Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tea Party Day!

This morning the White House announced new standards for light bulbs.  Every little step means more government control over your life.  Meanwhile, Republicans see an opportunity to perhaps take back the House after the cap-and-trade bill passed.  They have to come up with a real alternative first.


The FDA is looking to place new restrictions on Tylenol to protect us from ourselves.


A majority of the members of the House of Representatives are cosponsoring a bill from Ron Paul to audit the Federal Reserve, but Barney Frank has stalled it in committee.


The Obama administration has now named the domestic violence czar.


The celebrity President depended on Ashton Kutcher to tweet something that they wanted to get out to a large audience.


Cell phone companies have finally agreed to have a one-size-fits-all phone charger.


At Wimbledon the tournament organizers arrange it so that more attractive women end up playing in the biggest arena at Centre Court rather than the best players.


Warner Robins City Councilman John Havrilla won't seek re-election this year.  That means there will be at least two new members of City Council.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Freedom Moves Everywhere Except United States

Yes, we lost the vote on cap-and-trade on Friday.  Locally, Jim Marshall voted against it, while Sanford Bishop voted for cap-and-trade.  The most infuriating part is the fact that 8 Republicans voted for the bill, which at the very least gave cover to the Democrats.  President Obama used his weekly address to push the Senate to pass the bill as well, even though it is widely believed that it will die in the Senate.  The best quote on cap-and-trade came from House Minority Leader John Boehner, who called it a "pile of s--t."


The Supreme Court issued their last batch of rulings today, including overturning a decision by Judge Sonia Sotomayor that backed New Haven, Connecticut in throwing out the results of a firefighter promotion test because not enough minorities passed the test.  They also decided to have more hearings on a federal campaign finance case in September.


Around the world, people are overthrowing leftist and totalitarian governments in favor of freedom, while here in the United States our people not only accept, but support the march of leftism and slavery in the name of security.  In Honduras, the people stood with the military as they removed the President from office after he tried to change the Honduran Constitution to let him serve as many terms as he would like.  In Argentina, the people voted out allies of their leftist President in midterm Congressional elections.  In Iran, even though the rallies and protests seem to have quieted down, Iranians would be more likely to pick those back up if the United States supported them more strongly.  Instead, as the Iranian government arrests the staff at the British embassy, President Obama is too busy worrying about the "dialogue" that we have with Iran.  It also looks as though the electoral power of radical Islam is decreasing across the Muslim world.


The White House won't rule out the idea of taxing health insurance benefits, which would amount to a huge tax increase on the middle class, except for unions, which would be exempt from the tax.  Half of Americans favor the Obama health reform plan.  For a look at what the Obama health care plan will mean, look at Massachusetts.  Some states are already making plans to opt out of the federal system if it passes.  While we move more towards a single-payer, socialist medicine system, the British government is paying people to go to the private sector for cancer treatment.  The mainstream media is even trying to use Jon and Kate Gosselin to push for socialist medicine.


Bernie Madoff was sentenced to 150 years in prison for stealing the business model of Social Security.


As the Obama administration cracks down on Americans taking their money overseas, Swiss banks are closing Americans' accounts because they don't want to be hassled by the IRS either.


The EPA suppressed a report skeptical of global warming, and the media ignored it.  Also, a polar bear expert was asked not to come to a global warming meeting in Denmark because his evidence did not support the warmers' agenda.


The speaker of the California State Assembly called conservative talk show hosts terrorists.  I'll add that to the list of labels I attach to myself.


Lynndie England, the female soldier in the Abu Ghraib pictures, can't seem to find a job.  Would you hire her?


To crack down on underage drinking, the state is going to change driver's licenses for those under 21.


Governor Perdue's "stimulus" plan is not helping.  This is what happens when government spending is used in an attempt to stimulate the economy.


Eric Von Haessler will not run for the Senate because he would be forced off the air to do so.


Warner Robins is going to crack down on gaming machines.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Cap-and-Trade Vote Expected at 5PM

Iranian authorities have declared jihad on the protestors.


The amount of stimulus spending slowed down last week, despite the Obama administration promising to speed up the spending.


