Friday, October 30, 2009

ObamaCare to Cost $2.24 Million Per Word

Your must-read of the day:  Peggy Noonan says that Americans are increasingly disheartened and believe that things might not get any better.


Even at 1,990 pages, the House Obamacare bill would cost Americans $2.24 million per word.  The Congressional Budget Office says that it will cost $1.055 trillion, but Blue Dog Democrats still say that estimate leaves a lot of questions unanswered, like whether it will actually lower health care costs.  The bill includes 42 different studies, thirteen new tax increases, death panels, and requirements that restaurants and even vending machines include health information about their food.  Right now, Rep. Jim Marshall opposes the bill.


As the White House claims that the "stimulus" saved or created about 650,000 jobs, we find that "stimulus" cash has gone to fund research on bugs, the sex lives of college freshmen, Facebook, and rabbit droppings.  How does any of this create jobs?  Of course, the idea of jobs "created or saved" is pure fantasy anyway.


Investors Business Daily says that the economic growth is all illusion and waste.  Last month, personal income remained unchanged and consumer spending dropped.  There's no recovery.


The most ethical Congress in history now has dozens of Democrat members being investigated by the House Ethics Committee, including two Democrats who were added to the list yesterday.


After the Messiah was supposed to come to power and fix all of the alleged racial problems that America has, Obama has had almost no effect on views on race relations.


Joe Lieberman says that he might campaign for Republican candidates in next year's election.  Don't get too excited, because he also plans to help Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) win re-election.


The owner of Macon's soon-to-be-former ABC affiliate is dropping the relationship with the national network over their liberal newscasts and the sex and violence on television.  He's on his way to bankruptcy.


The judge brought in from Dooly County to decide on the case involving Warner Robins City Councilman John Williams has decided that there is not enough evidence to file charges against Williams.  Does that mean that this highly entertaining drama is over now?


State Representative and candidate for Attorney General Rob Teilhet (D-Smyrna) wants to force sex offenders to put "No Candy Here" signs on their doors each Halloween.


There might be a battle in next year's General Assembly over the property tax system used in Georgia.


Governor Perdue, lacking the cojones to seize Buford Dam and keep Georgia water in Georgia, wants Congress to come up with a water solution.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

House Health Care Bill Emerges

The media and Democrats are celebrating economic growth in the third quarter of the year, while Forbes magazine asks if this might be as good as it gets.  The growth is coming from government spending, like $24,000 per car under cash for clunkers, which is unsustainable and is only removing money from the economy.  The economy continues to shed jobs, the number of jobs created by the "stimulus" package has been overstated, and new home sales fell last month.  In other words, the economy is not recovering, and may even be preparing for a double-dip.  Obama owns it.


House Democrats introduced their 1,990-page health care bill today, which includes a government option and new taxes to fund the $900 billion price tag that will add to the deficit in the last five years of the first decade.  What the Democrats are trying to sell is not just a free lunch, but a free breakfast, lunch, dinner, and bedtime snack.


President Bush named more than 40% of his top-level fundraisers to posts in his administration, and the media was outraged.  Only it wasn't President Bush, it was President Obama, and the media is ignoring the story.


Obama isn't even doing well among women.


A Detroit Imam who advocated the use of force to establish a society where Muslims would rule non-Muslims was shot when the FBI tried to apprehend him, and now the federal government is warning about retaliation.


Costco is going to begin accepting food stamps.  I think they should create a separate line for the parasites during checkout.


Thomas Sowell writes about Barack Obama dismantling America.


Obama has failed to defeat conservatism in America, but he is defeating the Republican Party.


Some of you will like this:  Right-wing women rock.


A little girl in Des Moines, Iowa was suspended for bringing empty shotgun shells to school.  Zero-tolerance idiocy.


Georgia ranks near the bottom nationally for educational standards.  How long before education bureaucrats blame a lack of money?


Can anybody tell me why in the world you would pay $25 to talk to a bunch of political candidates?


More Houston County parents are complaining about the new school zones.


