Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Obama's Health Care Lies

As the city struggles to move on without Donald Walker as Mayor, David Cranshaw writes today what the autopsy will not show.


The state of Michigan is ordering a woman to stop baby-sitting her neighbors' kids without a license.  Big government at work; just wait until these same people are running your health care.


National Review has a list of the falsehoods in President Obama's health care speech to the joint session of Congress, and it's a long list.  Obama bombed on health care because the American people just weren't dumb enough to believe that the government option would save money.  The Baucus bill includes a deal with Majority Leader Harry Reid that will give a break to Nevada and three other states.  Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) says that Republicans want people to die.


Democrats today shot down an amendment to the Baucus Bill that would have required people to show photo ID to receive health care benefits.  They don't believe in


Thanks to a surge, American troops are starting to withdraw from Iraq, so why won't the Obama administration do what it promised and have a surge in Afghanistan too?


The Obama administration is trying to meet with Iran regarding their nuclear program.  Thirty years of talks with Iran haven't worked, so what makes this administration think that they can do something different?


The Obama administration wanted to regulate financial companies more than even Barney Frank was comfortable with.  Barney Frank does want to treat home buyers like infants.


The Supreme Court will hear another Second Amendment case in their next session.


The Senate version of the cap-and-trade bill seems to be even worse than the House version, even though plenty of details still haven't been written.


President and Mrs. Obama took separate planes to travel to Copenhagen, Denmark to lobby for the 2016 Olympics to go to Chicago, while approval of the Olympic bid is statistically evenly split among residents of Chicago.  President Obama will be making another trip to Copenhagen in December to talk about global warming, so hopefully he'll learn the folly of the green-jobs myth.


A Warner Robins Police Officer resigned after coming to work with alcohol in his system.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Walker Funeral 2pm Friday

As Mayor Pro Tem John Havrilla says that the city's business will continue, obviously the city of Warner Robins is grieving.  Funeral services will be Friday at 2pm at the Civic Center, and will be broadcast live on News/Talk WNNG The Patriot.  For now, candidates to replace Mayor Walker have stopped campaigning as everybody remembers Donald Walker.


The recession has increased the gap between the rich and the poor.  Expect that to be used as justification for tax increases on the evil rich so that they suffer too.


The unemployment rate that indicates "full employment" is rising thanks to the recession and the government's response to it.


Rep. Patrick Kennedy says that he is worried that talk radio and opposition to ObamaCare are going to lead to violence.  This guy is only in Congress because of his last name.


Jamie Dupree says that the Republicans' efforts to save Medicare from cuts are reminiscent of the Democrats' efforts in 1997.


You decide:  Are these people praying to God or Obama?  Perhaps more importantly, in their mind, is there a difference?


Al Qaeda bombers have learned how to stick explosives up their posteriors.


The northeastern United States might have its coldest winter in a decade.  How's that global warming working out?


The Obama administration is threatening Iran with some sanctions over their nuclear program, but they probably won't be effective even if they do get the support of Russia and China.


The Empire State Building is going to light up in red and yellow to celebrate the 60th anniversary of communism in China.


An FBI informant who testified against a few ACORN members tells the story of how he was resented by ACORN's founder for stopping a bombing at last year's RNC.


Activists in Richmond, Virginia protested a strip club, but not because of the nudity.  They protested the fact that the owner put up one of those Obama-as-the-Joker posters.


The administration is now admitting that they probably won't be able to make their self-imposed deadline to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay.


Take a wild guess as to what the other language in the first bilingual Census will be.


Rep. Jim Marshall wants Obama to listen to the Generals regarding the situation in Afghanistan.


Governor Perdue doesn't care where the money comes from for flood relief, as long as it comes.

Monday, September 28, 2009

RIP Donald Walker

Today's top story is the death of Warner Robins Mayor Donald Walker.  We will be following and covering that story throughout the day.  Our thoughts and prayers are with Mayor Walker's family during this time.


The Commander of American troops in Afghanistan has only talked to President Obama once in 70 days.