Apparently they're having trouble getting the votes, so the vote on cap-and-trade is expected at 5pm, later than originally planned.  We'll be watching it.  Meanwhile, the Washington Times reports that the bill will go after things like hot tubs and light bulbs, and Bloomberg tells us what oil companies' response will be to this if it becomes law.  Remember when then-Senator Obama promised that cap-and-trade will harm consumers?


The House of Representatives took a moment in the midst of cap-and-trade debate to have a moment of silence for Michael Jackson.


George Will points out what "green jobs" mean:  unemployment.


The number of global warming skeptics around the world is increasing.  It's a shame that the United States is trailing, not leading, this trend.


President Obama is betting his economy on the same set of policies that have been used in three large failed states already.  This is not what the Founders meant when they called the states the "laboratories of democracy."


GM (read:  the Obama administration) is going to build their glorified golf cart in Michigan.  You shouldn't be surprised by this.


Some doctors are saying that they will stop practicing if we get government-run health care.  Reason TV also has a nice new spot on what would happen if government ran health care, which is inevitable if the "public option" exists.


Only 17% of Americans say that government spends money more wisely than a private business.


The state is going to get $50 million from the "stimulus" bill to expand the state's weatherization program.  In other news, I just found something that the state can cut from the budget.


The Houston County School Board passed a budget last night that will likely require an increase in taxes.


Here's a question the Republicans need to answer:  is anyone willing to run against Jim Marshall?  I think it sounds like fun.


Check it out, the Macon Telegraph published my op-ed about the Tea Party!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Obama Filibusters on Infomercial

Yes, I did watch the ABC-Obama socialized medicine infomercial last night.  If you follow me on Twitter, you would already know that, because I live-tweeted the infomercial.  It was, as expected, fluff, but I don't think it helped his case for socialized medicine, especially since even ABC said that Obama "struggled to explain" his plan.  The infomercial turned into an Obama filibuster, with 60% of the broadcast time being taken by the Comrade in Chief.  It also doesn't help his case that the infomercial was the lowest rated network program in the 10:00 hour.


President Obama also didn't tell the American people (and he won't) that government will always ration health care.  In fact, rationing never came up last night.  Rationing will inevitably mean the same thing:  sorry, old folks.  To try and sell his plan, Obama is going to tour the country with every health care sob story he can find.  Despite Obama's best efforts, Karl Rove still says that Obamacare isn't inevitable.


Even if the Democrats don't get their socialized medicine wish, they'll throw a health care bone to the unions.


The cap-and-tax bill will be up for a vote tomorrow, and Democrats are unsure that they will be able to pass it, especially since the bill will harm farmers.  At least they won't have to deal with Al Gore coming to town.  The Wall Street Journal points out that this is probably going to be the biggest tax increase in history, and the Washington Times found out that it includes billions of dollars to save trees in other countries around the world.  Meanwhile, global warming is being blamed for Tiger Woods losing the US Open, but not for the fact that temperatures in extreme northern Canada are so cold that birds and other species of wildlife are not even breeding.  (H/t to Ace of Spades)


The Democrats are starting to see their agenda slipping, and Americans are growing increasingly skeptical of Obama's promises of fiscal discipline.  I am as optimistic as I have been since Obama took office.


Republicans take note:  74% of Americans trust their own economic judgment more than they trust Congress'.


Unfortunately, it looks like the government of Iran is starting to stop the protests, as the opposition party postponed a rally they had scheduled for today without a rescheduled date.


The Supreme Court ruled today that strip-searching a middle school girl over an ibuprofen was unconstitutional.


Cal Thomas points out what many of us already know:  more education spending doesn't necessarily mean that students will learn more.


The state of California could run out of money by July 28.  This is what happens when you let liberals run things.


A few members of Congress are trying to take the politics out of redistricting.  Don't count on this going anywhere.


President Obama has announced that he will veto a defense spending bill if the F-22 is included.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

ABC's Obama Love-Fest Tonight

North Korea is threatening to wipe the United States off the map.  I don't think they have accurate maps in North Korea.


