Monday, August 31, 2009

SAT, ACT Scores Low in Georgia

A majority of American voters (57%) want to replace the entire Congress.  Before you get too excited, the number was 59% last October and about 95% of the members of Congress still got re-elected.


I missed the part of the Ted Kennedy funeral in which the family used children to push for nationalized health care in a prayer.


The Boston Globe doesn't just want to use the death of Ted Kennedy to pass the nationalized health care bill that he wanted; they also want to hurry up and start on a wind farm that Kennedy opposed.


President Obama said in 2006 that a mix of the private sector and government was the "worst of both worlds" when talking about health care, and yet that's exactly what he's trying to push in his own health care reform efforts.  Larry Elder shows that the government isn't the only answer when it comes to helping the needy get health care, which is proven by the experience of American Indians, who are starting to give up their government-provided health care on reservations in favor of providing their own care.


Only 29% of American voters are confident that Congress knows what it is doing with regards to the economy.  That would be a vote of no confidence in Congress.


The federal government will have to borrow 40% of the money that it spends next year.


I love this:  Fort Lauderdale, Florida police used the promise of "stimulus" checks to lure criminals with outstanding warrants into a public location where they could be arrested safely.  Never doubt that a parasite will come looking for its money.


Union thugs and their enablers in the Democrat Party are trying to push a new tax on Wall Street that would raise a lot of revenue and punish the hated rich.  Meanwhile, the Obama Labor Department is relaxing rules on financial disclosure for labor unions.  This is just another payback.


Harry Reid wants to see the Las Vegas Review-Journal "go out of business."  I can think of plenty of elected officials who would love to see me off the air, and to them I say the same thing that the Review-Journal said:  Bring it on.


A bubble-headed and race-baiting member of Congress from Los Angeles says that people who want to stop the Democrats' takeover of health care just want to stop a President who "looks like me" and goes out of her way to praise Fidel Castro and the Cuban health care system.


The Lockerbie bomber was set free for oil.


A woman who must register as a sex offender for performing sex on a 15-year-old classmate when she was 17 was arrested last week for failing to register a new address.  Why should she have to register as a sex offender at all?


Yet again, SAT scores have fallen in Georgia, and we rank 47th in the country in SAT scores.  The typical excuse is that Georgia scores low because so many students take the test, but that argument rings hollow when you consider that Georgia also ranks 40th in ACT scores.  When looking at solutions, who would have ever thought that teaching important subject material would be a way to help raise scores?


Lottery funds can't keep up with the money needed to fully fund HOPE.


State Senate Majority Leader Chip Rogers responded to the Macon Telegraph's call for increasing taxes with force this weekend.


Governor Perdue had his annual fish fry this weekend in Perry, while the Democrats met in Fort Valley to promise to raise taxes.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Anything Goes Friday

Watch Milton Friedman verbally destroy Phil Donahue on economics.


Rep. Betsy Markey says that old folks have to give up some Medicare "because we're Americans."


John Stossel shows why cutting the amount of money that people pay out of pocket for health care raises costs for everybody.


The Government Accountability Office published a study of the "retirement risks" posed by private pension plans.  Wait until they decide that it's less risky to just have government run all of that.


Sixty-two percent of Americans say that it's always better to cut taxes than increase government spending.  If this was really true then Democrats and most Republicans would never win an election.


A weather supercomputer used to predict "climate change" is one of Britain's worst polluters.


Chappaquiddick was one of Ted Kennedy's favorite topics of humor.  Always keeping it classy.


The FCC's New Chief Diversity Officer has praised Venezuela's takeover of the media and believes that Republican communications policies hurt civil rights.


A proposed cybersecurity bill would give the President emergency control of the Internet.


Houston County School Superintendent David Carpenter, who makes more money from taxpayer dollars than a United States Senator, says that taxes are too low in Georgia and ducked a question as to whether school starts too early with the Little League Southeast Regional coming to Warner Robins.


John "the fascist" Oxendine wants to build an Interstate through East Atlanta.


Have you seen the memo in the Atlanta Mayor's race that is essentially meant to "stop whitey?"

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Health Care Rationing And Your Bank Accounts

While the navel-gazing media is doing their job on the Kennedy legacy, keep in mind that Ted Kennedy was:  a) a murderer; b) the man who invented "borking;" and c) a traitor.  Keep in mind also that plenty of Republicans were willing to negotiate with him, including two Republican Presidential candidates.


