Friday, June 26, 2009

Cap-and-Trade Vote Expected at 5PM

Iranian authorities have declared jihad on the protestors.


The amount of stimulus spending slowed down last week, despite the Obama administration promising to speed up the spending.


Apparently they're having trouble getting the votes, so the vote on cap-and-trade is expected at 5pm, later than originally planned.  We'll be watching it.  Meanwhile, the Washington Times reports that the bill will go after things like hot tubs and light bulbs, and Bloomberg tells us what oil companies' response will be to this if it becomes law.  Remember when then-Senator Obama promised that cap-and-trade will harm consumers?


The House of Representatives took a moment in the midst of cap-and-trade debate to have a moment of silence for Michael Jackson.


George Will points out what "green jobs" mean:  unemployment.


The number of global warming skeptics around the world is increasing.  It's a shame that the United States is trailing, not leading, this trend.


President Obama is betting his economy on the same set of policies that have been used in three large failed states already.  This is not what the Founders meant when they called the states the "laboratories of democracy."


GM (read:  the Obama administration) is going to build their glorified golf cart in Michigan.  You shouldn't be surprised by this.


Some doctors are saying that they will stop practicing if we get government-run health care.  Reason TV also has a nice new spot on what would happen if government ran health care, which is inevitable if the "public option" exists.


Only 17% of Americans say that government spends money more wisely than a private business.


The state is going to get $50 million from the "stimulus" bill to expand the state's weatherization program.  In other news, I just found something that the state can cut from the budget.


The Houston County School Board passed a budget last night that will likely require an increase in taxes.


Here's a question the Republicans need to answer:  is anyone willing to run against Jim Marshall?  I think it sounds like fun.


Check it out, the Macon Telegraph published my op-ed about the Tea Party!

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