Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Live From Forever Diamonds!

I'm broadcasting live today from the Galleria Mall location of Forever Diamonds.  Come see me; there's a special deal only for my listeners!


While journalists are freezing trying to get into the global warming conference and Al Gore is setting an Earth Day deadline for passing cap-and-tax in the United States, all-in-all the Copenhagen global warming conference is a disaster.


In just one year, the public debt of the United States has risen from 41 to 53 percent of GDP.  In other words, the federal government owes more than half of total national economic output in debt.  Democrats are going to add even more with a $75 billion jobs bill and a $300 billion debt limit increase.


With the compromises on ObamaCare, not only have the Democrats not gained Sen. Ben Nelson as a supporter, they also have lost liberals like Sen. Roland Burris, who holds Obama's old seat.  Americans are expected to live longer and cost more than the government thinks, so it is desperately urgent for the Democrats to get the death panels enacted quickly.


Democrats are already working on amnesty for criminal aliens.


The FairTax is still polling well.  A plurality of Americans would support a national sales tax that replaced the income tax.


Some tourists from Georgia were mistakenly allowed into an invitation-only White House breakfast.  Competence is in short supply in The Mistake's White House.


Obama's poll numbers are below 50% in a USAToday/Gallup poll.  That's the worst approval rating at this point of any President in modern history.


Charlie Crist and Marco Rubio are now in a dead heat in the race for the Republican Senate nomination in Florida.


Yesterday the House voted to regulate the volume of TV commercials.


Iran has test-fired its most advanced missile to date.  Don't worry; they have only peaceful purposes for their nuclear program.


The City of Baltimore, Maryland is accusing Wells Fargo for "reverse redlining."  ACORN must be involved somewhere.


A Michigan man was arrested under that state's sex offender law for shooting hoops in his own driveway.


The Lockerbie bomber who was set free four months ago because he only had three months to live went missing yesterday.


Women are more likely to remember their first pair of shoes than their first kiss.


Finally some of the ethics issues surrounding Insurance Commissioner and Republican candidate for Governor John Oxendine are coming out.  I expected the media to wait until they could use this stuff to get Roy Barnes elected.


Labor Commissioner Michael Thurmond is seeking a federal loan for the state's unemployment fund, and will have a jobs summit next month.


Georgia Power is going to ask the state for permission to increase the customer fuel charge.


After Rep. John Lunsford dropped his petition asking every member of the Republican leadership to be voted on tomorrow, Rep. Mike Jacobs is going to pick that petition up again and try to push it.


Rep. Larry O'Neal sent an e-mail out yesterday explaining Perdue's tax deal and his involvement in it that appears to clear up many misperceptions.  Rep. David Ralston is still trying to portray himself as the reform candidate, which he might be.

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