Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Airing of Grievances On Health Care

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell's "messaging" strategy was a miserable failure, but at least he will object to the appointment of members of the Conference Committee, so the House and Senate will play ping-pong now.  In response, the White House is going to put off health care until February while they try and find enough votes to pass health care in the House.  In the meantime, the White House will focus on jobs.  We should still focus on what is in the health care bill and why it is bad for America.


Some liberals may cave on the government option, but regardless of whether there is a government option you will not have options in your health insurance.


Some people are already preparing lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of ObamaCare.


Harry Reid's bribes are well known by now, but Sen. Jim DeMint is trying to make them illegal in the future.


The Senate will have a vote tomorrow on raising the national debt limit, but only enough to prevent the government from defaulting for another month.


Amid news that the economic recovery is not as strong as advertised, unemployment calls in Connecticut are overwhelming the offices' servers and small business bankruptcy is up 81% in California.  Of course, The Mistake's solution to unemployment is subsidizing unemployment and raising taxes on the businesses that create jobs.  How's that hope and change working for you?


Coming soon to The Mistake's America:  Hugo Chavez is opening new socialist retail stores.


After the "stimulus" money runs out, school districts are worried about how they'll continue to increase their budgets.


Despite The Mistake's promise to get lobbyists and special interests out of politics, lobbyists are having a record year this year.


I never saw this coming:  The Obama Administration is telling GM how to operate their plants.


After seeing this, I'm almost ready to say "screw Afghanistan."


That Democrat Representative who switched parties yesterday will still face Republican primary opposition.


Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) is trying to prevent solar panels from being built in her state.  Good for thee, but not for me.

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