Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Now Democrats Have to Fund Government

A satellite that was supposed to track carbon dioxide crash-landed in the ocean this morning, a waste of $273 million.  Meanwhile, there is so much snow in Oslo, Norway that they are dumping it into the sea.


House Democrats are proposing a brand new $410 billion spending bill to fund the federal government for the rest of the year.  That's an increase of 8% over last year's spending, and it has 9,000 earmarks from both parties worth $3.8 billion, which can't be digitally searched.  I guess they didn't get enough pork in the "stimulus" bill.


Consumer confidence dropped more than expected in what is an early referendum on the "stimulus" bill.  One bright spot in the economy:  granny panties.


USAToday has a story today that is exactly what I've been telling you for a couple of months now:  the recession is going to lead to plenty of new businesses.


More than ever, statements from politicians have the potential to sway the world's financial markets.  When Democrats open their mouths, they pull markets down.


According to one poll, people trust politicians more than business leaders on the economy.  They would be the ones who are looking to politicians rather than business leaders to make a living.


The House will consider the "cramdown" legislation on Thursday.  Meanwhile, ACORN will continue to steal houses for people who were foreclosed on because they think everyone has a right to housing.  The city of Houston, Texas is considering whether to pay up to $3,000 to people trying to buy a home through the city so they can pay off their credit cards and boost their credit scores.


Let the Obama worship continue:  this guy in the Tampa area has put up a "One Nation Under Obama" sign in front of his business.


Chuck Schumer wants to force states to accept all of the "stimulus" money, and the strings that are attached to it.


Here is more on what the left could do to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine without actually bringing back the Fairness Doctrine.


In the name of "stimulus" the state of Washington sent $1 food stamp checks to 250,000 people.  I bet it cost more than $250,000 to print, process, and mail the checks.


Newspapers are getting federal grants for "internet training."


One California lawmaker wants to tax and regulate marijuana to raise more revenue for the state.


The state is going to furlough 25,000 workers, about half of them from the Department of Corrections.


Georgia will get its first $340 million from the "stimulus" on Wednesday.


The State Senate has passed a bill to crack down on illegal immigrants, including banning sanctuary cities in Georgia.


The Senate Regulated Industries and Utilities Committee will vote on Sunday sales tomorrow.  For those of you who do not know what local control means, look at what just happened in Snellville.

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