I mentioned this yesterday, but Chuck Shaheen has a large lead in fundraising among candidates for Warner Robins mayor.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Eat Your Dog, Have Yourself Spayed or Neutered To Save The Planet

The Obama administration is making plans for dealing with a nuclear Iran.  They've already given up on stopping Iran from having nukes, so now they just want to contain them.


Not only do you have to stop eating meat to save the planet, you also have to eat your dog and stop having babies.


The Democrats' health care plans will treat seniors as clunkers and could triple private insurance premiums, an insurance mandate could hurt many Americans, and the left-wing New Republic says that it would actually take away from the poor.  Fortunately, the Democrats do not have enough votes to pass it in the House or in the Senate.


Consumer confidence has dropped in October.  That's Obama recovery.


The number of voters who would be identified as libertarians is at a modern peak of 23%.


The next thing to blame on swine flu:  Internet crashes.


While being pressed by CNN, Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett still calls Fox News biased, but refuses to say anything about MSNBC.


Democrat donors have been rewarded with White House perks.


The Wall Street Journal says that TARP should not be extended, while GMAC may need a third helping of bailout cash.


The New York Times has another anti-CIA smear job, this time saying that the CIA is paying Afghan President Hamid Karzai's brother, even though he is allegedly a part of the opium trade.  The new Afghan strategy will focus only on major population centers, apparently leaving the rest of the country to the Taliban.  The United Nations says that drone strikes may be against international law.


The number of women buying handguns in Chicago is increasing.  Do you blame them?  In Britain, gun crime has nearly doubled in the last decade despite the fact that guns are illegal.


A woman has been charged with offering sex in exchange for World Series tickets.  Why should this be a crime?


Sen. Johnny Isakson is still pushing for his home buyers' tax credit that is not only rife with fraud, but even if it was working successfully would be unnaturally inflating home values.


The President of the Georgia Association of Educators wants to raise corporate taxes "for the kids."


Some parents of students in Houston County schools are not pleased with the school board's redistricting plans, and a public hearing last night got rowdy with disagreements.


The candidates for Warner Robins Mayor had another debate last night.  They all seemed to be in agreement on most things.


The Medical Center of Central Georgia is catching flack in Macon for cutting services for which they are not paid.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Renaming The Government Option

As he prepares to introduce legislation allowing the federal government to seize banks considered "too big to fail," Barney Frank yesterday on Ed Schultz's show says that Democrats are "trying on every front to increase the role of government."


Bad news for Democrats:  Obama's coattails only apply when Obama is on the ballot.


CNN, now in last place among cable news networks, might want to consider repealing their ban on talk show hosts and instead ban their anchors from ever appearing on Jeopardy.


Since only 37 percent of Americans know what the "public option" is, Nancy Pelosi wants to give it a new name and call it the "consumer option" or the "competitive option."  They really do think you're that dumb.


An Obama economic advisor thinks that the best way to save money on the government takeover of health care is to tax "Cadillac" health insurance plans.  Every bill includes a provision to save money that would cut Medicare payments to hospitals that readmit ill seniors.  That would be rationing.


While there still is not a final text of the Senate bill, there are some things that we can expect to see in the bill.  Joe Lieberman says that he will filibuster any plan that has a government option.


Obama's Education Secretary wants "revolutionary change" in teachers' colleges.  I agree, but I tremble every time I consider any kind of revolutionary change coming from this administration.


The United Nations has named Tinker Bell an "Honorary Ambassador of Green" in an attempt to indoctrinate children into fearing the god of global warming.  A British climate chief wants everybody to give up meat to save the planet.  Over my dead body.


Now people are starting to think about what the media reaction would be if George Bush had done some of the same things that Barack Obama is doing.


People are leaving New York to escape high taxes, which means that tax revenues will not recover with the economy.


Pravda says that the United States is moving towards socialism.


The government-run Amtrak loses about $32 per passenger.  Don't worry; government will do a better job when they're running your health care.


Even Democrats are tired of Rep. Alan Grayson (Kook-FL) after he called an advisor to Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke a "K Street whore."


Federal employees can still make charitable contributions to ACORN through the government's annual workplace charity campaign.

