Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Pleasant Hill sob story justified?

Fewer troops desert since 9/11
Dutch consider burqa ban to Muslim dismay
Patriot Act Includes Crackdown on Meth Use
Iranian negotiator boasts of fooling Europeans
Air America Tuned Out?
Democrats Struggle To Seize Opportunity
Number of Illegal Immigrants Hits 12M
US illegal migrants up almost 500,000 a year
House Conservatives Prepare Austere Alternative Budget
Rumsfeld:  Situation in Iraq ‘exaggerated’ by media
DeLay to spend primary election night with lobbyists
Recruiting law forces schools’ hands
Israel to Hamas PM:  Watch Your Back
Pleasant Hill residents, others struggle with saving neighborhood
Pleasant Hill to bear brunt of interstate widening project
Rape Victims Denied Abortions in Mexico
Homeland Security to probe fraud reports
Gulf Coast governors plead for more money

Wooten:  Republicans must define themselves
Pleasant Hill threatened with a coup de grace
Crawford:  Extra! Extra!
Lowry:  A Continuing Shame
New:  Tracking the Times
Lerner:  Misperceptions & Mysteries
Spencer:  Jihad in Chapel Hill
Feder:  Feminists Control Women
Woolley:  Myths & Realities of the 14th Amendment
Ross:  That Pesky Thing We Call a Constitution

Could somebody please explain to me why I-75 needs to be widened through Macon?  Macon’s population is decreasing, plus there is already a bypass.  I have never seen I-75 congested south of the I-16 exit, but they want to widen it through Pleasant Hill, which is south of I-16.  A search of the GDOT website does not give any real explanation of the purpose of the project.

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