Approval for ObamaCare is at an all time low again.


Liberals are considering allowing criminal aliens to have access to health care under ObamaCare.


Bank of America has decided to stop working with ACORN.  The question is, why were they working with them to begin with?


President Obama had a bad off-teleprompter moment over the weekend.


Social Security is having trouble because people are retiring early due to the bad economy.


The unemployment rate for young people is at 52.2%.  Blame the minimum wage hike.


Now Bill Clinton is talking about the vast right wing conspiracy.


The left is trying their best to push a value-added tax.  House Democrats are also considering a tax on high-cost insurance.


Mitt Romney comes out as a big loser in the health care debate, because it reminds people of his health care debacle in Massachusetts.


Obama wants to cut back on summer vacation for students.

Here are some comparisons between private sector and government sector employees to consider.


Smaller banks might be next to get a bailout.


Sen. John Kerry admitted that he does not know what cap-and-trade means, even as he introduced a bill to do exactly that.


A mall in Johnson City, Tennessee has terminated the lease of somebody who was selling anti-Obama paraphernalia because some people got offended.


A grandmother in Indiana was arrested for buying too much cold medicine.


President Obama ordered to cut off pensions for a few WWII veterans.


State officials are going to have to find money to clean up after the floods.  Oxendine says it will cost a total of over $500 million.


Atlanta's inflated pensions for city employees are threatening to bankrupt their city.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Islamic Terrorist Plots Foiled

President Obama decided that today was the day to release information that the United States has had for years about another Iranian nuclear facility.  The White House claims that it is for diplomatic leverage in meetings with Iran next week.


There have been three Islamic terrorist plots uncovered in the last couple of days, in Dallas, Illinois, and against the Marine Corps base in Quantico, Virginia.  Yes, all of the would-be terrorists are Muslims.


The Obama Administration is going to cut the number of Border Patrol agents on the Mexican border.


Half of Americans oppose a surge in Afghanistan.


The Principal at the school where children were forced to sing the praises of The Messiah is unapologetic and had apparently used the school to promote her support for Obama since before the election.


Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) was given the "your mom" treatment by Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) over the issue of mandatory maternity coverage.


The House passed a continuing resolution today to fund the federal government through October because they have failed on their basic task of passing appropriations bills.


The parts of the "stimulus" bill that are meant to repair bad roads are skipping over the roads that need it the worst.  It was never about infrastructure or creating jobs.


The Postal Service is asking for a $4 billion bailout.


The United States may face economic "Armageddon" if the Chinese and Japanese stop buying our debt.


The death of that Census Worker in Kentucky might not be a murder.  Plenty of details continue to be sketchy.


Government run amok:  a woman in Michigan is being told that she has to get a babysitting license because she watches her neighbors' kids until the school bus arrives each morning.


Now that waters from this flood, which some officials are calling "epic," are starting to subside, politicians are falling all over each other in an attempt to be the "compassionate" ones who use the occasion to buy your vote.  President Obama has approved a federal disaster declaration, while John "the Fascist" Oxendine and Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin are in a peeing match on the cost of the flood's damage.  Notably absent is Governor Sonny Perdue, who is in Panama.  Closer to home, the Little League facility had some erosion from the rain.


Unemployment rates dropped a bit in Macon and Warner Robins, no thanks to the "stimulus" bill.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Government Schools Teach Kids to Praise Dear Leader

While health insurance company Humana is being investigated for telling seniors that the Democrats' plans for health care will cut benefits for them, the Democrats are working on a bill in the Senate Finance Committee that will cut $500 billion from Medicare.


The House Bill, which Nancy Pelosi wants to make more liberal, will destroy jobs, income, and economic activity, according to the Heritage Foundation.


ACORN is suing James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles, along with Andrew Breitbart, for the sting videos.  They have no standing for the suit, so this should be fun.  ACORN is also a tax cheat, so let's get that admitted in a court of law, shall we?  Unfortunately, the bill to defund ACORN could have some unintended consequences.