The Democrats' health care bill allows the health bureaucracy to look into your tax records.


Have a look into the brain of the White House health care advisor who has already laid out the provisions for rationing.


Even the Washington Post admits that co-ops aren't what they're all cracked up to be.


There are now two lines of attack against the Blue Dog Democrats who might be the only resistance to socialist medicine:  either they're brain dead or they're bought off by the insurance companies.


Tales from socialized medicine:  one million British patients have received "cruel and neglectful" care.


It won't just be health care; Washington politicians of both parties may try to push amnesty for Kennedy.


Americans rate working for the government as the top employment choice in today's economy.  That's because bureaucrats have the ultimate job security.


Do you think there might have been political considerations at play when a Canadian border crossing that sees about three travelers a day got a $15 million stimulus grant?


Government schools may use your children to complete the Census so that the Democrats and their constituents in the parasite class can get all of the information they want on you.


The U.S. Chamber of Commerce wants to have a trial on global warming.


The IRS may reduce the amount that individuals can contribute to their 401(k) plans.


The Atlanta Fed chief says that the real unemployment rate is closer to about 16%.  How's that stimulus working out?


Apparently blowing cigar smoke is a form of torture.  I'd call that a relaxing Saturday afternoon.


What's the difference between art and propaganda?  A government grant.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Warner Robins Patriot Launches

I'm broadcasting live today from Lowe Toyota on South Houston Lake Road in Warner Robins to celebrate the launch of the all-new Warner Robins Patriot.  Come see me, and pick up your newspaper during the show!

Sen. Ted Kennedy died overnight.  You'll have to excuse me for not mourning.  Instead, I'm focusing on the fact that the Democrats are going to use his death as the motivation for passing socialist health care.


Tales from socialized medicine:  a man in the United Kingdom collapsed with a ruptured appendix three weeks after his appendix had been removed.  Thousands of women there are giving birth in hospital offices and bathrooms because there aren't enough maternity ward beds to deliver all of the babies being born.


The Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, which writes tax bills, only claimed about half of his net worth in his tax returns.


The government schools in Charlotte misspelled "education" on something that they gave away to teachers.  If you were a parent there, would you trust your children's education to people who can't spell education?


The federal stimulus package sent money to 4,000 convicts.  How is that creating jobs?


It looks like the Federal Reserve may have to disclose loans that they have given under the bailouts.


Here's the article that served as Rep. Marshall's health care binkie at the town hall meeting on Monday.


Is Casey Cagle going to step down from his race for re-election as Lieutenant Governor?


The editorial staff of the Macon Telegraph wants to see taxes increased, especially for the horrible, evil rich.  Do you need another reason to subscribe to the Warner Robins Patriot?


Rep. Marshall is likely to get $10 million in federal tax dollars for the VA Hospital in Dublin.


I've been eagerly awaiting this:  The front page, above-the-fold story of the inaugural Warner Robins Patriot features the pay of Houston County School System administrators.  Suddenly it becomes a little more difficult to justify raising the millage rate this year, doesn't it?


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Marshall Town Hall Recap

This health care reform is all about socialism and wealth redistribution, but don't expect any Democrats to acknowledge that fact.  After all, most voters think that they understand the health care bill better than members of Congress.  Even in Massachusetts, where they already have essentially the same plan that the Democrats are considering now, only 53% of voters in that very blue state support the plans in Washington.


America's own government run health care system, the VA, is anticipating lawsuits after their negligence in not cleaning colonoscopy equipment and infecting some Veterans with HIV and Hepatitis.


The Justice Department is going to appoint a special prosecutor to go after CIA agents who engaged in interrogation techniques that the far left, including the Obama administration, finds offensive.  The dirty little secret is that those interrogation techniques worked.


The White House is projecting bigger deficits and bigger debt.  In other words, they either lied or had no clue what they were doing when they issued their previous estimates.  They also raised the estimate for unemployment.


After the cash-for-clunkers debacle, now it's time for cash for refrigerators.


Obama has nominated Ben Bernanke to serve another four-year term as chairman of the Federal Reserve.  Will there be an audit of the Fed?


SAT scores in Georgia dropped for the third straight year, ranking 47th out of 51 nationally.


