Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Final Show of 2008

The Irish environment minister says that man-made global warming is a "con," pointing to the fact that most people who believe in "global warming" dogma have no clue about the science behind their ideas.  As Earth cools down this year, it's impossible to ignore that it was the second least active year for sunspots since 1900.  By the way, temperatures are 50 below zero in parts of Alaska.


Is it possible that the ubertolerant white residents of the San Francisco-bay area are really racists?  Or do they just want to keep government-funded parasites out of their backyard?


The drama in the Minnesota recount has all happened before, in Washington State in 2004.  Democrats stole that election, too.


Fox News still has a huge advantage in viewership over the Commie News Network.


Democrats are not at all happy about possible delays to their nearly trillion dollar "stimulus" package because they want they want to rush it through without going to committee and being examined.  They really just want to pork it up without anybody seeing it.


The Obama permanent campaign sent out an e-mail asking people for more money for the inauguration.


Yesterday we told you that Blago had named former Illinois Attorney General Roland Burris to the United States Senate to replace the Messiah.  Well the fight over whether or not he actually serves could go all the way to the Supreme Court.  Of course, if you listen to former Black Panther-turned-Congressman-from-Chicago Bobby Rush, any Democrat who opposes Burris will be like Bull Connor.


The Wall Street Journal has an idea to help the Detroit auto industry:  let them build profitable cars.  Fresh off of getting a new bailout (this one for GMAC), GM is using the money to give zero-interest car loans to people.


Gwinnett County is working with the feds to deport illegal immigrants that they already have in prisons.


Sex offenders in Georgia must now give the state their online passwords.


And now, for a few laughs, Dave Barry's year in review 2008.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

"Crazy Aunt" Cynthia Supports Hamas

"Crazy Aunt" Cynthia McKinney decided to board a yacht and try to sail to Gaza to help the militants.  Israel did what any military would, by ramming the boat to keep them out.  Needless to say, the 9/11 Truther and all-around nutcase McKinney wasn't very happy about their "aggressiveness."


While McKinney and other jihadists aren't happy about what Israel is doing, at least one group of people likes the offensive.  Southern Israelis are glad that the Israeli military is finally sticking up for them.  On the other side, Hamas is calling for "reservists" (anybody who can shoot or throw a rock) to fight against the Israeli military.  Thousands of wannabe martyrs are signing up for their (probably young) virgins.  Meanwhile, the Messiah is silent, as the world awaits his opinion.  Some even think that he should talk to Hamas, although his campaign rhetoric made him sound like a supporter of Israel.


The IDF set up its own YouTube channel, including infrared videos from its aircraft showing bombings.  Enough Hamas supporters had "flagged" the IDF videos that YouTube pulled them down.


South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford wants to know who is collecting unemployment and why before asking the federal government for aid paying unemployment.  Government accountability; what a novel idea!


Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell looks to be ready to lead the charge against rushing a "stimulus" package through Congress.  The Democrats have also scaled back their estimates, because the "t word" (trillion) would be bad for them politically.


Harvard economist Jeffrey Miron points out that no matter what the price tag, spending is not the way to stimulate the economy.


The Republican National Committee at its meeting next month will consider a resolution accusing President Bush and Republican Congressional leaders of embracing "socialism."


Ford plans to release a car that can parallel park itself.  Is that the best they can do?


After getting their slice of the bailout pie, Chrysler spent big money to buy full-page advertisements in major newspapers thanking the American people for their handout.


In more bailout news, the Treasury Department has given GMAC (now a bank holding company) a $5 billion bailout, and will give GM another $1 billion to buy stock in GMAC.  After doing that, now the bailout needs a bailout.


Blago has a press conference as we go to air this afternoon announcing his pick to replace Obama in the Senate.  For those of you curious, it's former Illinois AG Roland Burris.  Senate Democrats will refuse to seat him.


There have now been 18 murders in Macon for 2008.  Wait, that's all?


Sarah Palin's daughter had a baby boy Sunday.  Mother and baby are healthy.  The Associated Press used the news as an opportunity to attack Governor Palin.


This may be the coolest website ever.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Israel Defending Itself; Muslims Angry

If this year seems a bit longer than last year, that's because it is.  In addition to leap day in February, the official timekeepers of the world are going to add an extra second to this year because the earth's rotation is slowing down.


To respond to rockets being fired into their country, Israel is bombing the Gaza Strip in what they're calling an "all-out war" on Hamas.  Iran's Ayatollah is ordering Muslims everywhere to defend the Palestinians.  What Iran won't admit is that they are responsible for training and arming the thugs of Hamas.


