The 2009 federal budget deficit was more than $4,700 for every person in the United States. The stimulus bill may be worse than the upcoming Obamacare bill. Democrats will probably use the Defense spending bill to raise the debt limit. They'll have to, considering that the fiscal year 2010 spending bills increase spending by 12.1%.
Speaking of stimulus, 49 out of 50 states, plus the District of Columbia, have lost jobs since the bill was passed in February. This as Obama's top economic adviser says that the impact of the stimulus bill won't contribute to significant economic growth next year.
The Democrat leadership is considering a government option that allows states to opt out of the plan. CBS' "60 Minutes" pointed out that one out of every seven Medicare dollars is spent on fraud. Even the Associated Press is forced to point out that the profits for the health insurance companies are less than 2 percent.
The pay czar is going after executive salaries, while government-run Freddie Mac is giving its new CFO compensation worth up to $5.5 million.
George Soros calls Wall Street profits "gifts" from the state.
Nancy Pelosi says that letting the Bush tax cuts expire will not be a tax increase.
Half of the country disagrees with President Obama on the issues. That's not reason for Republicans to get very excited, because 73% of Republican voters say that Congressional Republicans have lost touch with their base. Conservatives are still considered the largest ideological group in the country.
A New York Times reporter wants to institute the one-child policy in the United States.
American troops in Afghanistan are hoping that their sacrifices have not been in vain. This is why I can't buy into the idea of withdrawing from Afghanistan.
Sen. Johnny Isakson's pet project, the home buyers' tax program, has given out hundreds of millions of dollars in fraudulent spending.
President Obama declared swine flu a national emergency, but his daughters still haven't been vaccinated for the swine flu.
James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles have struck again, this time with a new video that shows that they were not thrown out of an ACORN office in Philadelphia like the media had claimed.
The state spent $100,000 mailing interest checks because they didn't process tax returns quickly enough.
A state employee is suing Governor Perdue over pay raises not being given to state employees.
Macon ranked seventh on the Forbes list of the most impoverished cities in the United States. Why do people still question me when I call it a third world country?
Central Georgia hospitals are asking children to stay away because of swine flu concerns.
New polls for next year's races for Governor show Oxendine slipping and Roy Barnes continuing to lead.
Did Chuck Shaheen really send his mother to represent him at a forum last week?
The mayor's salary will be decided by a judge.
Warner Robins Council Member John Williams may face assault charges for the old people fight.
The Georgia National Fair's attendance was up this year. Good for them.
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