Our issue with Marshall's staff yesterday over broadcasting the town hall meeting made it to the blogosphere.  I'll start my breakdown of the entire meeting during the third hour today.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Live From Marshall Town Hall

Late Friday Obama raised the 10-year deficit to $9 trillion.  That will nearly double the debt.  Pete du Pont lays out the high cost of liberalism.


The real reason that Americans are angry is because of the big government in the health care bill, not because they're racists who are upset with having a black President.


Here's an idea on health care that has been floated widely by free marketers but is very difficult to implement:  allow insurance companies to compete across state lines.  I wonder if that is in any of the three alternative health care bills that Republicans have offered but not sold?


A plurality of voters says that workers should be allowed to opt out of Social Security.


USAToday asks a question:  Is America scientifically illiterate?  The answer is yes, but not as much as they are economically illiterate.


Now "climate change" is supposed to mean more heavy rain.  Africa wants $67 billion a year to deal with the consequences that will be blamed on global warming, even though carbon dioxide is irrelevant to climate change according to one MIT scientist.


While veterans are waiting to get their benefits checks from the VA, they're giving out $24 million in bonuses to some officers.  Where's the pay czar when you need him?


The White House is going to have their own interrogation unit.


Public health officials are considering promoting circumcision to fight the risk of HIV.  Under socialist medicine, "promoting" will become "forcing."


Some uptight quasi-bureaucrats have banned the use of terms like "black mark" and "right-hand man" because they might be considered racist or sexist.


MoveOn.Org sent out an e-mail to try and encourage people to come to the town hall meeting in Warner Robins today.  If I can find a MoveOn member I'll put them on the show.


Congressman and Republican candidate for Governor Nathan Deal used his pull as a member of Congress to preserve an obscure state law that benefits him personally.  This looks very bad for him.

Suggested Town Hall Questions--Updated

  • Do you believe that there should be a right to healthcare in the United States?
  • Do you agree in principle with the creation of a public option?
  • Do you agree in concept with an individual mandate, in which Americans would be forced to have health insurance?
  • Do you believe that a universal health care system can exist without rationing healthcare?
  • Do you believe that increased government involvement in healthcare will increase or decrease the quality of care in the United States?
  • Why should we even consider giving the same government that messed up the response to Hurricane Katrina and can't run the Postal Service, Amtrak, or cash-for-clunkers?
  • The United States already has three examples of government-run health care—Medicare, Medicaid, and the VA system.  Medicare reports around $60 billion in fraud each year and has a $37 trillion unfunded liability, Medicaid is putting a huge burden on state budgets while also seeing at least 10% of its budget spent on fraud, and the VA system is constantly having problems with safety and patient care, even potentially exposing nearly 11,000 veterans to HIV and Hepatitis.  Why should we even consider trusting the government with even the slightest bit more power or control over healthcare?
  • Do you believe that a government-run health care program can compete fairly with the private sector?
  • What would be your plan for reforming health care?
  • Why did you vote for the stimulus package, given the estimates from the Congressional Budget Office that the spending would not occur immediately, and that even now less than 1/10th of the money has been spent?  Did you honestly believe that it was going to stimulate the economy immediately, as was promised by the Obama administration and your party's leadership?
  • Nancy Pelosi called town hall protestors across the country "un-American" and "Astroturf," and said that they were "carrying swastikas."  Was Pelosi right, or does she owe an apology to the American people?
  • Despite your vote against cap-and-trade, you had no public position on the bill as late as one hour before the vote was taken.  Why did you refuse to make your position public, and then why did you wait until late in the voting period to cast your vote?  Did you act on orders from your party's leadership?  Would you have voted for cap-and-trade if your vote was needed to pass it?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Rasmussen: Oxendine, Barnes Lead for Governor

Obama says that there is a Republican conspiracy (possibly related to the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, although the two are not one and the same) trying to kill his health care reform.  He also complains that people in Washington get "all wee weed up" in August and September.  I don't know what the hell that means, but Gibbsy says that the more common term is "bed wetting."


Now there appears to be a Big Brother aspect to the House health care bill.


For any praise of the VA, keep in mind the Death Book for Veterans.


Obama's approval ratings have reached a new record low.


Weekly jobless claims rose last week.  Oh yeah, the "stimulus" is working.


Holy cow, John McCain is voting with his party this year!


