Friday, September 25, 2009

Islamic Terrorist Plots Foiled

President Obama decided that today was the day to release information that the United States has had for years about another Iranian nuclear facility.  The White House claims that it is for diplomatic leverage in meetings with Iran next week.


There have been three Islamic terrorist plots uncovered in the last couple of days, in Dallas, Illinois, and against the Marine Corps base in Quantico, Virginia.  Yes, all of the would-be terrorists are Muslims.


The Obama Administration is going to cut the number of Border Patrol agents on the Mexican border.


Half of Americans oppose a surge in Afghanistan.


The Principal at the school where children were forced to sing the praises of The Messiah is unapologetic and had apparently used the school to promote her support for Obama since before the election.


Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) was given the "your mom" treatment by Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) over the issue of mandatory maternity coverage.


The House passed a continuing resolution today to fund the federal government through October because they have failed on their basic task of passing appropriations bills.


The parts of the "stimulus" bill that are meant to repair bad roads are skipping over the roads that need it the worst.  It was never about infrastructure or creating jobs.


The Postal Service is asking for a $4 billion bailout.


The United States may face economic "Armageddon" if the Chinese and Japanese stop buying our debt.


The death of that Census Worker in Kentucky might not be a murder.  Plenty of details continue to be sketchy.


Government run amok:  a woman in Michigan is being told that she has to get a babysitting license because she watches her neighbors' kids until the school bus arrives each morning.


Now that waters from this flood, which some officials are calling "epic," are starting to subside, politicians are falling all over each other in an attempt to be the "compassionate" ones who use the occasion to buy your vote.  President Obama has approved a federal disaster declaration, while John "the Fascist" Oxendine and Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin are in a peeing match on the cost of the flood's damage.  Notably absent is Governor Sonny Perdue, who is in Panama.  Closer to home, the Little League facility had some erosion from the rain.


Unemployment rates dropped a bit in Macon and Warner Robins, no thanks to the "stimulus" bill.

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