Last night was The Mistake's bitter, partisan, angry, long, rambling, boring, Bush-blaming State of the Union Address (full text here, if you have a problem with insomnia). Not only did he violate decorum by criticizing the Supreme Court with them in the chamber, he did it while being wrong. He also said that anybody who disagrees with him holds grudges, has pet projects, keeps good people hostage, enjoys sowing division, thinks politics is a game, and apparently is just an all-around SOB. Here's a list of what Obama proposed last night, and Nile Gardiner gives Obama an F for world leadership. On the other hand, Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell gave the Republican response and absolutely nailed it. Here's the full text.
Chris Matthews doubled down on crazy last night.
They had to break the law to do it, but the Senate passed an increase in the federal debt ceiling that will probably last until next year. Nancy Pelosi would support a spending freeze if it applied to defense.
Even Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) says that trials for Islamist terrorists should not be held in New York.
The global warmers are still pushing the lie that cold winters are a sign of global warming. Also, why would scientists try to hide their data from the public, and other scientists?
Even Sen. Russ Feingold, who was considered a safe Democrat in Wisconsin, might be in trouble this year.
Obama apparently is trying to start a trade war with China.
FDR actually tried to exempt himself from the tax increases he passed as President.
Ford posted their first yearly profit in four years in 2009. Meanwhile, Government Motors is going to offer $1,000 of your money to any Toyota owner who changes brands.
The bill to ban texting while driving was slowed down after the sponsors could not answer basic questions about how to enforce it.
Republicans in the state Senate brought forth a bill that has many of the same failed ideas from the Democrats' bill nationally. John Oxendine wants to use the state to further control health insurance the same way he does auto and homeowners insurance.
The state House is set to take out Governor Perdue's ideas for raising revenue, although one of the ideas doesn't look so bad.
College presidents and student leaders have to use lies to oppose allowing licensed gun owners from carrying concealed weapons onto college campuses.
The Houston County Board of Education voted today to approve a zoning proposal that was not made public until this afternoon's meeting. There are six members of the Board of Education who need to lose their jobs over this.
amen. I just bought a house in kings crossing for Veteran's high school being the school my children would attend. I am outraged at not knowing there was a third zoning map. Where is the justice in this??
I share your outrage. I am a resident of Governor's Estate subdivision, which is in the area bordered by 96/Moody/Sandy Run/247 and was zoned to Veteran's in both public proposals. I have talked to most residents in my neighborhood and they are also upset. I have a website started to gather names of people who want to petition the board to revert our area to match the only two public proposals.
The website address is
Please contact me as I am looking for help in getting names of interested residents in the Kings Crossing neighborhood. If we band together we may force a change.
You can also email me at
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