A new scare report is out saying that children are more than twice as likely to be killed by cars on Halloween than on any other night.  The report ignores the fact that children are also more than twice as likely to be walking the streets at night on Halloween than any other night.


Here's the big game changer in the race for Warner Robins Mayor.  Donald Walker's widow, Patricia, has endorsed Chuck Chalk.


Chalk came out swinging in the candidates' forum last night, but then the attacks faded and everybody played it safe.  It got boring.


The John Williams saga continues, but a judge promises a quick ruling in the case.


The U.S. House unanimously approved adding Billy Carter's gas station to the Jimmy Carter National Historic Site.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Obama Declares Swine Flu Emergency

The 2009 federal budget deficit was more than $4,700 for every person in the United States.  The stimulus bill may be worse than the upcoming Obamacare bill.  Democrats will probably use the Defense spending bill to raise the debt limit.  They'll have to, considering that the fiscal year 2010 spending bills increase spending by 12.1%.


Speaking of stimulus, 49 out of 50 states, plus the District of Columbia, have lost jobs since the bill was passed in February.  This as Obama's top economic adviser says that the impact of the stimulus bill won't contribute to significant economic growth next year.


The Democrat leadership is considering a government option that allows states to opt out of the plan.  CBS' "60 Minutes" pointed out that one out of every seven Medicare dollars is spent on fraud.  Even the Associated Press is forced to point out that the profits for the health insurance companies are less than 2 percent.


The pay czar is going after executive salaries, while government-run Freddie Mac is giving its new CFO compensation worth up to $5.5 million.


George Soros calls Wall Street profits "gifts" from the state.


Nancy Pelosi says that letting the Bush tax cuts expire will not be a tax increase.


Half of the country disagrees with President Obama on the issues.  That's not reason for Republicans to get very excited, because 73% of Republican voters say that Congressional Republicans have lost touch with their base.  Conservatives are still considered the largest ideological group in the country.


A New York Times reporter wants to institute the one-child policy in the United States.


American troops in Afghanistan are hoping that their sacrifices have not been in vain.  This is why I can't buy into the idea of withdrawing from Afghanistan.


Sen. Johnny Isakson's pet project, the home buyers' tax program, has given out hundreds of millions of dollars in fraudulent spending.


President Obama declared swine flu a national emergency, but his daughters still haven't been vaccinated for the swine flu.


James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles have struck again, this time with a new video that shows that they were not thrown out of an ACORN office in Philadelphia like the media had claimed.


The state spent $100,000 mailing interest checks because they didn't process tax returns quickly enough.

A state employee is suing Governor Perdue over pay raises not being given to state employees.


Macon ranked seventh on the Forbes list of the most impoverished cities in the United States.  Why do people still question me when I call it a third world country?


Central Georgia hospitals are asking children to stay away because of swine flu concerns.


New polls for next year's races for Governor show Oxendine slipping and Roy Barnes continuing to lead.


Did Chuck Shaheen really send his mother to represent him at a forum last week?


The mayor's salary will be decided by a judge.


Warner Robins Council Member John Williams may face assault charges for the old people fight.


The Georgia National Fair's attendance was up this year.  Good for them.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Obama To Control Your TV

With the health insurance industry issuing another rent-seeking report, Democrats are trying to repeal the antitrust exemption for insurance companies.  Senate Democrats are looking to preserve Medicare entitlement spending that they plan to cut in the ObamaCare bill, which would undo any of the potential spending cuts that would be made to make the bill "deficit neutral." 


Since there will not be a cost of living raise for Social Security this year, President Obama wants to send every Social Security recipient a $250 check.


Hillary Clinton is now personally more popular than President Obama.


Sen. Lindsey Graham (RINO-SC) is working extra hard on that permanent minority status.

Cap-and-tax will hurt the United States' economy, according to the Congressional Budget Office.


Even though the amount of ice in the Arctic Ocean has increased, some breather scientists say that within a decade there will be no ice in the Arctic during the summer.  Meanwhile, wood is coming back as a power source as part of the left's efforts to push us back to the Stone Age.  California is set to ban big screen televisions because they use too much electricity.