Government school students in New Jersey were forced to sing a rap about President Obama (including his middle name!) that, among other things, praises his great accomplishments.  Can anybody say brainwashing?  Another government school teacher used Obama's healthcare speech for a class quiz.


The United States will issue $7,000,000,000,000 in debt bonds in Fiscal Year 2009.


President Obama's policies would redistribute nearly $1 trillion in wealth every year.


New York Governor David Paterson admits what happens when you raise taxes on the rich.


Environmentalists want to control what kind of toilet paper you use.


At the UN meeting, President Obama is refusing to meet with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, which the British press is calling "unforgivable."  Try getting any support from them on any of your international agenda now, Mr. President.


Obama quoted Ronald Reagan today to say that we have to get rid of nuclear weapons.  He still doesn't get it.


Would-be Honduran dictator Manuel Zelaya claims that he is being tortured and that "Israeli mercenaries" are trying to assassinate him.  At least Hugo Chavez taught him who to blame for international sympathy.


Here's another study showing that charter school students outperform their peers in regular government schools.


The "stimulus" bill has created over 25,000 jobs, all of them for the federal government.


Social Security is headed towards fiscal insolvency.  The only way to fix this massive Ponzi scheme is privatization.


A Census worker has been found hanged in Kentucky.  How long until talk radio is blamed for this?


There could be another very large wave of real estate foreclosures coming.  Remember, government is to blame for all of this.


Almost 90% of Americans think that the media helped get Obama elected.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Obama The Appeaser At UN

Not only will there not be a CBO study of the cost of the Senate Finance Healthcare bill, there also won't actually be a bill.


The Old and Senile wing of the Democrat Party appears to be getting kickbacks from the Obama administration in exchange for their support for their brand of reform.


CNN Reporter Babe Gloria Borger wants Obama to be the Godfather President in dealing with Congress.  After all, she's invested in the guy, and Congress is getting in the way of him succeeding.


Obama told the United Nations not to expect the United States to fix everything (or anything, under this President).  He also attacked Israel.  Muammar Qaddafi followed Obama, criticizing the United Nations and even establishing himself as a birther.  While they're talking about global warming, Fidel Castro praised Obama even as the UN leaves a huge carbon footprint.  Of course, carbon dioxide doesn't have anything to do with "climate change."


Chris "Tingle" Matthews warns that talk radio will "pay" if there is any anti-Obama violence.  The left-wing media is now cheering for Obama to get shot.  Transportation Secretary and Token Republican calls talk radio "trash talk."


Sarah Palin gave a speech in Hong Kong in which she extolled the virtues of freedom and earned the description of a "libertarian."


The FCC Diversity Czar says that white people should be forced to step down from positions of power so we can spread that around too.  He's also not a fan of the First Amendment.


The Justice Department is reconsidering the policy of state secrecy.  This administration is only transparent when it can jeopardize national security.


Reps. Barney Frank and John Conyers want to investigate James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles for their ACORN stings.


President Obama will spend more on welfare next year than Bush spent on the entire Iraq war.


Apparently toll lanes on highways are racist.


Now the government needs a bailout.


Congress flew tattered flags over Congressional office buildings.  That seems somewhat appropriate, considering what they do to the Constitution on a daily business while in session.


Georgia has only the 29th best business tax climate.


A man in Chattanooga is still missing, and probably dead, because he decided to try to swim through flood waters.  He deserves a Darwin Award, and at least the news story makes it clear that he was not drinking at the time.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

ACORN's Rolodex

Here's a theory worth considering:  fewer traffic rules make for better behavior and safer driving.  Albany, Oregon is thinking about emulating the Dutch experiment in that town.  (Thanks to Justin for the tip)


Even the Washington Post is wondering why President Obama is starting to waffle on Afghanistan, and General McChrystal is threatening to resign his command if he is not given the resources to be victorious there.


Tales from socialized medicine:  One out of six patients in the British National Health Service is misdiagnosed.