The DNC admits that the Obama administration was collecting information on people through the "report the dissenters" e-mail line at the White House.  Good thing my taxes are in order.


Liberals, still in blame-Bush mode, are falling all over themselves to suddenly support former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge since he's accusing the Bush administration of using the terror alert level to their benefit in the 2004 election to sell more books.


Military defense attorneys for the Islamic terrorist goons at Guantanamo Bay might have shown their clients classified photos of covert CIA agents.


Manorexia is becoming more prevalent in the recession.  I'm having no such problems.


John "the Fascist" Oxendine has a 20-point lead in the race for the Republican nomination for Governor.  If Republicans actually nominate Oxendine then we can welcome Roy Barnes, who has a 33-point lead in the Democrat primary, back to the Governor's Mansion.  Also, I have a feeling that Libertarian candidate John Monds will have a good year.


The Georgia Public Policy Foundation has a column out today explaining how school choice can help the state's budget.


Rep. Sanford Bishop had his town hall meeting in Albany last night.  SWGAPolitics has a wrap in two parts, on his opening speech and on the Q-and-A session.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Democrats to Ram Through Health Care Takeover

Here's your must-read of the day:  How Free Health Care Got So Expensive.


The Democrats are considering another way of getting their health care takeover passed:  they will split the bill into two parts and try to pass the worst parts through the budget reconciliation process, which avoids the possibility of a filibuster.  The White House is also going to start using more emotion to sell the plan, so expect more sob stories.  I guess they've given up on the co-ops, which are another method to get to the same place.


Health insurance companies are worried that the Democrats' probe into their finances is revenge for opposing the government option.  Of course, it's hard to feel sorry for them considering that 73% of their campaign contributions went to Democrats last year.  The Democrats' attempts to demonize the insurance companies by talking about their obscene profits are ultimately meaningless.


If we pass government-run health care, where will Canadians go to get their health care?


MSNBC is now engaging in a campaign of misinformation in an attempt to smear opponents to the Democrats' health care takeover.


The Heritage Foundation says that the health care reform bills do not require verifying the citizenship status of beneficiaries.  President Obama also says that a "basic standard of decency" allows for illegals to be treated, just as they are now.


A leading Blue Dog Democrat acknowledges what we already knew to be true:  that covering the uninsured is not the top priority of these health care reform efforts.


The drop in world temperatures has given more momentum to the idea that global warming is not actually happening.  It doesn't help the breathers any that the leader of Greenpeace admits that they exaggerate the amount of melting in the Arctic.


Even the New York Times acknowledges that government jobs have grown during the recession.


Now there are people clamoring for a government option for burials too.  Those evil profiteering cemeteries are preventing people from having enough choice.


Government Motors is going to reimburse its dealers for the money that the federal government owes them for the cash-for-clunkers program.  Ah, competence.


Jim Marshall had his town hall meeting in Forsyth, and an overflow crowd showed up to hear him say that he opposes the current bills being considered, and apparently did not answer all of the questions.


Sanford Bishop also had a town hall in Fort Valley last night, and 13WMAZ focused on the sob story, while the Macon Telegraph focused on the fact that Sanford Bishop wants "fiscally responsible" reform.  What exactly does "fiscally responsible" reform mean?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Democrats: Republicans Don't Matter

Today's must-read:  ObamaCare Is All About Rationing.


The White House is dropping any idea of bipartisanship to make sure that they pass health care reform, but the problem will continue to be Democrats, many of whom don't support a public option that the White House is still supporting.  Without the public option, they lose a lot of support from Democrats without gaining much support from Republicans.


Democrats, looking for a way to make the private insurance companies into the Great Satan as opposed to just villains, are now investigating health insurance companies.  They're looking for "lavish" spending and "excessive" compensation.


Obama needed another way to sell socialized medicine in drag, so he found a sellout "conservative" radio talk show host to do it.  Have no doubt about it; this administration knows the power of talk radio.  He's also trying to get his grassroots organization engaged again, because so far they haven't gotten excited about his plan.  Hope and Change are less sexy when you have to have something real.


Howard Dean says that conservatives want to "kill the President."  Apparently we want to stop the Democrats' health care reform plan because we're just ignorant.


Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) admits that he wants to eliminate private health insurance completely.