The state of Oregon has decided that, thanks to people driving more fuel-efficient cars (isn't that what they wanted?), the gas tax is no longer enough to fund transportation.  Their solution is to scrap the gas tax and instead use satellites to monitor and tax driving by the mile.  The New York Times (which, ironically, is trying to sell its share of the Boston Red Sox) has exactly the opposite idea; they want to raise the gas tax to make sure that gas never costs less than between $4 and $5 a gallon.


Harry Reid might be in some trouble as he looks towards re-election in 2010.  Wouldn't it be nice to knock off consecutive Democrat Senate leaders?


Did Barack Obama break the law when he scattered his grandmother's ashes?


Somebody did a little bit of checking, and it turns out that the estimates of 3 million jobs being lost if the Big Three didn't get their bailout were made up by the automakers and the UAW.


A Saudi columnist called for abolishing the religious police in Saudi Arabia, so his newspaper fired him.


Blago might not be Obama's only pay-for-play problem; now Obama's choice for Commerce Secretary, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, is being investigated for giving state bonds to a reliable campaign contributor.


According to one columnist in the Daily Telegraph, 2008 will be looked back upon as the year that man-made global warming was disproved.


A Russian professor is predicting the end of the United States of America in 2010.


Isn't it nice to live in a free country?


Racist warning:  Murders among black youths have increased 40% since 2000.  That can't possibly have anything to do with the gangsta rap culture, could it?


The Eastern United States' biggest polluter, the Tennessee Valley Authority, will have to clean up over a billion gallons of coal waste in Tennessee.


Teenagers who pledge abstinence are more likely to have unprotected sex.


That love story of a girl who threw apples to a boy in a concentration camp turned out to be a hoax.


The State of Georgia will require carbon monoxide detectors in most new residential construction beginning January 1.


Some state lawmakers don't like the fact that the lottery commission is giving bonuses to its staff members despite state cutbacks.  Sorry guys, but if the lottery commission makes money then it should be able to spend it on the people who made it the money.


This shouldn't come as a surprise to anybody:  college athletes perform significantly worse on the SAT than their real-student counterparts.


The company that makes Spanx is now going to start making girdles for men.  I'll pass.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Viagra for Information in Afghanistan

The CIA is giving Viagra to Afghan warlords to procure information about Taliban movements.  Insert your own joke here.


Retail sales have been down this year, so retailers want to get a piece of a "stimulus plan" (read:  bailout).  Meanwhile, Amazon said that this has been their best year ever.  While there is a recession going on, the Associated Press points out that some retailers will come back stronger than ever, which always happens during economic downturns.


The Republicans are in about the same position politically this year that they were in 16 years ago when Clinton was about to take office.  The most important difference is that there were enough conservative Democrats for Republicans to work with then; now, the House Democrats are so far to the left Republicans can only hope to try and stop their agenda in the Senate.


It turns out that the winter is bad for "clean" energy sources like wind and solar.  If we allow global warming to happen the way they think it will, then there won't be a winter to get in the way of solar and wind power.  Also, if you're flying through San Francisco you can buy carbon offsets at an airport kiosk to avoid doing any damage to the earth.


The attempt to bailout people who couldn't pay their mortgages hasn't had much success.  That won't stop the Democrats and the Obama administration from trying to push more individual bailout programs.


The bailout of the automakers could cost us $100 billion by the time it's all over because they'll definitely be back for more.


The New York Times editorial board yesterday wrote a column endorsing a "path to citizenship" for illegal immigrants in the United States while engaging in plenty of Bush-bashing.  They also called anybody who actually cares about the rule of law a "nativist."  So Bush sucks, and conservatives are racists.  Thanks New York Times!


Guess what?  The world is still a dangerous place!  Thanks, Department of Homeland Security, for letting us know!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

The Obama team released a measly five-page memo about conversations between Obama's transition and Blagojevich and his administration regarding Obama's replacement in the Senate.  Notice that they released it in the late afternoon on December 23, when they hoped it would be buried in the news and nobody would question it or they would forget about it.  The Obama team might have also staged that beefcake shot of Obama in Hawaii to get the media attention of the celebrity-obsessed off of the Blagojevich scandal and onto what Obama's body looks like.


Despite GM and Chrysler getting their bailout, the United Auto Workers is going to continue to fight any kind of wage concessions.  This would only matter if enough people in Washington had the guts to tell them "no" when they come back asking for another bailout.


There appears to be some good news on the illegal immigration front.  Illegals are self-deporting themselves in droves, just like we said they would.  In response, President Bush pardoned a violator of immigration law.