President Obama says that government health coverage will not hurt private insurers, directly contradicting what he said yesterday.  Despite the fact that some Democrats are now opposing the public option, Obama says that his health care reform plan will get finished this year.  Meanwhile, Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) proposed a government-funded "voucher" health care system as the Republicans' response to the Obama plan.  Republicans are proving themselves to be worthless once again.


With a vote on cap-and-trade coming later this week, the Congressional Budget Office issued a vast underestimate of the cost of the bill.  The latest "green" fad is nudism.

Even though the force being used by the government there has slowed down some of the protests in Iran, there reportedly are more protests around their parliament today, with some Iranians shouting "death to the dictator!"  President Obama still has not expressed support for the protestors, but last month he did send a letter to the Ayatollah hoping for "cooperation in regional and bilateral relations."


Citi is going to raise employee salaries to offset the fact that they can't award bonuses.  They're trying to stop the "brain drain."


Teenage girls are being paid $1 per day to not get pregnant.  Babies cost a lot more than $1 a day; how about just educating them about that?


Massachusetts is spending $2 million per month to house homeless people in motels, and "homeless advocates" still don't think that's enough.


Barney Frank is at it again, asking Fannie and Freddie to loosen lending standards on condos.  He won't stop until the whole economy is nationalized, and Holman Jenkins says that nationalization of banks will be on the agenda if the economy doesn't recover soon.


The United Auto Workers aren't the only union with a jobs bank.  About 700 New York City teachers are paid over $70,000 to do nothing all day, every day.


The Customs and Border Protection agency is considering expanding a ban on knives that could include pocket knives.


Democrats are working on pushing amnesty for illegals this year.  I knew this would come up this year.


Other wastes of your money that have been dug up are $100,000 for the Wyoming Toad Recovery Program and $10 million for education in Cambodia.


The anti-smoking health Nazis have officially cost 500 cigar jobs in the Tampa area.  There are some jobs destroyed by government.


President Obama wants the United States to sign onto a treaty that says that children have "basic rights" to education, health care, and protection from abuse.


A Frito-Lay employee in Oklahoma City hired a prostitute by offering her a $30 case of chips.


Governor Perdue has told state agency heads to cut spending by 3% in July to deal with continuing drops in revenue.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Obama's Big Presser

President Obama had a press conference earlier this afternoon, including Iran, healthcare, cap-and-trade, and his smoking habit.  We'll have some sound bytes from the presser on the show this afternoon; otherwise, I have the stuff mixed below.  One thing I would like to note is his collusion with the Huffington Post for a question on Iran.  Clearly both sides knew what was going on.


Ford, Nissan, and Tesla are all getting federal loans to develop fuel-efficient vehicles.  Why is it the government's job to do this?


The Obama Administration has announced how they plan to count the jobs that are "created or saved' by the stimulus money.  Meanwhile, support for the "stimulus" has dropped.


Thanks to wealth envy, CEOs don't want to be seen playing golf.  If the wealth envy crowd understood how economics works, they would be encouraging the CEOs to play.


Obama has brought back his campaign slogan of "Yes we can" to push his socialist medicine scheme.  During his press conference today, Obama admitted what we've already known all along:  a "public option" will push people to the government system and away from private insurance.  Fox Business Network's Elizabeth MacDonald dissects the myths behind health care that the left is using to push their plan, and finally Republicans are showing some opposition, although they're still thinking in very small terms rather than in the grandiose plans of the Democrats.  There is also some bad news for the liberals on the cost of their public option, based on the cost of Medicare.


A new poll shows that Americans prefer smaller government.  If this was really true then Obama wouldn't be President.


Maybe we spoke too soon yesterday:  the House is going to force a vote on cap-and-trade this week, which President Obama pushed during his press conference today.


President Obama has been "moved" by the protests in Iran and says that the world is "appalled and outraged" by the violence being used by the government in that country.  Is that the best he can do, especially considering that now the government is requiring a "bullet fee" for people to receive the bodies of their loved ones who are killed in protests?  Don't worry, though, because Iranian diplomats are still invited to the July 4 celebrations at our embassies.


French President Nicolas Sarkozy called the burqa a symbol of "servitude and humiliation."  I never thought I'd be saying this, but I wish others had the cojones of the French President.