This year's Atlantic hurricane season has been virtually nonexistent.

Yesterday I warned you about the Value-Added Tax.  Here's why you should be concerned about it.


Now the left thinks that the military is racist against Obama.  I think their disagreements with Obama stem more from weakness, like the fact that Obama is considering getting rid of the preemptive strike doctrine.


The left is going to control your television set next week.  I'm glad I'll miss this one.


The "stimulus" package has only created 30,383 jobs, at a cost of $71,500 per job.  Maybe that's why President Obama is looking at any way he can find to create jobs.  He's getting desperate.


Sens. Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Johnny Isakson (RINO-GA) are teaming up to work on a second stimulus package.

That apartment complex in Oregon that had banned American flags has changed its mind.  Sunlight is the best disinfectant.


Mexicans say that "Mexican-Americans" owe more loyalty to Mexico than the United States.  If you asked them they would probably also say that the southwestern United States should still belong to Mexico.


An evil oil company is going to build the largest ships ever constructed to harvest natural gas.


A kooky church in North Carolina plans to burn Bibles because they're not the "real" Bible.  In Lexington, Georgia, a parent is protesting the fact that an evangelical group was allowed to give out Bibles to students.  I wonder how that parent felt about President Obama speaking to her children?


Apparently seniors are an important enough interest group to have their own forum for candidates for Warner Robins mayor.


Middle school students are being asked to take a pledge to never bring a gun to school or use a gun to solve a problem.  I bet that'll be about as effective as abstinence pledges.


John "the Fascist" Oxendine's father was kicked off the board of a nonprofit organization after agreeing to pay a fellow board member nearly $400,000.


Georgia's unemployment rate stayed steady last month, even though more jobs were lost.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Is The Recession Over?

Despite unemployment approaching 10%, some economists say that the recession is over.  The same economists say that jobs won't come back until 2012.


While government spending is killing the dollar, the high unemployment rate pushes up the budget deficit because the Democrats' "solutions" are to spend more on unemployment rather than to enact pro-jobs tax cuts.


The Senate health care bill is now back behind closed doors, as Harry Reid tries to put together a single bill with some real language.  The Finance Committee bill includes $507 billion in new taxes and fees, and you'll literally get your health care at the DMV.  Massachusetts has already shown us what happens when you try to cut health care costs by spending more money, and Obama economics advisor Robert Reich admits that old people are going to have to die for the common good.  As Obama makes insurance companies public enemy number one, doctors are threatening to go Galt.


Compare:  the Russians are reserving their right to pre-emptive nuclear strikes, while the United States is going to allow Russia to inspect our nuclear arsenal.


The maker of the new swine flu vaccine says that they think children will need two doses to be protected from the swine flu.  It takes a decade to get a drug to market to help men perform, but they're rushing this thing to the market in less than a year.  I don't trust it.


Apparently Michelle Obama is afraid of South Carolina.


The new hate crimes bill could infringe on the First Amendment.


Everybody in the United States will have to stop breathing by 2020 to save the planet.


Residents at an apartment complex in Oregon were told that they had to take down their American flags because somebody in their "diverse community" might be offended.


During this recession, Cuba is implementing more capitalist policies.


Even the United Nations is now saying that the actions taken to remove would-be Chavez clone Manuel Zelaya as President of Honduras was constitutional.


The Pay Czar is threatening to take bonuses away from the lower-level AIG employees.  They can't have the poor people making too much money.


Despite spending over $9,000 per student per year on education, students' scores in math still are not improving.  Georgia still lags behind the national average.


A mother was arrested for washing her daughter's mouth out with soap.


A federal judge fined birther lawyer Orly Taitz $20,000 for filing a frivolous lawsuit.


