Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

The Obama team released a measly five-page memo about conversations between Obama's transition and Blagojevich and his administration regarding Obama's replacement in the Senate.  Notice that they released it in the late afternoon on December 23, when they hoped it would be buried in the news and nobody would question it or they would forget about it.  The Obama team might have also staged that beefcake shot of Obama in Hawaii to get the media attention of the celebrity-obsessed off of the Blagojevich scandal and onto what Obama's body looks like.


Despite GM and Chrysler getting their bailout, the United Auto Workers is going to continue to fight any kind of wage concessions.  This would only matter if enough people in Washington had the guts to tell them "no" when they come back asking for another bailout.


There appears to be some good news on the illegal immigration front.  Illegals are self-deporting themselves in droves, just like we said they would.  In response, President Bush pardoned a violator of immigration law.


Those scrooge environmentalists want you to know that your Christmas lights are hurting the planet.  Others are trying to use children's books to indoctrinate children into believing in global warming.  Also, in the best top-10 list wrapping up the year, Fox News looks at the top ten things that can be blamed on global warming.


Obama's new climate czar doesn't use e-mail because she doesn't want her communications to become public record.  What does she have to hide?


Thanks to the easy-money zero-interest policies being pushed by the Fed and Treasury, another housing bubble is already in the process of being created.


The fake holiday of Kwanzaa starts Friday, so President Bush ignored what it really is (a black nationalist and Marxist exhibition) and issued a Kwanzaa message that mentioned, but glazed over, the Marxism.


A few weeks ago the New York Times ran an op-ed by Bill Ayers, defending himself and his actions in the Weather Underground.  The FBI informant who penetrated and reported on the Weather Underground also wrote an op-ed about Bill Ayers and the home-grown Marxist terrorist group, but the New York Times refused to publish it.


A plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills took the fat that he sucked out of patients in liposuction to make his own diesel fuel.


The Douglasville judge and court officials who told a Muslim woman to remove her head scarf have been sentenced to sensitivity and cultural diversity training.  Gag.


If your kid has sneaked a peek at his gifts, you can always pull this prank on the little brat.  That should teach this one.


Uh-oh, now Santa Claus needs a bailout.


You can track Santa's movements around the globe thanks to NORAD.

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