It is fairly widely believed that Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act will not stand up to a second challenge.


Democrats across the country are trying to force employers to pay their employees to do less work.


Rasmussen has a new poll showing that—surprise!—Barnes and Oxendine are leading in the race for Governor.  Other candidates have name recognition problems.


I told you yesterday that the transportation bill coming up before Congress will be chock full of pork.  Fortunately, Jim Marshall didn't make us wait long or work very hard to find some of his requests; he's using them as justification for his re-election.


In Atlanta they're worrying about whether underage strippers will drink.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Iranian Protests Continue, Obama Still Largely Quiet

The protests against the theocratic dictatorship continue in Iran, and the Iranian police are using force to stop the protests.  Over the weekend video emerged of a young woman being killed in the streets for protesting, and her name, Neda, has become a rallying cry for lovers of freedom around the world.  President Obama finally issued a statement about the protests, but he was just calling for the government to stop using violence to stop the protests.  Republicans are pressing Obama to take a tougher stance.  How about standing up for freedom, Barack?


Obama also has to deal with North Korea threatening to harm the United States if they are attacked.


The number of people on welfare has been increasing in the recession.  It will be a lot harder to make cuts to these programs when more people are on them.


The class warfare folks have their panties in a wad over the fact that Goldman Sachs has recovered well and will be paying out record bonuses.


The Supreme Court issued a ruling on the Voting Rights Act that unfortunately leaves Georgia and other states at the mercy of the Justice Department every time we want to change election law.


In another preview of socialized medicine, a VA hospital in Philadelphia had 92 errors in prostate cancer surgeries, and the VA knowingly allowed it to be covered up.  Fortunately, right now even Democrats say that their health care plan does not have enough votes to pass.  That won't stop the New York Times and CBS News from stocking a poll with Obama voters to push the socialist medicine agenda.  Drug companies are also helping the administration and probably encouraging their own demise.


President Obama's approval ratings are dropping, and now his approval index is actually negative.  Also, 39% of voters now blame his policies for the bad economy.


Cap-and-trade appears to be dead for now, after negotiations between Democrats "blew up" late last week.


The next porked-up bill for Congress to consider is a $500 billion transportation bill.


In an effort to prevent collateral damage, the top commander in Afghanistan is going to order forces to break away from fights with militants hiding in Afghan homes. (h/t Ace of Spades)


Senator Barbara Boxer is not apologizing for chastising a Brigadier General for calling her "ma'am."


The National Institutes of Health is going to spend $423,500 of your money to study why men don't like to use condoms.


John McCain said yesterday on "Face the Nation" that Obama has "done well."  That's exactly the problem.


Even Newsweek (whose Editor recently called Obama "sort of God") points out that Obama has failed to be open and transparent the way he promised he would be.


Michael Barone has the Three Rules of Obama:  dodge facts, skip details, and govern Chicago-style.


Kodak is going to discontinue Kodachrome.  I will continue to use the Paul Simon song as my opening music.


The AJC had an investigative piece looking into whether private lawyers who donate to Attorney General Thurbert Baker are being paid to handle state business.  Under the logic of John Oxendine, Thurbert Baker must be the frontrunner for the Democrat nomination.


There is more talk of the possibility of a special session of the General Assembly.


Eric Johnson is staying under the radar so far in the race for Governor.  I don't think this is a bad idea.  Meanwhile, Roy Barnes says that he wants to see "non-crazy leadership."  He's really trying to appeal to the moonbats in this state.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Obama's Deafening Silence on Iranian Protests

Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann says that she will not answer all of the questions in the Census.


The Treasury Department will auction a record $104 billion in debt next week, which will of course need to be paid back by tax dollars from future generations of Americans.


White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs responded to criticism from former President Bush by saying "we won."  Too bad you weren't running against Bush.


The Senate yesterday passed a resolution apologizing for slavery.  This is just a massive waste of time, meant to throw a bone to race pimps.  Nobody in the Senate ever actually owned a slave (even former KKK Exalted Cyclops Robert Byrd).