Now the GBI is involved in the alleged break-in of the Mayor's office.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

ObamaCare Will Pass Committee

Last night the health insurance industry released a report showing how much more Americans are going to pay for health insurance as a result of the Baucus bill, and the Democrats were not happy with it.  By 2019 the average family will spend an extra $4,000 on health insurance, which the Democrats say will be subsidized by taxpayers so it won't seem so bad.  The Reason Foundation says that what insurance companies really want is a stronger individual mandate and larger subsidies, and the Cato Institute says that this may be what ultimately kills ObamaCare.  What should kill it is the experience of RomneyCare, where their state health plan is already starting to ration care, just like they do in Britain, where a grandfather was sent to his death by their government health care system..


The "stimulus" has primarily helped to save jobs of government school teachers and administrators.  These are the same government school teachers and administrators that suspended an Eagle Scout over a pocket knife left in his car and suspended a Cub Scout for taking a camping utensil to school to eat his lunch.


The White House has been attacking Fox News.  What would the Nobel committee say?


Criminal aliens are going to be housed in hotels.


The military wants a new bunker-buster fast.  They deny that Iran is the reason for the urgency, but really, does it matter why they want it?  It will make for great explosion porn.


A new study is out from Britain that says that welfare destroys the work ethic.


The United Auto Workers gave up nothing in terms of base pay, health or pension benefits in their "concessions" to the automakers.


Obama's advisor on Muslim affairs loves Sharia law.  She wants to be an oppressed woman.


Some members of Congress are considering a tax credit for your pets.  This is another stupid idea, although not as stupid as most that Congress has.


Fox News reports on the waste of tax dollars to guarantee air service to small towns.  Macon is one of those small towns.


The state claims that the "stimulus" package employed over 10,700 young people through a summer jobs program.  At least they're going to stop using roadside signs to advertise the pork from the "stimulus" bill.


Do you want to know how to get money from your neighbors' wallets?  Ask Johnny Isakson!


Overly offended people with racial chips on their shoulders are still demanding that Valdosta's school superintendent resign because the Obama speech was not shown to students there.


Apparently City Clerk Stan Martin and his accomplice from the IT department were looking for Donald Walker's hidden treasure during their break-in of the mayor's office.  I don't care what they were looking for; this was just stupid.

Monday, October 12, 2009

What Happened to Global Warming?

In 2009 about 40% of all income tax revenues will go towards paying interest on the debt.  No debt is actually being paid off.


Limiting lawsuits could save the federal government $41 billion over the next decade, and Congress wouldn't have to spend a dime to do it.  Here's a preview of the so-called individual mandate, courtesy of RomneyCare in Massachusetts.


A preview of ObamaCare, courtesy of formerly Great Britain, with a woman who was taken off of her medications and a feeding tube after being told she had only a few days to live.  After her daughter intervened, she was put back on her medications and she's still alive nine months later.  An Iraqi war veteran, also in formerly Great Britain, has died after being given a lung transplant from a smoker who had cancer.


Members of Congress won't read the health care bill, but even if they tried they wouldn't know what it meant.  Some Senators are making sure that their states are exempt from the most expensive provisions of the bill.  As they rush to pass this monstrosity, remember that the so-called benefits won't kick in for three years.


A majority of voters would prefer middle-class tax cuts to spending more money to reform health care.


As the BBC asks what happened to global warming, a playoff baseball game in Denver was snowed out on Saturday, record low temperatures hit Montana, and cold threatens potatoes in Idaho.  That's not enough for ABC's Charlie Gibson, who says that global warming is helping the Taliban, or for Sen. Lindsey Graham (RINO-SC), who signed on to the cap-and-tax bill in the Senate.


The Obama administration is going to destabilize Pakistan just so they can hand contracts off from American companies to local Pakistani companies.


North Korea launched more missiles over the weekend, and Iran laughed at the idea that the United States might do something to stop them from getting nuclear weapons.  How's that Nobel Peace Prize working out?


Even Hugo Chavez says that Obama didn't do anything to deserve the Nobel Prize.  Here are some of the people who were passed up so the Norwegian liberals could reward Obama for not being George Bush.  The Nobel Committee is still defending their choice.  Obama, despite his efforts to remake the American economy in the European mold, did not win the Nobel Prize in economics.


Israel says that they will attack Iran if there are not sanctions in place by Christmas.


