Friday, October 02, 2009

Obama's Olympic Bid Fails Miserably

The unemployment rate is up to 9.8 percent for September, with another 263,000 jobs destroyed last month.  If you count that in terms that the media would have counted during the Bush administration, the unemployment rate would be 17%.  Can anybody say "malaise?"


The Senate Finance Committee approved state-run government options, rather than a federally-run one.  It also requires health care rationing.  This bill is now on its way to the Congressional Budget Office for scoring, even though there is no legislative language put together.


A few states have already shown the problems with government-run health care.


The so-called "poor," who cannot afford health care, can afford boats, iPods, cell phones, weaves, manicures, and other luxuries while we pay for their care.


John McCain is trying to remake the Republican Party in his image.  The fact that they already have his image is their problem.


Amid his failed lobbying for the Chicago Olympics, Obama managed to find 25 minutes to meet with the top commander in Afghanistan while in Copenhagen.


The British media (which does a better job of scrutinizing Obama than the left-wing media here) says that the failure by Obama to get the Olympics is going to add to doubts about his Presidency.


Only 43% of voters believe that the United States is winning the war on Islamic terrorism.


Half of babies born in the "rich" world will live to the age of 100.  They only do that by oppressing the babies born in the "poor" world.


Record cold temperatures were set in Michigan, Daytona Beach, and Boise, Idaho.


Peggy Noonan laments the fact that talk radio is so successful, and the leftwing media is such a failure, at shifting the political debate.  She calls us the "ranters" and them the "Elders."


The federal government is going to spend over $615,000 to digitize the Grateful Dead's archive.

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