Thursday, December 18, 2008

Big Three Might Get Bankruptcy

Las Vegas has the most snow it's had in nearly 30 years, and Malibu got a bit of snow too.  This isn't enough to prove global cooling, but I must admit a bit of schadenfreude for the warmers on my part over it.


Blago isn't going to appoint a Senator from Illinois.  The Senate wouldn't recognize the person he picked anyway.


Guess who wants a bailout now?  Now public institutions of "higher learning" (or liberal indoctrination, take your pick) are begging Congress for up to $45 billion.


Speaking of bailouts, now the White House is considering an "orderly" bankruptcy for the Big Three that would still allow them to reorganize and receive government money.


Members of Congress get a $4,700 pay raise in January.  With the government in debt, should they really be doing that?


The Messiah spoke today, saying that the government has been "asleep at the switch" in oversight of the financial system.  Isn't this the guy who promised that he was post-partisan?  He might as well tell President Bush not to let the door hit him on his way out.


The legacy-protecting continues:  President Bush says that he didn't compromise his soul to be popular.


The Clintons have finally released to the public their list of donors.  Some of these could cause problems for Hillary as she tries to be confirmed as Obama's Secretary of State. 


I'm sure you've heard by now about the woman in Douglasville who was jailed for contempt of court for refusing to remove her Islamic head scarf.  I bet you haven't yet heard that she cussed the bailiff who tried to make her remove it.  While she's complaining about her civil and human rights being denied to her, does she care to explain why she's a part of a religion in which she is required to cover up the way she is?  At least she's not in the Middle East, where she could be given away in marriage by her father, like the poor 20-year-old girl being offered to the guy who threw his shoes at President Bush.


The economy could bring another argument for the bid to allow Sunday alcohol sales in Georgia.  I fully expect the fundies to kill it this time, too.


The proposed improvement to the I-16/I-75 interchange in Macon has now been moved back to 2018.  I bet it never happens.


Mayor Donald Walker says that business in Warner Robins is still "booming."  Leave it to a politician to gloss over things like the fact that the city had one of the highest percentage increases in unemployment claims in the state.


Nearly half of all women and 1/3 of men would rather give up sex than the internet for two weeks.  At this point, can this even be called a preference?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it is rediculous that I can't go have a nice dinner with alcohol on Sunday. I'll bet Hooters business would be much better if they could serve alcohol on Sunday. What good is a football game without a beer. Then again, maybe the no alcohol on Sunday is really an attempt to shut down Hooters. Thank god I'm in the military and can go buy beer on base on Sunday when I forgot to buy it on Saturday.