Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Congratulations Warner Robins!

A Korean immigrant who lost his family in that jet fighter crash in San Diego wants you to pray for the pilot, calling him "one of our treasures for the country."  How many natural-born Americans would feel that way?


Nancy Pelosi wants you to think of the Big Three bailout plan as a "second chance" rather than as a bailout.  Where are the second chances for the rest of us?


The bailout is getting closer to becoming a reality, but there are a few issues left where the White House and the Democrats disagree.  Have you noticed that there haven't been any Congressional Republicans in on the negotiations?  Maybe that's why at least 5 Senate Republicans have announced their support for a filibuster of the bill.


The panel tapped to oversee the original bailout plan issued a report questioning the finance czar's decision making on the bailout.


The global warming worshippers are at it again, this time saying that they have proved beyond a doubt that global warming is real.  On the other hand, over 650 scientists around the world are coming out as dissenters against the hysteria.


The drama continues in Illinois, where Rod Blagojevich could end up filling Obama's Senate seat after all, despite the power plays being made by the state legislature to strip him of the ability and instead hold a special election (which Republicans view as an opportunity to pick up a seat).  Meanwhile, there continue to be questions on Obama's involvement in the scandal.  He met with Blagojevich on the day after the election, and his senior advisor, David Axelrod, said on television on November 23 that Obama had talked with the Governor regarding the position.  Obama now denies having any contact with Blagojevich with regards to the Senate seat.  The bribers are now starting to be released, as it is believed that Jesse Jackson Jr. was "Senate Candidate No. 5" who wanted to pay $1 million to get the seat.  Even if Obama is clean on this thing, remember that this is the political environment that he came up surrounded by.


Barack Obama will use his middle name when he takes the oath of office.  Now that you're done calling him a Muslim, remember it is his name, not something that he chose.  The thing that he can choose is his ideology that makes him want to "reboot America's image around the world."  He can also choose his associations (including Blagojevich), which are finally being labeled as questionable by the mainstream media.


There are a couple pieces of news to note from the House Republican Caucus.  Minority Leader John Boehner will not support the corrupt Don Young's candidacy to remain the ranking member on the House Natural Services Committee.  All of the decisions will be made by the House Republican Steering Committee, who interview candidates who want to be on committees in a meeting today.  There are four races to watch in those committee decisions.


Do you remember earlier in the week I told you about Jimmy Carter wanting to meet with Hezbollah?  Well it turns out that Hezbollah turned him down.  He must be so hurt.


Joe the Plumber was "appalled" by John McCain.  It's okay, Joe, most conservatives were.


Governor Sonny Perdue announced a new "stimulus" package that sounds remarkably similar to the "stimulus" plans proposed by The Messiah.  Who cares whether or not it will actually work; lawmakers love it!  Of course, these same ideas are coming from mayors across the country, who are begging for 800+ pages' worth of pork barrel spending for their cities.  Portland, Oregon has already spent $140,000 on a solar powered toilet.  I wonder how many jobs that created?


Warner Robins was selected as the next headquarters for the Little League for the Southeast.  Morganton, NC, which lost the bid for the headquarters, says that it was probably because Warner Robins was able to raise money, while Morganton would have required the Little League to put up $3 million.

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