Monday, July 27, 2009

I'm Back!

The McCain campaign lawyers dug into the birth certificate issue.  The fact that they couldn't find anything is proof that there isn't anything there.


Cash-for-clunkers has started, and it turns out that it will not have the effect that the politicians claimed that it would have, and it may hurt private charities.


Stimulus money has gone to pay for toilet repairs and for ham.  In St. Louis, about 1600 teenage workers did not get their paychecks on time for their so-called "stimulus jobs."  After Arizona Senator Jon Kyl suggested ending the "stimulus" spending the governor of Arizona received a letter threatening to cut off all stimulus spending in that state.  To add insult to injury, the most anti-lobbyist administration in history has lifted restrictions on lobbyists asking for money for stimulus projects.  The American people are starting to get it, as only 25% of voters believe that the "stimulus" has helped the economy.


The socialized medicine bill continues to be honed by the Democrats as they try to push it through Congress, but the more the public sees the worse this thing gets.  The Congressional Budget Office exposed the lie that the Democrats' bill would result in health care savings, as people would use more rather than less health care because it would appear free.  Democrats are also trying to start taxing what they call "gold plated" health insurance policies because only the hated rich have those.  Even though the CBO said that the House bill would cost over $1 trillion, there are some sections of the bill that were not even included because of the language in the bill.  Congressman John Conyers (D-Michigan) says that there is no point even reading the bill because he won't understand what it says anyway.  Right now, it looks like the bill will not pass because there aren't even enough Democrats supporting it to make it law.


Democrats are censoring the constituent communications of Congressman John Carter (R-TX) because they don't like the fact that he described their health plan as "government run."


In Oregon, some terminally ill patients have been denied care from their state-run insurance program and offered assisted suicide instead.  If you think that won't happen nationally, then think again.  There is a provision in the bill that requires end-of-life counseling for old people.  You'll also lose the freedom to make choices in your health care, and your doctor will lose the ability to decide with you what health care choices to make.


All of the support for the bailouts could end up costing $23.7 trillion, or about one and a half times the size of the whole United States economy.


A conservative kiosk will not be allowed at a mall in Charlotte because some people got offended and because the owners of the mall are Democrat donors.  This is the mall's right.


I'm sure you all know by now about the arrest of the race pimp in Cambridge, Massachusetts last week.  Make yourself more informed by reading the police report.


Octomom is going to have a reality show.


Reason number 6,782 why I will never run for office:  politicians spend money on professional snoops to dig up dirt on their opponents.


The Warner Robins City Council voted down raises for themselves unanimously last week.  Just three weeks ago there was plenty of support for the idea on the council.  Then we got to it.


Clifford Holmes will run for mayor in Warner Robins.  Donald Walker will be re-elected.


The Houston County Board of Education had two of their public meetings last week on the proposed millage rate increase.  The first meeting had about twenty people, while at the second meeting only one person showed up.  Unless there is a large public outcry, they will proceed with this.


Houston County Commissioners are also working on raising taxes, with only a little bit of opposition.


Governor Perdue announced last week that teachers will take 3 furlough days and all state agencies will face an approximately 5% budget cut.  Houston County schools will close for two days to cut costs, while Peach County will go to a four-day school week to save money.

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