Today's must-read is from William McGurn in the Wall Street Journal: My Big Fat Government Takeover.
The United States' debt rating is looking weaker. Given the amount of debt and unfunded liabilities, when will people figure out that the United States is already bankrupt? After all, the FY2010 budget deficit is larger through two months than it was in FY2009.
The EPA's decision yesterday to regulate carbon dioxide whether Congress likes it or not is not only an end-around of the political system, it could also raise energy prices. In Copenhagen, the UN's Secretary General says that humans (read: Americans) are responsible for "climate change," so we have to be punished. China's state-run media wants rich people (read: Americans) to pay their fair share, while our navel-gazing media is drowning reporters to scare us all about rising sea levels. Even though Copenhagen will ultimately accomplish nothing, don't mention the problems with the theory or the made-up science behind global warming.
Obama wants to have a new jobs program paid for with TARP, even though most Americans oppose doing that. Few CEOs plan to hire more employees in the next six months. How's that hopeychangey stuff working for you?
Even though Republicans are doing everything they possibly can to help the Democrats pass the ObamaCare bill in the Senate, especially where abortion is involved, Senate Democrats are considering dropping the government option and replacing it with an expansion of Medicare and Medicaid. It never ceases to amaze me how adept Republicans are at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Two Navy SEALs have been arraigned for detainee abuse.
Gibbsy has started a war on the polls.
A vast majority of voters still believes in a free market economy. Unfortunately, they do not know what that means.
George Will says that Obama's Afghan strategy will not end well for the United States.
Government Motors hopes to repay its bailout cash by the end of next year. I'll believe it when I see it.
Talk about an ugly divorce: a man is suing his wife to get one of her breast implants back.
Georgia received a grade of C for its charter school law.
Linger Longer has pulled out of their agreement with the state regarding Jekyll Island.
A former Hawk is going to run for Speaker Pro-Tem, which may not even be voted on.
Now that Speaker Pro Tem Mark Burkhalter is going to call for an election for Speaker and will not run for the position himself, it is a wide open field, including Rep. Larry O'Neal. Another candidate, Rep. Rich Golick of Smyrna, says that the House GOP needs a Denny Hastert-type figure.
John Oxendine is trying to avoid debating his opponents for Governor next year and yet he still has the time to tell people not to read certain blogs. Of course, I've been telling you for a while that Oxendine was probably scandal-ridden, so expect some of this to become more public eventually.
The Warner Robins City Council last night "fixed" the issue of the Mayor's salary.
Macon had another parasites' line last night with people waiting for over 16 hours to get your money. That's probably more work than they've done to improve themselves in the last three months.
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