The real threat from swine flu is the media and government-fueled panic.


The Wall Street Journal explains why the tax credit to create jobs not only won't work, but is also bad policy.


Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio was being too effective at cracking down on criminal aliens, so the White House took away his immigration policing powers.  Congress decided to strip 300 miles worth of border fencing from a spending bill.  They're preparing for amnesty.


President Obama promised that he would end "don't ask, don't tell."


The United States Constitution made the bestseller list this week.


The Interior Secretary wants to spend $96 million to move a bunch of horses.


Law enforcement officials in North Carolina seized 929 gallons of white liquor last week.  What a waste.


A store in Detroit was caught selling Viagra, alcohol, and pornography to food stamp recipients.


Johnny Isakson is still pushing his tax credit for first-time homebuyers.


Houston and Peach Counties are seeking federal "stimulus" dollars to continue to pay exorbitant administrative salaries.


Rep. Jim Marshall had a town hall meeting in Dublin on Saturday, and the parasites showed up to beg for your money.


Georgia's largest teacher group is suing the state for cutting the salary supplement to teachers who have been National Board Certified.


The Macon Telegraph may have been five days behind me, but they finally got to the news on what would happen to votes for Donald Walker.


A lawyer's opinion says that the 2007 raise in the mayor's salary was illegal.


Two Warner Robins city employees are on administrative leave after breaking into the Mayor's office.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Live From the Georgia National Fair!

President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize today for…wait, what has he accomplished?  The London Times says that this makes a mockery of the award, but I thought they did that when they awarded it to Yasser Arafat, Jimmy Carter, and Al Gore.  Even people who like the fact that he won don't know what he's done to earn it, but the DNC says that if you're not thrilled about Obama winning this award then you obviously love terrorists.


The Obama Administration is considering allowing the Taliban to control certain parts of Afghanistan.


Congress used a defense authorization bill to pass a bill to criminalize thought.


Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) says that the Senate ObamaCare bill will include the government option.


Democrats are thinking about a second stimulus package.  I guess the first one is just doing too well.


Airports are going to start screening passengers for H1N1 flu, including taking their temperatures.  With this being government, plan on your temperature being taken rectally.  We can profile based on a fever, but not based on religion?


Congress wants to regulate how loud a commercial is allowed to be.  I guess it's a good thing Billy Mays is already dead.


Citizens Against Government Waste rated Congress on their wasteful spending, and our members of Congress did not do very well.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

ObamaCare Vote on Tuesday

According to the London Times, American troops in Afghanistan have low morale.  It's about the fact that they're not allowed to do their jobs.


The Senate Finance Committee is going to vote on the health care bill on Tuesday, as House Democrats look for a way to fund the government option.  The Baucus Bill will actually cost over $2 trillion over the first decade, more than double what the CBO said it would cost.


CNN used singing children to push ObamaCare.  This is really creepy, but catchy.  Obama is turning to Hollywood to help him push it.


The Congressional Budget Office says that the federal budget deficit hit a record $1.4 trillion last fiscal year.  Jamie Dupree has some details on where the money went.


The Congressional Black Caucus criticized what they called a partisan attempt to remove Charles Rangel from being Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee.  I'm surprised that they didn't call it racist. has a list of Rangel's transgressions.


John McCain may be giving in on cap-and-trade.  I don't know why this is a surprise; he said he supported it in his campaign for President last year.  John Kerry, the sponsor of the Senate version of cap-and-trade, is using the benefits of the recession as incentive to pass it.  Saudi Arabia is already asking for international aid in case the world decreases its use of their oil.


The Federal Housing Administration may need a bailout because they have $54 billion in losses that it can't handle.


While state and local governments are dealing with budget deficits, they're still spending lots of money on lobbyists.


Criminals may have been hired for the Census.  This is true even after they fired ACORN.


The White House is going to keep the Olympic office open permanently.  Does that mean that we get an Olympics czar now?


NASA is going to bomb the moon.  It's a lot less fun, and a lot more expensive, than it sounds.


Apparently the birth control pill has turned women off of masculine men.