As the Norks prepare to fire a missile towards Hawaii on July 4, Defense Secretary Robert Gates says "I think we are in a good position, should it become necessary, to protect American territory."  The statement should be "We can, and will, protect American territory."  Meanwhile, the Navy is set to intercept a North Korean ship suspected of carrying weapons proliferation materials, which may be in violation of the toothless UN resolution passed in response to the Norks' last round of tests.


Iranian quasi-dictator Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is now threatening demonstrators with violence.  The Obama administration continues to be silent, while Congress has now passed a resolution standing with the Iranian protestors.  Charles Krauthammer bashes President Obama for his unwillingness to "meddle" in the Iranian election, and the Ayatollah is still criticizing America for interference.


The Wall Street Journal says the same thing I've been saying:  that $1.6 trillion Obamacare estimate is going to end up being much lower than the actual cost.  Maybe that's why the House is looking for new taxes to raise to pay for this monstrosity.


President Obama cited the Bible this morning to justify his big government programs.


Apparently the top priority at the United States Naval Academy is diversity (h/t Ace of Spades).


As Congress prepares to move on the job-killing cap-and-trade bill, Democrat strategists are telling them to stop talking about global warming.  Maybe they realize that in most of the country there's no global warming.


Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will not be included in the Obama administration's new set of financial regulations.  Why would they be?  They're already nationalized.


Chubby people live longer than skinny people.  I guess this is good news for me.


The National Education Association is trying to keep military families from getting vouchers by lying about their effectiveness.


Two school administrators who cheated on the CRCT have been arrested for altering public documents.  I told you there were some criminal charges to be filed here.


The state has spent over $216 million on a pre-kindergarten program without any proof that it is working.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Democrats in a Hurry on Bank Seizures

President Bush has criticized President Obama's policies.  I guess he was tired of being blamed for everything wrong with America, but it's a shame that Bush completely lacks credibility on issues of limiting government.


Democrats are trying to push the Obama administration's bank seizure proposals through Congress quickly.  These proposals will destroy free-market competition.


Max Baucus is trying to cut the cost of his health care proposal, down to $1 trillion.  They are also not likely to take up the bill until after the July 4 recess, which (hopefully) will be the death of the proposal.  Remember that the bill, as drafted, does not even include the "public option" for health insurance (and it still costs $1.6 trillion over the next decade).  Economists are saying that the private sector will see higher costs as a result of the Obama administration's plans to pay for socialized medicine, but no cost cuts will be enough because a public option will turn into a fiscal mess like Medicaid.  Despite President Obama's claim that a single-payer health care system works some places, his press secretary can't name any of them.


ABC is even refusing paying ads for their prime-time Obamacare special that would be critical of the big government program.  I like Michelle Malkin's idea:  put John Stossel on the show.


The city of Brooksville, Florida has passed a revised dress code for city employees that requires underwear and deodorant.


The latest twist to welfare will pay parents to take care of their own children.


The Obama administration wants to push to pass cap-and-trade next week.  They're trying to get this thing passed before too many Americans realize that it's going to cost them $1,500 a year.  Al Gore is invested in a car company that will be building the favored cars of the Obama administration.  The members of Congress who are working on this bill hold stock in companies that will benefit from capping carbon emissions.


Guess what the Pentagon considers "low-level terrorism?"  I'll tell you that we have one coming up on June 30.


Watch Barbara Boxer scold a General for not calling her "Senator."  How pathetic and self-hating do you have to be?


State House Transportation Chairman Vance Smith has been chosen as the new commissioner of the Department of Transportation.  This is the same Vance Smith who wrote the House transportation bill behind closed doors with a bunch of Republican donors.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Codifying "Too Big To Fail"

President Obama today laid out his plans for increasing regulation of the financial sector (only them for now) that includes codifying "too big to fail."  It also seeks a lot of new consumer protections, including regulating terms of mortgages and credit cards.  Despite that, Obama says that he wants government to have a "light touch."


After the $1 trillion CBO prediction of the cost of the Senate Democrats' health care plan, the Obama administration is trying to distance itself from the bill.  That estimate is only about a fourth of what it would actually cost to accomplish the stated goals of the Democrats.  Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is playing up the idea of competition in health care, which is ironic considering that they never seem to care about competition unless it works for them.  The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has also criticized the plan, which could make it more difficult for politicians who want to appear to be business-friendly to support it.