Those scrooge environmentalists want you to know that your Christmas lights are hurting the planet.  Others are trying to use children's books to indoctrinate children into believing in global warming.  Also, in the best top-10 list wrapping up the year, Fox News looks at the top ten things that can be blamed on global warming.


Obama's new climate czar doesn't use e-mail because she doesn't want her communications to become public record.  What does she have to hide?


Thanks to the easy-money zero-interest policies being pushed by the Fed and Treasury, another housing bubble is already in the process of being created.


The fake holiday of Kwanzaa starts Friday, so President Bush ignored what it really is (a black nationalist and Marxist exhibition) and issued a Kwanzaa message that mentioned, but glazed over, the Marxism.


A few weeks ago the New York Times ran an op-ed by Bill Ayers, defending himself and his actions in the Weather Underground.  The FBI informant who penetrated and reported on the Weather Underground also wrote an op-ed about Bill Ayers and the home-grown Marxist terrorist group, but the New York Times refused to publish it.


A plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills took the fat that he sucked out of patients in liposuction to make his own diesel fuel.


The Douglasville judge and court officials who told a Muslim woman to remove her head scarf have been sentenced to sensitivity and cultural diversity training.  Gag.


If your kid has sneaked a peek at his gifts, you can always pull this prank on the little brat.  That should teach this one.


Uh-oh, now Santa Claus needs a bailout.


You can track Santa's movements around the globe thanks to NORAD.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Festivus!

If you're confused about the title, read here.


Joe Biden, still trying to make himself relevant, says that there will be no pet projects in the "stimulus" bill.


The White House says that using TARP funds to bailout GM and Chrysler was legal because Congress wanted to do it.  I guess Senate procedures just don't matter to the White House anymore.


Despite getting a bailout from the feds, GM's debt is still rated as junk.  Ford's is also junk, though not as bad, even though they didn't need the bailout (yet).


More companies are lining up to get a bailout.  Now commercial builders are looking for some of your money because commercial buildings might go into foreclosure.


Some think that Barack Obama might decriminalize marijuana.  If he does, I'll support him on it 100%.


Speaking of the celebrity President-elect, the paparazzi got a picture of Obama without a shirt on in Hawaii.  When was the last time the paparazzi followed a President around?  At least he offered to buy a beer for members of the "legitimate" media.


Sarah Palin told Human Events' John Gizzi what we've known for three months now:  she wasn't allowed to do enough interviews.  If the McCain people had handled her properly, they might be in transition mode right now.


Barney Frank says that Barack Obama overestimates his ability to charm.  Why do I have a feeling that Barney Frank hasn't been charmed in a long time?


It turns out that conservatives are more charitable with their own money than liberals are.


A Houston County Sheriff's Deputy used his taser this weekend on somebody who was being belligerent and obstructing his work.  WMAZ of course found the people who sympathized with the guy, who clearly deserved it.  Prior to the invention of the taser he would have gotten the billystick, and then it would have turned into a "cop beating a black guy" situation.


If you've ever burned down your house because you were melting snow with a blowtorch, then you shouldn't vote.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Toyota To Post Loss; Not Begging for Bailout

The Associated Press found that banks that received bailout money paid their top 600 executives a total of $1.6 billion in salaries, bonuses, and other compensation in 2007.  They're trying to play the class warfare card again, but the more interesting numbers would be what they pay their executives this year, after Congress put limits on executive pay as part of the TARP bill.  In reality, the pay of the executives is only the business of the executives themselves and the shareholders of the companies.  The bigger question is:  what happened to our money?


At least it looks like there might be a fight in Congress over whether to release the last $350 billion of TARP money…or not.


Toyota expects to see its first loss in 70 years this year.  Notice, however, that they're not running to any governments asking for a bailout, unlike the Detroit automakers, which still are not safe from going under, especially considering that the concessions by the union are not mandatory.  Over the weekend, GM and Chrysler also received bailouts from Canada.  Despite all of these bailouts, GM still closed a plant in Ohio.  What good is a bailout if it's not going to save jobs?  Wasn't that the purpose?  Of course, we all know that they'll be back asking for much more money.


In a down economy, the thing most needed is entrepreneurship and innovation.  Unfortunately, Congress is killing the entrepreneurial spirit through egregious regulations.  Instead, they're building a long bailout line, with developers and telephone and cable companies asking for bailouts now.