The New York Times did a piece of investigative journalism into the slave history of Michelle Obama's ancestors, and she has a connection to Georgia.


There is another challenger who has emerged to run against Jim Marshall.  Check out Ken DeLoach's swanky campaign website.


The Houston County School Board is having some trouble with a state law that passed earlier this year, particularly the school choice provisions.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Afghanistan, Eight Years Later

Today is the eight-year anniversary of the beginning of the war against Islamic terrorism's Afghan theatre, and the public is growing skeptical on whether the United States is helping to build a stable democracy.  That never should have been the goal.  Obama is still trying to figure out his policy on Afghanistan.


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is probably going to make the ObamaCare bill an amendment to an unrelated tax bill that the House passed in March.  The problem is that everything that ObamaCare wants to do has already been tried at the state level, and failed.


The General Accounting Office found $63 million in Medicaid fraud in just five states.  Medicare knowingly overpays for everything that it purchases, so how is expanding this to everybody supposed to save money?  Democrats want to pay for it by taxing breast pumps and other medical devices.


Unfortunately for Democrats, a majority of voters oppose penalties for not getting health insurance.


Republicans attempted to remove tax cheat Rep. Charles Rangel from his position as Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, and Democrats defeated the resolution.  Both Rep. Jim Marshall and Rep. Sanford Bishop voted to defend Rangel.


HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, when not teaching people how to sneeze, is trying to force everybody to get the swine flu vaccine.


Remember when this Congress was supposed to be the hardest-working Congress in history?  They're only in session about two and a half days a week.


The Heritage Foundation's Brian Riedl has 50 examples of government waste.


Is the United States preparing to bomb Iran?  Not the guy who has to pull the trigger.


Nancy Pelosi says that a VAT is on the table.  Here's why it would be dangerous to the United States' economy.


Attorney General Eric Holder personally intervened to make sure that the Kenya and Tanzania Embassy bomber won't get the death penalty when he is brought to the United States for prosecution.


Parasites mobbed a city event in Detroit where your tax dollars were being handed out.  It's a shame voter registration cards weren't destroyed at the same time.


Some school kids in Idaho had the earliest snow day ever, while ski resorts in Colorado and Las Vegas are having their earliest openings ever.  Arctic ice continues to grow.  It must be all of that global warming, but we may never know because the federally-funded research unit destroyed the raw data that it used to come up with the global warming theory.



An Australian comedy TV show featured a man pleasuring himself to a picture of President Obama.  In other words, he was doing his best Chris Matthews impression.


The state still plans to appeal the decision saying that rain that falls in the northeastern part of Georgia belongs to Alabama and Florida.


Jim Oxendine, father of John "the Fascist" Oxendine, resigned his judgeship in Gwinnett County under investigation.


Rep. Nathan Deal has decided to stop doing business with the state.  He's made a lot of money with a government contract.


A teenager in Cobb County was told that he's not allowed to dress like a female at school.  Actually, this makes sense.


That woman who gave birth in the bathroom at Houston Medical Center killed the child before leaving it.


Warner Robins is hosting the state NAACP convention starting today.  I knew I saw more chrome rims than usual today…


Houston County is going to start handing out coupons for weather radios.  These are a waste of money.


Parasites that lost any food that we paid for in the flood will get to have us pay to replace it.


Rep. Jim Marshall will have another town hall meeting in Dublin on Saturday.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Democrats Want To Hide ObamaCare Bill

Congressional leaders are trying to make sure that the final versions of the health care bills never appear online before they are voted on.  Since they won't be reading them, they don't want you to read them either.


Betsy McCaughey calls ObamaCare the "kill granny" bill, but government is already rationing health care by making cuts to nursing homes and by Medicare having the highest claim rejection rate among insurance companies.


Obama is declaring war on specialists to cut health care costs.


Most voters do not want higher taxes on anybody other than the "rich" to pay for ObamaCare.


Another week, another effort to indoctrinate school children to love The One.


Apparently the Arab states are working with China, Russia, and France to dump the dollar.  You'll see more of this if we keep inflating it to oblivion.


Warren Buffett wants to pay more taxes.  Isn't that special?