Even Obama's brownshirts are having trouble pimping the socialized medicine plan (some of them think it's not socialist enough), but the administration is getting the support from the major media that covers up things like his statement that "single-payer" systems work other places.


In a message to the United States, China is selling American bonds.  They are also requiring projects under their stimulus plan to be made with all Chinese goods in a response to the "buy American" from our stimulus.  This is why protectionism doesn't work for anybody.


Obama claims that the national debt keeps him up at night, and he is predicting that unemployment will reach 10%.  At the same time, he predicts that economic growth will prevent the need for tax increases on anybody who's not already part of the targeted rich class.


Prices for SUVs are up because that's what people want, but supply is down this year.


The Democrats are having trouble raising money, despite Obama's fundraising prowess last year.  They tapped themselves out last year, and now they don't have the Bush boogeyman to be angry with.


Obama blasted Fox News in an interview on CNBC, complaining that they are "entirely devoted to attacking [his] administration."


The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency says that Iran wants nuclear weapon technology.  All together now:  Duuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh!


Obama's nominee to be the FCC Chairman says that he does not support reinstating the Fairness Doctrine.


Now the IRS wants to dump the cell phone tax entirely, rather than trying to enforce it more strictly.  Sunshine is the best disinfectant.


The AmeriCorps Inspector General who was fired for doing his job is now being attacked by the Obama administration.


Same-sex partners of federal employees will get federal health benefits under a new executive order from the Obama administration.  He had to give some payoff to the gay lobby.


The Houston County Board of Commissioners passed a budget last night that will require a tax increase.  The Perry City Council managed to pass their budget without any tax increases, but there will be increases in service fees.


Warner Robins wants to crack down on illegal gambling in the city.  Lord forbid the government have any competition in the gambling industry.


The state will not allow a man who hit a bear on I-75 in north Georgia to keep the bear because it's not bear season.


A new poll shows Oxendine and Barnes leading in the primary races for Governor, but Oxendine has hit a plateau.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

CBO Releases Obamacare Cost Estimate

Senator Tom Coburn has released a report documenting some of the waste in "stimulus" projects.


The Obama administration fired the Inspector General of AmeriCorps for blowing the whistle on an Obama ally who was wasting tax dollars.


Obama will release a plan tomorrow that will give the federal government new power to seize companies whose failure could cause too many problems to the financial system.  They're just going to codify "too big to fail."


The Congressional Budget Office issued their cost estimate for part of the Senate's health care bill:  $1 trillion over the next decade, and that's only to cover 16 or 17 million more people, a little less than half of the total number of uninsured who are actually Americans.  That means a cost to government of $60,000 per newly insured American over the next decade, or $6,000 per year.  Of course, as we know, government cost estimates are always much lower than what they will actually spend.  Senator Jon Kyl is introducing a bill to make sure that health care will not be rationed by the federal government.


In their attempt to be the Obama administration's pet network, ABC will be hosting a primetime special on the Obama health care plan from inside the White House.  ABC says that it will be a fair balance of opinion, but I'm not buying it.


The President of South Korea, speaking at a joint press conference with President Obama, said that the Norks will not be allowed to possess nuclear weapons.  Isn't it a bit late for that?


The "most transparent administration in history" is blocking the list of visitors to the White House from becoming public knowledge.


Guess which profession shares a lot of personality traits with serial killers?


Congress is working on a new hate crimes law, as the guy who committed the shootings in the Holocaust Museum still has not been charged with a hate crime.  I guess it's too much to ask for that Jihadist who shot up the military recruiting station to be charged with a hate crime.


Another analyst is predicting that the United States will lose its AAA bond rating.


The Uighurs who were released from Guantanamo Bay say that China is worse than life at Gitmo.


The Peanut (for brains) President is at it again:  Now Jimmy Carter wants to remove Hamas from the list of terrorist groups.


The Chairman of the Georgia Senate Education Committee wants to make it a crime to change test scores for students.  It sounds to me like fraud, so why not?  The President of the Georgia Association of Educators would rather blame this on No Child Left Behind.


