Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Obama's Socialist Speech

Vice President Joe Biden, despite being in charge of the "stimulus" money, has trouble remembering what the website about the money is.  He also says that he will embarrass states who don't use the money the way that the Obama Administration wants.


Iran tested a nuclear facility today.  Expect the Obama Administration to do nothing, or if they're feeling particularly bold they may send Iran a letter telling them how angry the President is.


A little over a month into the Obama administration, they're already gradually working on socializing health care.  The more power government has over your health care, the lower quality of care we will get.


Something that's being skimmed over by much of the media from Obama's speech last night is the cap-and-trade legislation that Obama wants, which will be a huge tax increase on Americans.


Even the AP found plenty of holes in Obama's speech last night.


A Japanese energy commission last month challenged the notion that global warming is man-made.


A biotechnology company is offering free bottles of a memory enhancing drug to politicians to help them remember to pay their taxes.


As late as 2007 9% of borrowers were getting home loans of at least four times their annual income.  Any more questions as to why we're in this mess?


Only one-fourth of Americans want to continue bailing out the automakers.


Republicans are criticizing the earmarks in the omnibus spending bill, despite the fact that 40% of them are theirs.  Meanwhile, Harry Reid is defending earmarking, saying that lawmakers have a duty to direct spending.  The bill will also eliminate the D.C. school choice program.


At least one city is experiencing economic growth through the recession:  Washington, DC.  I wonder why?


President Obama's approval rating is below 60% for the first time, and his disapproval rate has doubled in the last month.  Is the honeymoon over?


Thomas Sowell has reached the point of despair regarding America's future.


Former Grand Kleagle of the KKK Senator Robert Byrd is criticizing President Obama for grabbing too much power by appointing czars for everything.


Tennessee's Democrat Governor is considering rejecting the money for unemployment that is in the "stimulus" bill.


Sales of Atlas Shrugged are way up this year.


The state House Appropriations Committee passed a budget for the rest of this fiscal year that includes some "stimulus" money.


One of the fundies' favorite pieces of evidence for claiming that Sunday alcohol sales are dangerous has been completely debunked.


The Houston County School System is considering raising taxes or cutting jobs in response to a budget deficit.


As our friend David Cranshaw points out, last week's weather proved the need for a severe weather alert system.


How pathetic a human being do you have to be to steal from your own grandmother?

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