Tales from socialized medicine:  in formerly Great Britain, over 45,000 NHS staff call in sick to work every day, and a father delivered his pregnant wife's baby on their bathroom floor after being turned away from a hospital.


Auto dealers in New York have quit honoring cash-for-clunkers because they can't get paid back from the deals they've already made.


The Swiss government has given in to the bullying of the Treasury Department and is agreeing to hand over details of Americans' bank accounts to the IRS.


Formerly Great Britain is considering a "High Pay Commission," to "tackle the problem of high pay."


Democrats' approval ratings are below 50% for the first time all year.  Republicans' numbers haven't moved at all.


Finally science has explained why I'm tone-deaf, the reason you will never hear me sing along with the bump music.


Rep. Jim Marshall encountered some protesters this morning for his meeting with the Greater Macon Chamber of Commerce in which he gave very few actual answers.  Even though he's still dodging questions, do us all a favor and leave your bullhorn at home for the town hall meeting on Monday.


At the Georgia Chamber of Commerce Luncheon yesterday, Rep. Sanford Bishop said that there is a health care "crisis" and pointed out some real problems with the health care system.


WMAZ had a story on the candidates for Warner Robins mayor yesterday evening.


Former Governor and Democrat candidate for Governor Roy Barnes gave a $2500 check to the baseball Little Leaguers yesterday.  Sure, he's trying to buy votes, but at least the Little Leaguers got something out of it.


Congratulations to the WRALL softball girls for making the Little League World Series Championship Game!  Bring home a title, ladies!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

RIP Robert Novak

The great Robert Novak has passed away from complications due to a brain tumor.  Rest in Peace.


Liberal members of Congress say that the health care bill is in doubt without the government-run option, and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius backtracked on her statement from Sunday about a public option not being essential.  She knows what the underside of the bus tastes like.


The AARP is losing members over their support for the Democrats' health care reform.


Tales from Socialized Medicine:  Thousands of surgeries may be cut by the government in Vancouver to make up for a budget shortfall, and a woman in formerly Great Britain gave birth on a sidewalk outside a hospital after being denied an ambulance.


The "pay czar" says that he can take back money that has already been paid to top executives.


Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) fears that the FCC's diversity chief may try to use backdoor measures to bring back the Fairness Doctrine.  There's no backdoor involved; we already know that they will do it by using the ideas of local control and diversity of ownership.


A majority of American voters (55%) still blame Bush policies for the bad economy, but 39% blame Obama's policies.  The problem is that it goes back a lot farther than just Bush.


Only 6% of voters expect their taxes to be cut during the Obama administration.  They're the ones who still have their hope-and-change stickers on their cars and don't pay taxes as it is.


Some scientists are now trying to blame humans for global warming going back as far as 7,000 years ago, when humans were just starting to learn how to farm.


Now DNA evidence can allegedly be fabricated.  The lawyers and convicted criminals are drooling over this one.


A study indicates that 40% of Twitter messages are just "pointless babble."  Not so with my tweets.


When Warner Robins raised the Mayor's pay in 2007, it may have been done illegally.  As City Council minutes from that meeting indicate, the city attorney was absent from that meeting.


Warner Robins, unlike Houston County and the Houston County Board of Education, will be cutting taxes this year.  It's not much, but it's something.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Suggested Town Hall Questions

  • Do you believe that there should be a right to healthcare in the United States?
  • Do you agree in principle with the creation of a public option?
  • Do you agree in concept with an individual mandate, in which Americans would be forced to have health insurance?
  • Do you believe that a universal health care system can exist without rationing healthcare?
  • Do you believe that increased government involvement in healthcare will increase or decrease the quality of care in the United States?
  • Why should we even consider giving the same government that messed up the response to Hurricane Katrina and can't run the Postal Service, Amtrak, or cash-for-clunkers?
  • The United States already has three examples of government-run health care—Medicare, Medicaid, and the VA system.  Medicare reports around $60 billion in fraud each year and has a $37 trillion unfunded liability, Medicaid is putting a huge burden on state budgets while also seeing at least 10% of its budget spent on fraud, and the VA system is constantly having problems with safety and patient care, even potentially exposing nearly 11,000 veterans to HIV and Hepatitis.  Why should we even consider trusting the government with even the slightest bit more power or control over healthcare?
  • Do you believe that a government-run health care program can compete fairly with the private sector?
  • What would be your plan for reforming health care?
  • Why did you vote for the stimulus package, given the estimates from the Congressional Budget Office that the spending would not occur immediately, and that even now less than 1/10th of the money has been spent?  Did you honestly believe that it was going to stimulate the economy immediately, as was promised by the Obama administration and your party's leadership?
  • (For Jim Marshall)  Despite your vote against cap-and-trade, you had no public position on the bill as late as one hour before the vote was taken.  Why did you refuse to make your position public, and then why did you wait until late in the voting period to cast your vote?  Did you act on orders from your party's leadership?  Would you have voted for cap-and-trade if your vote was needed to pass it?
  • (For Sanford Bishop)  Why did you vote for cap-and-trade, given the fact that farmers are estimated to be among the hardest-hit professions and that farming is such an important part of your district's economy?

