Thursday, October 08, 2009

ObamaCare Vote on Tuesday

According to the London Times, American troops in Afghanistan have low morale.  It's about the fact that they're not allowed to do their jobs.


The Senate Finance Committee is going to vote on the health care bill on Tuesday, as House Democrats look for a way to fund the government option.  The Baucus Bill will actually cost over $2 trillion over the first decade, more than double what the CBO said it would cost.


CNN used singing children to push ObamaCare.  This is really creepy, but catchy.  Obama is turning to Hollywood to help him push it.


The Congressional Budget Office says that the federal budget deficit hit a record $1.4 trillion last fiscal year.  Jamie Dupree has some details on where the money went.


The Congressional Black Caucus criticized what they called a partisan attempt to remove Charles Rangel from being Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee.  I'm surprised that they didn't call it racist. has a list of Rangel's transgressions.


John McCain may be giving in on cap-and-trade.  I don't know why this is a surprise; he said he supported it in his campaign for President last year.  John Kerry, the sponsor of the Senate version of cap-and-trade, is using the benefits of the recession as incentive to pass it.  Saudi Arabia is already asking for international aid in case the world decreases its use of their oil.


The Federal Housing Administration may need a bailout because they have $54 billion in losses that it can't handle.


While state and local governments are dealing with budget deficits, they're still spending lots of money on lobbyists.


Criminals may have been hired for the Census.  This is true even after they fired ACORN.


The White House is going to keep the Olympic office open permanently.  Does that mean that we get an Olympics czar now?


NASA is going to bomb the moon.  It's a lot less fun, and a lot more expensive, than it sounds.


Apparently the birth control pill has turned women off of masculine men.


The New York Times did a piece of investigative journalism into the slave history of Michelle Obama's ancestors, and she has a connection to Georgia.


There is another challenger who has emerged to run against Jim Marshall.  Check out Ken DeLoach's swanky campaign website.


The Houston County School Board is having some trouble with a state law that passed earlier this year, particularly the school choice provisions.

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