Thursday, August 13, 2009

Now I'm An "Evil Monger"

Now President Obama is trying to scare people into supporting his socialist medicine plan by telling them that they might lose their feet if the current system stays in place.  Sarah Palin is firing back at the Obama administration and the press that has been criticizing her for referring to "death panels" in the House health care bill.  John David Lewis, a professor at Duke University, read the bill and points out the rationing and government-run monopoly.  Medicare for all will lead to a drop in quality of care for all Americans, even those who currently do not have health insurance.  Harry Reid is now calling us "evil-mongers."


Senator Saxby Chambliss' meeting with the Greater Macon Chamber of Commerce resulted in better than what I'm used to seeing from him.  He said that there won't be a deal by October, and that he wants to see portability of health insurance and some ideas like tort reform that are much needed.  Even Saxby can get it right every once in a while.


President Obama's approval ratings are down to 47%, with 52% disapproving of his job performance.  This is his agenda crashing and burning, as more Americans, including independents, are taking a more favorable view of town hall protestors.


NASA says that they don't have the money to follow all of the potentially apocalyptic asteroids that could hit earth.  Amateur astronomers could do the job for them, but of course then it wouldn't require spending billions of taxpayer dollars, most of which will be used to track the phony scare of global warming, which Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) says that she can feel when she flies.  The Australian Senate today rejected a cap-and-trade bill.


The federal deficit is up to $1.27 trillion this year, and the AP continues to advance the left-wing myth that the spending is coming from the costs of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Retail sales were down last month, and jobless claims rose again.  The Obama economic plan is failing miserably.


You can't help but laugh at this:  ExxonMobil was named Green Company of the Year by Forbes Magazine.


The Federal Communications Commission has named a Chief Diversity Officer who is a longtime Democrat activist and has previously strategized about ways to bring back the cousin of the Fairness Doctrine.  He has also proposed having private broadcasters pay very large licensing fees to fund government broadcasting.


"Benedict" Arlen Specter is currently losing by 12 points to his Republican opponent in his re-election bid for next year.  I would love nothing more than to see him beaten, and beaten badly.


Obama hasn't been cuddling enough with the teleprompter lately, so it gave him the wrong statistics for Billie Jean King when he gave her a Medal of Freedom yesterday.


Secretary of State Hillary Clinton compared the 2000 Florida recount to rigged elections in Nigeria.


Golf and rugby have been recommended to be added to the Olympics in 2016.


Today is a good day for health news:  beer can strengthen bones and stop osteoporosis and chocolate can help survivors of heart attacks cut their risk of dying from heart disease.

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