Friday, June 05, 2009

Obama's "Pay Czar"

The White House is set to appoint a "pay czar" to make sure that bailed-out companies are abiding by executive pay guidelines.  They start with bailed-out companies, but next could be companies that receive special tax breaks, or that do business with the government, or that is just so big that the federal government wants to dictate how much the executives are allowed to earn.


The unemployment rate in May jumped to 9.4%, the highest since 1983 and worse than expected.  The White House's response is to try and spend the "stimulus" money faster.  Most of the trips that the President and Vice President have made to sell and promote the "stimulus" package have been to states that they won in November, in preparation for a re-election bid in 2012.


The South Carolina Supreme Court is forcing Governor Mark Sanford to accept "stimulus" money.


Sonia Sotomayor has made references to "wise women" and "wise Latina women" making better decisions than white men multiple times between 1994 and 2003.  She didn't misspeak, no matter how much the Obama White House wants you to believe that she did.


Here's a shocker:  the CEO of Microsoft says that the company would leave the United States if the Obama Administration plan to raise taxes on foreign profits passes.  He says that it would make jobs in the United States more expensive.


Barney Frank personally called the CEO of Government Motors to protect a plant in his district, and it worked.  In other auto news, Roger Penske is buying Saturn from GM.


Harry Reid wants to pass amnesty this year.  I told you this was coming; it just got put off by some of the other things the Democrats want to accomplish.


Apparently Obama is killing the "progressive" movement.  If only that was the case.


Iran is now running 5,000 centrifuges, accumulating enough uranium to produce a nuclear weapon if they enrich it more.


A new NASA study acknowledges that the sun is responsible for global warming since the Industrial Revolution.


The IRS is trying to require tax preparers to get licensed.


The latest czar is the "Great Lakes Clean Up Czar."


Senate Democrats are pushing to get Guantanamo Bay detainees to American shores.  I think we should only send them to states represented by those Democrats.


Former Vice President Dick Cheney has higher approval ratings than House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.


The Obama Administration's plan to get bad assets off the books of banks has been scrapped after nobody wanted to participate in the program.


The Democrat mayor of Ray City is running for Governor.  I'm sure Roy Barnes cares.  When he entered the race Congressional Quarterly upgraded the Democrats' chances of winning the election next year.


Georgia revenues dropped 14% last month, and Governor Perdue had to meet today with state judges to keep them from suing the state.

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