Guess who is in ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis' rolodex?  Would you believe that the guy who holds Karl Rove's old job is in there?  Most of the members of Congress who voted against defunding ACORN have offices in their districts.


The Congressional Budget Office predicts that Social Security will see deficits starting next year, and may never see surpluses again.


Obama wants to push for a new economic world order at the G20 later this week.


American taxpayers are paying millions of dollars to keep tyrants and despots safe at the United Nations.


The Godfather President is investigating an insurance company for having the audacity to send a mailer critical of the government takeover of health care.


Would anybody be surprised if there were earmarks in the health care bill?  I didn't think so.


The uninsured are only responsible for about 17% of emergency room visits.


Obama's Energy Secretary compared the American people to teenagers.


Obama is still wedded to this global warming nonsense, and he's making some promises that he knows he won't be able to keep.


The international press is starting to catch on to the fact that Obama is weak.  Don't expect to get this from the leftwing media here.


Americans are more likely to believe that government is doing too much.  Two out of every three voters are angry about the policies of the federal government, but 60% don't believe either major party has the answers.


There may be an actual coup coming in Honduras, with the help of the Obama administration.


I love this column:  Jimmy Carter is the poster boy for racism.


With the flooding already present in Middle Georgia, we should be prepared for more rain this year and into the winter.


Warner Robins followed Perry as the second city in Houston County to join a program to prevent city services from going to criminal aliens.


You can Kanye West your website!

Monday, September 21, 2009

WR Mayor's Race Gets Personal For Some

The Messiah went on five Sunday talk shows yesterday to try and stop the hemorrhaging of support for his takeover of health care.  On NBC Obama said that the debate is about the balance between freedom and the need to "look after" one another.  There is nothing noble about "looking after" anybody with somebody else's money.  On ABC George Stephanopoulos pressed Obama on whether the "individual mandate" is a hidden tax on the middle class, ignoring the facts that the Congressional Budget Office says that it would result in $20 billion in new revenues and that the Baucus bill specifically calls it an excise tax for people who do not get insurance.  The Heritage Foundation looks at the seven fatal flaws in the Baucus bill.


Tort reform has already been tried, with great success, in Mississippi.


A majority of those with no insurance support ObamaCare, which reveals something about both the uninsured and about the debate.


President Obama says that the economy won't start creating jobs until next year.  I thought the "stimulus," which speeds up spending only when things aren't going well for Obama, was supposed to start creating jobs immediately?  The House of Representatives is going to extend unemployment benefits for another 13 weeks, which just proves that the economy is not getting better.


The top Commander in Afghanistan says that there needs to be a new strategy and more troops to avoid failure in Afghanistan.


Obama says that there need to be worldwide financial regulations.


So-called "conservative" weasel Bill O'Reilly supports the government option.  What a putz.


Fundies at the "Values Voter Summit" picked Mike Huckabee as their favorite candidate for 2012 Saturday.  If you'll notice, none of the issues they care about actually matter, but they'll still be setting the agenda for the Republican Party.


The Justice Department is investigating President Bush's Interior Secretary.  Bush Administration officials and CIA Agents, yes; club-wielding New Black Panther Party, no.


Obama is willing to consider a bailout of left-wing media newspapers that are going bust.


Obama wants to cut the United States' nuclear arsenal.  The best way to get rid of a nuclear weapon is to use it.  The last nuclear test was September 23, 1992.


As the UN meets this week, the British press is starting to notice that Obama is over his head.


Britain is considering assisted suicide reform.  The old people would rather do it themselves than have the government do it for them.


Democrats' next target will be bank overdraft fees.


A leading global warming scientist admits that the Earth is cooling, and the media ignores it.  They're also ignoring that the sun is in a historically cool solar cycle.


Nationally, September auto sales are crashing.  All cash-for-clunkers did was redistribute when people bought new cars.


The government is going to cut taxes in an attempt to create more jobs.  Unfortunately, that government is Sweden.


Sanford Bishop was featured in a story on black "Blue Dogs" over the weekend.


There was another candidates' forum here in Warner Robins Friday night, and the candidates all seemed to be pandering to the Democrat Party that hosted the forum.


