Friday, July 10, 2009

Was Obama Looking? Plus More Important Issues

ABC has the video of Obama checking out that girl's behind at the G-8 summit, and it is a less obvious conclusion.  I still think he looked, and I don't blame him.  He didn't know that she's only 16.  This picture seems to be a bit more conclusive; Barack was looking this time.


On issues that actually matter, some are predicting that Iran could have a nuclear bomb within a year.  What will Barack do if the Mad Mullahs refuse to talk to him?  Also, Obama became the first President to greet and shake hands with Moammar Qadhafi.


Congressman Jack Kingston has introduced an amendment that would require all czars to be confirmed by the Senate.  Congressman Tom Price has introduced the Reducing Barack Obama's Unsustainable Deficit Act.


Breather James Hansen called the cap-and-trade bill "less than worthless," which is actually correct according to the EPA.


House Democrats have had to delay the socialization of medicine bill, likely because they can't figure out how to pay for it.  Max Baucus had a few ideas, mostly hinging on the idea of punishing the evil, hated rich.  They might have less trouble paying for the bill if they would stop putting so many pork projects in the bill.


Reuters gives us a sob story today that illustrates the problem with the current employer-based health care model.


Congress is trying to figure out what to do with the rest of the TARP money.  Here's a novel idea:  give it back to taxpayers.


Government Motors emerged from bankruptcy this morning, with the federal government owning nearly 61% of the company.


Sonia Sotomayor is starting the confirmation process with numbers similar to those of Harriet Miers.  Remember what happened to her?


Tax increases are destroying jobs in California.  Democrats elsewhere, are you paying attention?


Independents are starting to shift away from President Obama.  They're the idiots who elected him.


The Houston County School Board voted yesterday to raise your taxes.  They will have three public hearings in the next few weeks to hear from you, so let them have it.


There might be a new state agency created just for the purpose of tracking "stimulus" money.  That will cost us more money, but probably not as much as the $18 million that the federal government will spend to redesign


Ugly men are more fertile.  This should be good news for me if I ever decide to spawn.

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