The Warner Robins City Council met last night, and on the agenda were liquor license suspensions, the budget, and pay for the mayor and members of the city council.

Monday, June 15, 2009

$600 Billion in New Taxes for Socialized Medicine

President Obama's trip to Chicago today to give a speech on health care cost $236,000, not including Secret Service, motorcades, and helicopter transports.  Guess who's paying for it?

To pay for the Obama administration's socialized medicine plan, the House is planning on adding $600 billion in new taxes, while the administration is proposing $313 billion in cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, which hospitals oppose.  Even Republicans are supporting the idea of using government force to require every American to have health insurance.  Hopefully the whole plan will fall apart on the debate over the idea of a government plan.


The largest ideological group in America is conservatives.  Forty percent of Americans identify themselves as conservatives, while only 21% identify as liberals.  This is very illustrative of what "conservative" and "liberal" mean.


Almost four months after the problems at VA hospitals that potentially exposed over 10,000 veterans to HIV, Congress will hold hearings with the VA tomorrow about the problems.  Just remember this when you think about government-run health care.


It is very telling that sports are hiring lobbyists in Washington.  It shows how government's power has grown and centralized in Washington.  Also telling is the fact that people having trouble with their mortgages have started running to their member of Congress for help.


At least two Republican members of Congress are trying to end the TARP program, and one is trying to prevent the federal government from ever owning a piece of an American company in the future.


Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin sold his stocks and mutual funds last September after a meeting with the Treasury Secretary and Federal Reserve Chairman.  Just so you know, this is what Martha Stewart went to prison for.


There are reports around the world about cooling temperatures damaging crops, even here in Georgia.


The backlash to the Obama plans to tax Americans' money overseas has started, as British banking group Lloyds dumped its American clients last week.


The Obama administration is considering bulldozing whole neighborhoods and returning them to nature in order to help cities survive.  I actually don't think this is such a bad idea, as long as they start with the government housing projects to chase the parasites out.


Clown Prince Vice President and "stimulus" meter maid Joe Biden is trying to explain away the failure of the "stimulus" package to boost the economy and his response is simply that "everyone guessed wrong" on how many jobs would be created.  In reality, plenty of people questioned the numbers from the Obama administration, especially when they found out some of the wasteful projects that the money would be spent on, like buying fish food.  Just so you know, Joe Biden is considering a run for President in 2016 if Obama gets a second term.


Just as I feared, privacy may be negatively affected by the Obama cybersecurity plan.


The Norks are threatening to weaponize their plutonium, and the United States responds by telling them to end their "provocative" actions.


In Iran, crowds are protesting what they believe was a "rigged" election that led to the reelection of "Crazy" Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.


Political hack CIA chief Leon Panetta says that he believes that Dick Cheney wants the United States to be attacked again.


Over half of Americans can't find the heart on a diagram of a human body.  This is primarily a problem with the government education system in America.


Dick Morris says that Obama's issues are crumbling, and he may be running out of steam politically.  Democrats are starting to worry that Obama's spending may hurt them in next year's elections.


About 1.4 million parasites are receiving a cell phone thanks to you and me, a number that has doubled since November.


There was a rare victory for property rights last week, as the federal government decided that it would not forcibly seize the land of property owners in Pennsylvania for the Flight 93 memorial.


What is the mindset of somebody who wants to "celebrate" their team winning a championship by rioting?


Peanut "for brains" President Jimmy Carter was honored by the Palestinian government Saturday, and he pledged to support the Palestinians' campaign for independence for the rest of his life.  Why, again, are we so proud that Georgia produced him?


House Minority Leader and Democrat candidate for Governor Dubose Porter criticized Governor Perdue for his across-the-board spending cuts.  He would have preferred more limited cuts, with tax increases.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Norks Preparing Another Nuke Test

North Korea might be preparing for another nuclear test.  I'm sure Kim Jong-Mentally-and-Physically-Il is shaking in his tiny, Baby Gap boots over the fact that the United Nations passed stricter sanctions against he Norks that aren't even mandatory.


Democrats are making plans to bring Guantanamo Bay prisoners to the United States for trial.


Congress is trying to mandate the volume on television ads.