It's finally gotten cold here (for a while), but around the world it's much colder.  Europe is going to get a severe cold wave, and Beijing yesterday had the coldest December day in 57 years.  Canada expects to see its first cross-country white Christmas since 1971 (when people were panicking over global cooling).  It's so cold in Chicago that authorities are advising people against going outside at all.  Too bad President-elect (and man-made global warming believer) Barack Obama is missing this; he's on vacation in Hawaii, staying in a $9 million house that rents for about $3,500 a day.


Joe Biden and Dick Cheney have been sniping back and forth for a while (partly because the far left has so demonized the current Vice President) about the role of the Vice President.  Biden really is just desperate to be relevant in the Obama Administration, and he'll be leading the White House Task Force on "Working Families."  Basically, he'll be Obama's go-to guy on class warfare issues.


Obama has increased the number of fake jobs he wants to create or save to 3 million.  Apparently he's the only Democrat not lowering expectations.


Barack Obama wanted to make government cool.  So far, it looks like he might have succeeded (with his base anyway) because 330,000 people have applied for jobs in the Obama Administration.


The New York Times published a hatchet job against the Bush Administration about the cause of the subprime mortgage crisis.  The White House responded by pointing out that Congress screwed things up, too.


Georgia could pick up another House seat after the 2010 Census.


A writer for the Savannah Morning News points out what we already knew:  Georgia Democrats have problems appealing to white voters.


The first sentence of this story says it all:  "'Tis the season for making whoopee."

Friday, December 19, 2008

UAW Gets Its Bailout

President Lame-Duck did it; he gave the United Auto Workers a $17.4 billion bailout, going to GM and Chrysler.  Ford, on the other hand, will not take the loans.  So now that President Bush has again sacrificed free-market principles, I will exercise my choice as an actor in the free market:  I will never again buy a GM or Chrysler vehicle.


The CEO who turned Continental Airlines around from near liquidation wants to know why automakers are "exempt from reality."  So do a lot of people.  I'll explain it all today.


The money for the UAW bailout is (illegally) coming from the TARP money, which Henry Paulson now says he needs the rest of.  Meanwhile, Fox Business Network is suing Paulson to get access to the records of who is receiving TARP money.


The New York Times managed to find something else on which to blame the housing bubble:  exempting home sales from capital gains taxes.


Barack Obama's choice to run the Education Department has proven what happens in a monopoly without competition:  "An inferior product at high cost."


The United States deported 46% more Mexicans and Central Americans in the 2008 fiscal year compared with FY 2007.


NASA has another new "global warming" scare out today.  Now global warming is going to increase severe storms and rainfall.  These attempts to scare us really are getting tiring.  At least one meteorologist with CNN gets it.  Chad Myers used the word "arrogant" to describe the notion that humans can cause global warming.


Here's another "the economy sucks" sob story:  people are participating in pharmaceutical trials to make money now.  They would probably be better off if they were allowed to sell a kidney or something.


Joseph Cao, who beat corrupt Democrat William Jefferson in his re-election bid for Congress from New Orleans, wants to join the Congressional Black Caucus.  It would make sense, since a majority of his constituents are black, but don't count on it since Cao himself is of Vietnamese descent, not black.


Today is the 10th Anniversary of the impeachment of Bill Clinton.


It turns out it's not just politicians that Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich can shake down.  How about children's hospitals?


Yesterday I told you about Congress taking a pay raise this year.  Well it turns out that they really don't deserve it, considering that they have an approval rating of 9%.


Apparently Santa's reindeer are actually females.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Big Three Might Get Bankruptcy

Las Vegas has the most snow it's had in nearly 30 years, and Malibu got a bit of snow too.  This isn't enough to prove global cooling, but I must admit a bit of schadenfreude for the warmers on my part over it.


Blago isn't going to appoint a Senator from Illinois.  The Senate wouldn't recognize the person he picked anyway.


Guess who wants a bailout now?  Now public institutions of "higher learning" (or liberal indoctrination, take your pick) are begging Congress for up to $45 billion.


Speaking of bailouts, now the White House is considering an "orderly" bankruptcy for the Big Three that would still allow them to reorganize and receive government money.


Members of Congress get a $4,700 pay raise in January.  With the government in debt, should they really be doing that?


The Messiah spoke today, saying that the government has been "asleep at the switch" in oversight of the financial system.  Isn't this the guy who promised that he was post-partisan?  He might as well tell President Bush not to let the door hit him on his way out.


The legacy-protecting continues:  President Bush says that he didn't compromise his soul to be popular.


The Clintons have finally released to the public their list of donors.  Some of these could cause problems for Hillary as she tries to be confirmed as Obama's Secretary of State. 