A Warner Robins man says that he is losing work because he is supporting Chuck Shaheen for mayor.  The issue is over the fact that his employers, supporters of Mayor Donald Walker's re-election, don't want to allow him to take his company vehicle home where there is a Shaheen for Mayor sign.  The business has the right to do this.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Obama: Legalize Criminal Aliens So They Can Get ObamaCare

Opposition to ObamaCare is at an all time high, and those strongly opposed outnumber everybody in support.


President Obama said Wednesday that, while ObamaCare won't cover criminal aliens, that's more reason to give them amnesty.  I told you they'd try to do that.


The Obama administration is going to start using Michelle Obama to push ObamaCare.  This is sure to backfire, especially when she slips up and reveals herself as the elitist that she is.


In 2007 Obama knew that higher taxes would be necessary for his government takeover of health care.


Top Democrats introduced a bill yesterday to apply anti-trust laws to the evil health insurance companies.  This will be almost as effective as a fishnet condom.


With everybody accusing everybody else of being a racist for no good reason, it runs the risk that actual racism will get a free pass.


Barney Frank has introduced an expansion of the Community Reinvestment Act.


"Crazy" Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that Israel "will not last long."  Ahmadinejad, along with Hugo Chavez, Moammar Gaddafi, and Raul Castro, will be allowed into the United States for the meeting of the UN next week, but the legitimate President of Honduras will not be allowed to attend because the Obama administration is stuck on stupid.


The White House Press Corps got a lesson on how to sneeze from HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius yesterday.


The House, with the support of both Jim Marshall and Sanford Bishop, voted yesterday to eliminate private lenders from the student loan business and put the government in charge.  This is one of those votes where Marshall and Bishop prove who they really are:  liberals.


The Federal Reserve would be required to approve salaries for bank workers as a part of a new plan to curb risk-taking.


The Poles and Czechs are not happy with the reversal of policy on the missile defense shield.  If they hadn't been promised the shield they wouldn't have been upset about it not happening.


The commander of British troops in Afghanistan believes that the politicians in his country are going to prevent them from finishing the job, saying that "time is not on our side."


CNN's Wolf Blitzer was badly beaten by a comedian's sidekick and an actress on Celebrity Jeopardy last night.


Yet again the environmentalist wackos are trying to push birth control as a way to fight "climate change."  If they were doing it to fight poverty then I'd support them whole-heartedly.


Houston County District Attorney Kelly Burke sends his daughter to a school other than the one to which she is zoned for "safety" purposes.


John "The Fascist" Oxendine is trying to raise money to "oppose Obamacare," which has absolutely nothing to do with the job for which he is campaigning.  Can anybody say "astroturfing?"

Thursday, September 17, 2009

House Votes to Defund ACORN

Today is Constitution Day.  Mourn for the death of that great document appropriately.  While you're at it, watch a conservative and a liberal agree about the Bill of Rights.


The United States is going to scrap plans for a missile defense shield for Eastern Europe, which Nile Gardiner calls surrender to Russia.  Meanwhile, the IAEA says that Iran can make a nuclear bomb.


ACORN got caught again, this time in San Diego, where their employee not only tried to pick up the "prostitute," but also gave them advice on how to smuggle their underage criminal alien prostitutes across the border.  A former employee rightly called ACORN the "most corrupt group in the country," but more damning is when President Obama told community organizers, including ACORN, that they would be shaping the agenda in his administration.  Somehow I missed the part where the agenda would include smuggling underage sex slaves across the Southern border.  Also remember that ACORN only exists because of liberal socialist engineering.  The House voted today to defund ACORN.  Here's the roll call vote, including two members from Georgia.


Here are some of the details of the Baucus Bill, which might be a waste of time to consider because it won't go anywhere, even in the Senate.  It is public option-lite because between the mandates and regulations, government will still be running health care in the long term.  A new survey shows that 87% of employers will reduce benefits to their employees if reform increases costs.

