After Nancy Pelosi's meltdown yesterday calling the insurance companies "villains," Harry Reid also attacked the insurance companies as part of a larger Democrat strategy for the August recess. It'll be a tough fight for them to demonize the insurance companies since most Americans like their own insurance coverage, especially as Republicans point out that after five years most Americans could lose their own plan.
Blue Dogs might have rolled over, but there was still enough of a concession to make many of the House liberals angry enough to threaten to kill the bill. The Blue Dogs still, though, voted against an amendment to prevent the surtax from doubling in 2013. On the good news side, the Senate Finance Committee will not vote on a bill before the August recess.
The Obama administration was surprised to find that Americans love what they consider to be free money, and right now plans to shut down the "cash for clunkers" program after this weekend, while the House races in their last day before recess to pass a $2 billion extension to the program. One car salesman says that "if they can't administer a program like this, I'd be a little concerned about my health insurance." That just about sums it up, folks, and Doug Powers says that will be enough to help kill Obamacare. The Heritage Foundation says that it was doomed to fail from the start.
A poll commissioned by the Daily Kos (so I'm not sure how much I trust it) shows that 28% of Republicans don't believe Obama was born in America. See how that works when it comes time to take back Congress next year.
There's a lot of talk about the new economic report. Francis Cianfrocca at has the only thing you need to read about it.
Russia is going to drill for oil off of Cuba. That means that there are now two countries that can drill for oil closer to the coast of the United States than American oil companies can.
It turns out that colder climates are linked to longer lifespans in animals. This makes liberals' hatred for global warming illogical, given what they're trying to do to old people through socialist medicine.
Half of Americans would prefer to cut mail delivery than to have the federal government subsidize the postal service.
Some Republican members of Congress are trying to get the charges against the New Black Panther Party in Philadelphia reinstated.