I'm sure you've heard by now about the woman in Douglasville who was jailed for contempt of court for refusing to remove her Islamic head scarf.  I bet you haven't yet heard that she cussed the bailiff who tried to make her remove it.  While she's complaining about her civil and human rights being denied to her, does she care to explain why she's a part of a religion in which she is required to cover up the way she is?  At least she's not in the Middle East, where she could be given away in marriage by her father, like the poor 20-year-old girl being offered to the guy who threw his shoes at President Bush.


The economy could bring another argument for the bid to allow Sunday alcohol sales in Georgia.  I fully expect the fundies to kill it this time, too.


The proposed improvement to the I-16/I-75 interchange in Macon has now been moved back to 2018.  I bet it never happens.


Mayor Donald Walker says that business in Warner Robins is still "booming."  Leave it to a politician to gloss over things like the fact that the city had one of the highest percentage increases in unemployment claims in the state.


Nearly half of all women and 1/3 of men would rather give up sex than the internet for two weeks.  At this point, can this even be called a preference?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Links From Today's Show

Here are the stories that came up during the program but weren't linked earlier:


Chrysler stopped production at all of their plants for at least one month, starting Friday.


GM paid over $200 million in inflation bonuses to the United Auto Workers retirees.


"Johnny Taliban's" parents want President Bush to commute their son's sentence.  It's just a shame he has a sentence to commute, instead of already taking the eternal nap.

OPEC Cuts Oil Production

Rahm Emanuel was caught talking to Blago on tape about Obama's Senate seat 21 times.  Apparently he was leaning on Blago to appoint Obama advisor and confidante Valerie Jarrett (Senate Candidate 1) to the seat, and to do it quickly.  Also coming out today, apparently Jesse Jackson Jr. is an informant for the feds on the Blago investigations, and has been ever since he refused to buy his wife a position on the Illinois Lottery Commission.


Only 17% of 8th Graders in Chicago schools can read at grade level, yet Barack Obama picked their CEO to be his Education Secretary.  So even though the schools weren't good enough for his kids, the guy who ran them is good enough for yours.


Some conservatives in the Senate (including Saxby Chambliss) sent a letter to President Bush telling him not to use TARP money to bailout the UAW.  Meanwhile, a sob story about suppliers to the Big Three shows that they've been (foolishly) taking IOUs from Detroit.  That's the kind of bad business decision that warrants bankruptcy.  Also, Honda, a profitable car company, has cut its profit forecast due to the global recession and a weak dollar against the yen, not look to Washington or Tokyo for a bailout.


Another reason to have absolutely zero pity for the UAW:  they own a championship golf course that isn't making any money, and they have $1.23 billion in assets.  They've made so much money milking the Big Three that they can almost pay for everything they're demanding on their own (for a while).


The biggest "duh" of the day goes to:  President Bush, who says that he "abandoned free-market principles to save the free-market system."  I've heard the same said about FDR.


There has been a lot of hay over the Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme that ripped off some huge investors around the world, but his $50 billion scheme is nothing compared to the largest Ponzi scheme ever, Social Security.


Finally somebody said it:  NBC's Mark Whitaker says that the media needs to "get tougher."  It's hard to get tough when you're navel-gazing.


We have another Congresswoman calling for the return of the Fairness Doctrine.  Democrat Anna Eshoo (gesundheit!) of California wants it to apply to cable and satellite, in addition to just radio and TV.  Of course, this is all about shutting down conservative talk radio.


OPEC announced today that they are going to cut oil production by about 2 million barrels per day in an attempt to bring oil prices back to about $80 per barrel.  But they can't price gouge or anything…


Environmentalists don't like Obama's "stimulus" plan.  Building roads causes pollution.


Thirty-six states are facing budget deficits this year.  Twenty-two of them are going to increase spending (including Georgia).


Cell phone providers are boosting capacity in DC to prepare for record numbers of people to view the inauguration of the Messiah.  Where are all of these people getting the money to do this again?


People are already lining up in Atlanta for the release of the new "Air Jordans" next Tuesday.  People who can sit in line for a week a) obviously don't have jobs; and b) therefore don't have the money to pay $230 for a pair of shoes.  At least a few of them have profit in mind.


Senators Chambliss and Isakson got a federal grant to make improvements to the Macon Airport.  As it is, the federal government is the only reason the Macon Airport is even being used commercially, because Georgia Skies is getting a federal subsidy for its flights from Macon and Athens to Hartsfield-Jackson.  Naturally, their competition doesn't like the feds picking who wins and who loses.