With today being Constitution Day, I should include this one as well:  Is Health Care Reform Constitutional?  The answer is an obvious no, but nobody in Congress cares about that anymore.


Apparently women lawmakers are better than men, based on the fact that they want more rules and spend more money.  In other words, their maternal instincts kick in and they have a shopping problem.


Mexico is outraged by the influx of Mexicans coming into their country.  (Thanks, Darrell!)


Teenage birth rates are highest in states with the most conservative religious beliefs.


Democrats are trying to nationalize higher education too.


Here's something that will surprise you if you're not a racist:  the stimulus didn't work.  It also essentially repealed welfare reform, which is just one part of the $10.3 trillion in welfare spending expected over the next decade.


The White House is collecting Web users' data without any notice.


Social Security sent more than $40 million in checks to dead people.  It's ok, they'll do a better job when they have control of health care.


The judge hearing the coward Birther suit yesterday slapped down both the coward Birther and her crazy Birther lawyer, Orly Taitz.


Emory Hospital is simultaneously proving the difference between corporatism and capitalism and why government involvement in health care is costing lives and money.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Carter: Obama Critics Are Racist

The peanut-for-brains President says that most criticism of President Obama is because we're a bunch of racists, especially that horrible Joe Wilson, who received a slap on the wrist yesterday for yelling "You Lie!" to the President during his speech last week.  Both Marshall and Bishop voted to discipline Wilson, a charge that was led by black House members, who are also calling Wilson a racist, including two from Georgia.


Only 12% of voters, including only 22% of Democrats, believe that opposition to ObamaCare is racist.


Maxine Waters wants the media to investigate the racial views of "teabaggers."


Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT) unveiled his health care plan this morning (it's not ObamaCare), and nobody seems to be happy about it.  Even liberal Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) said that he won't support it because it doesn't include a government option, and he called it a "big, big tax" on the middle class because union members in his home state would be penalized for the exorbitant health care plans that they have had negotiated for them.


Opposition to ObamaCare is at an all-time high, and 45% of doctors say that they would consider quitting their practice if it passes.


Video is now out for a fourth successful ACORN sting, this one in San Bernardino, California.  That's why Republicans are introducing the "Defund ACORN Act."  ACORN is responding by pointing out that they are "community organizers, just like the president used to be."


It turns out that we were right to be concerned about the President's speech to the children last week, because after the uproar the speechwriters had to scrub the speech for "potentially problematic wording."


The General Accounting Office says that privatizing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could "mitigate" the risks caused by government intervention in the marketplace.  In other words, privatizing Fannie and Freddie will prevent another housing meltdown from happening.


President Obama could have really scared the "greedy" fat-cats on Wall Street by saying that there was no such thing as "too big to fail" and that there would be no more bailouts.


The treason is complete with "Benedict" Arlen Specter.  He now supports card check.


The government is going to have to hire 273,000 workers by Obama's re-election.  It's all about building a permanent majority coalition.


President Obama may be generous with your money, but he is far from generous with his own, even when his own family in Kenya is asking.


The Obama administration is now admitting that Cap and Trade could cost families an average of $1,761 per year.  We need it anyway, even though the earth is cooling and the ozone hole is smaller this year than it was last year.


Republican candidate for Governor Eric Johnson resigned from his Senate seat yesterday, saying that he cannot both serve his constituents and run for Governor.  In an added bonus, he will now be able to raise money during the legislative session.  State Rep. Austin Scott immediately criticized his decision.


Congressman and Republican candidate for Governor Nathan Deal was added to a list of the most corrupt members of Congress.


Jim Marshall will have a town hall meeting Saturday in Tifton.


In a clear example of the tyranny of the majority (read:  democracy), Douglas County voters defeated a referendum to allow restaurants and bars to sell alcohol on Sundays.


A woman who shoplifted from a gas station in Pooler claimed to be the Governor's wife.


In an apparent "hate crime," a man beat a woman in front of her child at a Cracker Barrel in Morrow yesterday.  Why didn't anybody stop the guy?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Debate Recap Today

I apologize for not being on the air or posting here yesterday.  I will explain today.


