration that the corrupt former leaders served.


Congressman and candidate for Governor Nathan Deal is under an ethics investigation.  This could kill his campaign for Governor.


Georgia's new "Super Speeders" law goes into effect on January 1.  Despite what public officials will tell you, this has nothing to do with safety and everything to do with revenue generation.


Almost 200 convicted felons are suing the state because they have not been provided with state-appointed lawyers to handle their appeals.  They have a legitimate case; this is the kind of thing that the state should be doing.


The two Warner Robins Middle School students who were having oral sex in the classroom earlier this month took a plea deal yesterday.


The Houston County School Board's SPLOST revenues are over $4 million behind projections.  Watch out or they'll come after you to make that up.

Monday, December 14, 2009

ObamaCare On Its Deathbed

President Obama's top economic advisors disagree on the status of the economy.  Larry Summers says that there will be job growth by spring of this year, while Christina Romer says that "of course" the recession isn't over.


Developing nations have walked out of the UN Climate talks because the rich countries (read:  The United States) are not willing to pay them enough money.  While they walked out, they did not walk outside because temperatures are 10 degrees below Celsius and most leaders did not pack for the cold.  Canada is digging out from one of the worst snow storms on record, and it snowed in Australia Friday.  It's almost summer in Australia.  Back in Copenhagen, a reporter who was trying to ask questions about ClimateGate was shut up by UN security.  The New York Times unwittingly admitted that stopping people from emitting carbon dioxide is impossible as long as people can afford to emit.  The point is to prevent them from being able to afford to emit carbon dioxide.


Even though nobody really knows what is in the ObamaCare bill, including the number-two Senate Democrat, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services knows that it will raise health care costs, and two Democrat Senators are opposing the bill.  This thing is on its deathbed.


Over the weekend the Senate approved a $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill.  Federal agencies have seen a nearly 70% increase in their budgets in the last two years.


Just in case you were wondering who the Democrats' targets would be next year, the IRS is hiring hundreds of new employees for their new wealth unit.


Asked by Oprah to grade his job performance thus far, Obama gave himself a B+.  The American people disagree.


The federal government is monitoring Twitter, Facebook, and other social networking sites for tax delinquents, copyright infringers, and political protesters.  I'll tweet my feelings to the feds later, so watch my Twitter page.


Another problem that American troops in Afghanistan face (other than the lack of support from their Commander in Chief) is that the rules of engagement are so strict that sometimes they let the enemy get away to avoid a few civilian casualties.  It is impossible to fight a clean war.


Iran's "peaceful" nuclear program for some reason includes testing the component of a nuclear bomb that triggers an explosion.  Why would a peaceful nuclear program need that?


As Citigroup is set to repay $20 billion in bailout money, the wealth-redistributor-in-chief says that the reason banks want to pay back their bailout money is because the executives are greedy.  He is also pushing banks to lend more.  He would enjoy playing the new arcade game that is a hit in Britain, "Whack-a-Banker."


Students at the University of California at Berkeley attacked the Chancellor's home in protest of fee hikes and budget cuts.  It's a shame the Chancellor didn't defend his property with force.


A federal judge ruled that the federal government's attempt to cut off funding to ACORN was unconstitutional.


Even though federal employees make more money than the average American in the private sector, they still owe more than $3 billion in taxes.


Scientists with too much time on their hands have come up with a mathematical formula for perfect parking.


Governor Perdue is going to welcome Clown Prince Vice President Joe Biden to Georgia on Thursday for a stimulus-related announcement.


Here are the e-mails that have been sent by candidates for House leadership positions.  Larry O'Neal's is most impressive so far.


Robins Air Force Base received a big boost last week by opening the C-27J Joint Cargo Aircraft Training Center.  Can everybody stop voting in fear of another BRAC now?


Chuck Chalk and Chuck Shaheen both received improper campaign contributions during the runoff election.


Those two students at Warner Robins Middle School who were having oral sex in class last week are going to face charges of sodomy and disruption of government school.  Some parents are complaining that they want their children to be safe at school.  Who was ever in any danger?

Friday, December 11, 2009

Republicans Blowing It On Cap-and-Tax

The Senate is trying to revise the cap-and-tax bill to get more Republican support, and none other than Lindsey Graham is working with the Democrats to do just that.  Once again, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


The woman who wrote that the whole world should adopt China's one-child policy has two children.


When you listen to the media explain the science behind global warming, remember that the New York Times said that a rocket could not work in space, and the science was settled…until 1969, when the Apollo crew was on their way to the moon, when the NYT issued a correction to their nearly 50-year-old scientific ignorance.