Governor Perdue says that a new bass fishing tournament at Lake Lanier in 2010 gives him the last laugh for his "Go Fish" initiative.  He's missing the point.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Obama Clears Himself in Blago Scandal

I told you so:  a majority of Americans oppose the UAW bailout, and most car shoppers will be just as likely to buy a Big Three car after bankruptcy as they are now.  Of course, with the UAW giving big money to Congressmen in support of the bailout, and a lame duck President with a legacy to consider, what does it matter what the people think?  They're still trying to figure out a way to bail them out, which still includes this "car czar."


A guy throws a shoe at the President of the United States, and the media (and the Iraqi justice system) is worried about how he's being treated while in custody.  The guy has a broken arm and ribs, but if the Secret Service had done its job he'd have a gunshot wound between the eyes.  Meanwhile, the Iraqi people are protesting for his freedom.


The Obama team had an internal investigation to clear himself and his staff in the Blago investigation (never mind the previous lies, don't look behind the curtain), but they won't release the findings of the investigation until next week, when news is largely ignored due to the Christmas holiday.  As of right now, Blago still has the power to appoint a new Senator, because the Democrats in Illinois realize that they will probably lose a special election if it happens.


Even before the $700 billion bailout, federal spending was up 25% in 2008.  The same report showed that the liabilities of the federal government are almost as high as total household net worth in the United States.  Another report shows that the feds will pay $450 billion just to cover interest on the ever-expanding federal debt.


President Elect (he is officially that now) Barack Obama named his Education Secretary:  Chicago schools CEO Arne Duncan, who is a big fan of both teachers' unions and civil rights groups.  He also worked with the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.


Here we go again:  Laura Washington, of the Chicago Sun-Times, says that Obama's Senate seat is a "black seat."  This is already getting old.


The Messiah is going to keep a permanent campaign going through his term as President.  He's already thinking about being a two-term President.


There's already some in-fighting going on amongst the Democrats, with Nancy Pelosi and Rahm Emanuel having power struggles.


Georgia has already requested $3.5 billion from the "stimulus" package that hasn't even been created yet.  Trust me; that number will get larger.


Lake Lanier was up more than a foot, or 11 billion gallons of water, as a result of recent rain.


The "popular vote" bill has two supporters in the General Assembly.  This is only possible because there is no federal constitutional right to vote in a Presidential election.


Rapper T.I. will be at the Macon Coliseum next week.  Just so you know where to avoid going.


Jeremiah Wright had his first night of "preaching" in Macon yesterday.  Don't worry; he managed to criticize President Bush.


Mayor Donald Walker had surgery on his foot, and still led the City Council meeting last night.  One thing they did was try to get part of the federal financial bailout for Warner Robins.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Cooler Temperatures = Global Warming?

OPEC plans to make possibly its largest supply cut ever this week, and oil and gas prices are rising.  Who's doing the gouging again?  By the way, if we keep demonizing the oil companies and playing the class warfare games, more companies like Weatherford International might decide to leave the country.


According to the Associated Press, cooler temperatures this year are proof that the earth is warming.  This same story claims that the 10 hottest years on record have been in the last two decades; instead, they were mostly in the 1930s.  Real scientists have responded in force to the global warming hysteria.


Denver, Colorado had record low temperatures this weekend.  So did large parts of Montana.


French President Nicolas Sarkozy is sitting on a report that points out that electric cars don't have a future.  I guess it's an inconvenient truth.


The Messiah's "stimulus" package could reach $1 trillion.


Rahm Emanuel met with Blago to talk about who should fill Obama's Senate seat.  That doesn't mean Emanuel knew that Blago wanted to sell it.  We might have found out, either way, had the Chicago Tribune not released a story about the investigation before the FBI was finished investigating.  So far, the scandal isn't hurting the Messiah.


President Bush went to Iraq this weekend for the last time as President.  While there, an Iraqi journalist threw his shoes at the President.  Fortunately, President Bush has good reflexes and managed to duck to avoid both.  The compassionate left cheered the guy throwing the shoes.


John McCain appeared on ABC's "This Week" with George Stephanopoulos yesterday.  Some of the lowlights included criticizing his own party for attacking the Messiah over the Blago issue and barely acknowledging the success of Sarah Palin.  This is why nobody likes him (except the mainstream, uppity, navel-gazing media when they're looking for a Republican that loves Democrats).


With the auto bailout dying last week in the Senate, and the White House not taking immediate action to bail out the UAW, some in the blogosphere are starting to think that maybe it might not happen.  That's being much too optimistic; after all, Bush has a legacy to maintain!  Plus, they have to figure out how much money they want to spend to bail out the Big Three, with estimates ranging from $10 to $40 billion.