If the Congressional Budget Office says that the Democrats' health care plan will be more expensive than what they want them to say it will be, then they plan on ignoring the nonpartisan body and instead listen to the White House.


Obama's economic advisor says that the bailouts have been necessary to save markets.


The Department of Energy is going to spend $240 million to research more fuel-efficient large trucks and passenger vehicles.  Meanwhile, the eco-Nazis in San Francisco are making composting mandatory.  The United Nations eco-Nazis weren't able to come to an agreement to cut "greenhouse gas emissions" in part because the Chinese won't agree to cut anything.


There could be up to $50 billion in stimulus waste, not including the bureaucratic costs of spending $787 billion.  The "stimulus" bill is also starting to cause people to lose their jobs in the Pennsylvania steel industry.


The IRS wants to start taxing the personal use of work cell phones as a "fringe benefit."  The Washington Post says that the IRS is trying to "simplify" the cell phone tax law.


The federal government implemented 3,830 new rules last year, costing $1.17 trillion to implement.


Here's a shocker:  the Council on American-Islamic Relations hasn't condemned the Little Rock shootings last week.


In the wake of the Holocaust Museum shooting, the AP runs a story claiming that "some say" there is an increase in white violence.


The FDA will have the power to regulate the tobacco industry under a bill that passed the Senate yesterday, 79-17.  Where's Nick Naylor when you need him?


The French Constitutional Council (the equivalent of our Supreme Court) has declared that access to the internet is a basic human right.


The switch to digital television is now complete.  Bob Barr says that the whole thing is a mistake due to the federal mandate.

Will Tetris be the next Olympic sport?  The creator wants it to be.


The city of Perry has nixed their proposed tax increase.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Few "I Told You So's" Today

The World Health Organization has officially declared the swine flu a pandemic.


I told you yesterday that this would happen:  the left is blaming conservatives, including tea partiers, for the Holocaust Museum shooting yesterday.  The guy was a certifiable nutcase, a 9/11 truther, and far from a conservative.


Apparently the new hot spot to be is Washington, DC, as college graduates are choosing Washington over Wall Street for jobs and MTV's "The Real World" will film its next season there.


The American Medical Association opposes government health care.  Can we listen to the professionals on this?  The Democrats are so desperate to get this thing passed that they are resorting to tactics like blackmail and labeling skeptical Democrats as "sellouts."  Obama's plan to have a government health insurance option will eventually become the only option for Americans.  Karl Rove has the five arguments that Republicans need to use to stop socialized medicine.


Demand for US bonds continues to drop, which means that interest rates will probably start to rise for the rest of us.


Obama's promise to re-impose "paygo" rules is hollow, and Democrats have been promising to do that since at least 2005.


The head of the bailout oversight committee doesn't know whether it is actually working.


Sonia Sotomayor has described herself as "a product of affirmative action," just like I told you she was.  The difference is that she was not referring to her nomination to the Supreme Court, where I was.


Only 36% of likely voters say that the United States is heading in the right direction.


A majority of Americans says that taxes should be cut to stimulate the economy.


The Obama Administration wants to cut executive pay, but right now they can't seem to find the justification to do it for every company.  They'll find a way eventually.  Here are some of the details on their plan to "encourage" companies to be more "responsible" with their executive pay practices.


More Democrats are lining up in opposition to the cap-and-trade proposal that Nancy Pelosi, Henry Waxman, and Barack Obama want.  In Australia, the police are being forced to become "carbon cops."


Four Uighurs have been sent to Bermuda.  Their Premier doesn't think they're dangerous.  I wonder how much we're paying them for that?  Either way, the British government isn't happy about it.


Apparently there is an "Obama effect" on black students' test scores.  If you mention the Messiah before they take a test, they score better.


The state has eased up on some of the watering restrictions that they imposed during the drought.  House Minority Leader and Democrat candidate for Governor Dubose Porter is criticizing Governor Perdue for not having the state prepared for the next drought.


Pete Randall at Peach Pundit has found some waste that the state could cut.


Taxpayers are paying for the children of parasites in Macon to get free lunches all summer, just like they do during the school year.  I have trouble believing that food stamps don't give enough money to feed the kids.