Thursday, July 16, 2009

Public Option Not an Option

The Senate Finance Committee is threatening to hit insurance companies with $100 billion worth of new taxes to pay for their version of the socialist medicine bill.  Of course, if you look at the House Democrats' version, that won't matter anyway because if they pass it there won't be a private insurance industry.  As a nurses group lines up in support of socialist medicine, House committees are pushing towards votes on their bill that may fail thanks to the Blue Dogs, who actually appear to be relevant for once.  As much as the Democrats like to talk about the fact that health care reform will cut costs, the Congressional Budget Office says that, as we all know, health care will cost the federal government more money on health care under the Democrats' plans, and Massachusetts is being sued by a hospital that is losing money under their government-run health insurance plan.  If you're unemployed, at least you can find a job paying between $11-16 per hour to campaign for socialist medicine.


Economist Stephen Moore calls President Obama's economic policies "the greatest threat to freedom and liberty in our lifetime."  More people need to say this.


President Obama's approval rating has dropped by 9 points in the last month.  People are finally figuring out what they voted for, and they don't like it.


Members of the House who voted for cap-and-tax are being hammered by their constituents.  Keep it up, folks, right up to the point where you kick them out of office.  Then start following up on their replacement.


The IRS has failed to collect taxes from 18 percent of all filers who owe more than $1 million per year.  This is the same government that Democrats want to run your health care.


The debate continues to rage over whether the F-22 is worth the money.  It definitely is not worth the money if it is only as a pork project for some Senators.


One out of every 84 homes in the United States has received a foreclosure filing through the first half of this year.  Why are people so worried over 1.2%?


The Social Security Administration had a $700,000 taxpayer-funded junket at a high-end resort in Phoenix, Arizona last week.


A South Carolina judge declared the state law barring underage drinking unconstitutional.  If an 18-year-old can fight and die for America, why can't that same 18-year-old drink alcohol?


State lawmakers are going to give up one day's pay per month through at least the rest of the calendar year, including Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle.  That will save the state a grand total of about $140,000.


For those of you interested, you can get either a spa treatment or a round of golf with the Republican state Senator of your choice for $10,000.


Another candidate for Warner Robins City Council announced his intentions to run today.  At least this one has an idea; too bad it's a stupid one.


jacksmith said...


The healthcare reform bill released by the House Of Representatives is an excellent bill as I understand it. It is carefully written, and thoughtfully constructed, informed, prudent and wise. This bill will save trillions of dollars, and millions of your lives.

This is the type of bill that all Americans can feel good about. And this is the type of bill that has the potential to dramatically improve the quality of healthcare for all Americans. Rich, middle class and poor a like. Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and all other party affiliations. This bill has the potential to dramatically improve the quality of life of every American.

The house healthcare bill should be viewed as the minimum GOLD STANDARD by which all other proposed healthcare legislation should be judged. All supporters of true high quality healthcare reform should now place all your support behind this healthcare reform bill released by the United States House Of Representatives, as the minimum Gold standard for healthcare reform in America.

You should all now support this bill with all your might, and all of your unrelenting tenacity. This healthcare bill is a VERY, VERY GOOD! bill for all of the American people. Fight tooth, and nail for every bit of this bill if you have too. Be aggressive, creative, and relentless for this bill.

AND FIGHT!! like your life and the lives of your loved ones depends on it. BECAUSE IT DOES!



God Bless You

Jack Smith — Working Class

Tony said...

When has any program the government set up, ever worked right?