The Wall Street Journal had a column Saturday showing another way that teachers' unions hurt student performance.


Proof that every cloud has a silver lining:  During this recession, Mexicans are leaving the United States with no plans of returning.  Now if only we can (without a recession) make it so that they don't want to come here in the first place.


Jeremiah Wright will be preaching in Macon starting tonight.  That part doesn't surprise me; the good words of Mayor Robert Reichert towards Wright do surprise me.


State Rep. Tim Bearden of Villa Rica has decided, in the light of the Brian Nichols case, that he wants to see a majority of 10 jurors during the sentencing phase of a trial be able to give the death penalty.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Auto Bailout Fails

Air Force Officer Steven Givler from Perry will join us at 4:00 to talk about life in Saudi Arabia.


The bailout of the United Auto Workers failed last night by a vote of 52-36 (60 were needed).  Both Chambliss and Isakson voted against the bailout.  The UAW blames Republicans for killing the bailout (for now), claiming that Republicans were asking too much from the union.  Of course, GM had already planned to take $1 billion from the bailout and invest it in Brazil.  With that plan busted, now GM has hired bankruptcy counsel to help them restructure, even though the board still says that's not a viable option.  It might not matter, because the Bush Administration is considering using the "TARP" money to give a bailout to the Big Three without Congressional approval, which is explicitly illegal according to the original bailout bill.  The UAW is happy about that.  Remember, this thing was always all about them; they caused it, and they were the ones desperate for the bailout.


Leave it to Barney Frank to tell us exactly what this bailout bill is:  a welfare program.  Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm called a vote against the bailout "un-American."  So if you put the two together, you get the ultimate liberal answer:  welfare is the ultimate in being an American.


A few days ago, when it was revealed that Jesse Jackson, Jr. was "Senate Candidate No. 5," I expressed my belief that Jackson was not involved in any kind of wrongdoing regarding the Senate seat (although I put nothing past his father).  My reasoning was that he is smart enough to know that Blago has been under federal investigation since 2004, and Jesse Jackson Jr. is intelligent enough to avoid anything that could bring him down with Blago.  I guess I shouldn't have been so sure after all, because a number of Jackson allies had a fundraiser last Saturday for Blago.


The Federal Reserve still refuses to make public to whom they're loaning our money.  Meanwhile, the price tag for the bailout is up to $8.4 trillion (h/t to Jason Pye).  And that's before the possible use of "TARP" money to bailout the UAW.


Senator Tom Coburn has a new report out on the worst waste of the year in Congress.


Two members of the price-gouging OPEC cartel says that they will need to make a big cut in oil output to cut the drop of the price of oil.


Obama's new energy secretary is a huge global warming fanatic.  Wonderful.


Memo to the Messiah, Tom Daschle, Ted Kennedy, and everybody else eager to force Americans to get health insurance:  it's a big loser with voters.  That's ok, go ahead and try it anyway.


The state gas tax will drop almost 4 cents in January due to an automatic semiannual tax adjustment.


There are Barackians around the world, like in Naples, Italy, where there is a nativity scene featuring Barack and Michelle Obama.  They also have French President Nicolas Sarkozy and his (smoking hot) wife, Carla Bruni, and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Snow in New Orleans?

It snowed this morning in New Orleans and last night in Houston, Texas.  Don't you just love global warming?


The federal deficit is projected to reach $1 trillion this fiscal year after reaching $164.4 billion in November.  To do it, they're spending 1 of every 4 dollars in the entire United States economy.  Meanwhile, the American people cut their debt for the first time ever.  The Senate Finance Committee Chairman thinks that it's necessary for the federal government to spend money to "show it cares."  In reality, Congress spending so much money now shows specifically that it doesn't care—about the future.  They only show that they care about protecting their own careers.


Cerberus Capital, which owns Chrysler, has already received a federal bailout through another of their subsidiaries, GMAC.  So Ford doesn't need the money, and Chrysler's parent company has already received money.  That leaves GM, which has admitted that the bailout isn't going to save them.  So what's the point again?  Oh yeah, it's all about saving the UAW (and, apparently, saving the environment).  Fortunately, even though the House has passed the bailout, it's looking like Senate Republicans will probably kill it.  They'll have a test vote in the Senate tomorrow morning, but it looks like there will be enough Republicans to filibuster this thing to death.  Senator Jim DeMint, who has signaled his support for a filibuster, says that there could be riots if the Big Three gets a bailout.  He's probably reaching a bit there, but he is correct in saying that GM is in a better financial situation than the United States government.


