Monday, August 03, 2009

Obama A Single-Payer Advocate

Somebody did some digging and found some old clips of President Obama and other Democrats supporting a single-payer health care system.  The "public option" is just a step towards that goal, and it is included in the bill that passed the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Friday.  The bill includes something about developing "measurements of gender."  Apparently the equipment between your legs isn't enough anymore.  The bill will increase unfunded liabilities by $9.2 trillion.


In a preview of ObamaCare, in (formerly) Great Britain patients with chronic back pain are now being denied injections of pain killers.  Hide Grandma, because she's going to be denied treatment under ObamaCare.  So will fat people, who would be more likely to slim down if they are forced to bear the responsibility of their actions.


While the Democrats are trying to run down the best health care system in the world, Americans have increasing confidence in the system we already have.  We need more Americans reading the ten reasons why America's health care system is in better condition than the clowns in Washington claim that it is.  Democrats will spend the next month attacking the health insurance industry, but the real villains are politicians at the state and national level who have ruined health care with mandates and regulations.


Unsafe bridges are not getting "stimulus" money because states are too busy spending the money on easier, more "shovel-ready" projects.  Meanwhile, in Oakland, teenagers who got phony-baloney "jobs" from the package are not getting paid.  Despite the effectiveness (or lack thereof) of the stimulus, members of Congress are considering extending some parts of it.


As even the New York Times points out that Obama can't pay for all of his dreams and schemes only by taxing the rich, two members of the Obama administration admitted this weekend that they have not taken the idea of taxing the middle class off the table to pay for all that they want to do.  Remember, every Obama promise eventually expires.  How do you like your change now?


The Senate will probably vote another $2 billion for the cash-for-clunkers program this week, dealers are milking the program for all it's worth.  The federal government can't handle the volume of paperwork.


The House of Representatives voted on Friday to limit the pay of Wall Street executives.


Democrats are already getting creamed by their constituents in town hall meetings.


Rahm Emanuel called the CEOs of the big three networks' parent companies to make sure that Obama's last press conference was televised.


From the Religion of Peace, a Sudanese journalist faces 40 lashes for wearing pants.


A college graduate has sued her alma mater to get her tuition bills paid off because she hasn't been able to find a job.  This is the epitome of the entitlement mentality.


Governor Perdue has an interesting idea to solve the water problems in Georgia:  build more reservoirs.  This is simultaneously interesting and terrifying.  I'll explain on the air today.


Congressman and candidate for Governor Nathan Deal might be a birther.


Sunshine Review, a group that rates government websites for transparency, grades Houston County as a D- in their evaluation of the county website.  I can't wait until they get to the School Board.

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