President Obama had a health care rally with doctors at the White House yesterday, but they had to stage the photo-op by giving everybody a white coat.


Not only did the Bush Treasury Department force banks to surrender ownership to the federal government under the TARP program, they also lied to the American people when they said that all of the top banks were healthy and were only taking the money for the good of the economy.  Sen. John Thune has a rundown of the American peoples' assets, and says that it is time for a TARP exit strategy.


The Obama administration is failing in their efforts to close Guantanamo Bay, so they have to find somebody to blame.  White House Counsel Greg Craig is the fall guy.


The health Nazis' efforts to get people to change their habits by posting the number of calories in fast food restaurants are failing miserably.


What it feels like to be a libertarian.  Thanks to Jason Pye for the tip here.


The Fox News show that airs at 3AM has better ratings among the 25-54 demographic than CNN and MSNBC in primetime and in the mornings.


A French gay soccer team (which is redundant on so many levels) is upset that a Muslim team refused to play them.


A judge ruled against Georgia again in the water fight.  Remember, all of the rain that falls in Georgia really belongs to Alabama and Florida.


Why the FairTax cannot work on the state level.  Or, why John "the fascist" Oxendine is an astroturfing fool.


The Warner Robins City Council had their first post-Walker meeting last night, with Terry Horton being named mayor pro tem.


We have a new favorite for mother of the year, courtesy of Alabama.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Jim Marshall Draws A Challenger

We will have a rundown today of the status of the race for mayor in Warner Robins without Donald Walker.


President Obama is going to speak to a gay audience this weekend.  No, that does not mean he's going on Chris Matthews' show.


The IAEA says that Iran has the data to build a nuclear bomb.  Despite that, the head of the IAEA says that Israel is the number one threat to the Middle East.  John Bolton says that Iran had a big victory in talks last week.


The Obama administration is unhappy with Gen. Stanley McChrystal making public statements about what is needed in Afghanistan, essentially saying that he should let Washington make the strategic decisions.  Apparently that was the topic of conversation in Copenhagen last week for that 25-minute meeting between Obama and McChrystal.  The White House is not willing to consider the option of leaving Afghanistan.


The National Federation of Independent Business says that health insurance mandates on small businesses will hurt small businesses.  Meanwhile, in Congress, House Democrats are fighting over tax increases, abortion, illegals, and the scope of the government option, meaning that there is no sure thing right now.  Liberal Democrats, Blue Dogs, and Republicans could work together to kill ObamaCare in the House, and the American people would rather preserve their own private health insurance than see a government option.


Half of Americans oppose stricter gun control laws.


New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg says that "We can't just say everybody can go everyplace and do anything they want."


How many taxpayer dollars did it cost for President and Mrs. Obama to go to Copenhagen last week for their failed Olympic lobbying?


Some Democrats are thinking about extending stimulus spending.


Obama's top energy adviser says that there will be no cap-and-trade bill this year.


Liberal faux-libertarian Time columnist Joel Stein wants Obama to be more like a dictator.


Almost two out of every three American adults say that today's children will not be better off than their parents were.


Republican candidate for Governor Rep. Nathan Deal got in trouble while defending a piece of legislation requiring proof of citizenship for federal or state health care benefits by pointing out the fact that "ghetto grandmothers" were the ones who didn't like the bill.  Sometimes the truth can get you in trouble.


A group of Columbia researchers say that the drought from earlier this decade really wasn't that bad.  Can we stop praying for rain now?


A former Bibb County GOP Chairman is running for Congress against Jim Marshall.  He says he wants to make sure that Congress doesn't "shred the Constitution."  Unless, of course, his party does it.


The Warner Robins City Council will have their first meeting tonight without Donald Walker as Mayor.


Birther lawyer Orly Taitz is asking the judge who threw her case out to recuse himself.  This is after he told her that he would slap her with contempt of court if she ever came back to his courtroom.


Upgrades to a government housing unit in Macon are going to cost $130,000 per unit.  They could burn them to the ground and start over for significantly less than that, if it wasn't a government operation.