Meanwhile, the Blagojevich drama continues.  Obama claims that he has never spoken with Blago about the Senate seat, even though both sides have said that Obama and Blago met, both before and after the election.  Now he is going to reveal any contact his staff may have had with Blago.  Mea Culpa?  Meanwhile, the mainstream media is running cover for the Obama camp, trying to corroborate his claims.  KHQA-TV, which reported about a November 5 meeting between Obama and Blago on both November 5 and November 8, has now pulled those articles off of their website and rescinded the November 5 story.  Meanwhile, the Obama team is censoring questions about Blago that go into the transition website by calling them "inappropriate."  The other question that has to be asked is:  why hasn't Obama been contacted by the FBI yet?


A few Republicans on Capitol Hill are introducing a bill to prevent the BCS from calling itself a national championship.  I agree with them, but that is NOT the place of government.


Bobby Jindal says that he will not run for President in 2012.  That's fine.  He has plenty of time.


It's a sad day when they have to put GPS locators on baby Jesus in nativity scenes.


The jury in the Brian Nichols case can't come to a unanimous decision on the sentence he will receive.  This one should be easy—fry him.


The (Saxbe) fix is in—Congress cut the pay for the Secretary of State position so that Hillary Clinton can take the job.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Congratulations Warner Robins!

A Korean immigrant who lost his family in that jet fighter crash in San Diego wants you to pray for the pilot, calling him "one of our treasures for the country."  How many natural-born Americans would feel that way?


Nancy Pelosi wants you to think of the Big Three bailout plan as a "second chance" rather than as a bailout.  Where are the second chances for the rest of us?


The bailout is getting closer to becoming a reality, but there are a few issues left where the White House and the Democrats disagree.  Have you noticed that there haven't been any Congressional Republicans in on the negotiations?  Maybe that's why at least 5 Senate Republicans have announced their support for a filibuster of the bill.


The panel tapped to oversee the original bailout plan issued a report questioning the finance czar's decision making on the bailout.


The global warming worshippers are at it again, this time saying that they have proved beyond a doubt that global warming is real.  On the other hand, over 650 scientists around the world are coming out as dissenters against the hysteria.


The drama continues in Illinois, where Rod Blagojevich could end up filling Obama's Senate seat after all, despite the power plays being made by the state legislature to strip him of the ability and instead hold a special election (which Republicans view as an opportunity to pick up a seat).  Meanwhile, there continue to be questions on Obama's involvement in the scandal.  He met with Blagojevich on the day after the election, and his senior advisor, David Axelrod, said on television on November 23 that Obama had talked with the Governor regarding the position.  Obama now denies having any contact with Blagojevich with regards to the Senate seat.  The bribers are now starting to be released, as it is believed that Jesse Jackson Jr. was "Senate Candidate No. 5" who wanted to pay $1 million to get the seat.  Even if Obama is clean on this thing, remember that this is the political environment that he came up surrounded by.


Barack Obama will use his middle name when he takes the oath of office.  Now that you're done calling him a Muslim, remember it is his name, not something that he chose.  The thing that he can choose is his ideology that makes him want to "reboot America's image around the world."  He can also choose his associations (including Blagojevich), which are finally being labeled as questionable by the mainstream media.


There are a couple pieces of news to note from the House Republican Caucus.  Minority Leader John Boehner will not support the corrupt Don Young's candidacy to remain the ranking member on the House Natural Services Committee.  All of the decisions will be made by the House Republican Steering Committee, who interview candidates who want to be on committees in a meeting today.  There are four races to watch in those committee decisions.


Do you remember earlier in the week I told you about Jimmy Carter wanting to meet with Hezbollah?  Well it turns out that Hezbollah turned him down.  He must be so hurt.


Joe the Plumber was "appalled" by John McCain.  It's okay, Joe, most conservatives were.


Governor Sonny Perdue announced a new "stimulus" package that sounds remarkably similar to the "stimulus" plans proposed by The Messiah.  Who cares whether or not it will actually work; lawmakers love it!  Of course, these same ideas are coming from mayors across the country, who are begging for 800+ pages' worth of pork barrel spending for their cities.  Portland, Oregon has already spent $140,000 on a solar powered toilet.  I wonder how many jobs that created?


Warner Robins was selected as the next headquarters for the Little League for the Southeast.  Morganton, NC, which lost the bid for the headquarters, says that it was probably because Warner Robins was able to raise money, while Morganton would have required the Little League to put up $3 million.