The Washington Post says that the Senate "compromise" on the government option would lead to a single-payer system even faster than the original government option, and the New York Times also admits that it would raise health care premiums.  Despite that, Nancy Pelosi says that she is willing to do "almost anything" to pass it this year.  Mental images are very dangerous.


Federal employees make over $30,000 per year more than private sector employees, but the "pay czar" is cutting the pay of midlevel bank executives.


Some Republicans are trying to stop the Democrats from raising the national debt limit.  It would be a lot easier to take them seriously had they not raised the debt limit seven times since 2002.


Washington is responsible for the lack of job creation in the economy.


The federal government is going to pay $3.4 billion to settle a lawsuit brought by Native Americans over government mismanagement.


New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is blaming a shootout in his city on "too many guns."  Will he blame Georgia this time?


Some British police officers are forbidden from changing a light bulb or a toilet paper roll in their stations.  I guarantee there is a union behind this.


The Congressional Black Caucus is getting tired of the White House not paying enough attention to their pet race-baiting causes, so they boycotted a House committee until getting a $6 billion payoff.  This is like giving a 2-year-old ice cream after a temper tantrum.


The White House sent out Christmas cards that do not mention Christmas.


Barbie has gotten a Muslim makeover.  How can anybody tell that it's Barbie?


Sign the petition to free the SEALs.  If it times out, keep trying.  It is very popular.


Some people are trying to forbid a man from joining the City Council in Asheville, North Carolina because he is an atheist.


A mother is upset because she thinks a doll is teaching her kid profanity.  Watch the video, but I don't hear it.


State House Republicans met for nearly three and a half hours earlier, announcing that they will hold caucus elections next Thursday.  The press was not allowed into the meeting, but a few details emerged.  The AJC's Aaron Gould Sheinin has the details.  At least one member of the House wants to elect the Speaker on the floor of the House rather than in a caucus meeting.


Two eighth-graders at Warner Robins Middle School are being charged with indecent exposure after having oral sex in class.  The most twisted part is that other students were covering it up for them.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Warmers Want To Control Population

Even though government already pays 60% of all health care costs Medicare is losing money, and about 10% of all Medicare spending is waste, the Democrats are determined to expand government's role in health care.  Of course, it is even more important to Harry Reid that he attend a fund raiser this weekend, so he asked the Republicans to take this weekend off.  The House's bill would probably push states to opt out of Medicare, even with the big federal subsidies that come along with it.


In Copenhagen, rich countries are being accused of "climate colonialism" while the Chinese and now even a Canadian columnist are saying that the key to fixing global warming is population control.  Meanwhile, the EPA is trying to tax termites while the upper Midwest freezes under four feet of snow.  This piece is very long, but it proves that the warmers faked data to bolster their claims that the earth is warming.


Obama defended the United States' wars while accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, but the Norwegians are still ticked because he's not doing all of the things a Nobel Prize winner usually does.


Rep. Alan Grayson is at it again, this time telling Dick Cheney to "STFU."


Now Marco Rubio is admitting that he would have accepted the "stimulus" money.  Political courage only goes so far.


The TSA posted online what is essentially a how-to for terrorists on getting through airport security.


The CEO of GE gave a speech yesterday attacking executive "greed."  I wonder how much money he makes.  Bankers in London are angry with plans by the UK government to tax bonuses at 50%.


The Democrats are going to lift the debt ceiling by $1.8 trillion.


Gibbsy yesterday complained about Republican playing the "blame game," then blamed the Bush Administration for the economy.


Forty-four percent of voters would prefer to have Bush back in the White House over Obama.  This is part of the reason why Karl Rove believes that Republicans could retake the Senate next year.


China is going to raise the "earnings" of lower and middle-income subjects.


The White House was serving acorn-shaped cookies at their Christmas Party Monday.


The University of Minnesota wants to make sure that government educators are well-versed in issues like "white privilege" and "the myth of meritocracy in the United States."  Who cares about reading, writing, and arithmetic?


This robber went after the wrong hot dog vender.


An 82-year-old woman hit and killed a 5-year-old girl in Cobb County this morning after hitting the wrong pedal.


A Dekalb County state senator is trying to end the mindless "zero tolerance" policies regarding weapons in schools.  Maybe people could use some common sense instead.


Larry O'Neal sent an e-mail to his House colleagues yesterday announcing his intention to run for Speaker of the House, and Bill Hembree from Villa Rica did the same thing.  Meanwhile, Rep. Jim Cole is trying to get all the candidates for speaker to sign a code of behavior and Rep. James Mill is going to propose a rule to expel from the caucus any Republican member who does not support their choice for Speaker.


Houston County District Attorney Kelly Burke says that there were no guns or money in the ceiling above Mayor Donald Walker's office.