Obama's stories about health insurance abuse were both lies, as was his suggestion that a health insurance mandate is similar to state mandates on auto insurance.


Tales from socialized medicine:  In 2007-2008, 16.5% of deaths came after "terminal sedation."


Support for the Democrats' takeover of health care is now back down to pre-speech levels, and 54% of Americans say that the more they learn about it the less they like it.  Maybe that's why Obama is going to appear on five Sunday talk shows to push for his takeover of health care.


ACORN is swirling around the bowl, as they have now been caught in three cities giving advice to a pimp and a prostitute on how to run a brothel, including with underage criminal alien girls, and cheat on their taxes to do it, the Census Bureau has cut all ties with the organization and the Senate passed an amendment to prevent ACORN from receiving taxpayer dollars.  The Republicans want to investigate them further.


President Obama started a trade war with China by imposing a tariff on tires.  He also went after Canadian charter planes.  Both are payback for labor unions.


This shouldn't be a surprise:  George W. Bush didn't know or care about the conservative movement.


President Obama's chief economic advisor warned that unemployment could stay high for years to come.  This would be what is called "failure."


The only political label that is popular among voters is "like Reagan."


President Obama is going to talk to North Korea and Iran.  I'm sure they'll stop hating us now.


Among the peaceful, serene, loving, caring religion of Islam, support for suicide bombers and Osama bin Laden is still high.  Bin Laden called Obama "powerless" in a new tape.


The most important person you've never heard of died over the weekend.  Norman Borlaug was 95.


President Obama called Kanye West a "jackass."  He got one right.


With state tax revenues continuing to tank, now state employees are going to see a 10% increase in how much they have to pay for their own health insurance.


Some black "leaders" want the Valdosta City School Superintendent to resign after Valdosta schools did not show Obama's speech last week.


Houston County has indicted two people for giving false addresses to send their children to Houston County schools.


Warner Robins and Eastman saw double-digit increases in crime in 2008.


Of course we'll have plenty of discussion of last night's political forum.


Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11 Eight Years Later

Today is, of course, the 8th anniversary of the Islamic terrorist attacks on America.  You won't hear that word "Islamic" or "Muslim" much today, but it is a necessary part of remembering the events that happened 8 years ago today.  Walid Phares says that we forget that it was Jihadists that attacked us on 9/11 potentially at our own peril.  Nearly half of Americans say that their fellow citizens have forgotten the impact of the 9/11 attacks.


What idiot decided to have a Coast Guard training mission on the Potomac River today, of all days?


Democrat support for the war in Afghanistan is dropping.


The Obama administration is giving few details on how to pay for their health care reform efforts, instead planning on allowing Congress to take the lead on any tax increases.  What few details they are giving are nearly impossible, like paying for half of it by eliminating waste in Medicare and Medicaid.


Republicans have come up with 35 different health care proposals this year.  With the Democrats thinking comprehensively, why aren't the Republicans?


The United States spends more money on health care because we have it to spend.


Is the US Government Bankrupt?


A government school principal proves that money is not what creates for quality education.


A Senate Committee has decided to stop buying F-22s, but is going to allow other countries to buy them.  On what planet does this make sense?


After being caught helping a pimp and a prostitute in Baltimore, ACORN fired two employees.  I wonder what they'll do now that they've been caught doing the same thing in Washington, DC?


With the federal government unwilling to secure the border with Mexico, Texas Gov. Rick Perry is sending the Texas Rangers (not the baseball team) to the border.  A school district in Texas is turning away students from Mexico, which makes the problems in Houston County look like child's play.


If you're in the South and you oppose Obama it's because you're a racist.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Now You Can Call It ObamaCare

Here is the full text of Obama's speech from last night.


