Monday, September 21, 2009

WR Mayor's Race Gets Personal For Some

The Messiah went on five Sunday talk shows yesterday to try and stop the hemorrhaging of support for his takeover of health care.  On NBC Obama said that the debate is about the balance between freedom and the need to "look after" one another.  There is nothing noble about "looking after" anybody with somebody else's money.  On ABC George Stephanopoulos pressed Obama on whether the "individual mandate" is a hidden tax on the middle class, ignoring the facts that the Congressional Budget Office says that it would result in $20 billion in new revenues and that the Baucus bill specifically calls it an excise tax for people who do not get insurance.  The Heritage Foundation looks at the seven fatal flaws in the Baucus bill.


Tort reform has already been tried, with great success, in Mississippi.


A majority of those with no insurance support ObamaCare, which reveals something about both the uninsured and about the debate.


President Obama says that the economy won't start creating jobs until next year.  I thought the "stimulus," which speeds up spending only when things aren't going well for Obama, was supposed to start creating jobs immediately?  The House of Representatives is going to extend unemployment benefits for another 13 weeks, which just proves that the economy is not getting better.


The top Commander in Afghanistan says that there needs to be a new strategy and more troops to avoid failure in Afghanistan.


Obama says that there need to be worldwide financial regulations.


So-called "conservative" weasel Bill O'Reilly supports the government option.  What a putz.


Fundies at the "Values Voter Summit" picked Mike Huckabee as their favorite candidate for 2012 Saturday.  If you'll notice, none of the issues they care about actually matter, but they'll still be setting the agenda for the Republican Party.


The Justice Department is investigating President Bush's Interior Secretary.  Bush Administration officials and CIA Agents, yes; club-wielding New Black Panther Party, no.


Obama is willing to consider a bailout of left-wing media newspapers that are going bust.


Obama wants to cut the United States' nuclear arsenal.  The best way to get rid of a nuclear weapon is to use it.  The last nuclear test was September 23, 1992.


As the UN meets this week, the British press is starting to notice that Obama is over his head.


Britain is considering assisted suicide reform.  The old people would rather do it themselves than have the government do it for them.


Democrats' next target will be bank overdraft fees.


A leading global warming scientist admits that the Earth is cooling, and the media ignores it.  They're also ignoring that the sun is in a historically cool solar cycle.


Nationally, September auto sales are crashing.  All cash-for-clunkers did was redistribute when people bought new cars.


The government is going to cut taxes in an attempt to create more jobs.  Unfortunately, that government is Sweden.


Sanford Bishop was featured in a story on black "Blue Dogs" over the weekend.


There was another candidates' forum here in Warner Robins Friday night, and the candidates all seemed to be pandering to the Democrat Party that hosted the forum.


A Warner Robins man says that he is losing work because he is supporting Chuck Shaheen for mayor.  The issue is over the fact that his employers, supporters of Mayor Donald Walker's re-election, don't want to allow him to take his company vehicle home where there is a Shaheen for Mayor sign.  The business has the right to do this.

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