President Obama is seen as anti-business by 77% of investors. If you're wondering why the economy is still in the dumps, there's your answer. The stock market has been down over the past few days because Obama won't stop attacking banks.
The President's new deficit reduction panel won't be allowed to make cuts to discretionary spending.
Even though 61% of voters say that Congress should drop ObamaCare and Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) says they should take a break, the Obama administration is pushing forward with it. It will be difficult to do that if they can't buy off all 50 states the way they did Nebraska, because that would cost about $155 billion over the first ten years of spending. Check out the results of free health care in Cuba.
After the Supreme Court handed free speech a huge victory yesterday, Rep. Alan Grayson (Moonbat-Florida) called it the "worst decision since Dred Scott." MSDNC's Keith Olbermann said that, and then he doubled down on crazy. Jacob Sullum at Reason wonders if donation limits are next.
The UN's global warming body's warnings about melting glaciers were only off by about three centuries, give or take a few decades. Considering the "science" behind global warming, I'd say that's within the margin of error.
President Obama has admitted that getting Israelis and Palestinians to talk is not as easy as saying "hope" and "change." Now check out the AP's spin on that.
Holiday Inn is launching a "human bed warming" service in their UK hotels. This is a bit creepy.
According to one member of the state House, "the babelicious lobbyist factor has definitely diminished." That's the fallout from the Richardson ordeal—less eye candy.
Georgia's state Health Commissioner wants to raise taxes to fill a $506 million Medicaid budget shortfall.
Georgia Tech's president does not want guns to be allowed on campus even though there have been an increasing number of attacks against students in recent months. He wants his campus to continue to be a victim zone.
The city of Warner Robins is denying violating the Open Records Act. Do you believe them? Neither do I.
More than 200 parents met last night to complain about the alternate school zoning plan being considered by the Houston County School Board.
1 comment:
Olbermann's rant is inane and without substance. Winston Churchill asked a young lady if she would sleep with him for 1 million pounds. She replied that she would. He then asked if she would sleep with him for 1 pound. "No", she replied, "Do you think I'm a whore?"
"That fact has already been established," said Churchill, "we are now just settling on a price."
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