Obama gave a speech last night that showed his Chicago thug, Godfather President, political assassin ways, and the headlines have been stolen by the selective outrage over the fact that Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) called Obama on just one of his many lies last night.  Back in 2005 the Democrats heckled then-President Bush for his proposals to reform Social Security in a market-oriented way.  The thing is, Wilson was right.  The bills currently being presented do not require verification of citizenship (or at least don't fund the mechanism to verify citizenship), but Obama might just make criminal aliens legal before the bill takes effect in 2013.


Last night's speech didn't do anything to help the Democrats' efforts to nationalize health care, despite the CNN poll that showed a double-digit increase in the approval for ObamaCare.  The poll included 45% Democrats and 18% Republicans, which make it statistically meaningless.  Even Olympia Snowe is still saying that the government option should be dropped.


ObamaCare might force health care professionals into unions.


The White House claims that a million jobs have been created or saved thanks to the "stimulus" package.  Research shows that the $100 billion in education "stimulus" is actually hurting the economy, just like most of the money that's been spent on education since the 1970s.


We've been fighting a multi-trillion-dollar war on poverty for over forty years now, and still a little over one of every eight Americans live in poverty.  When will we pull out of that quagmire?


ACORN officials were caught on camera giving advice to two individuals posing as a pimp and a prostitute on how to cheat on their taxes and hide underage girls they plan on bringing to the United States illegally for prostitution.


A British soldier was killed in a raid to save a New York Times reporter who got himself captured in Afghanistan.


The EPA has decided that a TV over 50 inches is too big.


Posters of Obama as the Joker have popped up near schools in Fort Walton Beach, Florida, and of course that is racist and hateful.


Take a wild guess as to the most popular books in Guantanamo Bay's library.  Even more importantly, why are we giving these Islamic terrorist goons access to a library?


The head of Georgia's university system got it right when he said that "HOPE has become an entitlement program."

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Obama's Health Care Speech Tonight

Here's another wannabe Section 8 challenging her orders to go to Afghanistan based on her belief that Obama is not a natural born citizen.


We still don't know what President Obama is going to say to the joint session of Congress tonight, but he will at least endorse the government insurance option as he admits that his media strategy has not been successful so far because he hasn't taken advantage of his cult of personality, based on the fact that disapproval of his health care plans right now are at 52%.


Sarah Palin has leftist heads exploding again today over her op-ed in the Wall Street Journal describing the "death panels."


Thomas Sowell wonders why we have to rush the nationalization of health care if the bill doesn't take effect for four years.


Tales from socialized medicine:  a World War II veteran in Britain was taken off of fluids because the bureaucrats decided that he was close to the end of his life, and a premature baby was just left to die because he was born two days too early to be eligible for medical care.


We have more details on why the United States lost its position as the most competitive economy in the world.  It's because of regulation, government waste, and not protecting private property.


Four United States Marines in Afghanistan lost their lives because of the rules of engagement put in place in an attempt to cut civilian casualties.


Here's a story we all saw coming:  taxpayers will face heavy losses on the auto bailout.


Before his full speech to children, Obama answered some probably-planted questions from students at the high school that hosted his speech yesterday, including one pushing for socialist medicine.  In stupid news, a Texas school district that did not show Obama's speech yesterday will bus about 500 students to a speech being given by former President George W. Bush.  They might as well just admit that they have a political agenda.  If he actually cared about education, Obama would have given a speech to the adults in the education establishment rather than to the children.


CNBC's Jim Cramer says that the stock market is going to drop again in 18 months due to the crushing national debt.


According to a British group of researchers, contraception is the cheapest way to fight global warming.  It's also the cheapest way to fight entitlement budgets.


This is how you cough, children.


Obama's Department of Homeland Security unveiled their civilian national security force yesterday:  the Girl Scouts.


A member of the Warner Robins City Council was involved in a dispute that sounds like it should have been on COPS.  We should be so proud.


The Houston County Board of Education has cut the tuition for the children of out-of-county personnel.  Board member Fred Wilson said "In this time of financial difficulty, I'm glad the price was decreased."  In this time of financial difficulty, I wish taxes hadn't been increased to continue to pay for outrageous administrator salaries and iPhones for central office employees.