Is Public Option Gone? Don't Count On It

The Death Panels are nothing new.  In fact, they were part of the Republicans' efforts to buy the vote of every old person in America by buying them prescription drugs in 2003 and President Obama mentioned something about "independent groups" giving guidance to health care providers as to what treatments to give old people.  I would call the "independent groups" death panels.


Remember when I said that when the left gets their health care bill they would use the specter of the Republicans getting rid of your health care as a way to win elections?  Look no further than formerly Great Britain for the example of a British member of the European Parliament being labeled a "traitor" by his own party for criticizing their government health care system.  Meanwhile, Canada is looking at increasing the amount of private-sector competition to their single-payer system, which is "imploding," according to the incoming president of the Canadian Medical Association.


Yesterday HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius floated the idea that the "public option" might not be a mandatory part of health care reform, which caused a big blowback from liberals who said that health care reform without a public option will not pass the House.  The Administration responded by saying that Sebelius "misspoke," the ultimate BS answer.  The alternative to the public option would be a series of healthcare "co-ops" that would compete in the market and could be a positive development if it wasn't for the fact that they would still be funded and run by the federal government.


Despite the fact that now 54% of American voters say that passing no health care reform is better than passing the current proposals in Congress, Sen. "Benedict" Arlen Specter (Specter-PA) still says that town hall protestors are not representative of America.  In the eyes of the media, town hall protestors have gone from being called the "Brooks Brothers brigade" to being castigated for having no fashion.


Obama made his case for health care reform in the New York Times this weekend and continues to play on the heartstrings of Americans with sob stories that he cherry-picks from that small minority of Americans who don't like their health insurance or who are uninsured.  What needs to be examined more is the fact that health care providers can't make profits because of criminal aliens.


Jim Marshall had his meeting at Houston Healthcare this morning, and he said almost nothing except that he opposes a public option.


Despite the scare tactics being employed by the navel-gazing media in their attacks against town hall protestors, there has been no increase in threats to the President.


A majority of Americans do not see the "stimulus" package working.  Obama's attempts to take credit for any economic recovery are failing, just like his efforts to help the economy recover.


Auto dealers have only been reimbursed for 2% of the cash-for-clunkers rebates that they have given.  This is the government that the Democrats want to run health care.


Cocaine is found on 95% of the banknotes coming from Washington, DC and about 90% of those from major cities across the country.


A Gallup poll shows that conservatives outnumber liberals in all 50 states.  I'll believe it when those so-called "conservatives" actually vote for a conservative candidate for office.


Just one week after the Henry Louis Gates fiasco in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Bob Dylan was requested to present ID in Long Branch, New Jersey.  He cooperated.


President Obama is shifting from the government-subsidized "ownership society" of the Bush administration to an even more government-subsidized renting society.


A business owner in Harlem, New York shot and killed two of the four thugs who tried to rob his store.  The other two were injured.  Four thugs off the street and another crime prevented thanks to a lawful gun owner.


Here's another story, this one from New York, of a kid's lemonade stand being shut down because she didn't have a business permit.


Here's something that should have already been obvious to most people:  when it comes to casual sex, men are less picky about looks.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Lefty Talker Claims We Want Obama Shot

The collective left is trying to demonize conservatives by saying that they fear for President Obama's safety.  Left-wing talker Ed Schultz even says that conservative broadcasters (like me) want Obama to be shot.


Nancy Pelosi was a fan of disruptive protesters when they were anti-war protesters during the Bush administration.


Both the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Times today have editorials warning about the dangers of rationing health care under the Democrats' reform plans.  Jim Geraghty says what I've told you all along:  that Democrats don't care about the potential electoral repercussions of passing socialized medicine, as long as they get it passed.  One Democrat Representative even brought up the idea that President Obama might be willing to make himself a one-term President in order to get this thing passed.


The Health care bill in the House will create another czar, the Insurance Czar.


The CEO of Whole Foods, who wrote his own health care reform plan in the Wall Street Journal earlier this week, is catching fire from some of Whole Foods' left-wing customers.  What those leftists don't realize is that they are proving the effectiveness of the free market that they hate so much.


E-mails from constituents have overloaded the House of Representatives' website.


Police are investigating somebody for posting those pictures of Obama as the Joker, even though they don't know what crime he committed.


Members of Congress requested 12,293 earmarks worth $19.9 billion in FY 2009.  Jim Marshall requested 37 earmarks worth about $31.5 million, and Sanford Bishop requested 77 worth $66.4 million.  Suxby Chambliss requested 129 worth $963.2 million, and Johnny Isakson requested 112 worth $935.2 million.


Democrat Senators are saying that the cap-and-trade bill should be scrapped because it will hurt the economy.


Cash-for-clunkers may be having unintended consequences and hurting the rest of the economy.


Audio has emerged from a record that Ronald Reagan made in 1961 speaking out against socialized medicine.  Some things never change in Washington.


Republicans are actually thinking they might be able to win in 2010.  Can anybody give me a reason (other than that they're not Democrats) to vote for Republicans?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Now I'm An "Evil Monger"

Now President Obama is trying to scare people into supporting his socialist medicine plan by telling them that they might lose their feet if the current system stays in place.  Sarah Palin is firing back at the Obama administration and the press that has been criticizing her for referring to "death panels" in the House health care bill.  John David Lewis, a professor at Duke University, read the bill and points out the rationing and government-run monopoly.  Medicare for all will lead to a drop in quality of care for all Americans, even those who currently do not have health insurance.  Harry Reid is now calling us "evil-mongers."


Senator Saxby Chambliss' meeting with the Greater Macon Chamber of Commerce resulted in better than what I'm used to seeing from him.  He said that there won't be a deal by October, and that he wants to see portability of health insurance and some ideas like tort reform that are much needed.  Even Saxby can get it right every once in a while.


President Obama's approval ratings are down to 47%, with 52% disapproving of his job performance.  This is his agenda crashing and burning, as more Americans, including independents, are taking a more favorable view of town hall protestors.


NASA says that they don't have the money to follow all of the potentially apocalyptic asteroids that could hit earth.  Amateur astronomers could do the job for them, but of course then it wouldn't require spending billions of taxpayer dollars, most of which will be used to track the phony scare of global warming, which Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) says that she can feel when she flies.  The Australian Senate today rejected a cap-and-trade bill.


The federal deficit is up to $1.27 trillion this year, and the AP continues to advance the left-wing myth that the spending is coming from the costs of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Retail sales were down last month, and jobless claims rose again.  The Obama economic plan is failing miserably.


You can't help but laugh at this:  ExxonMobil was named Green Company of the Year by Forbes Magazine.


The Federal Communications Commission has named a Chief Diversity Officer who is a longtime Democrat activist and has previously strategized about ways to bring back the cousin of the Fairness Doctrine.  He has also proposed having private broadcasters pay very large licensing fees to fund government broadcasting.


"Benedict" Arlen Specter is currently losing by 12 points to his Republican opponent in his re-election bid for next year.  I would love nothing more than to see him beaten, and beaten badly.


Obama hasn't been cuddling enough with the teleprompter lately, so it gave him the wrong statistics for Billie Jean King when he gave her a Medal of Freedom yesterday.


Secretary of State Hillary Clinton compared the 2000 Florida recount to rigged elections in Nigeria.


Golf and rugby have been recommended to be added to the Olympics in 2016.


Today is a good day for health news:  beer can strengthen bones and stop osteoporosis and chocolate can help survivors of heart attacks cut their risk of dying from heart disease.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Obama's Town Hall Farce

Just like I told you it would yesterday, the Obama town hall meeting in Portsmouth, New Hampshire was chock full of planted questions, including one from an 11-year-old girl.  He's afraid of taking a tough question that he won't be able to answer, so they orchestrate it so that he will never have to take any tough questions.  Meanwhile, Sen. "Benedict" Arlen Specter (D-PA) says that town hall protests are not "representative of America," Rep. John Dingell-berry (D-MI) says that the protesters remind him of the KKK, and Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) actually gets the point:  we don't trust politicians with our health care.


Yet again, the media's bias is showing in their coverage of the town hall protestors.  They mostly ignored the extreme rhetoric of the left-wing protestors of the Bush administration.


The Chicago Tribune asked some criminal aliens what they thought of the idea of returning to Mexico to take advantage of their socialist medicine system, and they all laughed at the idea.


The House bill's Section 1233 lays out the guidelines for old folks to plan for the end of their lives.  John Stossel explains why big businesses are getting involved on the side of the administration in pushing for socialist medicine.


John Mackey, the CEO of Whole Foods, has a health care reform plan in today's Wall Street Journal that sounds a lot like mine.  Now there really is no excuse for Republican leaders in Washington to not have ideas.  The Democrats' plans for health insurance are already being tried, and failing, in nine states.


Mark Steyn points out what the end-game of the left is:  to build a permanent electoral majority by combining bureaucrats and the dependent class.


We also have Social Security reform to look forward to from the Obama administration before he leaves office.


Worker productivity grew last quarter at the fastest pace in almost six years.  People are trying to keep their jobs.


The House energy bill would require doubling the use of nuclear energy by 2030.  How'd that end up in there?


The United States continues to be at a competitive disadvantage as four more developed countries have cut their corporate tax rates this year.  They will be the places that American companies relocate to.


Using Cuba as an example, Investor's Business Daily shows why socialism can't work.


July temperatures were below average for the United States this year.  It doesn't matter; the earth is still warming at an alarming rate and there are only four months left to save the planet.


What happens when government just hands out checks on the streets of New York?  People praise Obama and love their "free money."


I did some digging into this thing about the government taking over your computer if you go to the cash-for-clunkers government website, and it's bogus.  I trust Snopes on this one.


Today is Cost of Government Day.  That means that if you started working on January 1 to pay for government first, you'd start working for yourself tomorrow.


CNN won't allow any more talk radio hosts on their network.  That's fine; I'll just stop watching CNN.


Travis Fain writes on his blog the problems with the halls of fame (other than the fact that they are in Macon).

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Jeff Scott Health Care Reform Plan

  • Make pro bono and charity work tax deductible for all health care providers
    • This will give doctors a financial incentive to provide free care for those who can't afford it
  • Give non-employer-based health insurance equality under the tax code to employer-based plans
    • Currently, employer-based health insurance is paid for with pre-tax dollars, while non-employer-based health insurance is paid for with after-tax dollars.  Allow for tax deductibility of all health insurance to make it easier and cheaper for those who do not get insurance from their employer to get insurance.
  • Remove government mandates and requirements of what insurance policies must cover
    • Allow for individual choice in what insurance plans cover; maternity, drug and alcohol abuse, cosmetic surgery, mental health, abortion, etc. coverage should be chosen by individuals rather than by government at any level.
    • Will allow individuals to choose their own cafeteria-style plan, high-deductible coverage, and pair it with a Health Savings Account.
      • Individuals will be able to choose what is best for them in terms of both coverage and price.
  • Allow insurance companies to compete across state lines
    • Will require eliminating state requirements and mandates like those listed above.
    • More competition will mean lower prices and better choice for individual consumers.
  • Loosen licensing restrictions on providers
    • Allow individuals to choose what they want their provider to be; for example, a nurse practitioner could diagnose an ear infection, strep throat, or the flu.  Let the doctors stick to the difficult stuff.
  • Privatize Medicare
    • Prior to the creation of Medicare, there was a market for private insurance for health insurance.  Allow the market to re-insert itself into the process.
    • Medicare is a $30 trillion-plus unfunded liability, a financial time-bomb.
  • Loser-pays tort reform
    • Will discourage frivolous lawsuits because losing the lawsuit would be very risky for plaintiffs.
      • Fewer frivolous lawsuits will mean lower risk of a malpractice suit and therefore lower malpractice insurance premiums and lower costs to patients.


These reforms will enhance freedom and individual choice while lowering costs and helping more people to get health insurance.  Republicans, are you paying attention?